Framework Components Application Programming Interface (API)  fc-u06
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Void DSKT2_activateAlg (Int scratchMutexId, IALG_Handle alg)
 Prepares a XDAIS algorithm instance object to start using its scratch memory.
Int DSKT2_controlAlg (IALG_Handle alg, IALG_Cmd cmd, IALG_Status *status)
 This is a convenience API to call a XDAIS algorithm instance's algControl function.
IALG_Handle DSKT2_createAlg (Int scratchMutexId, IALG_Fxns *fxns, IALG_Handle parent, IALG_Params *params)
 Creates and initializes a XDAIS algorithm instance object.
IALG_Handle DSKT2_createAlg2 (Int scratchMutexId, IALG_Fxns *fxns, IALG_Handle parent, IALG_Params *params, xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle extHeapId)
 Creates and initializes a XDAIS algorithm instance object.
IALG_Handle DSKT2_createAlgExt (Int scratchId, IALG_Fxns *fxns, IALG_Handle parent, IALG_Params *params)
 Creates and initializes a XDAIS algorithm instance object, allocating all algorithm memory in external memory.
Void DSKT2_deactivateAlg (Int scratchMutexId, IALG_Handle alg)
 Prepares a XDAIS algorithm instance object to give up using its scratch memory.
Int DSKT2_deactivateAll ()
 All algorithms that have been deactivated lazily are now really deactivate. Any algorithms that are still currently active will be left as is. The number of algorithms that are still active will be returned from this call.
Bool DSKT2_freeAlg (Int scratchMutexId, IALG_Handle alg)
 Deletes a XDAIS algorithm instance object and frees all persistent memory allocated for the instance object.
Bool DSKT2_allocScratch (IALG_Handle alg, Int mutexId, IALG_MemRec *memTab, Int numRecs)
 Alocates memory from a DSKT2 shared scratch group buffer.
Int DSKT2_getScratchId (IALG_Handle alg)
Void DSKT2_freeScratch (Int mutexId, Void *addr, UInt size)
 Alocates memory from a DSKT2 shared scratch group buffer.
Bool DSKT2_allocPersistent (IALG_MemRec *memTab, Int numRecs)
 Alocates persistent memory to the requesting algorithm.
Void DSKT2_freePersistent (IALG_MemRec *memTab, Int numRecs)
 Frees persistent memory from the requesting algorithm.


#define DSKT2_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.dskt2"
 Name to pass to Diags_setMask() to enable logging for DSKT2 functions. For example, Diags_setMask(DSKT2_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); turns on all Log statements in this module. Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.


typedef Void(* DSKT2_CacheWBInvFxn )(Ptr blockPtr, size_t byteCnt, Bool wait)
 Function prototype of cache writeback function: Writes back the memory within the range of blockPtr and blockPtr + byteCnt.


__FAR__ DSKT2_CacheWBInvFxn DSKT2_cacheWBInvFxn
 Cache writeback function pointer used by DSKT2 if not NULL.
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_daram0Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_daram1Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_daram2Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_saram0Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_saram1Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_saram2Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_iprogHeap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_eprogHeap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_esdataHeap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle _DSKT2_heap
__FAR__ Bool ti_sdo_fc_dskt2_DSKT2_disableLazyDeactivate
 Set this to TRUE to disable lazy deactivate feature in DSKT2.

Detailed Description

The XDAIS Socket Library provides services to support the creation, initialization, control, and deletion of XDAIS algorithm instance objects.

Function Documentation

Void DSKT2_activateAlg ( Int  scratchMutexId,
IALG_Handle  alg 

Prepares a XDAIS algorithm instance object to start using its scratch memory.

        DSKT2_activateAlg() performs all scratch memory initialization
        for an algorithm's instance object. After a successful return
        from DSKT2_activateAlg(), the algorithm's instance object is
        ready to be used to process data.

        Unless the instance is already active, DSKT2_activateAlg()
        uses the algorithm's IALG interface function algActivate to
        initialize the algorithm instance's scratch buffers from
        persistent data memory.

        DSKT2_activateAlg() must be called before any processing or
        control methods of the algorithm instance can be called.

