ACPY3_INSTR_ExtendedHooks | Array of the extended instrumentation hook functions and their arguments |
ACPY3_INSTR_Hook | Structure that holds the instrumentation hook function and its arguments |
ACPY3_INSTR_Hooks | Array of the primary instrumentation hook functions and their arguments |
ACPY3_Params | DMA transfer specific parameters. Defines the configuration of a logical channel |
DMAN3_Params | The module configuration structure for DMAN3 implementation. It is set at design time by the system integrator to ensure optimal sharing of DMA resources for the execution environment |
GT_Mask | Object representing a GT module instance |
HDINTC_Params | The module configuration structure for HDINTC implementation |
hdvicpAppHandle | |
HDVICPSYNC_Params | The module configuration structure for HDVICPSYNC implementation |
IALG_Fxns | Defines the fields and methods that must be supplied by all XDAIS algorithms |
IALG_MemRec | Memory records |
IALG_Obj | Algorithm instance object definition |
IALG_Params | Algorithm instance creation parameters |
IALG_Status | Pointer to algorithm specific status structure |
IDMA3_ChannelRec | DMA Channel Descriptor to logical DMA channels |
IDMA3_Fxns | These fxns are used to query/grant the DMA resources requested by the algorithm at initialization time, and to change these resources at runtime. All these fxns are implemented by the algorithm, and called by the client of the algorithm |
IDMA3_MemRec | Record containing attributes of the IDMA3 Channel environment memory when (optionally) the IDMA3 Channel is requested with a non-NULL IDMA3_ProtocolObj |
IDMA3_Obj | IDMA3_Obj holds the private state associated with each logical DMA channel |
IDMA3_ProtocolObj | These functions are used to determine memory requirements for and initialize the IDMA3 protocol's environment that will be allocated by the DMA manager |
IRES_ADDRSPACE_Obj | IRES_ADDRSPACE_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_ADDRSPACE_Properties | |
IRES_ADDRSPACE_ProtocolArgs | ADDRSPACE Protocol Arguments definition |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_EDMA3DraeRegister | IRES_EDMA3CHAN_EDMA3DraeRegister defines the Region Enable register part of the EDMA3 CC Register Layer defined below |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_EDMA3RegisterLayer | |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_EDMA3ShadowRegister | IRES_EDMA3CHAN_EDMA3ShadowRegister defines the shadow register part of the EDMA3 CC Register Layer defined below |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_Obj | IRES_EDMA3CHAN_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_PaRamStruct | Representation of actual PaRam structure |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_Properties | Static Resource Properties |
IRES_EDMA3CHAN_ProtocolArgs | EDMA3 Linked Transfer Protocol Arguments definition. When requesting resources on a device on which DCHMAP feature does not exist, please follow these rules:- 1. Break up requests into LOGICAL channel requests and requests for PaRams. 2. Logical Qdma/Edma channel => Q/E channel + PaRam + TCC 3. Avoid requesting EDMA3 resources of specific number, for most transfers an "ANY" type request should be sufficient 4. For linked transfers, request a Logical channel in one descriptor, and "N" contiguous Params in another descriptor 5. If a logical channel request is combined with a request for multiple Params or Tccs, this might result in an in-efficient allocation of resources, and in some cases, simplyfying assumptions about the resource requests may be made by the allocator |
IRES_Fxns | These fxns are used to query/grant the resources requested by the algorithm at initialization time, and to change these resources at runtime. All these fxns are implemented by the algorithm, and called by the client of the algorithm |
IRES_HDVICP_Obj | IRES_HDVICP_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_HDVICP_Properties | Static Resource Properties |
IRES_HDVICP_ProtocolArgs | HDVICP Protocol Arguments definition |
IRES_HDVICP_RegisterLayer | HDVICP Register Layout |
IRES_MEMTCM_Obj | IRES_MEMTCM_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_MEMTCM_Properties | |
IRES_MEMTCM_ProtocolArgs | MEMTCM Protocol Arguments definition |
IRES_Obj | IRES_Obj holds the private state associated with each logical resource |
IRES_Properties | Abstract Resource Properties structure/pointer definition. Actual resource protocol will supply the concrete property definitions. The list of attributes for the actual resource will expose the relevant features that needs to be known to a client to use the resource, such as: resource register base addresses and offsets, critical register and memory region addresses, .. |
IRES_ProtocolArgs | Abstract Protocol Arguments structure definition. Actual arguments passed by the algorithm to request a resource from a specific IRES Protocol will extend and supply the concrete definitions |
IRES_ProtocolRevision | Protocol revision type. Used to ensure the given 'protocol' revision can be validated |
IRES_ResourceDescriptor | Descriptor to Logical Resource |
IRES_SDMA_Obj | IRES_SDMA_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_SDMA_Properties | |
IRES_SDMA_ProtocolArgs | SDMA Protocol Arguments definition |
IRES_SDMA_RegisterLayer | |
IRES_VICP2_Buffers | |
IRES_VICP2_Obj | IRES_VICP2_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_VICP2_Properties | |
IRES_VICP2_ProtocolArgs | VICP Protocol Arguments definition |
IRES_VICP_Obj | IRES_VICP_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource |
IRES_VICP_Properties | |
IRES_VICP_ProtocolArgs | VICP Protocol Arguments definition |
IRES_VICP_Registers | |
IRES_YieldContext | Specifies the algorithm specific handles and context save & restore function pointers and arguments that the framework will call during a context switch |
IRESMAN_AddrSpaceParams | |
IRESMAN_ConstructArgs | Abstract Protocol Construct Arguments structure/pointer definition. Arguments passed by the Resource manager to request a resource from a specific IRES Protocol will extend and supply the concrete definition |
IRESMAN_ConstructFxns | These functions are used to determine memory requirements for and initialize the IRES protocol's environment that will be allocated by the resource manager |
IRESMAN_Edma3ChanParams | Configuration parameters for Edma3Chan resman implementation |
IRESMAN_Fxns | |
IRESMAN_HdVicpParams | |
IRESMAN_MemTcmParams | |
IRESMAN_Params | Configuration Parameters required by the Resource Manager implementation. These can be extended by individual resource managers if required |
IRESMAN_SdmaParams | Initialization arguments for the SDMA specific resource manager |
IRESMAN_VicpParams | |
RMAN_Params | The module configuration structure for RMAN. It is set at design time by the system integrator to register the specific Resource Managers(IRESMAN implementations) |
RMAN_YieldArgs | Yield Arguments passed to the algorithm if RMAN's useDSKT2 flag is set. These arguments are used by the yield function set/get context and release/acquire locks for a particular scratch group |
SCPY_AddrParams | Parameters of Address (source or destination) of transfer |
SCPY_Params | |
SCPY_TransferParams | Details of Transfer |
SHMBUF_Args | |
SHMBUF_Obj | |
SHMBUF_Params | SHMBUF specific params |
SHMBUF_Props | |
VICPSYNC_Params | The module configuration structure for VICPSYNC implementation |