Framework Components Application Programming Interface (API)  fc-u06
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#define IRES_HDVICP2_PROTOCOLNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.ires.hdvicp.hdvicp2"
 Name used to describe this protocol.
#define HDVICP2_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.ires.hdvicp2"
 HDVICP2 module name.
#define IRES_HDVICP2_ID_ANY   -2
 Used to specify the resource required in the protocol args, resource manager will return an HDVICP2 resource that is available to the scratch group.
 Used to specify the resource required for protocol args, late acquire implies that no resource is to be returned right now, resource will be acquired later in the process call, using the acquire fxn returned via the IRES_HDVICP2_Handle.
 Invalid address.
 Wait forever (never timeout)
 Unknown late acquire argument.

Data Structures

struct  IRES_HDVICP2_ProtocolArgs
 HDVICP2 Protocol Arguments definition. More...
struct  IRES_HDVICP2_Obj
 IRES_HDVICP2_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource. More...
struct  IRES_HDVICP2_RegisterLayer
 HDVICP2 Register Layout. More...
struct  IRES_HDVICP2_Properties
 Static Resource Properties. More...


typedef struct IRES_HDVICP2_ObjIRES_HDVICP2_Handle
 Handle to "logical" resource.
typedef IRES_YieldArgs(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_GetYieldArgsFxn )(Int scratchId)
typedef Void(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_YieldFxn )(IRES_YieldResourceType resource, IRES_YieldContextHandle ctxt, IRES_YieldArgs args)
typedef struct
 HDVICP2 Protocol Arguments definition.
typedef void(* IRES_HDVICP2_CallbackFxn )(IALG_Handle handle, Void *args)
 Callback function signature, used by the IRES_HDVICP2_ Handle's configure function.
typedef enum IRES_HDVICP2_Status IRES_HDVICP2_Status
 Describes the status/history of the HDVICP2 unit that is returned by the acquire call. This information can be used by the codec to avoid reloading the data memory or the program memory in the HDVICP2.
typedef struct IRES_HDVICP2_Obj IRES_HDVICP2_Obj
 IRES_HDVICP2_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource.
typedef struct
 HDVICP2 Register Layout.
typedef struct
 Static Resource Properties.
typedef IRES_Status(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_GetHdvicp2Fxn )(XDAS_Int32 *Id, IALG_Handle alg, IRES_HDVICP2_Handle handle)
typedef IRES_Status(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_FreeHdvicp2Fxn )(XDAS_Int32 Id, IALG_Handle alg, IRES_HDVICP2_Handle handle)


enum  IRES_HDVICP2_Status {
 Describes the status/history of the HDVICP2 unit that is returned by the acquire call. This information can be used by the codec to avoid reloading the data memory or the program memory in the HDVICP2. More...


unsigned int ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_timeoutVal
 Timeout value to be used by implementation of IRES_HDVICP2_Handle:wait function.

Detailed Description

Allows algorithms to request and receive handles representing HDVICP2 resources.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define IRES_HDVICP2_PROTOCOLNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.ires.hdvicp.hdvicp2"

Name used to describe this protocol.

#define HDVICP2_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.ires.hdvicp2"

HDVICP2 module name.

This name can be passed to Diags_setMask() to enable/disable logging for this module. For example, Diags_setMask(HDVICP2_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); enables all Log statements in this module.
Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.
#define IRES_HDVICP2_ID_ANY   -2

Used to specify the resource required in the protocol args, resource manager will return an HDVICP2 resource that is available to the scratch group.


Used to specify the resource required for protocol args, late acquire implies that no resource is to be returned right now, resource will be acquired later in the process call, using the acquire fxn returned via the IRES_HDVICP2_Handle.


Invalid address.

Indicates the address returned in the IRES_HDVICP2_Handle is not yet valid, and should not be used.

Wait forever (never timeout)

Used to indicate to IRES_HDVICP2_Obj::wait() that the call should never timeout.

Unknown late acquire argument.

This definition should be used when a particular algorithm doesn't have an application-provided late acquire argument. The codec should supply IRES_HDVICP2_UNKNOWNLATEACQUIREARG as the argument to acquire() in this case.
See also:

Typedef Documentation

Handle to "logical" resource.

typedef IRES_YieldArgs(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_GetYieldArgsFxn)(Int scratchId)
typedef Void(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_YieldFxn)(IRES_YieldResourceType resource, IRES_YieldContextHandle ctxt, IRES_YieldArgs args)

HDVICP2 Protocol Arguments definition.

typedef void(* IRES_HDVICP2_CallbackFxn)(IALG_Handle handle, Void *args)

Callback function signature, used by the IRES_HDVICP2_ Handle's configure function.

Describes the status/history of the HDVICP2 unit that is returned by the acquire call. This information can be used by the codec to avoid reloading the data memory or the program memory in the HDVICP2.

This enumeration data type should not be used for storage, but rather only for its constant values.

IRES_HDVICP2_Obj extends the generic IRES_Obj structure that is returned back to the algorithm requesting the resource.

HDVICP2 Register Layout.

Static Resource Properties.

typedef IRES_Status(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_GetHdvicp2Fxn)(XDAS_Int32 *Id, IALG_Handle alg, IRES_HDVICP2_Handle handle)
typedef IRES_Status(* ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_FreeHdvicp2Fxn)(XDAS_Int32 Id, IALG_Handle alg, IRES_HDVICP2_Handle handle)

Enumeration Type Documentation

Describes the status/history of the HDVICP2 unit that is returned by the acquire call. This information can be used by the codec to avoid reloading the data memory or the program memory in the HDVICP2.

This enumeration data type should not be used for storage, but rather only for its constant values.

Same codec was granted this unit, last time


Different codec, but of the same codec class was granted this unit last time


Completely different codec ran last time

Variable Documentation

unsigned int ti_sdo_fc_ires_hdvicp_HDVICP2_timeoutVal

Timeout value to be used by implementation of IRES_HDVICP2_Handle:wait function.

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