        DSKT2 maintains state information about current "active"
        algorithm instances at run-time, so that it does not perform
        unnecessary IALG "activation" calls when alg is already active.
        As part of this optimization it may call the algDeactivate
        method of the currently active algorithm instance in order to
        activate this  algorithm instance (alg).
[in]scratchMutexIdscratch-group Id used to associate the instance with a scratch group. The value must be the same id used when creating this algorithm instance.
[in]algIALG_Handle of the algorithm instance to be activated.
Return values:
alg must be a valid handle for the algorithm's instance object returned by an earlier call to DSKT2_createAlg()
If alg uses DMA (IDMA3), dmaInit must be called before calling this method, ensuring that all of the instance's persistent memory is initialized and the object is ready to be used
No other algorithm method is currently being run on this instance. This method never preempts any other method on the same instance.
All of the instance's persistent and scratch memory is initialized and the object is ready to be used.
Caller ensures algorithms with the same scratchMutexId will not be activated simultaneously. Usually the scratch group id is associated to the priority of the task in which the algorithm is running.
The implementation of the IALG algActivate() is optional by XDAIS standard. So, the instance activation makes sense only when the method is implemented by the algorithm. DSKT2_activateAlg() makes proper checks to ensure correct operation even if the algorithm does not implement the algActivate() method.
See also:
Int DSKT2_controlAlg ( IALG_Handle  alg,
IALG_Cmd  cmd,
IALG_Status status 

This is a convenience API to call a XDAIS algorithm instance's algControl function.

[in]algIALG_Handle of the algorithm instance.
[in]cmdIALG_Cmd structure for the control operation.
[in]statusPointer to IALG_Status structure for algorithm to return status.
Return values:
IALG_EOKThe control operation was successful
otherwiseA failure occurred during the control operation
alg must be a valid handle for the algorithm's instance object returned by an earlier call to DSKT2_createAlg().
Algorithm specific cmd values are always less than IALG_SYSCMD.
If the control operation is successful, the return value from this operation is equal to IALG_EOK; otherwise it is equal to either IALG_EFAIL or an algorithm-specific return value.
If the cmd value is not recognized, the return value is not equal to IALG_EOK.
DSKT2_controlAlg() must be called only when the instance is in active state.
The implementation of the IALG algControl is optional by XDAIS standard. DSKT2_controlAlg() makes proper checks to ensure correct operation even if the algorithm does not implement algControl().
IALG_Handle DSKT2_createAlg ( Int  scratchMutexId,
IALG_Fxns fxns,
IALG_Handle  parent,
IALG_Params params 

Creates and initializes a XDAIS algorithm instance object.

        It uses the algorithm's IALG interface functions to query the
        algorithm for its memory needs then allocates the memory for
        the algorithm and calls the algorithm's algInit function to
        let the new algorithm instance object initialize itself using
        the allocated memory.

        DSKT2_createAlg() performs initialization necessary to complete
        the run-time creation of an algorithm's instance object. After
        a successful return from DSKT2_createAlg(), the algorithm's
        instance object can be activated via a DSKT2_activateAlg()
        before it can be used to process data.

        DSKT2_createAlg() tries to dynamically allocate instance memory
        based on the IALG_MemSpace attribute of the requested memory.
        Global DSKT2 configuration settings allow OEM to designate a
        memory heap for each IALG_MemSpace. DSKT2_createAlg() attempts
        to allocate memory in the requested space, but may search for
        alternative heaps when preferred heap is not large enough.
[in]scratchMutexIdScratch-group Id for determining the shared scratch memory buffer. Value -1 is used to disable scratch sharing for this algorithm instance. A value between 0 and (DSKT2_NUM_SCRATCH_GROUPS-1) indicates a valid scratch group
[in]fxnsPointer to the algorithm's IALG_Fxns table.
[in]parentHandle of parent algorithm (optional).
[in]paramsPointer to an IALG_Params structure.
Return values:
non-NULLIALG_Handle for the new instance object.
fxns is a valid pointer to an IALG_Fxns structure (containing the vtable for a XDAIS compliant algorithm)
If scratchMutexId is -1, all instance scratch memory is allocated as persistent (i.e. not shared) and instance operation does not require mutual exclusion
With the exception of any initialization performed by algActivate and (IDMA2) dmaInit all of the instance's persistent memory is initialized and the object is ready to be used
The parent argument is a handle to another algorithm instance object. This parameter is often NULL, indicating that no parent object exists. This parameter allows clients to create a shared algorithm instance object and pass it to other algorithm instances. For example, a parent instance object might contain global read-only tables that are used by several instances of a vocoder.
Caller need to ensure algorithms created with the same "scratchMutexId" will not execute simultaneously
On failure all memory allocated during the call (used for algorithm query, and portions of algorithm memory that were successfully allocated during the function) has been freed before DSKT2_createAlg() returns
The params argument is a pointer to algorithm-specific parameters that are necessary for the creation and initialization of the instance object. This pointer points to the same parameters passed to the algorithm's IALG algAlloc function. However, this pointer may be NULL. In this case, algorithm's IALG function algInit, must assume default creation parameters.
Mutual exclusion needs to be enforced by the application framework when executing this function. This function assumes that the create phase of xDAIS algorithms * in the same scratch group will not be scheduled concurrently.
See also:
DSKT2_activateAlg(), DSKT2_deactivateAlg(), DSKT2_freeAlg()
IALG_Handle DSKT2_createAlg2 ( Int  scratchMutexId,
IALG_Fxns fxns,
IALG_Handle  parent,
IALG_Params params,
xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle  extHeapId 

Creates and initializes a XDAIS algorithm instance object.

