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Resource Manager for IRES-based resources


IRES_Status RMAN_init (Void)
 Initialize the RMAN object with static information from the headers/configuration etc. This function has to return successfully before the other APIs are called.
IRES_Status RMAN_exit (Void)
 Delete the generic IRES RMAN and release memory back.
IRES_Status RMAN_register (IRESMAN_Fxns *resmanFxns, IRESMAN_Params *initArgs)
 Register the protocol/protocol revision and the device specific resource manager implementation with the Resource Registry of the RMAN.
IRES_Status RMAN_unregister (IRESMAN_Fxns *resmanFxns)
 Unregister the protocol and the corresponding resource manager implementation from the Resource Registry.
IRES_Status RMAN_assignResources (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Fxns *resFxns, Int scratchGroupId)
 Assign resources to the algorithm indicated by algHandle. The resource requirements can be determined by using the IRES_Fxns implementation.
IRES_Status RMAN_allocateResources (Int requestId, IRES_ResourceDescriptor *resDesc, Int numResources, Int scratchGroupId)
 Directly allocate IRES resources by client without implementing IRES_Fxns.
IRES_Status RMAN_freeResources (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Fxns *resFxns, Int scratchGroupId)
 Free resources held by the algorithm resource handle.
IRES_Status RMAN_freeAllocatedResources (Int requestId, IRES_ResourceDescriptor *resDesc, Int numResources, Int scratchGroupId)
 Free resources held by the algorithm resource handle.
IRES_Status RMAN_activateResource (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Handle resourceHandle, IRES_Fxns *resFxns, Int scratchGroupId)
 Activate resource identified by the resourceHandle held by the algorithm.
IRES_Status RMAN_activateAllResources (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Fxns *resFxns, Int scratchGroupId)
 Activate all resources held by the algorithm.
IRES_Status RMAN_deactivateResource (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Handle resourceHandle, IRES_Fxns *resFxns, Int scratchGroupId)
 Deactivate resource identified by the resourceHandle held by the algorithm.
IRES_Status RMAN_deactivateAllResources (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Fxns *resFxns, Int scratchGroupId)
 Deactivate all resources held by the algorithm.
void RMAN_yield (IRES_YieldResourceType resource, IRES_YieldContextHandle algYieldContext, IRES_YieldArgs yieldArgs)
 Yield function specifically for use when DSKT2 based algorithms need cooperative preemption and multi-tasking support This function is called by the algorithm at pre-determined points during its execution, to allow another algorithm of same, or higher prioirty to preempt its execution.


#define RMAN_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.rman"
 Name to pass to Diags_setMask() to enable logging for RMAN functions. For example, Diags_setMask(RMAN_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); turns on all Log statements in this module. Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.
#define RMAN_GTNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.rman"
 Name used to identify the GT module.
 Size of the Protocol Name in the Resource Registry Table.

Data Structures

struct  RMAN_Params
 The module configuration structure for RMAN. It is set at design time by the system integrator to register the specific Resource Managers(IRESMAN implementations). More...


typedef struct Sem_Obj * RMAN_SemHandle
 Declare abstract handle for Semaphore object.
typedef IRES_YieldArgs(* ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_YieldArgsFxn )(Int scratchId, Bool yieldFlag)
 Type declaration for the "yield fxn" which is required if if RMAN has been configured to yield execution to same/higher priority algorithms.
typedef struct RMAN_Params RMAN_Params
 The module configuration structure for RMAN. It is set at design time by the system integrator to register the specific Resource Managers(IRESMAN implementations).


 Initialization parameters for the generic Resource Manager.
 RMAN Table to hold IRESMAN registrations.
 Free Table to hold entries freed from RMAN Table.
__FAR__ short RMAN_numRegistryEntries
 Number of entries statically configured for the Resource Registry table. Set this variable to zero if no static configuration is required.
__FAR__ IRESMAN_Fxns ** RMAN_registryEntries
 To allow for static configuration of the Resource Registry table this can be set to a valid configuration table or to NULL. Set this variable to NULL if no static configuration is required.
__FAR__ IRESMAN_Params ** RMAN_registryResmanArgs
 Initialization arguments for the entries to be registered Set this variable to NULL if no static configuration is required.
__FAR__ unsigned int ** RMAN_iresVTable
 Table that holds the mapping from algorithms IALG_Fxns to IRES_Fxns.
__FAR__ unsigned int ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_MAXALGS
 Maximum number of algorithm instances that will use RMAN.
UInt32 ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_ipcKey
 Base key value ofr RMAN Linux IPC Objects.
ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_YieldArgsFxn ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_setYieldArgs
 Function to set yield arguments to pass to yield function set in RMAN_PARAMS.

Detailed Description

IRES generic Resource Manager RMAN Definitions - Generic Resource Manager that manages resource allocation for algorithms that implement the IRES interface

Function Documentation

IRES_Status RMAN_init ( Void  )

Initialize the RMAN object with static information from the headers/configuration etc. This function has to return successfully before the other APIs are called.

Return values:
IRES_OKIRES RMAN created successfully
IRES_ENORESOURCEOne of the calls to the device specific Resource Manager failed
IRES_Status RMAN_exit ( Void  )

Delete the generic IRES RMAN and release memory back.

Return values:
IRES_OKIRES RMAN exited successfully
IRES_EFAILError closing device specific RESMAN
IRES_Status RMAN_register ( IRESMAN_Fxns resmanFxns,
IRESMAN_Params initArgs 

Register the protocol/protocol revision and the device specific resource manager implementation with the Resource Registry of the RMAN.

[in]resmanFxnsDevice-specific implementation of the RESMAN interfaces
[in]initArgsArguments to the initialization interface of the RESMAN interfaces
Return values:
IRES_OKRegistered successfully
IRES_EEXISTSProtocol already exists
IRES_ENORESOURCEDevice specific Resman failed to initialize Resource Manager failed
IRES_EFAILError closing device specific RESMAN
IRES_Status RMAN_unregister ( IRESMAN_Fxns resmanFxns)

Unregister the protocol and the corresponding resource manager implementation from the Resource Registry.

[in]resmanFxnsDevice-specific implementation of the RESMAN interfaces
Return values:
IRES_OKUnregistered successfully
IRES_ENOTFOUNDEntry not found in the RMAN Table
IRES_EFAILError closing device specific RESMAN
IRES_Status RMAN_assignResources ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Fxns resFxns,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Assign resources to the algorithm indicated by algHandle. The resource requirements can be determined by using the IRES_Fxns implementation.

[in]algHandleHandle to the algorithm
[in]resFxnsHandle to the IRES implementation
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources are requested from -1 if persistent resources are requested. Note: If performing cooperative preemption, use the same scratchGroupId to request resources and to create algorithm. Failure to do so, will lead to unexpected behaviour.
Return values:
IRES_OKResources assigned successfully
IRES_EALGOne of the calls to the IRES interfaces of the algorithm failed
IRES_ENOMEMNot enough memory
IRES_ENOTFOUNDEntry not found
IRES_ENORESOURCEResources unavailable
IRES_EFAILError freeing handles etc
IRES_Status RMAN_allocateResources ( Int  requestId,
IRES_ResourceDescriptor resDesc,
Int  numResources,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Directly allocate IRES resources by client without implementing IRES_Fxns.

[in]requestIdUnique identifier used when requesting IRES resource allocation directly. Same identifier must be supplied when freeing allocated resources using RMAN_freeAllocatedResources
[in]resDescIRES_ResourceDescriptor containing attributes of the resoureces that are being requested.
[in]numResourcesNumber of request descriptors in the resDesc array used for requesting resources.
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources are requested from -1 if persistent resources are requested. Note: If performing cooperative preemption, use the same scratchGroupId to request resources and to create algorithm. Failure to do so, will lead to unexpected behaviour.
Return values:
IRES_OKResources assigned successfully
IRES_ENOMEMNot enough memory
IRES_ENOTFOUNDEntry not found
IRES_ENORESOURCEResources unavailable
IRES_EFAILError freeing handles etc
IRES_Status RMAN_freeResources ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Fxns resFxns,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Free resources held by the algorithm resource handle.

[in]algHandleHandle to the algorithm
[in]resFxnsHandle to the IRES implementation
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources were requested -1 if persistent resources are requested
Return values:
IRES_OKResources freed successfully
IRES_EALGOne of the calls to the IRES interfaces of the algorithm failed
IRES_ENOMEMNot enough memory
IRES_ENOTFOUNDEntry not found
IRES_ENORESOURCEError obtaining resource information
IRES_EFAILError freeing handles etc
IRES_ENOMEMOut of memory
IRES_Status RMAN_freeAllocatedResources ( Int  requestId,
IRES_ResourceDescriptor resDesc,
Int  numResources,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Free resources held by the algorithm resource handle.

[in]requestIdUnique identifier that has been previously used when requesting IRES resource allocation directly via RMAN_allocateResources Same identifier must be supplied when freeing allocated resources.
[in]resDescIRES_ResourceDescriptor containing attributes of the resoureces that have been used to obtain allocated resources.
[in]numResourcesNumber of request descriptors in the resDesc array used for requesting resources.
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources were requested -1 if persistent resources are requested
Return values:
IRES_OKResources freed successfully
IRES_ENOTFOUNDEntry not found
IRES_ENORESOURCEError obtaining resource information
IRES_EFAILError freeing handles etc
IRES_Status RMAN_activateResource ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Handle  resourceHandle,
IRES_Fxns resFxns,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Activate resource identified by the resourceHandle held by the algorithm.

[in]algHandleHandle to the algorithm
[in]resourceHandleHandle to the resource
[in]resFxnsHandle to the IRES implementation
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources are requested from
Return values:
IRES_OKResource activated successfully
IRES_Status RMAN_activateAllResources ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Fxns resFxns,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Activate all resources held by the algorithm.

[in]algHandleHandle to the algorithm
[in]resFxnsHandle to the IRES implementation
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources are requested from
Return values:
IRES_OKAll resources activated successfully
IRES_Status RMAN_deactivateResource ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Handle  resourceHandle,
IRES_Fxns resFxns,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Deactivate resource identified by the resourceHandle held by the algorithm.

[in]algHandleHandle to the algorithm
[in]resourceHandleHandle to the resource
[in]resFxnsHandle to the IRES implementation
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources are requested from
Return values:
IRES_OKResource deactivated successfully
IRES_Status RMAN_deactivateAllResources ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Fxns resFxns,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Deactivate all resources held by the algorithm.

[in]algHandleHandle to the algorithm
[in]resFxnsHandle to the IRES implementation
[in]scratchGroupIdId of the scratch group in which resources are requested from
Return values:
IRES_OKResources deactivated successfully
void RMAN_yield ( IRES_YieldResourceType  resource,
IRES_YieldContextHandle  algYieldContext,
IRES_YieldArgs  yieldArgs 

Yield function specifically for use when DSKT2 based algorithms need cooperative preemption and multi-tasking support This function is called by the algorithm at pre-determined points during its execution, to allow another algorithm of same, or higher prioirty to preempt its execution.

[in]resourceEnum identifying type of resource (ALL, Scratch Memory, Scratch DMA, IRES Resource)
[in]algYieldContextHandle to the yield context that contains information supplied by the algorithm including the algorithm handle, the corresponding context save/restore fxns and arguments with which to call these fxns.
[in]yieldArgsFramework supplied yield arguments that are passed to the algorithm at the time of granting resource handles. These should be passed back unmodified to this function.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define RMAN_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.rman"

Name to pass to Diags_setMask() to enable logging for RMAN functions. For example, Diags_setMask(RMAN_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); turns on all Log statements in this module. Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.

#define RMAN_GTNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.rman"

Name used to identify the GT module.


Size of the Protocol Name in the Resource Registry Table.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct Sem_Obj* RMAN_SemHandle

Declare abstract handle for Semaphore object.

typedef IRES_YieldArgs(* ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_YieldArgsFxn)(Int scratchId, Bool yieldFlag)

Type declaration for the "yield fxn" which is required if if RMAN has been configured to yield execution to same/higher priority algorithms.

typedef struct RMAN_Params RMAN_Params

The module configuration structure for RMAN. It is set at design time by the system integrator to register the specific Resource Managers(IRESMAN implementations).

Typically, system integrators configure these settings using XDC config scripts. System integrators that use that method of configuration can ignore this structure definition. It's auto-generated during the config step by the XDC Tools.

Variable Documentation


Initialization parameters for the generic Resource Manager.


RMAN Table to hold IRESMAN registrations.


Free Table to hold entries freed from RMAN Table.

__FAR__ short RMAN_numRegistryEntries

Number of entries statically configured for the Resource Registry table. Set this variable to zero if no static configuration is required.

__FAR__ IRESMAN_Fxns** RMAN_registryEntries

To allow for static configuration of the Resource Registry table this can be set to a valid configuration table or to NULL. Set this variable to NULL if no static configuration is required.

__FAR__ IRESMAN_Params** RMAN_registryResmanArgs

Initialization arguments for the entries to be registered Set this variable to NULL if no static configuration is required.

__FAR__ unsigned int** RMAN_iresVTable

Table that holds the mapping from algorithms IALG_Fxns to IRES_Fxns.

__FAR__ unsigned int ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_MAXALGS

Maximum number of algorithm instances that will use RMAN.

UInt32 ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_ipcKey

Base key value ofr RMAN Linux IPC Objects.

ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_YieldArgsFxn ti_sdo_fc_rman_RMAN_setYieldArgs

Function to set yield arguments to pass to yield function set in RMAN_PARAMS.

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