metaonly module ti.sdo.fc.rman.RMAN

Resource Manager for shared C64x+ resources

XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/sdo/fc/rman/RMAN.xdc
config RMAN.maxAlgs  // module-wide

Maximum number of algorithm instances that will be using the RMAN module

XDCscript usage meta-domain
RMAN.maxAlgs = UInt 32;
config RMAN.persistentAllocFxn  // module-wide

Function for allocating persistent memory for RMAN's and other IRESMAN implementation's internal objects

XDCscript usage meta-domain
RMAN.persistentAllocFxn = String null;
The signature of the persistent alloc function is: extern Bool persistentAllocFxn(IALG_MemRec * memTab, Int numRecs);
This is required to be supplied ONLY if useDSKT2 is set to false.
config RMAN.persistentFreeFxn  // module-wide

Function for freeing persistent memory used by RMAN and other IRESMAN implementation's internal objects

XDCscript usage meta-domain
RMAN.persistentFreeFxn = String null;
The signature of hte persistentFreeFxn is:
extern Void persistentFreeFxn(IALG_MemRec *memTab, Int numRecs);
This is required to be supplied ONLY if useDSKT2 is set to false.
config RMAN.tableSize  // module-wide

Total number of individual resource manager (IRESMAN implementation) entries that will be registered with RMAN (including both static and dynamic)

XDCscript usage meta-domain
RMAN.tableSize = UInt 10;
config RMAN.useDSKT2  // module-wide

Flag indicating if DSKT2 should be used for memory allocation and for supporting algorithm yields

XDCscript usage meta-domain
RMAN.useDSKT2 = Bool true;
Setting this flag to false will disable cooperative preemption support for algorithms in RMAN.
config RMAN.yieldSamePriority  // module-wide

Flag indicating if yields to same priority should happen or not

XDCscript usage meta-domain
RMAN.yieldSamePriority = Bool false;
This is required only if useDSKT2 is set to true.
generated on Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:09:47 GMT