metaonly module ti.catalog.msp430.init.Boot

Boot time initialization code manager

The Boot module supports boot initialization for the MSP430 devices. A special boot init function is created based on the configuration settings for this module. This function is hooked into the xdc.runtime.Reset.fxns[] array and is called very early at boot time (prior to C runtime initialization). [ more ... ]
Configuration settings sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/init/Boot.xdc
var Boot = xdc.useModule('ti.catalog.msp430.init.Boot');
module-wide constants & types
    var obj = new Boot.ModuleView// ;
        obj.disableWatchdog = Bool  ...
        obj.watchdogAddress = UInt  ...
        obj.configureDCO = Bool  ...
        obj.useLFXT = Bool  ...
module-wide config parameters
The Boot module supports boot initialization for the MSP430 devices. A special boot init function is created based on the configuration settings for this module. This function is hooked into the xdc.runtime.Reset.fxns[] array and is called very early at boot time (prior to C runtime initialization).
The code to support the boot module is placed in a separate section named ".text:bootCodeSection" to allow placement of this section in the linker .cmd file if necessary. This section is a subsection of the ".text" section so this code will be placed into the .text section unless explicitly placed, either through Program.sectMap or through a linker command file.
struct Boot.ModuleView
Configuration settings
var obj = new Boot.ModuleView;
    obj.disableWatchdog = Bool  ...
    obj.watchdogAddress = UInt  ...
    obj.configureDCO = Bool  ...
    obj.useLFXT = Bool  ...
config Boot.configureDCO  // module-wide

Configure DCO flag

Configuration settings
Boot.configureDCO = Bool false;
The default is false. Set to true to initialize the DCO at boot.
config Boot.disableWatchdog  // module-wide

Watchdog disable flag

Configuration settings
Boot.disableWatchdog = Bool true;
The default is true. Set to false to not automatically disable the watchdog timer.
config Boot.rovViewInfo  // module-wide
Configuration settings
Boot.rovViewInfo = ViewInfo.Instance ViewInfo.create;
config Boot.useLFXT  // module-wide

Use a low frequency crystal (LFXT) reference

Configuration settings
Boot.useLFXT = Bool false;
The default is false. Set to true to indicate a 32768Hz low frequency crystal is present, and available for configuring the clock system.
This configuration parameter is utilized for only a subset of MSP430 device types, and only when configureDCO is set to true.
For FR58xx/FR59xx devices: if useLFXT is set to true, an LFXT will be used as reference, for generating more accurate clock frequencies. Othewise, and by default, MODOSC will be used as reference.
For all other MSP430 device types: at present, the useLFXT parameter will be ignored, and an internal reference will be used instead.
config Boot.watchdogAddress  // module-wide

Watchdog control register address

Configuration settings
Boot.watchdogAddress = UInt 0x15c;
The default (0x15c) is set for MSP430F54xx and MSP430F552x devices. Change for other devices.
generated on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 20:00:36 GMT