metaonly module ti.sdo.fc.dskt2.DSKT2

XDAIS algorithm management library

XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/sdo/fc/dskt2/DSKT2.xdc
var DSKT2 = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.fc.dskt2.DSKT2');
module-wide config parameters
config DSKT2.ALLOW_EXTERNAL_SCRATCH  // module-wide

Allow external memory to be used for algorithm scratch memory requests

XDCscript usage meta-domain
If an algorithm requests scratch memory, and insufficient scratch memory is available, scratch buffers will be allocated in external memory if property is 'true'.
config DSKT2.DARAM0  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_DARAM0

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.DARAM0 = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.DARAM1  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_DARAM1

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.DARAM1 = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.DARAM2  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_DARAM2

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.DARAM2 = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.DARAM_SCRATCH_SIZES  // module-wide

Shared IALG_DARAM0 scratch group sizes

XDCscript usage meta-domain
config DSKT2.DSKT2_HEAP  // module-wide

Heap for allocating internal DSKT2 data structures

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.DSKT2_HEAP = String undefined;
Objects internal to the DSKT2 module will be allocated from this heap.
config DSKT2.EPROG  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_EPROG

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.EPROG = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.ESDATA  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_ESDATA

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.ESDATA = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.IPROG  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_IPROG

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.IPROG = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.SARAM0  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_SARAM0

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.SARAM0 = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.SARAM1  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_SARAM1

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.SARAM1 = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.SARAM2  // module-wide

IALG memory space mapping of IALG_SARAM2

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.SARAM2 = String undefined;
This must be assigned the name of an instance of a module that implements IHeap.
config DSKT2.SARAM_SCRATCH_SIZES  // module-wide

Shared IALG_SARAM0 scratch group sizes

XDCscript usage meta-domain
config DSKT2.cacheWritebackInvalidateFxn  // module-wide

Name of function implementing cache writeback invalidate

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.cacheWritebackInvalidateFxn = String "DSKT2_cacheWBInv";
This function must have the following signature:
  (*DSKT2_CacheWBInvFxn)(Ptr blockPtr, size_t byteCnt, bool wait)
For C6000 platforms DSKT2 calls this function to ensure that the algorithm instance memory is not resident in cache when it is instantiated. This is necessary for compliance with XDAIS C6000 DMA Rules and Guidelines.
config DSKT2.disableLazyDeactivate  // module-wide

Set this to TRUE to disable lazy deactivate feature in DSKT2. This could affect performance of your algorithm, and should be used mostly for diagnostic purposes

XDCscript usage meta-domain
DSKT2.disableLazyDeactivate = Bool undefined;
generated on Mon, 16 Apr 2012 07:09:40 GMT