Framework Components Application Programming Interface (API)  fc-u06
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String IRESMAN_VICP_getProtocolName ()
 Function to return the name of the protocol.
IRES_ProtocolRevisionIRESMAN_VICP_getProtocolRevision ()
 Function to return the revision of the protocol.
IRES_Status IRESMAN_VICP_init (IRESMAN_Params *initArgs)
 Function to initialize the device specific resource manager implementation.
IRES_Status IRESMAN_VICP_exit ()
 Function called when RESMAN is no longer needed. Use it to free memory allocated etc.
IRES_Handle IRESMAN_VICP_getHandles (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_ResourceDescriptor *resDesc, Int scratchGroupId, IRES_Status *status)
 Function that returns the IRES_Handle to the resource requested using the IRES_ResourceProtocolArgs.
IRES_Status IRESMAN_VICP_freeHandles (IALG_Handle algHandle, IRES_Handle algResourceHandle, IRES_ResourceDescriptor *resDesc, Int scratchGroupId)
 Frees handles back to the resource pool.

Data Structures

struct  IRESMAN_VicpParams


typedef struct IRESMAN_VicpParams IRESMAN_VicpParams


__FAR__ IRESMAN_PersistentAllocFxn _RMAN_allocPersistent
 Memory allocation functions for all of RMANs and other IRES protocol's memory requirements.
__FAR__ IRESMAN_PersistentFreeFxn _RMAN_freePersistent
 Memory free functions for all of RMANs and other IRES protocol's memory requirements.
 IRES RESMAN implementation for VICP.

Detailed Description

VICP specific Resource Manager and corresponding IRES Protocol Implementation.

Function Documentation

String IRESMAN_VICP_getProtocolName ( )

Function to return the name of the protocol.

Return values:
Stringname identifying the protocol
IRES_ProtocolRevision* IRESMAN_VICP_getProtocolRevision ( )

Function to return the revision of the protocol.

Return values:
Revisionidentifying the protocol
IRES_Status IRESMAN_VICP_init ( IRESMAN_Params initArgs)

Function to initialize the device specific resource manager implementation.

[in]initArgsInitialization arguments that may be interpreted by the device specific implementation
Return values:
IRES_StatusIRES_OK Success IRES_EEXISTS Already initialized IRES_EFAIL Error
IRES_Status IRESMAN_VICP_exit ( )

Function called when RESMAN is no longer needed. Use it to free memory allocated etc.

Return values:
IRES_StatusIRES_OK Success IRES_ENOINIT Not initialized IRES_EFAIL Error
IRES_Handle IRESMAN_VICP_getHandles ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_ResourceDescriptor resDesc,
Int  scratchGroupId,
IRES_Status status 

Function that returns the IRES_Handle to the resource requested using the IRES_ResourceProtocolArgs.

[in]algHandleHandle of the algorithm that is acquiring resources.
[in]resDescArguments to be interpreted by the IRES_Manager implementation to determine which actual physical resources to obtain
[in]scratchGroupIdGroup Id required if scratch resources are requested, -1 otherwise
[out]statusStatus of this call
Return values:
IRES_HandleValid handle corresponding to the resource requested on success, or NULL on error.
IRES_Status IRESMAN_VICP_freeHandles ( IALG_Handle  algHandle,
IRES_Handle  algResourceHandle,
IRES_ResourceDescriptor resDesc,
Int  scratchGroupId 

Frees handles back to the resource pool.

[in]algHandleHandle of the algorithm that is releasing resources.
[in]algResourceHandleHandle that is to be released
[in]resDescArguments that help determine which resources to free
[in]scratchGroupIdGroup Id required if scratch resources are requested, -1 otherwise
Return values:
IRES_StatusIRES_OK Success IRES_EFAIL Failure

Typedef Documentation

Variable Documentation

__FAR__ IRESMAN_PersistentAllocFxn _RMAN_allocPersistent

Memory allocation functions for all of RMANs and other IRES protocol's memory requirements.

__FAR__ IRESMAN_PersistentFreeFxn _RMAN_freePersistent

Memory free functions for all of RMANs and other IRES protocol's memory requirements.


IRES RESMAN implementation for VICP.

Copyright 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated