Codec Engine Runtime

Data Structures

struct  Engine_Attrs
 Attributes of an Engine. More...
struct  Engine_AlgInfo
 Properties of an Engine algorithm. More...
struct  Engine_AlgInfo2
 Properties of an Engine algorithm. This structure is identical to Engine_AlgInfo except that the typeTab array of strings is replaced by a singie string called types. The string, types, represents a ';' separated list of inheritance hierarchies of the algorithm, for example, ";ti.sdo.ce.test.xvideo.IVIDE". More...


#define Engine_GTNAME   "CE"
 Trace name for the Engine module.
#define Engine_EOK   0
#define Engine_EEXIST   1
#define Engine_ENOMEM   2
#define Engine_EDSPLOAD   3
#define Engine_ENOCOMM   4
#define Engine_ENOSERVER   5
#define Engine_ECOMALLOC   6
#define Engine_ERUNTIME   7
#define Engine_ECODECCREATE   8
#define Engine_ECODECSTART   9
#define Engine_EINVAL   10
#define Engine_EBADSERVER   11
#define Engine_ENOTAVAIL   12
#define Engine_EWRONGSTATE   13
#define Engine_EINUSE   14
#define Engine_ENOTFOUND   15
#define Engine_ETIMEOUT   16


typedef struct Engine_Obj * Engine_Handle
 Opaque handle to an engine.
typedef Int Engine_Error
 Engine error code.


Void Engine_close (Engine_Handle engine)
 Close an Engine.
Engine_Handle Engine_open (String name, Engine_Attrs *attrs, Engine_Error *ec)
 Open an Engine.
Int Engine_fwriteTrace (Engine_Handle engine, String prefix, FILE *out)
 Write Server's trace buffer to specifed file stream.
Engine_Error Engine_getAlgInfo (String name, Engine_AlgInfo *algInfo, Int index)
 Get details of an algorithm configured into an engine.
Engine_Error Engine_getAlgInfo2 (String name, Engine_Handle engine, Engine_AlgInfo2 *algInfo2, Int index)
 Get details of an algorithm that is configured into an engine, or has been added to an opened engine. If the engine has not been opened yet, the name of the engine is used to get the statically configured alg. If the engine has been opened, the engine handle can be used to get either information for a statically configured alg, or a remote alg that was added when the server was queried during Engine_open().
Int Engine_getCpuLoad (Engine_Handle engine)
 Get Server's cpu usage in percent.
Engine_Error Engine_getLastError (Engine_Handle engine)
 Get error code of the last failed operation.
String Engine_getName (Engine_Handle engine)
 Get the name of an opened engine.
Engine_Error Engine_getNumAlgs (String name, Int *numAlgs)
 Get the number of algorithms configured into an engine.
Engine_Error Engine_getNumAlgs2 (String name, Engine_Handle engine, Int *numAlgs)
 Get the number of algorithms statically configured into an engine or the total number of algorithms both statically configured and dynamically added through server information when the engine was opened.
Server_Handle Engine_getServer (Engine_Handle engine)
 Get handle to an Engine's server.
UInt32 Engine_getUsedMem (Engine_Handle engine)
 Get Server's total memory usage.
Int Engine_setTrace (Engine_Handle engine, String mask)
 Set Server's trace mask.


Engine_Attrs Engine_ATTRS
 Default engine attributes.

Define Documentation

#define Engine_GTNAME   "CE"

Trace name for the Engine module.

#define Engine_EOK   0


#define Engine_EEXIST   1

Name does not exist.

#define Engine_ENOMEM   2

Unable to allocate memory.

#define Engine_EDSPLOAD   3

Unable to load the DSP.

#define Engine_ENOCOMM   4

Unable to create a comm connection to the DSP.

#define Engine_ENOSERVER   5

Unable to locate the server on the DSP.

#define Engine_ECOMALLOC   6

Unable to allocate communication buffer.

#define Engine_ERUNTIME   7

Internal engine runtime failure.

#define Engine_ECODECCREATE   8

Creation of the Codec failed.

#define Engine_ECODECSTART   9

Start of the Codec failed. For codecs which are implemented as a thread, this implies that the codec thread of execution failed to start.

#define Engine_EINVAL   10

Bad paramater passed to method.

#define Engine_EBADSERVER   11

Incompatible server specified.

#define Engine_ENOTAVAIL   12

Service not available.

#define Engine_EWRONGSTATE   13

Call can not be made at this time.

#define Engine_EINUSE   14

Call can't be made at this time because a required name/resource is in use.

#define Engine_ENOTFOUND   15

Entity was not found.

#define Engine_ETIMEOUT   16

Timeout-based operation timed out.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct Engine_Obj* Engine_Handle

Opaque handle to an engine.

typedef Int Engine_Error

Engine error code.

Function Documentation

Void Engine_close ( Engine_Handle  engine  ) 

Close an Engine.

[in] engine The handle to an engine, previously acquired by a call to Engine_open().
engine must not be referenced by any codec instance object; i.e., you must first delete all codec instances associated with engine before closing it.
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle which is in the open state.
Engine_Handle Engine_open ( String  name,
Engine_Attrs attrs,
Engine_Error ec 

Open an Engine.

The handle returned may be used to create one or more instances of a codec "contained" in the specified engine.

An engine may be opened more than once; each open returns a unique handle that can be used to create codec instances or get status of any underlying server.

Engine handles must not be concurrently accessed by multiple threads; each thread must either obtain its own handle (via Engine_open()) or explicitly serialize access to a shared handle.

[in] name The name of the engine to open. name is specified in the engine configuration.
[in] attrs Attributes for the open engine.
[out] ec Optional output error code
Return values:
NULL An error has occurred.
non-NULL The handle to the opened engine.
name is a non-NULL string.
name is a valid, pre-configured name of an engine.
As with all Codec Engine API's, CERuntime_init() must have previously been called.
If the return handle is NULL and ec is non-NULL, *ec is set to a non-zero value indicating the cause of the failure.
If ec is non-NULL, the Engine_Error value is set to one of the following values:
Int Engine_fwriteTrace ( Engine_Handle  engine,
String  prefix,
FILE *  out 

Write Server's trace buffer to specifed file stream.

[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
[in] prefix A string to prepend to each line output; this allows one to easily identify trace from the server from the application's trace, for example.
[in] out A open FILE stream used to output the Server's trace characters.
Return values:
Integer number of characters copied to the specified FILE stream.
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle and the engine is in the open state.
In the event a negative value is returned, Engine_getLastError() will return one of the following values:
  • Engine_ERUNTIME Either an internal runtime error occured or the underlying server error occured.
  • Engine_EINUSE Server trace resource is already in use.
Engine_Error Engine_getAlgInfo ( String  name,
Engine_AlgInfo algInfo,
Int  index 

Get details of an algorithm configured into an engine.

[in] name The name of the engine. name is specified in the engine configuration.
[out] algInfo Structure to store algorithm details. The algInfoSize field of this structure must be set to sizeof(Engine_AlgInfo) by the application.
[out] index The index of the algorithm to get the information.
Return values:
Engine_EOK Success.
Engine_EEXIST There is no engine with the given name.
Engine_ENOTFOUND index is greater than or equal to the total number of algorithms configured for the engine, or index < 0.
Engine_EINVAL The value of algInfoSize passed to this function does not match the CE library's sizeof(Engine_AlgInfo).
name is a non-NULL string.
algInfo is non-NULL.
As with all Codec Engine API's, CERuntime_init() must have previously been called.
If name is a valid engine name and 0 <= index < the total number of algorithms configured for the engine, then algInfo will contain the information for the engine's ith (i = index) algorithm.
See also:
Engine_Error Engine_getAlgInfo2 ( String  name,
Engine_Handle  engine,
Engine_AlgInfo2 algInfo2,
Int  index 

Get details of an algorithm that is configured into an engine, or has been added to an opened engine. If the engine has not been opened yet, the name of the engine is used to get the statically configured alg. If the engine has been opened, the engine handle can be used to get either information for a statically configured alg, or a remote alg that was added when the server was queried during Engine_open().

[in] name The name of the engine. name is specified in the engine configuration. This may be NULL if engine contains a valid engine handle.
[in] engine The handle of an engine returned by Engine_open(). If this is NULL, only information for a static alg can be obtained.
[out] algInfo2 Structure to store algorithm details. The algInfoSize field of this structure must be set to sizeof(Engine_AlgInfo2) by the application.
[out] index The index of the algorithm to get the information.
Return values:
Engine_EOK Success.
Engine_EEXIST There is no engine with the given name.
Engine_ENOTFOUND index is greater than or equal to the total number of algorithms configured for the engine, or index < 0.
Engine_EINVAL The value of algInfoSize passed to this function does not match the CE library's sizeof(Engine_AlgInfo2).
name is a non-NULL string or engine is non-NULL.
algInfo2 is non-NULL.
As with all Codec Engine API's, CERuntime_init() must have previously been called.
If name is a valid engine name and 0 <= index < the total number of algorithms configured for the engine, then algInfo2 will contain the information for the engine's ith (i = index) algorithm.
See also:
Int Engine_getCpuLoad ( Engine_Handle  engine  ) 

Get Server's cpu usage in percent.

This service has been replaced by Server_getCpuLoad() to better indicate that this API is not intended for obtaining the current processor's CPU load, rather it obtains the CPU load of a remote Server.
[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
Return values:
integer between 0-100 indicating percentage of time the Server is processing measured over a period of approximately 1 second. If the load is unavailable, a negative value is returned.
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle and the engine is in the open state.
In the event a negative value is returned, Engine_getLastError() will return one of the following values:
See also:
Engine_Error Engine_getLastError ( Engine_Handle  engine  ) 

Get error code of the last failed operation.

[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
Return values:
error code (Engine_Error) of the last failed engine operation.
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle and the engine is in the open state.
String Engine_getName ( Engine_Handle  engine  ) 

Get the name of an opened engine.

[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
Return values:
NULL An error has occurred.
non-NULL The name of the opened engine.
Engine_Error Engine_getNumAlgs ( String  name,
Int *  numAlgs 

Get the number of algorithms configured into an engine.

[in] name The name of the engine. name is specified in the engine configuration.
[out] numAlgs The number of algorithms that are configured in the given engine.
Return values:
Engine_EOK Success.
Engine_EEXIST There is no engine with the given name.
name is a non-NULL string.
numAlgs is non-NULL.
As with all Codec Engine API's, CERuntime_init() must have previously been called.
If name is a valid engine name, then numAlgs will contain the number of algorithms configured for the given engine.
See also:
Engine_Error Engine_getNumAlgs2 ( String  name,
Engine_Handle  engine,
Int *  numAlgs 

Get the number of algorithms statically configured into an engine or the total number of algorithms both statically configured and dynamically added through server information when the engine was opened.

[in] name The name of the engine. name is specified in the engine configuration. name can be NULL, if engine is a valid Engine_Handle.
[in] engine The handle of an engine returned by Engine_open(). If engine is NULL, name must be non-NULL, and only the number of statically configured algorithms will be returned in numAlgs. specified in the engine configuration.
[out] numAlgs The number of algorithms that are configured in the given engine.
Return values:
Engine_EOK Success.
Engine_EEXIST There is no engine with the given name.
name is a non-NULL string or engine is non-NULL.
numAlgs is non-NULL.
As with all Codec Engine API's, CERuntime_init() must have previously been called.
If name is a valid engine name, then numAlgs will contain the number of algorithms configured for the given engine.
If the engine has a server, but was not configured with Engine.createFromServer() number of remote algorithms (if any) that were statically configured into the engine, will be counted twice: once for the static alg table, and once for the information queried from the server.
See also:
Server_Handle Engine_getServer ( Engine_Handle  engine  ) 

Get handle to an Engine's server.

This function returns the handle to an Engines server, that can be used with Server APIs to obtain information from and control the remote DSP server.

[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
Return values:
Handle to engine's server.
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle and the engine is in the open state.
UInt32 Engine_getUsedMem ( Engine_Handle  engine  ) 

Get Server's total memory usage.

This service has been replaced by Server_getMemStat() to better indicate that this API is not intended for obtaining the current processor's memory statistics, rather it obtains the memory statistics of a remote Server. Also, Server_getMemStat() provides more granularity than Engine_getUsedMem().
[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
Return values:
Total amount of used memory (in MAUs). If the amount is not available, 0 is returned and the reason can be retrieved via Engine_getLastError().
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle and the engine is in the open state.
in the event that 0 is returned, Engine_getLastError() will return one of the following values:
Int Engine_setTrace ( Engine_Handle  engine,
String  mask 

Set Server's trace mask.

[in] engine The handle to the opened engine.
[in] mask Trace mask, e.g. "*=01234567"
Return values:
Engine_ENOSERVER No server for this engine.
Engine_EINUSE Trace resource is already in use.
Engine_ERUNTIME Internal runtime error has occurred.
engine is a valid (non-NULL) engine handle and the engine is in the open state.
This only sets the trace for a remote server. To change the trace mask for the application-side of the framework, use GT_set().
See also:

Variable Documentation

Default engine attributes.

Default attrs.

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