        It uses the algorithm's IALG interface functions to query the
        algorithm for its memory needs then allocates the memory for
        the algorithm and calls the algorithm's algInit function to
        let the new algorithm instance object initialize itself using
        the allocated memory.

        DSKT2_createAlg2() performs initialization necessary to complete
        the run-time creation of an algorithm's instance object. After
        a successful return from DSKT2_createAlg2(), the algorithm's
        instance object can be activated via a DSKT2_activateAlg()
        before it can be used to process data.

        DSKT2_createAlg2() tries to dynamically allocate instance memory
        based on the IALG_MemSpace attribute of the requested memory.
        Global DSKT2 configuration settings allow OEM to designate a
        memory heap for each IALG_MemSpace. DSKT2_createAlg2() attempts
        to allocate memory in the requested space, but may search for
        alternative heaps when preferred heap is not large enough.

        DSKT2_createAlg2() will attempt to use the heap specified by
        the input parameter, extHeapId, for all allocations in the
        IALG_MemSpace, IALG_ESDATA. Furthermore, this holds for
        any IALG_MemSpace that has been configured with the same
        memory segment as IALG_ESDATA. e.g., if IALG_ESDATA and
        IALG_SARAM3 have both been configured to use the heap in the
        memory segment EXTMEM, then DSKT2_createAlg2() will attempt
        to allocate memory requested in the spaces IALG_SARAM3
        and IALG_ESDATA, from the heap, extHeapId.
[in]scratchMutexIdScratch-group Id for determining the shared scratch memory buffer. Value -1 is used to disable scratch sharing for this algorithm instance. A value between 0 and (DSKT2_NUM_SCRATCH_GROUPS-1) indicates a valid scratch group
[in]fxnsPointer to the algorithm's IALG_Fxns table.
[in]parentHandle of parent algorithm (optional).
[in]paramsPointer to an IALG_Params structure.
[in]extHeapIdSegment Id of memory heap to be used for all allocations in memory space IALG_ESDATA. This segment will be used instead of the default external memory segment.
Return values:
non-NULLIALG_Handle for the new instance object.
fxns is a valid pointer to an IALG_Fxns structure (containing the vtable for a XDAIS compliant algorithm)
extHeapId >= 0
If scratchMutexId is -1, all instance scratch memory is allocated as persistent (i.e. not shared) and instance operation does not require mutual exclusion
With the exception of any initialization performed by algActivate and (IDMA2) dmaInit all of the instance's persistent memory is initialized and the object is ready to be used
The parent argument is a handle to another algorithm instance object. This parameter is often NULL, indicating that no parent object exists. This parameter allows clients to create a shared algorithm instance object and pass it to other algorithm instances. For example, a parent instance object might contain global read-only tables that are used by several instances of a vocoder.
Mutual exclusion needs to be enforced by the application framework when executing this function. This function assumes that the create phase of xDAIS algorithms * in the same scratch group will not be scheduled concurrently.
Caller need to ensure algorithms created with the same "scratchMutexId" will not execute simultaneously
On failure all memory allocated during the call (used for algorithm query, and portions of algorithm memory that were successfully allocated during the function) has been freed before DSKT2_createAlg() returns
The params argument is a pointer to algorithm-specific parameters that are necessary for the creation and initialization of the instance object. This pointer points to the same parameters passed to the algorithm's IALG algAlloc function. However, this pointer may be NULL. In this case, algorithm's IALG function algInit, must assume default creation parameters.
See also:
DSKT2_activateAlg(), DSKT2_deactivateAlg(), DSKT2_freeAlg()
IALG_Handle DSKT2_createAlgExt ( Int  scratchId,
IALG_Fxns fxns,
IALG_Handle  parent,
IALG_Params params 

Creates and initializes a XDAIS algorithm instance object, allocating all algorithm memory in external memory.

        This API is very similar to DSKT2_createAlg(), in that
        it uses the algorithm's IALG interface functions to query the
        algorithm for its memory needs, allocates the memory for
        the algorithm and calls the algorithm's algInit function to
        let the new algorithm instance object initialize itself using
        the allocated memory. Unlike DSKT2_createAlg(), however,
        DSKT2_createAlgExt() will ignore the @c space field of the
        @c IALG_MemRec table entries filled in by the algorithm's
        algAlloc() function, and allocate all of the memory in the
        memory segment that is mapped to DSKT2.ESDATA.

