
Hardware Interrupt Support Module

This Hwi module provides ARM cortex-A Generic Interrupt Controller(GIC) v2.0 specific implementations and extensions of the APIs defined in IHwi. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/family/arm/gicv3/Hwi.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/family/arm/gicv3/Hwi.h>
macro UInt 
macro UInt 
Hwi_itsClear// Implements ITS command CLEAR(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsInt// Implements ITS command INT(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsInv// Implements ITS command INV(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsMapDevice// Implements ITS command MAPD(Int deviceId, Int nEvents, Int size);
Hwi_itsMapInterrupt// Implements ITS command MAPI(Int deviceId, Int eventId, Int icId);
Hwi_itsMapTranslatedInterrupt// Implements ITS command MAPTI(Int deviceId, Int eventId, Int icId, Int intId);
Hwi_itsMoveAll// Implements ITS command MOVALL(Int fromCpuNum, Int toCpuNum);
Hwi_itsMoveInterrupt// Implements ITS command MOVI(Int deviceId, Int eventId, Int icId);
macro Void 
Hwi_setPriority// Set an interrupt's priority(UInt intNum, UInt priority);
Functions common to all IHwi modules
macro UInt 
macro UInt 
macro Void 
Functions common to all target instances
Functions common to all target modules
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef Void 
typedef enum
typedef Void 
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef Hwi_Object *
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef UArg 
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef enum
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt 
extern const Int 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Error_Id 
extern const Hwi_ItsTableAttrs 
extern const Log_Event 
extern const Log_Event 
extern const UInt 
extern const UInt 
extern const Int 
extern const UInt 
Hwi_gicd// ; // linked as extern ti_sysbios_family_arm_gicv3_Hwi_gicd
Hwi_gits// ; // linked as extern ti_sysbios_family_arm_gicv3_Hwi_gits
This Hwi module provides ARM cortex-A Generic Interrupt Controller(GIC) v2.0 specific implementations and extensions of the APIs defined in IHwi.
The GIC is logically partitioned into 2 blocks, the Distributor block and CPU interface block. The Distributor block interfaces with the interrupt sources, prioritizes interrupts and distributes them to the CPU interface block. The CPU interface block connects to the processors in the system and is responsible for priority masking and preemption handling for the processor it is connected to.
The GIC can implement up to 8 CPU interfaces with each CPU interface being able to see up to 1020 interrupts. The GIC assigns interrupt ID numbers 0-1019 as follows: - Interrupt numbers 0-31 are used for interrupts private to a CPU interface. These private interrupts are banked in the Distributor. - Banked interrupt number 0-15 are used for Software Generated Interrupts or SGIs. - Banked interrupt number 16-31 are used for Private Peripheral Interrupts or PPIs. - Interrupt numbers 32-1019 are used for Shared Peripheral Interrupts or SPIs. - Interrupt numbers 1020-1023 are reserved. When enableLPI is set to 'true', this Hwi module supports an additional set of interrupts, numbered starting from 8192, named Locality-specific Peripheral Interrupts or LPIs. LPIs are driven by the GICv3 Interrupt Translation Service or ITS. The ITS requires a number of SW-allocated tables, as does each CPU interface block when LPIs are in use. In addition to these LPI-related tables, general tables used by the Hwi dispatcher increase in size by a significant amount due to the much larger interrupt ID space that is available when LPIs are enabled.
In the SoC Technical Reference Manual, the MPU IRQs 0 to N map to GIC interrupt numbers 32 to (N+32) where (N+1) is the total number of Shared Peripheral Interrupts implemented. For instance on OMAP5430, MPU IRQ 0 to 159 maps to GIC interrupt number 32 to 191.
In this Hwi module implementation, the instance config parameter value MaskingOption_LOWER is equivalent to MaskingOption_SELF. Statically configuring a Hwi object's Params.maskSetting to MaskingOption_LOWER will result in the generation of a benign build warning. Dynamic usages of MaskingOption_LOWER will be silently converted to MaskingOption_SELF.
This module is written for GIC v2.0, however it is backwards compatible with GIC v1.0
GIC allows configuring an interrupt as a Group 0 or a Group 1 interrupt. Group 0 interrupts are Secure interrupts and Group 1 interrupts are Non-secure interrupts.
If enableSecureMode is set to true, this module supports both Group0 and Group 1 interrupts. Group 0 interrupts are delivered to the CPU using FIQ signal whereas Group 1 interrupts are delivered using IRQ signal.
If enableSecureMode is set to false, this module only supports Group 1 interrupts which are delivered to the target CPU using IRQ signal.
In general GIC supports priority values 0 thru 255.
In practice valid priority values depend on the particular device used, security mode and the Binary Point Register (see BPR and ABPR) value.
The device implementation and security mode decide the number of priority bits that are implemented (see NUM_PRIORITY_BITS). Group 0 interrupts always implement one more priority bit than Group 1 interrupts.
In GIC, interrupts with lower priority numbers have higher priority.
On Keystone2 devices, this module supports zero-latency interrupts. A zero-latency interrupt does not go through the SYS/BIOS dispatcher and thus has a faster response time. Since zero-latency interrupts bypass the dispatcher, their handler function cannot call any SYS/BIOS APIs.
This module implements zero-latency interrupts by forwarding the interrupt to the target CPU using FIQ signal. Therefore, in order to configure an interrupt as a zero-latency interrupt, the Hwi type needs to be changed to FIQ when creating or constructing a Hwi.
Example showing how to create a zero-latency Hwi:
  Void main(Void)
      Hwi_Params hwiParams;
      // Default Hwi type is IRQ
      hwiParams.type = Hwi_Type_FIQ;
      Hwi_create(INT_NUM_FIQ, myIsrFIQ, &hwiParams, NULL);
FIQs run on their own stack. See fiqStack and fiqStackSize for more info on how to control the FIQ stack.
In order to generate LPI interrupt IDs the ITS needs to be programmed, using the Hwi_its*() APIs. The Hwi_its*() APIs are C language implementations of the raw ITS commadns. A typical sequence might be:
      Hwi_itsMapDevice(0, 4, 2);
      Hwi_itsMapCollection(0, 0);
      Hwi_itsMapTranslatedInterrupt(0, 0, 0, 0x2000);
The Hwi_its*() APIs are only available when enableLPI = true.
See ARM GIC Architecture documentation for more details.

Number of interrupts implemented in GIC HW registers. This is basically the number of SGI/PPI/SPI interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
#define Hwi_NUM_HWREG_INTERRUPTS (UInt)992
enum Hwi_DeviceTablePageSize

Enumeration of possible page sizes for the Device table

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_DeviceTablePageSize {
} Hwi_DeviceTablePageSize;
enum Hwi_ExcType
C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_ExcType {
} Hwi_ExcType;
enum Hwi_InnerCache

Enumeration of all possible ITS table inner cache settings

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_InnerCache {
    // Device-nGnRnE
    // Normal Inner Non-cacheable
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WT
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WB
    // Normal Inner Cacheable WA, WT
    // Normal Inner Cacheable WA, WB
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WA, WT
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WA, WB
} Hwi_InnerCache;
enum Hwi_MaskingOption

Shorthand interrupt masking options

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_MaskingOption {
} Hwi_MaskingOption;
MaskingOption_NONE — No interrupts are disabled
MaskingOption_ALL — All interrupts are disabled
MaskingOption_SELF — Only this interrupt is disabled
MaskingOption_BITMASK — User supplies interrupt enable masks
MaskingOption_LOWER — All current and lower priority interrupts are disabled.
Only a few targets/devices truly support this masking option. For those that don't, this setting is treated the same as MaskingOption_SELF.
enum Hwi_OuterCache

Enumeration of all possible ITS table outer cache settings

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_OuterCache {
    // Same setting as InnerCache
    // Normal Outer Non-cacheable
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WT
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WB
    // Normal Outer Cacheable WA, WT
    // Normal Outer Cacheable WA, WB
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WA, WT
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WA, WB
} Hwi_OuterCache;
enum Hwi_RoutingMode

Routing mode. ANY or NODE

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_RoutingMode {
    // Route interrupt to node specified by affinity fields
    // Route interrupt to all nodes
} Hwi_RoutingMode;
enum Hwi_Shareability
C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_Shareability {
} Hwi_Shareability;
enum Hwi_Type

Interrupt type. IRQ or FIQ

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Hwi_Type {
    // IRQ interrupt
    // FIQ interrupt
} Hwi_Type;
typedef Hwi_ExceptionHookFuncPtr

Exception hook function type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*Hwi_ExceptionHookFuncPtr)(Hwi_ExcContext*);
typedef Hwi_FuncPtr

Hwi create function type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*Hwi_FuncPtr)(UArg);
typedef Hwi_Irp

Interrupt Return Pointer

C synopsis target-domain
typedef UArg Hwi_Irp;
This is the address of the interrupted instruction.
struct Hwi_ExcContext

Exception Context - Register contents at the time of an exception

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_ExcContext {
    BIOS_ThreadType threadType;
    Ptr threadHandle;
    Ptr threadStack;
    SizeT threadStackSize;
    Hwi_ExcType type;
    Ptr x0;
    Ptr x1;
    Ptr x2;
    Ptr x3;
    Ptr x4;
    Ptr x5;
    Ptr x6;
    Ptr x7;
    Ptr x8;
    Ptr x9;
    Ptr x10;
    Ptr x11;
    Ptr x12;
    Ptr x13;
    Ptr x14;
    Ptr x15;
    Ptr x16;
    Ptr x17;
    Ptr x18;
    Ptr x19;
    Ptr x20;
    Ptr x21;
    Ptr x22;
    Ptr x23;
    Ptr x24;
    Ptr x25;
    Ptr x26;
    Ptr x27;
    Ptr x28;
    Ptr x29;
    Ptr x30;
    Ptr sp;
    Ptr elr;
    Ptr spsr;
    Ptr esr;
} Hwi_ExcContext;
struct Hwi_Gicc

Generic Interrupt Controller CPU Interface. Symbol "Hwi_gicc" is a physical device

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Gicc {
    UInt32 CTLR;
    // 0x0000 CPU Interface Control Register
    UInt32 PMR;
    // 0x0004 Interrupt Priority Mask Register
    UInt32 BPR;
    // 0x0008 Binary Point Register
    UInt32 IAR;
    // 0x000C Interrupt Acknowledge Register
    UInt32 EOIR;
    // 0x0010 End Of Interrupt Register
    UInt32 RPR;
    // 0x0014 Running Priority Register
    UInt32 HPPIR;
    // 0x0018 Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register
    UInt32 ABPR;
    // 0x001C Aliased Binary Point Register
    UInt32 AIAR;
    // 0x0020 Aliased IAR Register
    UInt32 AEOIR;
    // 0x0024 Aliased EOI Register
    UInt32 AHPPIR;
    // 0x0028 Aliased HPPI Register
    UInt32 hole0[41];
    // 0x002C-0x00CC
    UInt32 APR0;
    // 0x00D0 Active Priority Register
    UInt32 hole1[3];
    // 0x00D4-0x00DC
    UInt32 NSAPR0;
    // 0x00E0 Non-secure Active Priority Register
    UInt32 hole2[6];
    // 0x00E4-0x00F8
    UInt32 IIDR;
    // 0x00FC CPU Interface Id Register
    UInt32 hole3[960];
    // 0x0100-0x0FFC
    UInt32 DIR;
    // 0x1000 Deactivate Interrupt Register
} Hwi_Gicc;
struct Hwi_Gicd

Generic Interrupt Controller Distributor. Symbol "Hwi_gicd" is a physical device

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Gicd {
    UInt32 CTLR;
    // 0x0000 Distributor Control Register
    UInt32 TYPER;
    // 0x0004 Interrupt Controller Type Register
    UInt32 IIDR;
    // 0x0008 Distributor Implementor Id Register
    UInt32 hole0[13];
    // 0x000C-0x03C
    UInt32 SETSPI_NSR;
    // 0x0040 Set SPI Register
    UInt32 hole1;
    // 0x0044
    UInt32 CLRSPI_NSR;
    // 0x0048 Clear SPI Register
    UInt32 hole2;
    // 0x004C
    UInt32 SETSPI_SR;
    // 0x0050 Set SPI Register
    UInt32 hole3;
    // 0x0054
    UInt32 CLRSPI_SR;
    // 0x0058 Clear SPI Register
    UInt32 hole4[9];
    // 0x005C-0x007C
    UInt32 IGROUPR[32];
    // 0x0080 Interrupt Group Registers
    UInt32 ISENABLER[32];
    // 0x0100 Interrupt Set-Enable Registers
    UInt32 ICENABLER[32];
    // 0x0180 Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers
    UInt32 ISPENDR[32];
    // 0x0200 Interrupt Set-Pending Registers
    UInt32 ICPENDR[32];
    // 0x0280 Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers
    UInt32 ISACTIVER[32];
    // 0x0300 Interrupt Set-Active Registers
    UInt32 ICACTIVER[32];
    // 0x0380 Interrupt Clear-Active Registers
    UInt8 IPRIORITYR[992];
    // 0x0400 Interrupt Priority Registers
    UInt32 hole5[8];
    // 0x07E0-0x07FC
    UInt32 ITARGETSR[8];
    // 0x0800 Interrupt Processor Targets Register
    UInt32 hole6[248];
    // 0x0820-0x0BFC
    UInt32 ICFGR[64];
    // 0x0C00 Interrupt Configuration Registers
    UInt32 IGRPMODR[32];
    // 0x0D00 Interrupt Group Modifier Registers
    UInt32 hole7[32];
    // 0x0D80-0x0DFC
    UInt32 NSACR[64];
    // 0x0E00 NonSecure Access Control Registers
    UInt32 SGIR;
    // 0x0F00 Software Generated Interrupt Register
    UInt32 hole8[3];
    // 0x0F04-0x0F0C
    UInt32 CPENDSGIR[4];
    // 0x0F10 SGI Clear-Pending Registers
    UInt32 SPENDSGIR[4];
    // 0x0F20 SGI Set-Pending Registers
    UInt32 hole9[5172];
    // 0x0F30-0x5FFC
    UInt64 IROUTER[992];
    // 0x6000 Interrupt Routing Registers
    UInt32 hole10[4160];
    // 0x7F00-0xBFFC
    UInt32 ESTATUSR;
    // 0xC000 Extended Status Register
    UInt32 ERRTESTR;
    // 0xC004 Error Test Register
    UInt32 hole11[31];
    // 0xC008-0xC080
    UInt32 SPISR[30];
    // 0xC084 SPI Status Registers
    UInt32 hole12[4021];
    // 0xC0FC-0xFFCC
    UInt32 PIDR4;
    // 0xFFD0 Peripheral ID4 Register
    UInt32 PIDR5;
    // 0xFFD4 Peripheral ID5 Register
    UInt32 PIDR6;
    // 0xFFD8 Peripheral ID6 Register
    UInt32 PIDR7;
    // 0xFFDC Peripheral ID7 Register
    UInt32 PIDR0;
    // 0xFFE0 Peripheral ID0 Register
    UInt32 PIDR1;
    // 0xFFE4 Peripheral ID1 Register
    UInt32 PIDR2;
    // 0xFFE8 Peripheral ID2 Register
    UInt32 PIDR3;
    // 0xFFEC Peripheral ID3 Register
    UInt32 CIDR0;
    // 0xFFF0 Component ID0 Register
    UInt32 CIDR1;
    // 0xFFF4 Component ID1 Register
    UInt32 CIDR2;
    // 0xFFF8 Component ID2 Register
    UInt32 CIDR3;
    // 0xFFFC Component ID3 Register
} Hwi_Gicd;
struct Hwi_Gicr

Generic Interrupt Controller Redistributor Interface (RD_base). Symbol "Hwi_gicr" is a physical device

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Gicr {
    UInt32 CTLR;
    // 0x0000 Redistributor Control Register
    UInt32 IIDR;
    // 0x0004 Implementor Id Register
    UInt64 TYPER;
    // 0x0008 Redistributor Type Register
    UInt32 hole0;
    // 0x0010
    UInt32 WAKER;
    // 0x0014 Power Management Control Register
    UInt32 hole1[22];
    // 0x0018-0x006C
    // 0x0070 LPI Config Table Base Register
    // 0x0078 LPI Pending Table Base Register
} Hwi_Gicr;
struct Hwi_Gics

Generic Interrupt Controller Redistributor Interface (SGI_base). Symbol "Hwi_gics" is a physical device

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Gics {
    UInt32 hole0[32];
    // 0x0000-0x007C
    UInt32 IGROUPR0;
    // 0x0080 Interrupt Group Register
    UInt32 hole1[31];
    // 0x0084-0x00FC
    UInt32 ISENABLER0;
    // 0x0100 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    UInt32 hole2[31];
    // 0x0104-0x017C
    UInt32 ICENABLER0;
    // 0x0180 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    UInt32 hole3[31];
    // 0x0184-0x01FC
    UInt32 ISPENDR0;
    // 0x0200 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    UInt32 hole4[31];
    // 0x0204-0x027C
    UInt32 ICPENDR0;
    // 0x0280 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    UInt32 hole5[31];
    // 0x0284-0x02FC
    UInt32 ISACTIVER0;
    // 0x0300 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    UInt32 hole6[31];
    // 0x0304-0x037C
    UInt32 ICACTIVER0;
    // 0x0380 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    UInt32 hole7[31];
    // 0x0384-0x03FC
    UInt8 IPRIORITYR[32];
    // 0x0400 Interrupt Priority Registers
    UInt32 hole8[504];
    // 0x0420-0x0BFC
    UInt32 ICFGR[2];
    // 0x0C00 Interrupt Configuration Registers
    UInt32 hole9[62];
    // 0x0C08-0x0CFC
    UInt32 IGRPMODR0;
    // 0x0D00 Interrupt Group Modifier Register
    UInt32 hole10[63];
    // 0x0D04-0x0DFC
    UInt32 NSACR;
    // 0x0E00 NonSecure Access Control Register
} Hwi_Gics;
struct Hwi_Gits

Generic Interrupt Controller ITS Interface. Symbol "Hwi_gits" is a physical device

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Gits {
    UInt32 CTLR;
    // 0x00000 ITS control register
    UInt32 IIDR;
    // 0x00004 ITS ID register
    UInt64 TYPER;
    // 0x00008 ITS Type register
    UInt32 hole0[28];
    // 0x00010-0x0007C
    UInt64 CBASER;
    // 0x00080 ITS Command Queue Descriptor
    UInt64 CWRITER;
    // 0x00088 ITS Write register
    UInt64 CREADR;
    // 0x00090 ITS Read register
    UInt32 hole1[26];
    // 0x00098-0x000FC
    UInt64 BASER[8];
    // 0x00100 ITS Translation Table Descriptors
    UInt32 hole2[944];
    // 0x00140-0x0FFFC
    UInt32 hole3[16];
    // 0x10000-0x1003C
    // 0x10040 ITS Translation Register
} Hwi_Gits;
struct Hwi_HookSet

Hwi hook set type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_HookSet {
    Void (*registerFxn)(Int);
    Void (*createFxn)(IHwi_Handle,Error_Block*);
    Void (*beginFxn)(IHwi_Handle);
    Void (*endFxn)(IHwi_Handle);
    Void (*deleteFxn)(IHwi_Handle);
} Hwi_HookSet;
The functions that make up a hookSet have certain restrictions. They cannot call any Hwi instance functions other than Hwi_getHookContext() and Hwi_setHookContext(). For all practical purposes, they should treat the Hwi_Handle passed to these functions as an opaque handle.
struct Hwi_IntAffinity

Interrupt affinity type. Stores the hierarchical address (composed of different affinity levels) that uniquely identifies the core or processing element (PE) an interrupt is routed to

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_IntAffinity {
    UInt8 aff0;
    // Affinity level 0 - CoreId within cluster
    UInt8 aff1;
    // Affinity level 1 - Cluster Id
    Hwi_RoutingMode routingMode;
    // Routing Mode - ALL or particular NODE
} Hwi_IntAffinity;
The routingMode field determines whether an interrupt is routed to all nodes or a node identified by the affinity fields. This field takes the value Hwi_RoutingMode_ANY and Hwi_RoutingMode_NODE.
If BIOS.smpEnabled is true then, all interrupts are forwarded to core 0 by default. If BIOS.smpEnabled is false then, all interrupts are forwarded to all participating nodes.
This config param is ignored if Core.bootMaster is set to false.
struct Hwi_ItsTableAttrs

Attributes for all ITS/LPI tables

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_ItsTableAttrs {
    UInt8 innerCache;
    UInt8 outerCache;
    UInt8 shareability;
} Hwi_ItsTableAttrs;
struct Hwi_SgiIntAffinity

Sgi interrupt affinity type. Stores affinity and routing mode information that is used to determine which cores will the generated SGI be routed to

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_SgiIntAffinity {
    UInt8 targetList;
    // Bit map of target cores
    UInt8 aff1;
    // Identifies the target cluster
    Hwi_RoutingMode routingMode;
    // Routing Mode - ALL or NODE target list
} Hwi_SgiIntAffinity;
The routingMode field determines whether a generated SGI is routed to all cores except the core generating the SGI (Hwi_RoutingMode_ALL) or to list of target cores identified by the "targetList" and "aff1" fields (Hwi_RoutingMode_NODE).
struct Hwi_StackInfo

Structure contains Hwi stack usage info

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_StackInfo {
    SizeT hwiStackPeak;
    SizeT hwiStackSize;
    Ptr hwiStackBase;
} Hwi_StackInfo;
Used by getStackInfo() and viewGetStackInfo() functions
config Hwi_A_badSGIIntNum  // module-wide

Assert raised when an interrupt number >= 16 is passed to Hwi_raiseSGI() function

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Hwi_A_badSGIIntNum;
config Hwi_BPR  // module-wide

GIC Binary Point Register value

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Hwi_BPR;
Defines the point at which the priority value fields split into two parts, the group priority field and the sub-priority field. When running in SECURE mode, BPR applies to Group 0 interrupts and when running in NON-SECURE mode, BPR applies to Group 1 interrupts.
The group priority field determines interrupt preemption in case of nested interrupts whereas sub-priority field is used to determine priority within a group when multiple interrrupts belonging to the same group are pending.
Valid BPR values are from 0-7 with the minimum value supported being implementation defined and in the range 0-3.
  | BPR value | Group priority field | Sub-priority field |
  |     0     |         [7:1]        |         [0]        |
  |     1     |         [7:2]        |        [1:0]       |
  |     2     |         [7:3]        |        [2:0]       |
  |     3     |         [7:4]        |        [3:0]       |
  |     4     |         [7:5]        |        [4:0]       |
  |     5     |         [7:6]        |        [5:0]       |
  |     6     |          [7]         |        [6:0]       |
  |     7     |     No preemption    |        [7:0]       |
config Hwi_DEFAULT_INT_PRIORITY  // module-wide

Default Interrupt Priority

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Hwi_DEFAULT_INT_PRIORITY;
Set to one level higher than minimum supported priority.
config Hwi_DEV_TBL_NUMPAGES  // module-wide

Number of pages of size DEV_TBL_PAGESIZE for the ITS Device table

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Int Hwi_DEV_TBL_NUMPAGES;
config Hwi_DEV_TBL_PAGESIZE  // module-wide

Page size for ITS DeviceID table

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Hwi_DeviceTablePageSize Hwi_DEV_TBL_PAGESIZE;
config Hwi_E_LPISNotEnabled  // module-wide

Error raised if enableLPI = true and LPIs are not enabled

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_LPISNotEnabled;
config Hwi_E_affRoutingNotEnabled  // module-wide

Error raised if enableLPI = true and Affinity Routing is not enabled

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_affRoutingNotEnabled;
config Hwi_E_alreadyDefined  // module-wide

Error raised when an attempt is made to create a Hwi that has already been created

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_alreadyDefined;
config Hwi_E_badIntNum  // module-wide

Error raised if an attempt is made to create a Hwi with an interrupt number greater than Hwi_NUM_INTERRUPTS - 1

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_badIntNum;
config Hwi_E_cantClearLPI  // module-wide

Error raised if clearInterrupt() is called for an LPI

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_cantClearLPI;
config Hwi_E_cantPostLPI  // module-wide

Error raised if post() is called for an LPI

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_cantPostLPI;
config Hwi_E_exception  // module-wide

Error raised when an exception occurs

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_exception;
config Hwi_E_handleNotFound  // module-wide

Error raised when Hwi handle referenced in Hwi_delete() is not found in the Hwi dispatch table

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_handleNotFound;
config Hwi_E_undefined  // module-wide

Error raised when an undefined interrupt has fired

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Error_Id Hwi_E_undefined;
config Hwi_LD_end  // module-wide

Issued just after return from Hwi function (with interrupts disabled)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Log_Event Hwi_LD_end;
config Hwi_LM_begin  // module-wide

Issued just prior to Hwi function invocation (with interrupts disabled)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Log_Event Hwi_LM_begin;
config Hwi_MIN_INT_PRIORITY  // module-wide

Minimum Interrupt Priority

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Hwi_MIN_INT_PRIORITY;
config Hwi_NUM_INTERRUPTS  // module-wide

Number of interrupts implemented in GIC in total. This includes the SGI/PPI/SPI interrupts, plus LPI if enableLPI is true

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Hwi_NUM_INTERRUPTS;
NUM_INTERRUPTS increases significantly if enableLPI is true.
config Hwi_NUM_ITS_CMD_PAGES  // module-wide

Number of 4KB pages to allocate for the ITS command queue

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Int Hwi_NUM_ITS_CMD_PAGES;
The ITS command queue is used for performing ITS operations.
config Hwi_NUM_PRIORITY_BITS  // module-wide

Number of Priority bits implemented

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt Hwi_NUM_PRIORITY_BITS;
On OMAP543x running in non-secure mode, only most significant 4 priority bits are available for use. The least significant 4 bits are always 0.
config Hwi_dispatcherAutoNestingSupport  // module-wide

Include interrupt nesting logic in interrupt dispatcher?

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_dispatcherAutoNestingSupport;
Default is true.
This option provides the user with the ability to optimize interrupt dispatcher performance when support for interrupt nesting is not required.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that manipulates interrupt mask registers and enables and disables interrupts before and after invoking the user's Hwi function.
Set this parameter to false if you don't need interrupts enabled during the execution of your Hwi functions.
config Hwi_dispatcherIrpTrackingSupport  // module-wide

Controls whether the dispatcher retains the interrupted thread's return address

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_dispatcherIrpTrackingSupport;
This option is enabled by default.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that keeps track of the interrupt's return address and provide a small savings in interrupt latency.
The application can get an interrupt's most recent return address using the getIrp API.
config Hwi_dispatcherSwiSupport  // module-wide

Include Swi scheduling logic in interrupt dispatcher?

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_dispatcherSwiSupport;
Default is inherited from BIOS.swiEnabled, which is true by default.
This option provides the user with the ability to optimize interrupt dispatcher performance when it is known that Swis will not be posted from any of their Hwi threads.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that invokes the Swi scheduler prior to returning from an interrupt. With this setting, Swis MUST NOT be posted from Hwi functions!
config Hwi_dispatcherTaskSupport  // module-wide

Include Task scheduling logic in interrupt dispatcher?

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_dispatcherTaskSupport;
Default is inherited from BIOS.taskEnabled, which is true by default.
This option provides the user with the ability to optimize interrupt dispatcher performance when it is known that no Task scheduling APIs (ie Semaphore_post()) will be executed from any of their Hwi threads.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that invokes the Task scheduler prior to returning from an interrupt.
config Hwi_enableDecode  // module-wide

Enable full exception decoding, default is true

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_enableDecode;
When enabled, the exception handler will fully decode an exception and dump the registers to the system console.
When set to false, only an Error is printed on the console.
In either case, the full exception context is always saved and visible with ROV.
config Hwi_enableLPI  // module-wide

Enable LPI message-based interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_enableLPI;
This setting enables the use of LPIs with the GIC. LPIs use the ITS to translate DeviceID/EventID to an INTID in the LPI INTID space (8192 -> (<# supported INTIDs> - 1).
Enabling LPIs incurs a significant memory cost due to the much larger INTID space and the need for large SW-allocated tables. NUM_INTERRUPTS becomes significantly larger when LPIs are enabled.
config Hwi_enableSecureMode  // module-wide

Security Mode

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Hwi_enableSecureMode;
This field specifies the MPU's security mode. The MPU's security mode determines the type of accesses to the GIC i.e. if the MPU is in secure mode, all accesses to the GIC are secure and if the MPU is in non-secure mode, all accesses to the GIC are non-secure.
An exception to the above rule can be seen on certain devices like Keystone 2, where all GIC acceses are secure irrespective of the MPU's security state. enableSecureMode should be set to true for such devices.
config Hwi_itsTableAttrs  // module-wide

Default settings for ITS tables

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Hwi_ItsTableAttrs Hwi_itsTableAttrs;
config Hwi_sErrorExcHookFunc  // module-wide

User SError Exception hook function

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Hwi_ExceptionHookFuncPtr Hwi_sErrorExcHookFunc[];
Called just after the exception context has been initialized.
This function will be run on the ISR stack.
This function must run to completion.
It is called without any Task or Swi scheduling protection and therefore can not call any functions that may cause a Swi or Task scheduling operation (Swi_post(), Semaphore_post(), Event_post(), etc).
config Hwi_syncExcHookFunc  // module-wide

User Synchronous Exception hook function

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Hwi_ExceptionHookFuncPtr Hwi_syncExcHookFunc[];
Called just after the exception context has been initialized.
This function will be run on the ISR stack.
This function must run to completion.
It is called without any Task or Swi scheduling protection and therefore can not call any functions that may cause a Swi or Task scheduling operation (Swi_post(), Semaphore_post(), Event_post(), etc).
extern Hwi_gicd
C synopsis target-domain
Hwi_Gicd Hwi_gicd; // linked as extern ti_sysbios_family_arm_gicv3_Hwi_gicd
extern Hwi_gits
C synopsis target-domain
Hwi_Gits Hwi_gits; // linked as extern ti_sysbios_family_arm_gicv3_Hwi_gits
Hwi_clearInterrupt()  // module-wide

Clear a specific interrupt

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_clearInterrupt(UInt intNum);
intNum — interrupt number to clear
Clears a specific interrupt's pending status. The implementation is family-specific.
Hwi_disable()  // module-wide

Globally disable interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
macro UInt Hwi_disable();
opaque key for use by Hwi_restore()
Hwi_disable globally disables hardware interrupts and returns an opaque key indicating whether interrupts were globally enabled or disabled on entry to Hwi_disable(). The actual value of the key is target/device specific and is meant to be passed to Hwi_restore().
Call Hwi_disable before a portion of a function that needs to run without interruption. When critical processing is complete, call Hwi_restore or Hwi_enable to reenable hardware interrupts.
Servicing of interrupts that occur while interrupts are disabled is postponed until interrupts are reenabled. However, if the same type of interrupt occurs several times while interrupts are disabled, the interrupt's function is executed only once when interrupts are reenabled.
A context switch can occur when calling Hwi_enable or Hwi_restore if an enabled interrupt occurred while interrupts are disabled.
Hwi_disable may be called from main(). However, since Hwi interrupts are already disabled in main(), such a call has no effect.
Disables only IRQ interrupts
If a Task switching API such as Semaphore_pend(), Semaphore_post(), Task_sleep(), or Task_yield() is invoked which results in a context switch while interrupts are disabled, an embedded call to Hwi_enable occurs on the way to the new thread context which unconditionally re-enables interrupts. Interrupts will remain enabled until a subsequent Hwi_disable invocation.
Swis always run with interrupts enabled. See Swi_post() for a discussion Swis and interrupts.
Hwi_disableIRQ()  // module-wide

Disable IRQ interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
macro UInt Hwi_disableIRQ();
previous IRQ interrupt enable/disable state
Same as Hwi_disable()
Hwi_disableInterrupt()  // module-wide

Disable a specific interrupt

C synopsis target-domain
UInt Hwi_disableInterrupt(UInt intNum);
intNum — interrupt number to disable
key to restore previous enable/disable state
Disable a specific interrupt identified by an interrupt number.
Hwi_enable()  // module-wide

Globally enable interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
macro UInt Hwi_enable();
opaque key for use by Hwi_restore()
Hwi_enable globally enables hardware interrupts and returns an opaque key indicating whether interrupts were globally enabled or disabled on entry to Hwi_enable(). The actual value of the key is target/device specific and is meant to be passed to Hwi_restore().
This function is called as part of SYS/BIOS Startup_POST_APP_MAIN phase.
Hardware interrupts are enabled unless a call to Hwi_disable disables them.
Servicing of interrupts that occur while interrupts are disabled is postponed until interrupts are reenabled. However, if the same type of interrupt occurs several times while interrupts are disabled, the interrupt's function is executed only once when interrupts are reenabled.
A context switch can occur when calling Hwi_enable or Hwi_restore if an enabled interrupt occurred while interrupts are disabled.
Any call to Hwi_enable enables interrupts, even if Hwi_disable has been called several times.
Hwi_enable must not be called from main().
Enables only IRQ interrupts
Hwi_enableIRQ()  // module-wide

Enable IRQ interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
macro UInt Hwi_enableIRQ();
previous IRQ interrupt enable/disable state
Same as Hwi_enable()
Hwi_enableInterrupt()  // module-wide

Enable a specific interrupt

C synopsis target-domain
UInt Hwi_enableInterrupt(UInt intNum);
intNum — interrupt number to enable
key to restore previous enable/disable state
Enables a specific interrupt identified by an interrupt number.
Hwi_getCoreStackInfo()  // module-wide

Get Hwi stack usage Info for the specified coreId

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_getCoreStackInfo(IHwi_StackInfo *stkInfo, Bool computeStackDepth, UInt coreId);
stkInfo — pointer to structure of type StackInfo
computeStackDepth — decides whether to compute stack depth
coreId — core whose stack info needs to be retrieved
boolean to indicate a stack overflow
getCoreStackInfo returns the Hwi stack usage info for the specified coreId to its calling function by filling stack base address, stack size and stack peak fields in the StackInfo structure.
This function should be used only in applications built with ti.sysbios.BIOS.smpEnabled set to true.
getCoreStackInfo accepts three arguments, a pointer to a structure of type StackInfo, a boolean and a coreId. If the boolean is set to true, the function computes the stack depth and fills the stack peak field in the StackInfo structure. If a stack overflow is detected, the stack depth is not computed. If the boolean is set to false, the function only checks for a stack overflow.
The isr stack is always checked for an overflow and a boolean is returned to indicate whether an overflow occured.
Below is an example of calling getCoreStackInfo() API:
  #include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Core.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>


  Void idleTask()
      UInt idx;
      Hwi_StackInfo stkInfo;
      Bool stackOverflow = FALSE;

      // Request stack depth for each core's Hwi stack and check for
      // overflow
      for (idx = 0; idx < Core_numCores; idx++) {
          stackOverflow = Hwi_getCoreStackInfo(&stkInfo, TRUE, idx);

          // Alternately, we can omit the request for stack depth and
          // request only the stack base and stack size (the check for
          // stack overflow is always performed):
          // stackOverflow = Hwi_getCoreStackInfo(&stkInfo, FALSE, idx);

          if (stackOverflow) {
              // isr Stack Overflow detected

  Int main(Int argc, char* argv[])
      return (0);
Hwi_getHandle()  // module-wide

Returns Hwi_Handle associated with intNum

C synopsis target-domain
Hwi_Handle Hwi_getHandle(UInt intNum);
intNum — interrupt number
Hwi_getStackInfo()  // module-wide

Get Hwi stack usage Info

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_getStackInfo(IHwi_StackInfo *stkInfo, Bool computeStackDepth);
stkInfo — pointer to structure of type StackInfo
computeStackDepth — decides whether to compute stack depth
boolean to indicate a stack overflow
getStackInfo returns the Hwi stack usage info to its calling function by filling stack base address, stack size and stack peak fields in the StackInfo structure.
getStackInfo accepts two arguments, a pointer to a structure of type StackInfo and a boolean. If the boolean is set to true, the function computes the stack depth and fills the stack peak field in the StackInfo structure. If a stack overflow is detected, the stack depth is not computed. If the boolean is set to false, the function only checks for a stack overflow.
The isr stack is always checked for an overflow and a boolean is returned to indicate whether an overflow occured.
Below is an example of calling getStackInfo() API:
  #include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Hwi.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Swi.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>

  Swi_Handle swi0;
  volatile Bool swiStackOverflow = FALSE;

  Void swi0Fxn(UArg arg1, UArg arg2)
      Hwi_StackInfo stkInfo;

      // Request stack depth
      swiStackOverflow = Hwi_getStackInfo(&stkInfo, TRUE);
      // Alternately, we can omit the request for stack depth and 
      // request only the stack base and stack size (the check for
      // stack overflow is always performed):
      // swiStackOverflow = Hwi_getStackInfo(&stkInfo, FALSE);

      if (swiStackOverflow) {
          // isr Stack Overflow detected

  Void idleTask()

  Int main(Int argc, char* argv[])
      swi0 = Swi_create(swi0Fxn, NULL, NULL);

      return (0);
Hwi_itsClear()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command CLEAR

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsClear(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsDiscard()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command DISCARD

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsDiscard(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsInt()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command INT

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsInt(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsInv()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command INV

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsInv(Int deviceId, Int eventId);
Hwi_itsInvall()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command INVALL

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsInvall(Int icId);
Hwi_itsMapCollection()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command MAPC

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsMapCollection(Int icId, Int cpuNum);
Hwi_itsMapDevice()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command MAPD

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsMapDevice(Int deviceId, Int nEvents, Int size);
Hwi_itsMapInterrupt()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command MAPI

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsMapInterrupt(Int deviceId, Int eventId, Int icId);
Hwi_itsMapTranslatedInterrupt()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command MAPTI

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsMapTranslatedInterrupt(Int deviceId, Int eventId, Int icId, Int intId);
Hwi_itsMoveAll()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command MOVALL

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsMoveAll(Int fromCpuNum, Int toCpuNum);
Hwi_itsMoveInterrupt()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command MOVI

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsMoveInterrupt(Int deviceId, Int eventId, Int icId);
Hwi_itsSync()  // module-wide

Implements ITS command SYNC

C synopsis target-domain
Bool Hwi_itsSync(Int cpuNum);
Hwi_post()  // module-wide

Generate an interrupt for test purposes

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_post(UInt intNum);
intNum — ID of interrupt to generate
Hwi_restore()  // module-wide

Globally restore interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void Hwi_restore(UInt key);
key — enable/disable state to restore
Hwi_restore globally restores interrupts to the state determined by the key argument provided by a previous invocation of Hwi_disable.
A context switch may occur when calling Hwi_restore if Hwi_restore reenables interrupts and another Hwi occurred while interrupts were disabled.
Hwi_restore may be called from main(). However, since Hwi_enable cannot be called from main(), interrupts are always disabled in main(), and a call to Hwi_restore has no effect.
Restores only IRQ interrupts
Hwi_restoreIRQ()  // module-wide

Restore IRQ interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void Hwi_restoreIRQ(UInt key);
key — enable/disable state to restore
Same as Hwi_restore()
Hwi_restoreInterrupt()  // module-wide

Restore a specific interrupt's enabled/disabled state

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_restoreInterrupt(UInt intNum, UInt key);
intNum — interrupt number to restore
key — key returned from enableInt or disableInt
Restores a specific interrupt identified by an interrupt number. restoreInterrupt is generally used to restore an interrupt to its state before disableInterrupt or enableInterrupt was invoked
Hwi_setPriority()  // module-wide

Set an interrupt's priority

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_setPriority(UInt intNum, UInt priority);
intNum — ID of interrupt
priority — priority
Not an instance function so that it can be used with non-dispatched interrupts.
Hwi_startup()  // module-wide

Initially enable interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_startup();
Called within BIOS_start
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Hwi_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Hwi_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Hwi_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Hwi_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Hwi_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Hwi_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Instance Object Types

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Object Hwi_Object;
// Opaque internal representation of an instance object
typedef Hwi_Object *Hwi_Handle;
// Client reference to an instance object
typedef struct Hwi_Struct Hwi_Struct;
// Opaque client structure large enough to hold an instance object
Hwi_Handle Hwi_handle(Hwi_Struct *structP);
// Convert this instance structure pointer into an instance handle
Hwi_Struct *Hwi_struct(Hwi_Handle handle);
// Convert this instance handle into an instance structure pointer
Instance Config Parameters

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Hwi_Params {
// Instance config-params structure
    IInstance_Params *instance;
    // Common per-instance configs
    UArg arg;
    // ISR function argument. Default is 0
    Bool enableInt;
    // Enable this interrupt when object is created? Default is true
    Int eventId;
    // Interrupt event ID (Interrupt Selection Number)
    IHwi_MaskingOption maskSetting;
    // The interrupt controller is designed for priority based interrupts
    Int priority;
    // Hwi instance interrupt priority
    UInt triggerSensitivity;
    // Set an interrupt's trigger sensitivity
    Hwi_Type type;
    // Interrupt type (IRQ/FIQ). Default is IRQ
} Hwi_Params;
Void Hwi_Params_init(Hwi_Params *params);
// Initialize this config-params structure with supplier-specified defaults before instance creation
config Hwi_Params.arg  // instance

ISR function argument. Default is 0

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    UArg arg;
config Hwi_Params.enableInt  // instance

Enable this interrupt when object is created? Default is true

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    Bool enableInt;
config Hwi_Params.eventId  // instance

Interrupt event ID (Interrupt Selection Number)

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    Int eventId;
Default is -1. Not all targets/devices support this instance parameter. On those that don't, this parameter is ignored.
config Hwi_Params.maskSetting  // instance

The interrupt controller is designed for priority based interrupts

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    IHwi_MaskingOption maskSetting;
config Hwi_Params.priority  // instance

Hwi instance interrupt priority

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    Int priority;
The default value of -1 is used as a flag to indicate the lowest (logical) device-specific priority value.
Not all targets/devices support this instance parameter. On those that don't, this parameter is ignored.
Valid priorities are device dependent and their nesting behaviors depend on the BPR setting.
See the ARM GIC Architecture Specification v2.0 document for more details.
config Hwi_Params.triggerSensitivity  // instance

Set an interrupt's trigger sensitivity

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    UInt triggerSensitivity;
2-bit field that configures the trigger sensitivity of an interrupt.
On the Cortex-A15, all software generated interrupts (SGI) are edge-triggered (b10) and all private peripheral interrupts (PPI) are level-sensitive (b01). The trigger sensitivity of these interrupt types cannot be changed.
For shared peripheral interrupts (SPI), the LSB of the bit-pair is read only and is always 1. The MSB of the bit-pair can be altered to change trigger sensitivity.
Possible bit-pair encodings for Cortex-A15 SPIs: b01 Interrupt is active-High level-sensitive (default) b11 Interrupt is rising edge-sensitive
For more information please refer section 4.3.13 on Interrupt Configuration Registers (GICD_ICFGRn) in ARM Generic Interrupt Controller Architecure Spec v2.0
This Hwi param is ignored if Core.bootMaster is set to false.
config Hwi_Params.type  // instance

Interrupt type (IRQ/FIQ). Default is IRQ

C synopsis target-domain
struct Hwi_Params {
    Hwi_Type type;
FIQs are only supported when enableSecureMode is set to true.
Runtime Instance Creation

C synopsis target-domain
Hwi_Handle Hwi_create(Int intNum, IHwi_FuncPtr hwiFxn, const Hwi_Params *params, Error_Block *eb);
// Allocate and initialize a new instance object and return its handle
Void Hwi_construct(Hwi_Struct *structP, Int intNum, IHwi_FuncPtr hwiFxn, const Hwi_Params *params, Error_Block *eb);
// Initialize a new instance object inside the provided structure
intNum — interrupt number
hwiFxn — pointer to ISR function
params — per-instance config params, or NULL to select default values (target-domain only)
eb — active error-handling block, or NULL to select default policy (target-domain only)
A Hwi dispatcher table entry is created and filled with the function specified by the fxn parameter and the attributes specified by the params parameter.
If params is NULL, the Hwi's dispatcher properties are assigned a default set of values. Otherwise, the following properties are specified by a structure of type Hwi_Params.
  • The arg element is a generic argument that is passed to the plugged function as its only parameter. The default value is 0.
  • The enableInt element determines whether the interrupt should be enabled in the IER by create.
  • The maskSetting element defines the dispatcherAutoNestingSupport behavior of the interrupt.
Hwi_create returns a pointer to the created Hwi object.
Instance Deletion

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_delete(Hwi_Handle *handleP);
// Finalize and free this previously allocated instance object, setting the referenced handle to NULL
Void Hwi_destruct(Hwi_Struct *structP);
// Finalize the instance object inside the provided structure
Hwi_getFunc()  // instance

Get Hwi function and arg

C synopsis target-domain
IHwi_FuncPtr Hwi_getFunc(Hwi_Handle handle, UArg *arg);
handle — handle of a previously-created Hwi instance object
arg — pointer for returning hwi's ISR function argument
hwi's ISR function
Hwi_getHookContext()  // instance

Get hook instance's context for a Hwi

C synopsis target-domain
Ptr Hwi_getHookContext(Hwi_Handle handle, Int id);
handle — handle of a previously-created Hwi instance object
hook instance's context for hwi
Hwi_getIrp()  // instance

Get address of interrupted instruction

C synopsis target-domain
IHwi_Irp Hwi_getIrp(Hwi_Handle handle);
handle — handle of a previously-created Hwi instance object
most current IRP of a Hwi
Hwi_reconfig()  // instance

Reconfigure a dispatched interrupt

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_reconfig(Hwi_Handle handle, Hwi_FuncPtr fxn, Hwi_Params *params);
handle — handle of a previously-created Hwi instance object
Hwi_setFunc()  // instance

Overwrite Hwi function and arg

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_setFunc(Hwi_Handle handle, IHwi_FuncPtr fxn, UArg arg);
handle — handle of a previously-created Hwi instance object
fxn — pointer to ISR function
arg — argument to ISR function
Replaces a Hwi object's hwiFxn function originally provided in create.
Hwi_setFunc() is not thread safe. This means that the new value for for 'fxn' may be temporarily paired with the previous value for 'arg' if pre-emption occurs within the execution of Hwi_setFunc().
To guard against this condition, surround the Hwi_setFunc() call with calls to Hwi_disable() and Hwi_restore():
  key = Hwi_disable();

  Hwi_setFunc(newFunc, newArg);

Hwi_setHookContext()  // instance

Set hook instance's context for a Hwi

C synopsis target-domain
Void Hwi_setHookContext(Hwi_Handle handle, Int id, Ptr hookContext);
handle — handle of a previously-created Hwi instance object
id — hook instance's ID
hookContext — value to write to context
Instance Convertors

C synopsis target-domain
IHwi_Handle Hwi_Handle_upCast(Hwi_Handle handle);
// unconditionally move one level up the inheritance hierarchy
Hwi_Handle Hwi_Handle_downCast(IHwi_Handle handle);
// conditionally move one level down the inheritance hierarchy; NULL upon failure
Instance Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Int Hwi_Object_count();
// The number of statically-created instance objects
Hwi_Handle Hwi_Object_get(Hwi_Object *array, Int i);
// The handle of the i-th statically-created instance object (array == NULL)
Hwi_Handle Hwi_Object_first();
// The handle of the first dynamically-created instance object, or NULL
Hwi_Handle Hwi_Object_next(Hwi_Handle handle);
// The handle of the next dynamically-created instance object, or NULL
IHeap_Handle Hwi_Object_heap();
// The heap used to allocate dynamically-created instance objects
Types_Label *Hwi_Handle_label(Hwi_Handle handle, Types_Label *buf);
// The label associated with this instance object
String Hwi_Handle_name(Hwi_Handle handle);
// The name of this instance object
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/family/arm/gicv3/Hwi.xdc
var Hwi = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide constants & types
        const Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize_4KB;
        const Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize_16KB;
        const Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize_64KB;
    values of type Hwi.ExcType// 
        const Hwi.ExcType_Synchronous;
        const Hwi.ExcType_SError;
        const Hwi.MaskingOption_NONE;
        const Hwi.MaskingOption_ALL;
        const Hwi.MaskingOption_SELF;
        const Hwi.MaskingOption_BITMASK;
        const Hwi.MaskingOption_LOWER;
    values of type Hwi.Shareability// 
        const Hwi.NonShareable;
        const Hwi.InnerShareable;
        const Hwi.OuterShareable;
        const Hwi.Type_IRQ// IRQ interrupt;
        const Hwi.Type_FIQ// FIQ interrupt;
        obj.threadType = BIOS.ThreadType  ...
        obj.threadHandle = Ptr  ...
        obj.threadStack = Ptr  ...
        obj.threadStackSize = SizeT  ...
        obj.type = Hwi.ExcType  ...
        obj.x0 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x1 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x2 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x3 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x4 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x5 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x6 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x7 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x8 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x9 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x10 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x11 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x12 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x13 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x14 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x15 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x16 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x17 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x18 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x19 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x20 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x21 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x22 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x23 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x24 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x25 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x26 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x27 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x28 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x29 = Ptr  ...
        obj.x30 = Ptr  ...
        obj.sp = Ptr  ...
        obj.elr = Ptr  ...
        obj.spsr = Ptr  ...
        obj.esr = Ptr  ...
        obj.CTLR// 0x0000 CPU Interface Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PMR// 0x0004 Interrupt Priority Mask Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.BPR// 0x0008 Binary Point Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.IAR// 0x000C Interrupt Acknowledge Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.EOIR// 0x0010 End Of Interrupt Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.RPR// 0x0014 Running Priority Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.ABPR// 0x001C Aliased Binary Point Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.AIAR// 0x0020 Aliased IAR Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.AEOIR// 0x0024 Aliased EOI Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.AHPPIR// 0x0028 Aliased HPPI Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole0// 0x002C-0x00CC = UInt32[41]  ...
        obj.APR0// 0x00D0 Active Priority Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole1// 0x00D4-0x00DC = UInt32[3]  ...
        obj.NSAPR0// 0x00E0 Non-secure Active Priority Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole2// 0x00E4-0x00F8 = UInt32[6]  ...
        obj.IIDR// 0x00FC CPU Interface Id Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole3// 0x0100-0x0FFC = UInt32[960]  ...
        obj.DIR// 0x1000 Deactivate Interrupt Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CTLR// 0x0000 Distributor Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.TYPER// 0x0004 Interrupt Controller Type Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.IIDR// 0x0008 Distributor Implementor Id Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole0// 0x000C-0x03C = UInt32[13]  ...
        obj.SETSPI_NSR// 0x0040 Set SPI Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole1// 0x0044 = UInt32  ...
        obj.CLRSPI_NSR// 0x0048 Clear SPI Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole2// 0x004C = UInt32  ...
        obj.SETSPI_SR// 0x0050 Set SPI Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole3// 0x0054 = UInt32  ...
        obj.CLRSPI_SR// 0x0058 Clear SPI Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole4// 0x005C-0x007C = UInt32[9]  ...
        obj.IGROUPR// 0x0080 Interrupt Group Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.ISENABLER// 0x0100 Interrupt Set-Enable Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.ICENABLER// 0x0180 Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.ISPENDR// 0x0200 Interrupt Set-Pending Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.ICPENDR// 0x0280 Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.ISACTIVER// 0x0300 Interrupt Set-Active Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.ICACTIVER// 0x0380 Interrupt Clear-Active Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.IPRIORITYR// 0x0400 Interrupt Priority Registers = UInt8[992]  ...
        obj.hole5// 0x07E0-0x07FC = UInt32[8]  ...
        obj.ITARGETSR// 0x0800 Interrupt Processor Targets Register = UInt32[8]  ...
        obj.hole6// 0x0820-0x0BFC = UInt32[248]  ...
        obj.ICFGR// 0x0C00 Interrupt Configuration Registers = UInt32[64]  ...
        obj.IGRPMODR// 0x0D00 Interrupt Group Modifier Registers = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.hole7// 0x0D80-0x0DFC = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.NSACR// 0x0E00 NonSecure Access Control Registers = UInt32[64]  ...
        obj.SGIR// 0x0F00 Software Generated Interrupt Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole8// 0x0F04-0x0F0C = UInt32[3]  ...
        obj.CPENDSGIR// 0x0F10 SGI Clear-Pending Registers = UInt32[4]  ...
        obj.SPENDSGIR// 0x0F20 SGI Set-Pending Registers = UInt32[4]  ...
        obj.hole9// 0x0F30-0x5FFC = UInt32[5172]  ...
        obj.IROUTER// 0x6000 Interrupt Routing Registers = UInt64[992]  ...
        obj.hole10// 0x7F00-0xBFFC = UInt32[4160]  ...
        obj.ESTATUSR// 0xC000 Extended Status Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.ERRTESTR// 0xC004 Error Test Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole11// 0xC008-0xC080 = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.SPISR// 0xC084 SPI Status Registers = UInt32[30]  ...
        obj.hole12// 0xC0FC-0xFFCC = UInt32[4021]  ...
        obj.PIDR4// 0xFFD0 Peripheral ID4 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR5// 0xFFD4 Peripheral ID5 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR6// 0xFFD8 Peripheral ID6 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR7// 0xFFDC Peripheral ID7 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR0// 0xFFE0 Peripheral ID0 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR1// 0xFFE4 Peripheral ID1 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR2// 0xFFE8 Peripheral ID2 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.PIDR3// 0xFFEC Peripheral ID3 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CIDR0// 0xFFF0 Component ID0 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CIDR1// 0xFFF4 Component ID1 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CIDR2// 0xFFF8 Component ID2 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CIDR3// 0xFFFC Component ID3 Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CTLR// 0x0000 Redistributor Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.IIDR// 0x0004 Implementor Id Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.TYPER// 0x0008 Redistributor Type Register = UInt64  ...
        obj.hole0// 0x0010 = UInt32  ...
        obj.WAKER// 0x0014 Power Management Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole1// 0x0018-0x006C = UInt32[22]  ...
        obj.PROPBASER// 0x0070 LPI Config Table Base Register = UInt64  ...
        obj.PENDBASER// 0x0078 LPI Pending Table Base Register = UInt64  ...
        obj.hole0// 0x0000-0x007C = UInt32[32]  ...
        obj.IGROUPR0// 0x0080 Interrupt Group Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole1// 0x0084-0x00FC = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.ISENABLER0// 0x0100 Interrupt Set-Enable Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole2// 0x0104-0x017C = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.ICENABLER0// 0x0180 Interrupt Set-Enable Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole3// 0x0184-0x01FC = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.ISPENDR0// 0x0200 Interrupt Set-Enable Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole4// 0x0204-0x027C = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.ICPENDR0// 0x0280 Interrupt Set-Enable Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole5// 0x0284-0x02FC = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.ISACTIVER0// 0x0300 Interrupt Set-Enable Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole6// 0x0304-0x037C = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.ICACTIVER0// 0x0380 Interrupt Set-Enable Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole7// 0x0384-0x03FC = UInt32[31]  ...
        obj.IPRIORITYR// 0x0400 Interrupt Priority Registers = UInt8[32]  ...
        obj.hole8// 0x0420-0x0BFC = UInt32[504]  ...
        obj.ICFGR// 0x0C00 Interrupt Configuration Registers = UInt32[2]  ...
        obj.hole9// 0x0C08-0x0CFC = UInt32[62]  ...
        obj.IGRPMODR0// 0x0D00 Interrupt Group Modifier Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole10// 0x0D04-0x0DFC = UInt32[63]  ...
        obj.NSACR// 0x0E00 NonSecure Access Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CTLR// 0x00000 ITS control register = UInt32  ...
        obj.IIDR// 0x00004 ITS ID register = UInt32  ...
        obj.TYPER// 0x00008 ITS Type register = UInt64  ...
        obj.hole0// 0x00010-0x0007C = UInt32[28]  ...
        obj.CBASER// 0x00080 ITS Command Queue Descriptor = UInt64  ...
        obj.CWRITER// 0x00088 ITS Write register = UInt64  ...
        obj.CREADR// 0x00090 ITS Read register = UInt64  ...
        obj.hole1// 0x00098-0x000FC = UInt32[26]  ...
        obj.BASER// 0x00100 ITS Translation Table Descriptors = UInt64[8]  ...
        obj.hole2// 0x00140-0x0FFFC = UInt32[944]  ...
        obj.hole3// 0x10000-0x1003C = UInt32[16]  ...
        obj.TRANSLATER// 0x10040 ITS Translation Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.registerFxn = Void(*)(Int)  ...
        obj.createFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle,Error.Block*)  ...
        obj.beginFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle)  ...
        obj.endFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle)  ...
        obj.deleteFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle)  ...
        obj.aff0// Affinity level 0 - CoreId within cluster = UInt8  ...
        obj.aff1// Affinity level 1 - Cluster Id = UInt8  ...
        obj.innerCache = UInt8  ...
        obj.outerCache = UInt8  ...
        obj.shareability = UInt8  ...
        obj.targetList// Bit map of target cores = UInt8  ...
        obj.aff1// Identifies the target cluster = UInt8  ...
        obj.hwiStackPeak = SizeT  ...
        obj.hwiStackSize = SizeT  ...
        obj.hwiStackBase = Ptr  ...
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "A_badSGIIntNum: SGI intNum should be <= 15."
    Hwi.BPR// GIC Binary Point Register value = UInt undefined;
        msg: "E_LPISNotEnabled: "
        msg: "E_affRoutingNotEnabled: "
        msg: "E_alreadyDefined: Hwi already defined, intnum: %d"
        msg: "E_badIntNum, intnum: %d is out of range"
        msg: "E_cantClearLPI: intNum %d is an LPI and can't be cleared. Use Hwi_itsClear() instead."
        msg: "E_cantPostLPI: intNum %d is an LPI and can't be posted. Use Hwi_itsInt() instead."
        msg: "E_exception: A hardware exception has occurred."
        msg: "E_handleNotFound: Hwi handle not found: 0x%x"
        msg: "E_undefined: Hwi undefined, intnum: %d"
        mask: Diags.USER2,
        msg: "LD_end: hwi: 0x%x"
        mask: Diags.USER1 | Diags.USER2,
        msg: "LM_begin: hwi: 0x%x, func: 0x%x, preThread: %d, intNum: %d, irp: 0x%x"
        innerCache: Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableWAWB,
        outerCache: Hwi.OuterCache_SameAsInner,
        shareability: Hwi.NonShareable
module-wide functions
per-instance config parameters
    var params = new Hwi.Params// Instance config-params object;
        params.arg// ISR function argument. Default is 0 = UArg 0;
        params.priority// Hwi instance interrupt priority = Int -1;
per-instance creation
    var inst = Hwi.create// Create an instance-object(Int intNum, Void(*)(UArg) hwiFxn, params);

Number of interrupts implemented in GIC HW registers. This is basically the number of SGI/PPI/SPI interrupts

Configuration settings
enum Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize

Enumeration of possible page sizes for the Device table

Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize
    const Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize_4KB;
    const Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize_16KB;
    const Hwi.DeviceTablePageSize_64KB;
enum Hwi.ExcType
Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.ExcType
    const Hwi.ExcType_Synchronous;
    const Hwi.ExcType_SError;
enum Hwi.InnerCache

Enumeration of all possible ITS table inner cache settings

Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.InnerCache
    const Hwi.InnerCache_Device;
    // Device-nGnRnE
    const Hwi.InnerCache_NonCacheable;
    // Normal Inner Non-cacheable
    const Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableRAWT;
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WT
    const Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableRAWB;
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WB
    const Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableWAWT;
    // Normal Inner Cacheable WA, WT
    const Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableWAWB;
    // Normal Inner Cacheable WA, WB
    const Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableRAWAWT;
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WA, WT
    const Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableRAWAWB;
    // Normal Inner Cacheable RA, WA, WB
enum Hwi.MaskingOption

Shorthand interrupt masking options

Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.MaskingOption
    const Hwi.MaskingOption_NONE;
    const Hwi.MaskingOption_ALL;
    const Hwi.MaskingOption_SELF;
    const Hwi.MaskingOption_BITMASK;
    const Hwi.MaskingOption_LOWER;
MaskingOption_NONE — No interrupts are disabled
MaskingOption_ALL — All interrupts are disabled
MaskingOption_SELF — Only this interrupt is disabled
MaskingOption_BITMASK — User supplies interrupt enable masks
MaskingOption_LOWER — All current and lower priority interrupts are disabled.
Only a few targets/devices truly support this masking option. For those that don't, this setting is treated the same as MaskingOption_SELF.
enum Hwi.OuterCache

Enumeration of all possible ITS table outer cache settings

Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.OuterCache
    const Hwi.OuterCache_SameAsInner;
    // Same setting as InnerCache
    const Hwi.OuterCache_NonCacheable;
    // Normal Outer Non-cacheable
    const Hwi.OuterCache_CacheableRAWT;
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WT
    const Hwi.OuterCache_CacheableRAWB;
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WB
    const Hwi.OuterCache_CacheableWAWT;
    // Normal Outer Cacheable WA, WT
    const Hwi.OuterCache_CacheableWAWB;
    // Normal Outer Cacheable WA, WB
    const Hwi.OuterCache_CacheableRAWAWT;
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WA, WT
    const Hwi.OuterCache_CacheableRAWAWB;
    // Normal Outer Cacheable RA, WA, WB
enum Hwi.RoutingMode

Routing mode. ANY or NODE

Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.RoutingMode
    const Hwi.RoutingMode_NODE;
    // Route interrupt to node specified by affinity fields
    const Hwi.RoutingMode_ALL;
    // Route interrupt to all nodes
enum Hwi.Shareability
Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.Shareability
    const Hwi.NonShareable;
    const Hwi.InnerShareable;
    const Hwi.OuterShareable;
enum Hwi.Type

Interrupt type. IRQ or FIQ

Configuration settings
values of type Hwi.Type
    const Hwi.Type_IRQ;
    // IRQ interrupt
    const Hwi.Type_FIQ;
    // FIQ interrupt
struct Hwi.ExcContext

Exception Context - Register contents at the time of an exception

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.ExcContext;
    obj.threadType = BIOS.ThreadType  ...
    obj.threadHandle = Ptr  ...
    obj.threadStack = Ptr  ...
    obj.threadStackSize = SizeT  ...
    obj.type = Hwi.ExcType  ...
    obj.x0 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x1 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x2 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x3 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x4 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x5 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x6 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x7 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x8 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x9 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x10 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x11 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x12 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x13 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x14 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x15 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x16 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x17 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x18 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x19 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x20 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x21 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x22 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x23 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x24 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x25 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x26 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x27 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x28 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x29 = Ptr  ...
    obj.x30 = Ptr  ...
    obj.sp = Ptr  ...
    obj.elr = Ptr  ...
    obj.spsr = Ptr  ...
    obj.esr = Ptr  ...
struct Hwi.Gicc

Generic Interrupt Controller CPU Interface. Symbol "Hwi_gicc" is a physical device

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.Gicc;
    obj.CTLR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0000 CPU Interface Control Register
    obj.PMR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0004 Interrupt Priority Mask Register
    obj.BPR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0008 Binary Point Register
    obj.IAR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x000C Interrupt Acknowledge Register
    obj.EOIR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0010 End Of Interrupt Register
    obj.RPR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0014 Running Priority Register
    obj.HPPIR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0018 Highest Priority Pending Interrupt Register
    obj.ABPR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x001C Aliased Binary Point Register
    obj.AIAR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0020 Aliased IAR Register
    obj.AEOIR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0024 Aliased EOI Register
    obj.AHPPIR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0028 Aliased HPPI Register
    obj.hole0 = UInt32[41]  ...
    // 0x002C-0x00CC
    obj.APR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x00D0 Active Priority Register
    obj.hole1 = UInt32[3]  ...
    // 0x00D4-0x00DC
    obj.NSAPR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x00E0 Non-secure Active Priority Register
    obj.hole2 = UInt32[6]  ...
    // 0x00E4-0x00F8
    obj.IIDR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x00FC CPU Interface Id Register
    obj.hole3 = UInt32[960]  ...
    // 0x0100-0x0FFC
    obj.DIR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x1000 Deactivate Interrupt Register
struct Hwi.Gicd

Generic Interrupt Controller Distributor. Symbol "Hwi_gicd" is a physical device

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.Gicd;
    obj.CTLR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0000 Distributor Control Register
    obj.TYPER = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0004 Interrupt Controller Type Register
    obj.IIDR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0008 Distributor Implementor Id Register
    obj.hole0 = UInt32[13]  ...
    // 0x000C-0x03C
    obj.SETSPI_NSR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0040 Set SPI Register
    obj.hole1 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0044
    obj.CLRSPI_NSR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0048 Clear SPI Register
    obj.hole2 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x004C
    obj.SETSPI_SR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0050 Set SPI Register
    obj.hole3 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0054
    obj.CLRSPI_SR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0058 Clear SPI Register
    obj.hole4 = UInt32[9]  ...
    // 0x005C-0x007C
    obj.IGROUPR = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0080 Interrupt Group Registers
    obj.ISENABLER = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0100 Interrupt Set-Enable Registers
    obj.ICENABLER = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0180 Interrupt Clear-Enable Registers
    obj.ISPENDR = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0200 Interrupt Set-Pending Registers
    obj.ICPENDR = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0280 Interrupt Clear-Pending Registers
    obj.ISACTIVER = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0300 Interrupt Set-Active Registers
    obj.ICACTIVER = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0380 Interrupt Clear-Active Registers
    obj.IPRIORITYR = UInt8[992]  ...
    // 0x0400 Interrupt Priority Registers
    obj.hole5 = UInt32[8]  ...
    // 0x07E0-0x07FC
    obj.ITARGETSR = UInt32[8]  ...
    // 0x0800 Interrupt Processor Targets Register
    obj.hole6 = UInt32[248]  ...
    // 0x0820-0x0BFC
    obj.ICFGR = UInt32[64]  ...
    // 0x0C00 Interrupt Configuration Registers
    obj.IGRPMODR = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0D00 Interrupt Group Modifier Registers
    obj.hole7 = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0D80-0x0DFC
    obj.NSACR = UInt32[64]  ...
    // 0x0E00 NonSecure Access Control Registers
    obj.SGIR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0F00 Software Generated Interrupt Register
    obj.hole8 = UInt32[3]  ...
    // 0x0F04-0x0F0C
    obj.CPENDSGIR = UInt32[4]  ...
    // 0x0F10 SGI Clear-Pending Registers
    obj.SPENDSGIR = UInt32[4]  ...
    // 0x0F20 SGI Set-Pending Registers
    obj.hole9 = UInt32[5172]  ...
    // 0x0F30-0x5FFC
    obj.IROUTER = UInt64[992]  ...
    // 0x6000 Interrupt Routing Registers
    obj.hole10 = UInt32[4160]  ...
    // 0x7F00-0xBFFC
    obj.ESTATUSR = UInt32  ...
    // 0xC000 Extended Status Register
    obj.ERRTESTR = UInt32  ...
    // 0xC004 Error Test Register
    obj.hole11 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0xC008-0xC080
    obj.SPISR = UInt32[30]  ...
    // 0xC084 SPI Status Registers
    obj.hole12 = UInt32[4021]  ...
    // 0xC0FC-0xFFCC
    obj.PIDR4 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFD0 Peripheral ID4 Register
    obj.PIDR5 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFD4 Peripheral ID5 Register
    obj.PIDR6 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFD8 Peripheral ID6 Register
    obj.PIDR7 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFDC Peripheral ID7 Register
    obj.PIDR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFE0 Peripheral ID0 Register
    obj.PIDR1 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFE4 Peripheral ID1 Register
    obj.PIDR2 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFE8 Peripheral ID2 Register
    obj.PIDR3 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFEC Peripheral ID3 Register
    obj.CIDR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFF0 Component ID0 Register
    obj.CIDR1 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFF4 Component ID1 Register
    obj.CIDR2 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFF8 Component ID2 Register
    obj.CIDR3 = UInt32  ...
    // 0xFFFC Component ID3 Register
struct Hwi.Gicr

Generic Interrupt Controller Redistributor Interface (RD_base). Symbol "Hwi_gicr" is a physical device

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.Gicr;
    obj.CTLR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0000 Redistributor Control Register
    obj.IIDR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0004 Implementor Id Register
    obj.TYPER = UInt64  ...
    // 0x0008 Redistributor Type Register
    obj.hole0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0010
    obj.WAKER = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0014 Power Management Control Register
    obj.hole1 = UInt32[22]  ...
    // 0x0018-0x006C
    obj.PROPBASER = UInt64  ...
    // 0x0070 LPI Config Table Base Register
    obj.PENDBASER = UInt64  ...
    // 0x0078 LPI Pending Table Base Register
struct Hwi.Gics

Generic Interrupt Controller Redistributor Interface (SGI_base). Symbol "Hwi_gics" is a physical device

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.Gics;
    obj.hole0 = UInt32[32]  ...
    // 0x0000-0x007C
    obj.IGROUPR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0080 Interrupt Group Register
    obj.hole1 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0084-0x00FC
    obj.ISENABLER0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0100 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    obj.hole2 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0104-0x017C
    obj.ICENABLER0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0180 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    obj.hole3 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0184-0x01FC
    obj.ISPENDR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0200 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    obj.hole4 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0204-0x027C
    obj.ICPENDR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0280 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    obj.hole5 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0284-0x02FC
    obj.ISACTIVER0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0300 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    obj.hole6 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0304-0x037C
    obj.ICACTIVER0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0380 Interrupt Set-Enable Register
    obj.hole7 = UInt32[31]  ...
    // 0x0384-0x03FC
    obj.IPRIORITYR = UInt8[32]  ...
    // 0x0400 Interrupt Priority Registers
    obj.hole8 = UInt32[504]  ...
    // 0x0420-0x0BFC
    obj.ICFGR = UInt32[2]  ...
    // 0x0C00 Interrupt Configuration Registers
    obj.hole9 = UInt32[62]  ...
    // 0x0C08-0x0CFC
    obj.IGRPMODR0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0D00 Interrupt Group Modifier Register
    obj.hole10 = UInt32[63]  ...
    // 0x0D04-0x0DFC
    obj.NSACR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x0E00 NonSecure Access Control Register
struct Hwi.Gits

Generic Interrupt Controller ITS Interface. Symbol "Hwi_gits" is a physical device

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.Gits;
    obj.CTLR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x00000 ITS control register
    obj.IIDR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x00004 ITS ID register
    obj.TYPER = UInt64  ...
    // 0x00008 ITS Type register
    obj.hole0 = UInt32[28]  ...
    // 0x00010-0x0007C
    obj.CBASER = UInt64  ...
    // 0x00080 ITS Command Queue Descriptor
    obj.CWRITER = UInt64  ...
    // 0x00088 ITS Write register
    obj.CREADR = UInt64  ...
    // 0x00090 ITS Read register
    obj.hole1 = UInt32[26]  ...
    // 0x00098-0x000FC
    obj.BASER = UInt64[8]  ...
    // 0x00100 ITS Translation Table Descriptors
    obj.hole2 = UInt32[944]  ...
    // 0x00140-0x0FFFC
    obj.hole3 = UInt32[16]  ...
    // 0x10000-0x1003C
    obj.TRANSLATER = UInt32  ...
    // 0x10040 ITS Translation Register
struct Hwi.HookSet

Hwi hook set type definition

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.HookSet;
    obj.registerFxn = Void(*)(Int)  ...
    obj.createFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle,Error.Block*)  ...
    obj.beginFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle)  ...
    obj.endFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle)  ...
    obj.deleteFxn = Void(*)(IHwi.Handle)  ...
The functions that make up a hookSet have certain restrictions. They cannot call any Hwi instance functions other than Hwi_getHookContext() and Hwi_setHookContext(). For all practical purposes, they should treat the Hwi_Handle passed to these functions as an opaque handle.
struct Hwi.IntAffinity

Interrupt affinity type. Stores the hierarchical address (composed of different affinity levels) that uniquely identifies the core or processing element (PE) an interrupt is routed to

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.IntAffinity;
    obj.aff0 = UInt8  ...
    // Affinity level 0 - CoreId within cluster
    obj.aff1 = UInt8  ...
    // Affinity level 1 - Cluster Id
    obj.routingMode = Hwi.RoutingMode  ...
    // Routing Mode - ALL or particular NODE
The routingMode field determines whether an interrupt is routed to all nodes or a node identified by the affinity fields. This field takes the value Hwi_RoutingMode_ANY and Hwi_RoutingMode_NODE.
If BIOS.smpEnabled is true then, all interrupts are forwarded to core 0 by default. If BIOS.smpEnabled is false then, all interrupts are forwarded to all participating nodes.
This config param is ignored if Core.bootMaster is set to false.
struct Hwi.ItsTableAttrs

Attributes for all ITS/LPI tables

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.ItsTableAttrs;
    obj.innerCache = UInt8  ...
    obj.outerCache = UInt8  ...
    obj.shareability = UInt8  ...
struct Hwi.SgiIntAffinity

Sgi interrupt affinity type. Stores affinity and routing mode information that is used to determine which cores will the generated SGI be routed to

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.SgiIntAffinity;
    obj.targetList = UInt8  ...
    // Bit map of target cores
    obj.aff1 = UInt8  ...
    // Identifies the target cluster
    obj.routingMode = Hwi.RoutingMode  ...
    // Routing Mode - ALL or NODE target list
The routingMode field determines whether a generated SGI is routed to all cores except the core generating the SGI (Hwi_RoutingMode_ALL) or to list of target cores identified by the "targetList" and "aff1" fields (Hwi_RoutingMode_NODE).
struct Hwi.StackInfo

Structure contains Hwi stack usage info

Configuration settings
var obj = new Hwi.StackInfo;
    obj.hwiStackPeak = SizeT  ...
    obj.hwiStackSize = SizeT  ...
    obj.hwiStackBase = Ptr  ...
Used by getStackInfo() and viewGetStackInfo() functions
config Hwi.A_badSGIIntNum  // module-wide

Assert raised when an interrupt number >= 16 is passed to Hwi_raiseSGI() function

Configuration settings
Hwi.A_badSGIIntNum = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_badSGIIntNum: SGI intNum should be <= 15."
config Hwi.BPR  // module-wide

GIC Binary Point Register value

Configuration settings
Hwi.BPR = UInt undefined;
Defines the point at which the priority value fields split into two parts, the group priority field and the sub-priority field. When running in SECURE mode, BPR applies to Group 0 interrupts and when running in NON-SECURE mode, BPR applies to Group 1 interrupts.
The group priority field determines interrupt preemption in case of nested interrupts whereas sub-priority field is used to determine priority within a group when multiple interrrupts belonging to the same group are pending.
Valid BPR values are from 0-7 with the minimum value supported being implementation defined and in the range 0-3.
  | BPR value | Group priority field | Sub-priority field |
  |     0     |         [7:1]        |         [0]        |
  |     1     |         [7:2]        |        [1:0]       |
  |     2     |         [7:3]        |        [2:0]       |
  |     3     |         [7:4]        |        [3:0]       |
  |     4     |         [7:5]        |        [4:0]       |
  |     5     |         [7:6]        |        [5:0]       |
  |     6     |          [7]         |        [6:0]       |
  |     7     |     No preemption    |        [7:0]       |
config Hwi.DEFAULT_INT_PRIORITY  // module-wide

Default Interrupt Priority

Configuration settings
Hwi.DEFAULT_INT_PRIORITY = UInt undefined;
Set to one level higher than minimum supported priority.
config Hwi.DEV_TBL_NUMPAGES  // module-wide

Number of pages of size DEV_TBL_PAGESIZE for the ITS Device table

Configuration settings
config Hwi.DEV_TBL_PAGESIZE  // module-wide

Page size for ITS DeviceID table

Configuration settings
config Hwi.E_LPISNotEnabled  // module-wide

Error raised if enableLPI = true and LPIs are not enabled

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_LPISNotEnabled = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_LPISNotEnabled: "
config Hwi.E_affRoutingNotEnabled  // module-wide

Error raised if enableLPI = true and Affinity Routing is not enabled

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_affRoutingNotEnabled = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_affRoutingNotEnabled: "
config Hwi.E_alreadyDefined  // module-wide

Error raised when an attempt is made to create a Hwi that has already been created

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_alreadyDefined = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_alreadyDefined: Hwi already defined, intnum: %d"
config Hwi.E_badIntNum  // module-wide

Error raised if an attempt is made to create a Hwi with an interrupt number greater than Hwi_NUM_INTERRUPTS - 1

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_badIntNum = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_badIntNum, intnum: %d is out of range"
config Hwi.E_cantClearLPI  // module-wide

Error raised if clearInterrupt() is called for an LPI

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_cantClearLPI = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_cantClearLPI: intNum %d is an LPI and can't be cleared. Use Hwi_itsClear() instead."
config Hwi.E_cantPostLPI  // module-wide

Error raised if post() is called for an LPI

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_cantPostLPI = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_cantPostLPI: intNum %d is an LPI and can't be posted. Use Hwi_itsInt() instead."
config Hwi.E_exception  // module-wide

Error raised when an exception occurs

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_exception = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_exception: A hardware exception has occurred."
config Hwi.E_handleNotFound  // module-wide

Error raised when Hwi handle referenced in Hwi_delete() is not found in the Hwi dispatch table

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_handleNotFound = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_handleNotFound: Hwi handle not found: 0x%x"
config Hwi.E_undefined  // module-wide

Error raised when an undefined interrupt has fired

Configuration settings
Hwi.E_undefined = Error.Desc {
    msg: "E_undefined: Hwi undefined, intnum: %d"
config Hwi.LD_end  // module-wide

Issued just after return from Hwi function (with interrupts disabled)

Configuration settings
Hwi.LD_end = Log.EventDesc {
    mask: Diags.USER2,
    msg: "LD_end: hwi: 0x%x"
config Hwi.LM_begin  // module-wide

Issued just prior to Hwi function invocation (with interrupts disabled)

Configuration settings
Hwi.LM_begin = Log.EventDesc {
    mask: Diags.USER1 | Diags.USER2,
    msg: "LM_begin: hwi: 0x%x, func: 0x%x, preThread: %d, intNum: %d, irp: 0x%x"
config Hwi.MIN_INT_PRIORITY  // module-wide

Minimum Interrupt Priority

Configuration settings
Hwi.MIN_INT_PRIORITY = UInt undefined;
config Hwi.NUM_INTERRUPTS  // module-wide

Number of interrupts implemented in GIC in total. This includes the SGI/PPI/SPI interrupts, plus LPI if enableLPI is true

Configuration settings
NUM_INTERRUPTS increases significantly if enableLPI is true.
config Hwi.NUM_ITS_CMD_PAGES  // module-wide

Number of 4KB pages to allocate for the ITS command queue

Configuration settings
The ITS command queue is used for performing ITS operations.
config Hwi.NUM_PRIORITY_BITS  // module-wide

Number of Priority bits implemented

Configuration settings
Hwi.NUM_PRIORITY_BITS = UInt undefined;
On OMAP543x running in non-secure mode, only most significant 4 priority bits are available for use. The least significant 4 bits are always 0.
config Hwi.dispatcherAutoNestingSupport  // module-wide

Include interrupt nesting logic in interrupt dispatcher?

Configuration settings
Hwi.dispatcherAutoNestingSupport = Bool true;
Default is true.
This option provides the user with the ability to optimize interrupt dispatcher performance when support for interrupt nesting is not required.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that manipulates interrupt mask registers and enables and disables interrupts before and after invoking the user's Hwi function.
Set this parameter to false if you don't need interrupts enabled during the execution of your Hwi functions.
config Hwi.dispatcherIrpTrackingSupport  // module-wide

Controls whether the dispatcher retains the interrupted thread's return address

Configuration settings
Hwi.dispatcherIrpTrackingSupport = Bool true;
This option is enabled by default.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that keeps track of the interrupt's return address and provide a small savings in interrupt latency.
The application can get an interrupt's most recent return address using the getIrp API.
config Hwi.dispatcherSwiSupport  // module-wide

Include Swi scheduling logic in interrupt dispatcher?

Configuration settings
Hwi.dispatcherSwiSupport = Bool undefined;
Default is inherited from BIOS.swiEnabled, which is true by default.
This option provides the user with the ability to optimize interrupt dispatcher performance when it is known that Swis will not be posted from any of their Hwi threads.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that invokes the Swi scheduler prior to returning from an interrupt. With this setting, Swis MUST NOT be posted from Hwi functions!
config Hwi.dispatcherTaskSupport  // module-wide

Include Task scheduling logic in interrupt dispatcher?

Configuration settings
Hwi.dispatcherTaskSupport = Bool undefined;
Default is inherited from BIOS.taskEnabled, which is true by default.
This option provides the user with the ability to optimize interrupt dispatcher performance when it is known that no Task scheduling APIs (ie Semaphore_post()) will be executed from any of their Hwi threads.
Setting this parameter to false will disable the logic in the interrupt dispatcher that invokes the Task scheduler prior to returning from an interrupt.
config Hwi.enableDecode  // module-wide

Enable full exception decoding, default is true

Configuration settings
Hwi.enableDecode = Bool true;
When enabled, the exception handler will fully decode an exception and dump the registers to the system console.
When set to false, only an Error is printed on the console.
In either case, the full exception context is always saved and visible with ROV.
config Hwi.enableLPI  // module-wide

Enable LPI message-based interrupts

Configuration settings
Hwi.enableLPI = Bool false;
This setting enables the use of LPIs with the GIC. LPIs use the ITS to translate DeviceID/EventID to an INTID in the LPI INTID space (8192 -> (<# supported INTIDs> - 1).
Enabling LPIs incurs a significant memory cost due to the much larger INTID space and the need for large SW-allocated tables. NUM_INTERRUPTS becomes significantly larger when LPIs are enabled.
config Hwi.enableSecureMode  // module-wide

Security Mode

Configuration settings
Hwi.enableSecureMode = Bool false;
This field specifies the MPU's security mode. The MPU's security mode determines the type of accesses to the GIC i.e. if the MPU is in secure mode, all accesses to the GIC are secure and if the MPU is in non-secure mode, all accesses to the GIC are non-secure.
An exception to the above rule can be seen on certain devices like Keystone 2, where all GIC acceses are secure irrespective of the MPU's security state. enableSecureMode should be set to true for such devices.
config Hwi.itsTableAttrs  // module-wide

Default settings for ITS tables

Configuration settings
Hwi.itsTableAttrs = Hwi.ItsTableAttrs {
    innerCache: Hwi.InnerCache_CacheableWAWB,
    outerCache: Hwi.OuterCache_SameAsInner,
    shareability: Hwi.NonShareable
config Hwi.sErrorExcHookFunc  // module-wide

User SError Exception hook function

Configuration settings
Hwi.sErrorExcHookFunc = Hwi.ExceptionHookFuncPtr[] undefined;
Called just after the exception context has been initialized.
This function will be run on the ISR stack.
This function must run to completion.
It is called without any Task or Swi scheduling protection and therefore can not call any functions that may cause a Swi or Task scheduling operation (Swi_post(), Semaphore_post(), Event_post(), etc).
config Hwi.syncExcHookFunc  // module-wide

User Synchronous Exception hook function

Configuration settings
Hwi.syncExcHookFunc = Hwi.ExceptionHookFuncPtr[] undefined;
Called just after the exception context has been initialized.
This function will be run on the ISR stack.
This function must run to completion.
It is called without any Task or Swi scheduling protection and therefore can not call any functions that may cause a Swi or Task scheduling operation (Swi_post(), Semaphore_post(), Event_post(), etc).
metaonly config Hwi.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
Hwi.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config Hwi.excContextBuffer  // module-wide

User Exception Context Buffer Address

Configuration settings
Hwi.excContextBuffer = Ptr[] undefined;
By default, when an exception occurs, an ExcContext structure is allocated on the ISR stack and filled in within the exception handler.
If excContextBuffer is initialized by the user, the ExcContext structure will be placed at that address instead.
The buffer must be large enough to contain an ExcContext structure.
metaonly config Hwi.intAffinity  // module-wide

SMP Interrupt affinity mappings

Configuration settings
Hwi.intAffinity = UInt8[] undefined;
In SMP mode, this array maps the interrupt number to the core it is to be tied to. By default, all interrupts are routed to Core0.
For example, to route Timer 1 (from the ti.sysbios.timers.dmtimer.Timer) module interrupt to core 1 rather than core 0, add the following to your config file:
     var Hwi = xdc.useModule('');
     Hwi.intAffinity[<intNum>] = 1;
Interrupt numbers below 32 are ignored. This config param only allows routing interrupt numbers greater than or equal to #32.
metaonly config Hwi.intRouting  // module-wide

SMP Interrupt routing mappings

Configuration settings
Hwi.intRouting = Hwi.IntAffinity[] undefined;
In SMP mode, this array maps the interrupt number to the core or cores it is to be tied to. By default, all interrupts are routed to Core0.
For example, to route Timer 1 (from the ti.sysbios.timers.dmtimer.Timer) module interrupt to core 1 rather than core 0, add the following to your config file:
     var Hwi = xdc.useModule('');
     Hwi.intRouting[<intNum>] = {aff0: 1, aff1: 0,
                                        routingMode: Hwi.RoutingMode_NODE};
Interrupt numbers below 32 are ignored. This config param only allows routing interrupt numbers greater than or equal to #32.
metaonly config Hwi.itsTableMemory  // module-wide

Memory segment to use for ITS/LPI table allocations

Configuration settings
Hwi.itsTableMemory = String "DDR";
metaonly config Hwi.itsTableSection  // module-wide

Linker section to use for ITS/LPI table allocations

Configuration settings
Hwi.itsTableSection = String ".itsTables";
metaonly Hwi.addHookSet()  // module-wide

addHookSet is used in a config file to add a hook set (defined by struct HookSet)

Configuration settings
Hwi.addHookSet(IHwi.HookSet hook) returns Void
hook — structure of type HookSet
HookSet structure elements may be omitted, in which case those elements will not exist.
Instance Config Parameters

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
// Instance config-params object
    params.arg = UArg 0;
    // ISR function argument. Default is 0
    params.enableInt = Bool true;
    // Enable this interrupt when object is created? Default is true
    params.eventId = Int -1;
    // Interrupt event ID (Interrupt Selection Number)
    params.maskSetting = IHwi.MaskingOption IHwi.MaskingOption_LOWER;
    // The interrupt controller is designed for priority based interrupts
    params.priority = Int -1;
    // Hwi instance interrupt priority
    params.triggerSensitivity = UInt ~(0);
    // Set an interrupt's trigger sensitivity
    params.type = Hwi.Type Hwi.Type_IRQ;
    // Interrupt type (IRQ/FIQ). Default is IRQ
config Hwi.Params.arg  // instance

ISR function argument. Default is 0

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
params.arg = UArg 0;
config Hwi.Params.enableInt  // instance

Enable this interrupt when object is created? Default is true

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
params.enableInt = Bool true;
config Hwi.Params.eventId  // instance

Interrupt event ID (Interrupt Selection Number)

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
params.eventId = Int -1;
Default is -1. Not all targets/devices support this instance parameter. On those that don't, this parameter is ignored.
config Hwi.Params.maskSetting  // instance

The interrupt controller is designed for priority based interrupts

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
config Hwi.Params.priority  // instance

Hwi instance interrupt priority

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
params.priority = Int -1;
The default value of -1 is used as a flag to indicate the lowest (logical) device-specific priority value.
Not all targets/devices support this instance parameter. On those that don't, this parameter is ignored.
Valid priorities are device dependent and their nesting behaviors depend on the BPR setting.
See the ARM GIC Architecture Specification v2.0 document for more details.
config Hwi.Params.triggerSensitivity  // instance

Set an interrupt's trigger sensitivity

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
params.triggerSensitivity = UInt ~(0);
2-bit field that configures the trigger sensitivity of an interrupt.
On the Cortex-A15, all software generated interrupts (SGI) are edge-triggered (b10) and all private peripheral interrupts (PPI) are level-sensitive (b01). The trigger sensitivity of these interrupt types cannot be changed.
For shared peripheral interrupts (SPI), the LSB of the bit-pair is read only and is always 1. The MSB of the bit-pair can be altered to change trigger sensitivity.
Possible bit-pair encodings for Cortex-A15 SPIs: b01 Interrupt is active-High level-sensitive (default) b11 Interrupt is rising edge-sensitive
For more information please refer section 4.3.13 on Interrupt Configuration Registers (GICD_ICFGRn) in ARM Generic Interrupt Controller Architecure Spec v2.0
This Hwi param is ignored if Core.bootMaster is set to false.
config Hwi.Params.type  // instance

Interrupt type (IRQ/FIQ). Default is IRQ

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
params.type = Hwi.Type Hwi.Type_IRQ;
FIQs are only supported when enableSecureMode is set to true.
Static Instance Creation

Configuration settings
var params = new Hwi.Params;
// Allocate instance config-params
params.config =   ...
// Assign individual configs
var inst = Hwi.create(Int intNum, Void(*)(UArg) hwiFxn, params);
// Create an instance-object
intNum — interrupt number
hwiFxn — pointer to ISR function
params — per-instance config params, or NULL to select default values (target-domain only)
eb — active error-handling block, or NULL to select default policy (target-domain only)
A Hwi dispatcher table entry is created and filled with the function specified by the fxn parameter and the attributes specified by the params parameter.
If params is NULL, the Hwi's dispatcher properties are assigned a default set of values. Otherwise, the following properties are specified by a structure of type Hwi_Params.
  • The arg element is a generic argument that is passed to the plugged function as its only parameter. The default value is 0.
  • The enableInt element determines whether the interrupt should be enabled in the IER by create.
  • The maskSetting element defines the dispatcherAutoNestingSupport behavior of the interrupt.
Hwi_create returns a pointer to the created Hwi object.
generated on Tue, 19 May 2020 22:41:01 GMT