ladclient.h File Reference

Detailed Description

The Link Arbiter Daemon (LAD) communication interface. Provides wrapper functions to communicate with LAD, allowing a client to: establish a connection to LAD; request startup of a DSP server executable; query DSP status; and release the DSP and disconnect from LAD.

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Data Structures

struct  LAD_DspStatus




typedef Uns LAD_ClientHandle


enum  LAD_Status {
enum  LAD_DspState {


LAD_Status LAD_connect (LAD_ClientHandle *handle)
 Connect to LAD.
LAD_Status LAD_disconnect (LAD_ClientHandle handle)
 Disconnect from LAD.
LAD_Status LAD_getDspStatus (LAD_ClientHandle handle, Int cpuId, LAD_DspStatus *statusInfo)
 Get DSP status from LAD.
LAD_Status LAD_releaseDsp (LAD_ClientHandle handle)
 Release control of the DSP. This call is only appropriate if the client previously made a successful call to LAD_startupDsp().
LAD_Status LAD_startupDsp (LAD_ClientHandle handle, Int cpuId, String linkConfigName, String imageName)
 Load and start the DSP running.
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