        After a successful return from DSKT2_createAlgExt(), the
        algorithm's instance object can be activated via a
        DSKT2_activateAlg() before it can be used to process data.
[in]scratchIdScratch-group Id for determining the shared scratch memory buffer. Value -1 is used to disable scratch sharing for this algorithm instance. A value between 0 and (DSKT2_NUM_SCRATCH_GROUPS-1) indicates a valid scratch group
[in]fxnsPointer to the algorithm's IALG_Fxns table.
[in]parentHandle of parent algorithm (optional).
[in]paramsPointer to an IALG_Params structure.
Return values:
non-NULLIALG_Handle for the new instance object.
fxns is a valid pointer to an IALG_Fxns structure (containing the vtable for a XDAIS compliant algorithm)
If scratchMutexId is -1, all instance scratch memory is allocated as persistent (i.e. not shared) and instance operation does not require mutual exclusion
With the exception of any initialization performed by algActivate and (IDMA2 or IDMA3) dmaInit all of the instance's persistent memory is initialized and the object is ready to be used
The parent argument is a handle to another algorithm instance object. This parameter is often NULL, indicating that no parent object exists. This parameter allows clients to create a shared algorithm instance object and pass it to other algorithm instances. For example, a parent instance object might contain global read-only tables that are used by several instances of a vocoder.
Mutual exclusion needs to be enforced by the application framework when executing this function. This function assumes that the create phase of xDAIS algorithms * in the same scratch group will not be scheduled concurrently.
Caller need to ensure algorithms created with the same "scratchMutexId" will not execute simultaneously
On failure all memory allocated during the call (used for algorithm query, and portions of algorithm memory that were successfully allocated during the function) has been freed before DSKT2_createAlg() returns
The params argument is a pointer to algorithm-specific parameters that are necessary for the creation and initialization of the instance object. This pointer points to the same parameters passed to the algorithm's IALG algAlloc function. However, this pointer may be NULL. In this case, algorithm's IALG function algInit, must assume default creation parameters.
See also:
DSKT2_activateAlg(), DSKT2_deactivateAlg(), DSKT2_freeAlg()
Void DSKT2_deactivateAlg ( Int  scratchMutexId,
IALG_Handle  alg 

Prepares a XDAIS algorithm instance object to give up using its scratch memory.

        DSKT2_deactivateAlg() marks an algorithm's shared scratch
        memory as available to other instances activation. After a
        successful return from DSKT2_deactivateAlg(), the algorithm's
        processing or control functions cannot be called to process

        Object's deactivation logic involves calling the algorithm's
        IALG interface function algDeactivate to save necessary data
        from the algorithm instance's scratch buffers to its persistent
        data memory.

        DSKT2_deactivateAlg() must be called after the last processing
        or control methods of the algorithm instance, alg, during each
        execute stage of its socket operation.

        DSKT2 maintains state information about current "active"
        algorithm instances at run-time, so that it does not perform
        unnecessary IALG "deactivation" calls. As part of this
        optimization it may defer the deactivation of this algorithm
        instance (alg) to a later stage, i.e. when DSKT2_activateAlg()
        is called to activate another algorithm instance.
[in]scratchMutexIdscratch-group Id used for determining the shared scratch memory.
[in]algIALG_Handle of the algorithm instance to be deactivated.
Return values:
alg must be a valid handle for the algorithm's instance object returned by an earlier call to DSKT2_createAlg()
No other algorithm method is currently being run on this instance. This method never preempts any other method on the same instance.
DSKT2_activateAlg() must be called before calling this method
The implementation of the IALG algDeactivate is optional by XDAIS standard. So, the instance deactivation makes sense only when the method is implemented by the algorithm. DSKT2_deactivateAlg() makes proper checks to ensure correct operation even if the algorithm does not implement the algDeactivate methods.
See also:
Int DSKT2_deactivateAll ( )

All algorithms that have been deactivated lazily are now really deactivate. Any algorithms that are still currently active will be left as is. The number of algorithms that are still active will be returned from this call.

Return values:
>=0The number of currently active algorithms
Must be called with the TSK and SWI schedulers disabled.
Bool DSKT2_freeAlg ( Int  scratchMutexId,
IALG_Handle  alg 

Deletes a XDAIS algorithm instance object and frees all persistent memory allocated for the instance object.

        A reference counting mechanism is implemented to free up
        instance scratch memory so that when the last instance within a
        scratch group is deleted all shared scratch memory allocated
        for the group is reclaimed.

        DSKT2_freeAlg() must be called during delete stage of a
        socket's operation to prevent memory leaks.
[in]scratchMutexIdscratch-group Id used for determining the shared scratch memory. Must be the same Id used when algorithm instance is created
[in]algIALG_Handle of the algorithm instance to be deleted
Return values:
alg must be a valid handle for the algorithm's instance object returned by an earlier call to DSKT2_createAlg()
DSKT2 maintains allocation information about all algorithm instances created by DSKT2_createAlg(), so it does not call the instance algFree method before free'ing instance memory.
Mutual exclusion needs to be enforced by the application framework when executing this function. This function assumes that the delete phase of xDAIS algorithms * in the same scratch group will not be scheduled concurrently.
See also:
Bool DSKT2_allocScratch ( IALG_Handle  alg,
Int  mutexId,
IALG_MemRec memTab,
Int  numRecs 

Alocates memory from a DSKT2 shared scratch group buffer.

        If a valid IALG_Handle is passed to this call, allocation is
        done from the shared buffer in a non-overlapping manner from
        memory already assigned to the algorithm
[in]algIALG_Handle of the algorithm instance to be granted shared scratch memory. Could be NULL.
[in]mutexIdscratch-group Id used for determining the shared scratch memory. Must be the same Id used when algorithm instance is created
[in]memTabArray of IALG_MemRec structures describing the memory required by the algorithm
[in]numRecsNumber of IALG_MemRec structures
Return values:
If alg is a non-NULL value, then it must be a valid handle for the algorithm's instance object returned by an earlier call to DSKT2_createAlg()
DSKT2 maintains allocation information about all algorithm instances created by DSKT2_createAlg(), so it does not call the instance algFree method before free'ing instance memory.
See also:
Int DSKT2_getScratchId ( IALG_Handle  alg)
Void DSKT2_freeScratch ( Int  mutexId,
Void *  addr,
UInt  size 

Alocates memory from a DSKT2 shared scratch group buffer.

        If a valid IALG_Handle is passed to this call, allocation is
        done from teh shared buffer in a non-overlapping manner from
        memory already assigned to the algorithm
[in]mutexIdscratch-group Id used for determining the shared scratch memory. Must be the same Id used when algorithm instance is created
[in]addrAddress of the memory to be freed, that was previous allocated using DSKT2_allocScratch
[in]sizeSize of memory to be freed.
Memory must have been allocated through a call to DSKT2_allocScratch
DSKT2 maintains allocation information about all algorithm instances created by DSKT2_createAlg(), so it does not call the instance algFree method before free'ing instance memory.
See also:
Bool DSKT2_allocPersistent ( IALG_MemRec memTab,
Int  numRecs 

Alocates persistent memory to the requesting algorithm.

[in]memTabArray of IALG_MemRec structures describing the memory required by the algorithm
[in]numRecsNumber of IALG_MemRec structures
Return values:
See also:
Void DSKT2_freePersistent ( IALG_MemRec memTab,
Int  numRecs 

Frees persistent memory from the requesting algorithm.

[in]memTabArray of IALG_MemRec structures describing the memory granted to the algorithm, to be freed.
[in]numRecsNumber of IALG_MemRec structures
Memory must have been allocated through a call to DSKT2_allocPersistent
See also:

Macro Definition Documentation


Maximum number of scratch groups that can be supported.


Maximum memory allocation.

#define DSKT2_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.fc.dskt2"

Name to pass to Diags_setMask() to enable logging for DSKT2 functions. For example, Diags_setMask(DSKT2_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); turns on all Log statements in this module. Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Void(* DSKT2_CacheWBInvFxn)(Ptr blockPtr, size_t byteCnt, Bool wait)

Function prototype of cache writeback function: Writes back the memory within the range of blockPtr and blockPtr + byteCnt.

If wait is TRUE, wait for the writeback to complete before returning from this fuction call.

Variable Documentation

__FAR__ DSKT2_CacheWBInvFxn DSKT2_cacheWBInvFxn

Cache writeback function pointer used by DSKT2 if not NULL.

__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_daram0Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_daram1Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_daram2Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_saram0Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_saram1Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_saram2Heap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_iprogHeap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_eprogHeap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle DSKT2_esdataHeap
__FAR__ xdc_runtime_IHeap_Handle _DSKT2_heap
__FAR__ Bool ti_sdo_fc_dskt2_DSKT2_disableLazyDeactivate

Set this to TRUE to disable lazy deactivate feature in DSKT2.

Copyright 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated