
ARM Cache Module

This module manages the data and instruction caches on Cortex A9 processors. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/family/arm/a9/Cache.xdc
#include <ti/sysbios/family/arm/a9/Cache.h>
Functions common to all ICache modules
Cache_wb// Backend for ti.sysbios.hal.Cache.wb()(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
Cache_wbInv// Backend for ti.sysbios.hal.Cache.wbInv()(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
Functions common to all target modules
typedef Void 
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef enum
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Assert_Id 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
extern const UInt32 
extern const Bool 
extern const UInt8 
extern const Bool 
extern const Bool 
Cache_l2ControllerRegs// ; // linked as extern ti_sysbios_family_arm_a9_Cache_l2ControllerRegs
This module manages the data and instruction caches on Cortex A9 processors.
It provides a list of functions that perform cache operations. The functions operate on a per cache line except for the 'All' functions which operate on the entire cache specified. Any Address that is not aligned to a cache line gets rounded down to the address of the nearest cache line.
The L1 data and program caches as well as the L2 cache are enabled by default early during the startup sequence (prior to any Module_startup()s).
Data caching requires the MMU to be enabled and the cacheable attribute of the section/page descriptor for a corresponding memory region to be enabled. Program caching does not require the MMU to be enabled and therefore occurs when the L1 program cache is enabled.
Note: See the module for information about the MMU.
Here's an example showing how to enable L2 interrupt and register an interrupt callback function:
*.cfg config script:

  var Cache = xdc.useModule('');
  Cache.enableL2Interrupt = true;
  Cache.l2InterruptFunc = '&cacheIntHandler';
C source file:

  Void cacheIntHandler(UArg arg0)
      System_printf("Interrupt Mask: %u \n", arg0);
Unconstrained Functions All functions

Calling Context

Function Hwi Swi Task Main Startup
configureL2EventCounter Y Y Y Y Y
disable Y Y Y Y Y
disableL1Prefetch Y Y Y Y Y
disableL2EventCounters Y Y Y Y Y
enable Y Y Y Y Y
enableL1Prefetch Y Y Y Y Y
enableL2EventCounters Y Y Y Y Y
resetL2EventCounter Y Y Y Y Y
getL2EventCount Y Y Y Y Y
getL2PrefetchControl Y Y Y Y Y
setL2PrefetchControl Y Y Y Y Y
getL2AuxControlReg Y Y Y Y Y
setL2AuxControlReg Y Y Y Y Y
inv Y Y Y Y Y
invL1dAll Y Y Y Y Y
invL1pAll Y Y Y Y Y
invL2All Y Y Y Y Y
wait Y Y Y Y Y
wb Y Y Y Y Y
wbInv Y Y Y Y Y
wbInvL1dAll Y Y Y Y Y
wbL1dAll Y Y Y Y Y
lock Y Y Y Y Y
unlock Y Y Y Y Y
  • Hwi: API is callable from a Hwi thread.
  • Swi: API is callable from a Swi thread.
  • Task: API is callable from a Task thread.
  • Main: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • In your module startup after this module is started (e.g. Cache_Module_startupDone() returns TRUE).
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.lastFxns.
    • During main().
    • During BIOS.startupFxns.
  • Startup: API is callable during any of these phases:
    • During xdc.runtime.Startup.firstFxns.
    • In your module startup before this module is started (e.g. Cache_Module_startupDone() returns FALSE).
const Cache_sizeL1dCacheLine

Size of L1 data cache Line

C synopsis target-domain
#define Cache_sizeL1dCacheLine (UInt)32
const Cache_sizeL1pCacheLine

Size of L1 program cache Line

C synopsis target-domain
#define Cache_sizeL1pCacheLine (UInt)32
const Cache_sizeL2CacheLine

Size of L2 cache Line

C synopsis target-domain
#define Cache_sizeL2CacheLine (UInt)32
enum Cache_L2CounterIntType

Lists of bitmask for event counter interrupt generation types

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_L2CounterIntType {
    // Disabled
    // Interrupt generated on counter increment
    // Interrupt generated on counter overflow
} Cache_L2CounterIntType;
enum Cache_L2EventSource

Lists of bitmask for event sources to the L2 Cache event counter

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_L2EventSource {
    // Counter Disabled
    // Eviction of a line from the L2 cache
    // Data read hit in the L2 cache
    // Data read lookup to the L2 cache. Results in a hit or miss
    // Data write hit in the L2 cache
    // Data write lookup to the L2 cache. Results in a hit or miss
    // Data write lookup to L2 cache with Write-Through attribute. Results in a hit or miss
    // Instruction read hit in the L2 cache
    // Instruction read lookup to the L2 cache. Results in a hit or miss
    // Allocation into L2 cache caused by a write, with Write-Allocate attribute. Result of a cache miss
    // Allocation of a prefetch generated by L2 cache controller into L2 cache
    // Prefetch hint hits in the L2 cache
    // Prefetch hint allocated into L2 cache
    // Speculative read received by slave port S0/1
    // Speculative read confirmed in slave port S0/1
    // Prefetch hint received by slave port S0/1
} Cache_L2EventSource;
enum Cache_Type

Lists of bitmask cache types

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum Cache_Type {
    // Level 1 Program cache
    // Level 1 Data cache
    // Level 1 caches
    // Level 2 Program cache
    // Level 2 Data cache
    // Level 2 caches
    // All Program caches
    // All Data caches
    // All caches
} Cache_Type;
typedef Cache_CacheIntHandlerFuncPtr

Cache interrupt handler function type definition

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*Cache_CacheIntHandlerFuncPtr)(UArg);
struct Cache_L2ControllerRegs

PL310 L2 Cache controller registers. Symbol "Cache_l2ControllerRegs" is a physical device

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct Cache_L2ControllerRegs {
    UInt32 CACHEID;
    // 0x000 Cache Id Register
    // 0x004 Cache Type Register
    UInt32 hole0[62];
    // 0x008-0x0FC
    UInt32 CONTROL;
    // 0x100 Control Register
    // 0x104 Auxiliary Control Register
    // 0x108 Tag RAM Latency Control Register
    // 0x10C Data RAM Latency Control Register
    UInt32 hole1[60];
    // 0x110-0x1FC
    // 0x200 Event Counter Control Register
    // 0x204 Event Counter1 Config Register
    // 0x208 Event Counter0 Config Register
    UInt32 EVCOUNTER1;
    // 0x20C Event Counter1 Value Register
    UInt32 EVCOUNTER0;
    // 0x210 Event Counter0 Value Register
    UInt32 INTMASK;
    // 0x214 Interrupt Mask Register
    // 0x218 Interrupt Mask Status Register
    // 0x21C Interrupt Raw Status Register
    UInt32 INTCLEAR;
    // 0x220 Interrupt Clear Register
    UInt32 hole2[323];
    // 0x224-0x72C
    // 0x730 Cache Sync Register
    UInt32 hole3[15];
    // 0x734-0x76C
    UInt32 INVPA;
    // 0x770 Invalidate By Physical Address
    UInt32 hole4[2];
    // 0x774-0x778
    UInt32 INVWAY;
    // 0x77C Invalidate By Way Number
    UInt32 hole5[12];
    // 0x780-0x7AC
    UInt32 CLEANPA;
    // 0x7B0 Clean By Physical Address
    UInt32 hole6[1];
    // 0x7B4
    // 0x7B8 Clean by Set or Way
    UInt32 CLEANWAY;
    // 0x7BC Clean by Way
    UInt32 hole7[12];
    // 0x7C0-0x7EC
    // 0x7F0 Clean & Invalidate by Phy Address
    UInt32 hole8[1];
    // 0x7F4
    // 0x7F8 Clean & Invalidate By Set or Way
    // 0x7FC Clean & Invalidate By Way
    UInt32 hole9[64];
    // 0x800-0x8FC
    UInt32 LOCKDOWN[16];
    // 0x900-0x93C D & I Cache Lockdown regs
    UInt32 hole10[4];
    // 0x940-0x94C
    // 0x950 Lock Line Enable
    // 0x954 Unlock Way
    UInt32 hole11[170];
    // 0x958-0xBFC
    // 0xC00 Address Filtering Start
    // 0xC04 Address Filtering End
    UInt32 hole12[206];
    // 0xC08-0xF3C
    // 0xF40 Debug Register
    UInt32 hole13[7];
    // 0xF44-0xF5C
    // 0xF60 Prefetch Control Register
    UInt32 hole14[7];
    // 0xF64-0xF7C
    // 0xF80 Power Control Register
} Cache_L2ControllerRegs;
config Cache_A_badBlockLength  // module-wide

Asserted in Cache_lock (see Cache_lock for more info)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_badBlockLength;
config Cache_A_badInvCallWithL2En  // module-wide

Assert raised when Cache invalidate called with L2 enabled

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_badInvCallWithL2En;
config Cache_A_badL2CacheOperation  // module-wide

Assert raised when attempting to perform a L2 Cache maintenance operation with L2 configured as SRAM memory

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_badL2CacheOperation;
config Cache_A_blockCrossesPage  // module-wide

Asserted in Cache_lock (see Cache_lock for more info)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_blockCrossesPage;
config Cache_A_invalidL2CounterId  // module-wide

Assert raised when invalid counter id passed to L2 cache event counter APIs

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_invalidL2CounterId;
config Cache_A_l1PrefetchApiNotSupported  // module-wide

Assert raised when an unsupported API is called

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_l1PrefetchApiNotSupported;
config Cache_A_noNonSecureInterruptAccess  // module-wide

Assert raised when enableL2CacheInterruot is set to true, but interrupt control through non-secure access is not allowed

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_noNonSecureInterruptAccess;
config Cache_A_noNonSecureLockdown  // module-wide

Assert raised when Cache_lock() called but non-secure lockdown is not enabled

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Assert_Id Cache_A_noNonSecureLockdown;
config Cache_branchPredictionEnabled  // module-wide

Enable Branch Prediction at startup, default is true

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_branchPredictionEnabled;
This flag controls whether Branch Prediction should be automatically enabled or disabled during system startup.
Upon reset, the A9's Program Flow Prediction (Branch Prediction) feature is disabled.
config Cache_configureL2Sram  // module-wide

Configure L2 as cache or SRAM memory

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_configureL2Sram;
By default, when the device resets, it will be set as cache. If this parameter is set to "true", L2 cache will be configured as SRAM memory during startup.
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache_enableCache  // module-wide

Enable L1 and L2 data and program caches

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_enableCache;
To enable a subset of the caches, set this parameter to 'false' and call Cache_enable() within main, passing it only the Cache_Type(s) to be enabled.
Data caching requires the MMU and the memory section/page descriptor cacheable attribute to be enabled.
config Cache_enableL2Interrupt  // module-wide

This flag controls whether L2 Cache Controller interrupt is enabled. (default is true)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_enableL2Interrupt;
If this flag is enabled, this cache module will enable all L2 cache controller interrupts and register a L2 cache interrupt handler that will call the l2InterruptFunc if a callback function is registered. The callback function is passed the contents of the Masked Interrupt Status Register.
The L2 cache interrupt handler will detect any L2 cache errors and the errors will be visible in this module's ROV view. The handler also ackowledges the interrupt.
config Cache_l2DataPrefetchEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Data prefetching

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_l2DataPrefetchEnable;
config Cache_l2DoubleLinefillEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Double Linefill

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_l2DoubleLinefillEnable;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache_l2IncrDoubleLinefillEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Double Linefill on Incrementing reads

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_l2IncrDoubleLinefillEnable;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache_l2InstructionPrefetchEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Instruction prefetching

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_l2InstructionPrefetchEnable;
config Cache_l2InterruptFunc  // module-wide

Function called when a L2 cache Interrupt occurs

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Cache_CacheIntHandlerFuncPtr Cache_l2InterruptFunc;
The function is passed the contents of the Masked Interrupt Status Register as an argument.
  Masked Interrupt Status Register bit assignments
  |  Bits | Field                                        | Description   |
  |  31:9 | Reserved                                     | Read as 0     |
  |   8   | Decode error received on master port from L3 |               |
   ------------------------------------------------------                |
  |   7   | Slave error received on master port from L3  | A 1 indicates |
   ------------------------------------------------------  the status of |
  |   6   | Error on L2 data RAM read                    | the input line|
   ------------------------------------------------------  triggering    |
  |   5   | Error on L2 tag RAM read                     | an interrupt. |
   ------------------------------------------------------                |
  |   4   | Error on L2 data RAM write                   | A 0 indicates |
   ------------------------------------------------------  either no     |
  |   3   | Error on L2 tag RAM write                    | interrupt has |
   ------------------------------------------------------  been generated|
  |   2   | Parity error on L2 data RAM read             | or the        |
   ------------------------------------------------------  interrupt is  |
  |   1   | Parity error on L2 tag RAM read              | masked.       |
   ------------------------------------------------------                |
  |   0   | Event counter 0/1 overflow/increment         |               |
config Cache_l2InterruptMask  // module-wide

L2 cache Interrupt mask

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 Cache_l2InterruptMask;
This mask controls which L2 cache Interrupts are enabled when enableL2Interrupt is true. By default, all interrupts are enabled.
config Cache_l2PrefetchDropEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 prefetch drop

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_l2PrefetchDropEnable;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache_l2PrefetchOffset  // module-wide

Prefetch offset for subsequent cache line prefetches

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt8 Cache_l2PrefetchOffset;
L2C-310 supports offset values of 0-7, 15, 23 and 31 only.
This field has affect only if L2 data/instruction prefetching is enabled.
config Cache_l2WrapDoubleLinefillEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Double Linefill on Wrapping reads

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_l2WrapDoubleLinefillEnable;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache_unlockL2Cache  // module-wide

Unlock all L2 cache ways at startup, default is true

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool Cache_unlockL2Cache;
Ordinarily, the L2 cache ways should all be unlocked at system startup.
During development using CCS, if the application exits while L2 cache ways are locked, the soft-reset function DOES NOT unlock the L2 cache ways. To overcome this problem, the L2 cache ways are unlocked during Cache module startup.
If for any reason this behavior is undesirable, setting this config parameter to false will disable the automatic unlocking of the L2 cache ways.
extern Cache_l2ControllerRegs
C synopsis target-domain
Cache_L2ControllerRegs Cache_l2ControllerRegs; // linked as extern ti_sysbios_family_arm_a9_Cache_l2ControllerRegs
Cache_configureL2EventCounter()  // module-wide

Sets the event source and interrupt generation type for the specified L2 Cache event counter

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_configureL2EventCounter(UInt counterId, Cache_L2EventSource eventSource, Cache_L2CounterIntType interruptType);
counterId — Event counter Id (0/1)
eventSource — Counter event source
interruptType — Bit mask of event counter interrupt generation type
This API disables the event counter before updating the event counter config registers.
Cache_disable()  // module-wide

Backend for ti.sysbios.hal.Cache.disable()

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_disable(Bits16 type);
type — bit mask of Cache type
This function disables interrupts while performing L1 and L2 cache maintenance operations. It can affect interrupt latency and should not be called unless absolutely necessary.
Cache_disableBP()  // module-wide

Disable Branch Prediction

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_disableBP();
Calling this API will disable branch prediction.
Upon reset, the A9's Program Flow Prediction (Branch Prediction) feature is disabled.
Cache_disableL1Prefetch()  // module-wide

Disable L1 data prefetching

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_disableL1Prefetch();
This API is only supported on AM437X.
Cache_disableL2EventCounters()  // module-wide

Disables the L2 Cache event counters

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_disableL2EventCounters();
Cache_enable()  // module-wide

Enables all cache(s)

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_enable(Bits16 type);
type — bit mask of Cache type
Cache_enableBP()  // module-wide

Enable Branch Prediction

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_enableBP();
Calling this API will enable branch prediction.
Upon reset, the A9's Program Flow Prediction (Branch Prediction) feature is disabled.
Cache_enableL1Prefetch()  // module-wide

Enable L1 data prefetching

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_enableL1Prefetch();
This API is only supported on AM437X.
Cache_enableL2EventCounters()  // module-wide

Enables the L2 Cache event counters

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_enableL2EventCounters();
Cache_getL2AuxControlReg()  // module-wide

Get current L2 Aux Control register contents

C synopsis target-domain
Bits32 Cache_getL2AuxControlReg();
Refer ARM PL310 Cache Controller Reference Manual for a description of the Auxiliary Control Register.
Cache_getL2EventCount()  // module-wide

Return counter register value for the specified L2 Cache event counter

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 Cache_getL2EventCount(UInt counterId);
counterId — Event counter Id (0/1)
Event count
Cache_getL2PrefetchControl()  // module-wide

Get current L2 prefetch control register contents

C synopsis target-domain
Bits32 Cache_getL2PrefetchControl();
Refer ARM PL310 Cache Controller Reference Manual for a description of the Prefetch Control Register.
Cache_inv()  // module-wide

Invalidate the range of memory within the specified starting address and byte count. The range of addresses operated on gets quantized to whole cache lines in each cache. All lines in range are invalidated for all the 'type' caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_inv(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
blockPtr — start address of range to be invalidated
byteCnt — number of bytes to be invalidated
type — bit mask of Cache type
wait — wait until the operation is completed
Cache_invL1dAll()  // module-wide

Invalidate all of L1 data cache

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_invL1dAll();
This function should be used with caution. In general, the L1 data cache may contain some stack variable or valid data that should not be invalidated. This function should be used only when all contents of L1 data cache are unwanted.
Cache_invL1pAll()  // module-wide

Invalidate all of L1 program cache

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_invL1pAll();
Cache_invL2All()  // module-wide

Invalidate entire L2 unified cache

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_invL2All();
This function should only be called with the L2 cache disabled. If called with cache enabled, it will generate an assertion failure.
Cache_lock()  // module-wide

Loads and locks a memory block into the L2 cache

C synopsis target-domain
UInt Cache_lock(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt);
blockPtr — start address of range to be locked
byteCnt — number of bytes to be locked
key = bitmask of L2 cache "way" used
A block of memory is loaded into the L2 cache and a corresponding L2 cache "way" is locked.
The memory block is loaded into cache one L2 cache line at a time.
The returned key is a bitmask of the L2 cache "way" used to lock the memory block. This key should be passed in a subsequent call to Cache_unlock() if the memory block is to be unlocked.
If the key returned is zero, then the lock operation failed due to insufficient cache "ways" remaining to perform the operation. The locking algorithm requires at least two unlocked cache ways: one for the memory block, and one for the locking code itself.
The A9 external L2 cache can be an 8 or 16 way cache. Locking a cache way consumes 1/8 or 1/16 of the total L2 cache, regardless of the actual memory block size. For instance, if the size of L2 cache is 256K bytes and the L2 is configured as a 16 way cache, locking ANY size memory block into a way will tie up 16K bytes of L2 cache.
The byteCnt argument must be less than or equal to an L2 "way" size. Locking memory blocks larger than a way page size requires calling this API multiple times. An assert is generated if this rule is violated.
The memory block must not cross an L2 "way" page boundary. Locking memory blocks that cross way page boundaries requires calling this API multiple times. An assert is generated if this rule is violated.
Except for the normal L1 instruction cache behavior during code execution, the L1 instruction cache is unaffected by this API. The L1 data cache will be temporarily polluted by the contents of the referenced memory block.
Interrupts are disabled for the entire time the memory block is being loaded into cache. For this reason, use of this API is probably best at system intialization time (ie: within 'main()').
Cache_resetL2EventCounter()  // module-wide

Reset the specified L2 Cache event counter

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_resetL2EventCounter(UInt counterId);
counterId — Event counter Id (0/1)
Cache_setL2AuxControlReg()  // module-wide

Set L2 Aux Control register

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_setL2AuxControlReg(Bits32 arg);
Refer ARM PL310 Cache Controller Reference Manual for a description of the Auxiliary Control Register.
Cache_setL2PrefetchControl()  // module-wide

Set L2 prefetch control register

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_setL2PrefetchControl(UInt32 regVal);
Refer ARM PL310 Cache Controller Reference Manual for a description of the Prefetch Control Register.
Cache_unlock()  // module-wide

Unlocks an L2 cache way

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_unlock(UInt key);
key — Key returned by Cache_lock()
Unlocks the L2 cache "way" locked by Cache_lock().
Multiple L2 cache "ways" can be unlocked simultaneously by "or-ing" together the bitmasks returned from several invocations of Cache_lock().
Cache_wait()  // module-wide

Backend for ti.sysbios.hal.Cache.wait()

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wait();
Wait for the cache wb/wbInv/inv operation to complete. A cache operation is not truly complete until it has worked its way through all buffering and all memory writes have landed in the source memory.
Implementation for this API uses Data Synchronization Barrier (DSB) ARM instruction.
Cache_wb()  // module-wide

Backend for ti.sysbios.hal.Cache.wb()

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wb(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
blockPtr — start address of range to be invalidated
byteCnt — number of bytes to be invalidated
type — bit mask of Cache type
wait — wait until the operation is completed
Writes back the range of memory within the specified starting address and byte count. The range of addresses operated on gets quantized to whole cache lines in each cache. All lines within the range are left valid in the 'type' caches and the data within the range will be written back to the source memory.
This function ignores the 'type' argument and does a write-back on both L1 data and L2 caches.
Cache_wbAll()  // module-wide

Write back all caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbAll();
Perform a global write back. There is no effect on program cache. All data cache lines are left valid.
Cache_wbInv()  // module-wide

Backend for ti.sysbios.hal.Cache.wbInv()

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbInv(Ptr blockPtr, SizeT byteCnt, Bits16 type, Bool wait);
blockPtr — start address of range to be invalidated
byteCnt — number of bytes to be invalidated
type — bit mask of Cache type
wait — wait until the operation is completed
This function ignores the 'type' argument and does a write-back invalidate on both L1 data and L2 caches.
Cache_wbInvAll()  // module-wide

Write back invalidate all caches

C synopsis target-domain
Void Cache_wbInvAll();
Performs a global write back and invalidate. All cache lines are written out to physical memory and then invalidated.
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId Cache_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool Cache_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle Cache_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool Cache_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 Cache_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void Cache_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sysbios/family/arm/a9/Cache.xdc
var Cache = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide constants & types
        const Cache.Type_L1D// Level 1 Data cache;
        const Cache.Type_L1// Level 1 caches;
        const Cache.Type_L2D// Level 2 Data cache;
        const Cache.Type_L2// Level 2 caches;
        const Cache.Type_ALLP// All Program caches;
        const Cache.Type_ALLD// All Data caches;
        const Cache.Type_ALL// All caches;
        obj.CACHEID// 0x000 Cache Id Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.CACHETYPE// 0x004 Cache Type Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole0// 0x008-0x0FC = UInt32[62]  ...
        obj.CONTROL// 0x100 Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.AUXCONTROL// 0x104 Auxiliary Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.TAGRAMCONTROL// 0x108 Tag RAM Latency Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.DATARAMCONTROL// 0x10C Data RAM Latency Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole1// 0x110-0x1FC = UInt32[60]  ...
        obj.EVCOUNTERCTRL// 0x200 Event Counter Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.EVCOUNTER1CFG// 0x204 Event Counter1 Config Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.EVCOUNTER0CFG// 0x208 Event Counter0 Config Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.EVCOUNTER1// 0x20C Event Counter1 Value Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.EVCOUNTER0// 0x210 Event Counter0 Value Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.INTMASK// 0x214 Interrupt Mask Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.INTMASKSTATUS// 0x218 Interrupt Mask Status Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.INTRAWSTATUS// 0x21C Interrupt Raw Status Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.INTCLEAR// 0x220 Interrupt Clear Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole2// 0x224-0x72C = UInt32[323]  ...
        obj.CACHESYNC// 0x730 Cache Sync Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole3// 0x734-0x76C = UInt32[15]  ...
        obj.INVPA// 0x770 Invalidate By Physical Address = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole4// 0x774-0x778 = UInt32[2]  ...
        obj.INVWAY// 0x77C Invalidate By Way Number = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole5// 0x780-0x7AC = UInt32[12]  ...
        obj.CLEANPA// 0x7B0 Clean By Physical Address = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole6// 0x7B4 = UInt32[1]  ...
        obj.CLEANINDEX// 0x7B8 Clean by Set or Way = UInt32  ...
        obj.CLEANWAY// 0x7BC Clean by Way = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole7// 0x7C0-0x7EC = UInt32[12]  ...
        obj.CLEANINVPA// 0x7F0 Clean & Invalidate by Phy Address = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole8// 0x7F4 = UInt32[1]  ...
        obj.CLEANINVINDEX// 0x7F8 Clean & Invalidate By Set or Way = UInt32  ...
        obj.CLEANINVWAY// 0x7FC Clean & Invalidate By Way = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole9// 0x800-0x8FC = UInt32[64]  ...
        obj.LOCKDOWN// 0x900-0x93C D & I Cache Lockdown regs = UInt32[16]  ...
        obj.hole10// 0x940-0x94C = UInt32[4]  ...
        obj.LOCKLINEEN// 0x950 Lock Line Enable = UInt32  ...
        obj.UNLOCKWAY// 0x954 Unlock Way = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole11// 0x958-0xBFC = UInt32[170]  ...
        obj.ADDRFILTERSTART// 0xC00 Address Filtering Start = UInt32  ...
        obj.ADDRFILTEREND// 0xC04 Address Filtering End = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole12// 0xC08-0xF3C = UInt32[206]  ...
        obj.DEBUGCTRL// 0xF40 Debug Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole13// 0xF44-0xF5C = UInt32[7]  ...
        obj.PREFETCHCTRL// 0xF60 Prefetch Control Register = UInt32  ...
        obj.hole14// 0xF64-0xF7C = UInt32[7]  ...
        obj.POWERCTRL// 0xF80 Power Control Register = UInt32  ...
module-wide config parameters
        msg: "A_badBlockLength: Block length too large. Must be <= L2 way size."
        msg: "A_badInvCallWithL2En: Cannot call cache Invalidate with L2 cache enabled."
        msg: "A_badL2CacheOperation: Cannot perform L2 Cache maintenance when L2 configured as SRAM."
        msg: "A_blockCrossesPage: Memory block crosses L2 way page boundary."
        msg: "A_invalidL2CounterId: Invalid L2 cache event counter Id passed."
        msg: "A_l1PrefetchApiNotSupported: Cache_enableL1Prefetch()/Cache_disableL1Prefetch() APIs not supported on this device."
        msg: "A_noNonSecureInterruptAccess: Non-secure interrupt access control disabled."
        msg: "A_noNonSecureLockdown: Non-secure lockdown is not enabled."
const Cache.sizeL1dCacheLine

Size of L1 data cache Line

Configuration settings
const Cache.sizeL1dCacheLine = 32;
const Cache.sizeL1pCacheLine

Size of L1 program cache Line

Configuration settings
const Cache.sizeL1pCacheLine = 32;
const Cache.sizeL2CacheLine

Size of L2 cache Line

Configuration settings
const Cache.sizeL2CacheLine = 32;
enum Cache.L2CounterIntType

Lists of bitmask for event counter interrupt generation types

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.L2CounterIntType
    const Cache.L2CounterIntType_DISABLED;
    // Disabled
    const Cache.L2CounterIntType_INCREMENT;
    // Interrupt generated on counter increment
    const Cache.L2CounterIntType_OVERFLOW;
    // Interrupt generated on counter overflow
enum Cache.L2EventSource

Lists of bitmask for event sources to the L2 Cache event counter

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.L2EventSource
    const Cache.L2EventSource_DISABLED;
    // Counter Disabled
    const Cache.L2EventSource_CO;
    // Eviction of a line from the L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_DRHIT;
    // Data read hit in the L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_DRREQ;
    // Data read lookup to the L2 cache. Results in a hit or miss
    const Cache.L2EventSource_DWHIT;
    // Data write hit in the L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_DWREQ;
    // Data write lookup to the L2 cache. Results in a hit or miss
    const Cache.L2EventSource_DWTREQ;
    // Data write lookup to L2 cache with Write-Through attribute. Results in a hit or miss
    const Cache.L2EventSource_IRHIT;
    // Instruction read hit in the L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_IRREQ;
    // Instruction read lookup to the L2 cache. Results in a hit or miss
    const Cache.L2EventSource_WA;
    // Allocation into L2 cache caused by a write, with Write-Allocate attribute. Result of a cache miss
    const Cache.L2EventSource_IPFALLOC;
    // Allocation of a prefetch generated by L2 cache controller into L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_EPFHIT;
    // Prefetch hint hits in the L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_EPFALLOC;
    // Prefetch hint allocated into L2 cache
    const Cache.L2EventSource_SRRCVD;
    // Speculative read received by slave port S0/1
    const Cache.L2EventSource_SRCONF;
    // Speculative read confirmed in slave port S0/1
    const Cache.L2EventSource_EPFRCVD;
    // Prefetch hint received by slave port S0/1
enum Cache.Type

Lists of bitmask cache types

Configuration settings
values of type Cache.Type
    const Cache.Type_L1P;
    // Level 1 Program cache
    const Cache.Type_L1D;
    // Level 1 Data cache
    const Cache.Type_L1;
    // Level 1 caches
    const Cache.Type_L2P;
    // Level 2 Program cache
    const Cache.Type_L2D;
    // Level 2 Data cache
    const Cache.Type_L2;
    // Level 2 caches
    const Cache.Type_ALLP;
    // All Program caches
    const Cache.Type_ALLD;
    // All Data caches
    const Cache.Type_ALL;
    // All caches
struct Cache.L2ControllerRegs

PL310 L2 Cache controller registers. Symbol "Cache_l2ControllerRegs" is a physical device

Configuration settings
var obj = new Cache.L2ControllerRegs;
    obj.CACHEID = UInt32  ...
    // 0x000 Cache Id Register
    obj.CACHETYPE = UInt32  ...
    // 0x004 Cache Type Register
    obj.hole0 = UInt32[62]  ...
    // 0x008-0x0FC
    obj.CONTROL = UInt32  ...
    // 0x100 Control Register
    obj.AUXCONTROL = UInt32  ...
    // 0x104 Auxiliary Control Register
    obj.TAGRAMCONTROL = UInt32  ...
    // 0x108 Tag RAM Latency Control Register
    obj.DATARAMCONTROL = UInt32  ...
    // 0x10C Data RAM Latency Control Register
    obj.hole1 = UInt32[60]  ...
    // 0x110-0x1FC
    obj.EVCOUNTERCTRL = UInt32  ...
    // 0x200 Event Counter Control Register
    obj.EVCOUNTER1CFG = UInt32  ...
    // 0x204 Event Counter1 Config Register
    obj.EVCOUNTER0CFG = UInt32  ...
    // 0x208 Event Counter0 Config Register
    obj.EVCOUNTER1 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x20C Event Counter1 Value Register
    obj.EVCOUNTER0 = UInt32  ...
    // 0x210 Event Counter0 Value Register
    obj.INTMASK = UInt32  ...
    // 0x214 Interrupt Mask Register
    obj.INTMASKSTATUS = UInt32  ...
    // 0x218 Interrupt Mask Status Register
    obj.INTRAWSTATUS = UInt32  ...
    // 0x21C Interrupt Raw Status Register
    obj.INTCLEAR = UInt32  ...
    // 0x220 Interrupt Clear Register
    obj.hole2 = UInt32[323]  ...
    // 0x224-0x72C
    obj.CACHESYNC = UInt32  ...
    // 0x730 Cache Sync Register
    obj.hole3 = UInt32[15]  ...
    // 0x734-0x76C
    obj.INVPA = UInt32  ...
    // 0x770 Invalidate By Physical Address
    obj.hole4 = UInt32[2]  ...
    // 0x774-0x778
    obj.INVWAY = UInt32  ...
    // 0x77C Invalidate By Way Number
    obj.hole5 = UInt32[12]  ...
    // 0x780-0x7AC
    obj.CLEANPA = UInt32  ...
    // 0x7B0 Clean By Physical Address
    obj.hole6 = UInt32[1]  ...
    // 0x7B4
    obj.CLEANINDEX = UInt32  ...
    // 0x7B8 Clean by Set or Way
    obj.CLEANWAY = UInt32  ...
    // 0x7BC Clean by Way
    obj.hole7 = UInt32[12]  ...
    // 0x7C0-0x7EC
    obj.CLEANINVPA = UInt32  ...
    // 0x7F0 Clean & Invalidate by Phy Address
    obj.hole8 = UInt32[1]  ...
    // 0x7F4
    obj.CLEANINVINDEX = UInt32  ...
    // 0x7F8 Clean & Invalidate By Set or Way
    obj.CLEANINVWAY = UInt32  ...
    // 0x7FC Clean & Invalidate By Way
    obj.hole9 = UInt32[64]  ...
    // 0x800-0x8FC
    obj.LOCKDOWN = UInt32[16]  ...
    // 0x900-0x93C D & I Cache Lockdown regs
    obj.hole10 = UInt32[4]  ...
    // 0x940-0x94C
    obj.LOCKLINEEN = UInt32  ...
    // 0x950 Lock Line Enable
    obj.UNLOCKWAY = UInt32  ...
    // 0x954 Unlock Way
    obj.hole11 = UInt32[170]  ...
    // 0x958-0xBFC
    obj.ADDRFILTERSTART = UInt32  ...
    // 0xC00 Address Filtering Start
    obj.ADDRFILTEREND = UInt32  ...
    // 0xC04 Address Filtering End
    obj.hole12 = UInt32[206]  ...
    // 0xC08-0xF3C
    obj.DEBUGCTRL = UInt32  ...
    // 0xF40 Debug Register
    obj.hole13 = UInt32[7]  ...
    // 0xF44-0xF5C
    obj.PREFETCHCTRL = UInt32  ...
    // 0xF60 Prefetch Control Register
    obj.hole14 = UInt32[7]  ...
    // 0xF64-0xF7C
    obj.POWERCTRL = UInt32  ...
    // 0xF80 Power Control Register
config Cache.A_badBlockLength  // module-wide

Asserted in Cache_lock (see Cache_lock for more info)

Configuration settings
Cache.A_badBlockLength = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_badBlockLength: Block length too large. Must be <= L2 way size."
config Cache.A_badInvCallWithL2En  // module-wide

Assert raised when Cache invalidate called with L2 enabled

Configuration settings
Cache.A_badInvCallWithL2En = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_badInvCallWithL2En: Cannot call cache Invalidate with L2 cache enabled."
config Cache.A_badL2CacheOperation  // module-wide

Assert raised when attempting to perform a L2 Cache maintenance operation with L2 configured as SRAM memory

Configuration settings
Cache.A_badL2CacheOperation = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_badL2CacheOperation: Cannot perform L2 Cache maintenance when L2 configured as SRAM."
config Cache.A_blockCrossesPage  // module-wide

Asserted in Cache_lock (see Cache_lock for more info)

Configuration settings
Cache.A_blockCrossesPage = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_blockCrossesPage: Memory block crosses L2 way page boundary."
config Cache.A_invalidL2CounterId  // module-wide

Assert raised when invalid counter id passed to L2 cache event counter APIs

Configuration settings
Cache.A_invalidL2CounterId = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_invalidL2CounterId: Invalid L2 cache event counter Id passed."
config Cache.A_l1PrefetchApiNotSupported  // module-wide

Assert raised when an unsupported API is called

Configuration settings
Cache.A_l1PrefetchApiNotSupported = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_l1PrefetchApiNotSupported: Cache_enableL1Prefetch()/Cache_disableL1Prefetch() APIs not supported on this device."
config Cache.A_noNonSecureInterruptAccess  // module-wide

Assert raised when enableL2CacheInterruot is set to true, but interrupt control through non-secure access is not allowed

Configuration settings
Cache.A_noNonSecureInterruptAccess = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_noNonSecureInterruptAccess: Non-secure interrupt access control disabled."
config Cache.A_noNonSecureLockdown  // module-wide

Assert raised when Cache_lock() called but non-secure lockdown is not enabled

Configuration settings
Cache.A_noNonSecureLockdown = Assert.Desc {
    msg: "A_noNonSecureLockdown: Non-secure lockdown is not enabled."
config Cache.branchPredictionEnabled  // module-wide

Enable Branch Prediction at startup, default is true

Configuration settings
Cache.branchPredictionEnabled = Bool true;
This flag controls whether Branch Prediction should be automatically enabled or disabled during system startup.
Upon reset, the A9's Program Flow Prediction (Branch Prediction) feature is disabled.
config Cache.configureL2Sram  // module-wide

Configure L2 as cache or SRAM memory

Configuration settings
Cache.configureL2Sram = Bool false;
By default, when the device resets, it will be set as cache. If this parameter is set to "true", L2 cache will be configured as SRAM memory during startup.
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache.enableCache  // module-wide

Enable L1 and L2 data and program caches

Configuration settings
Cache.enableCache = Bool true;
To enable a subset of the caches, set this parameter to 'false' and call Cache_enable() within main, passing it only the Cache_Type(s) to be enabled.
Data caching requires the MMU and the memory section/page descriptor cacheable attribute to be enabled.
config Cache.enableL2Interrupt  // module-wide

This flag controls whether L2 Cache Controller interrupt is enabled. (default is true)

Configuration settings
Cache.enableL2Interrupt = Bool true;
If this flag is enabled, this cache module will enable all L2 cache controller interrupts and register a L2 cache interrupt handler that will call the l2InterruptFunc if a callback function is registered. The callback function is passed the contents of the Masked Interrupt Status Register.
The L2 cache interrupt handler will detect any L2 cache errors and the errors will be visible in this module's ROV view. The handler also ackowledges the interrupt.
config Cache.l2DataPrefetchEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Data prefetching

Configuration settings
Cache.l2DataPrefetchEnable = Bool true;
config Cache.l2DoubleLinefillEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Double Linefill

Configuration settings
Cache.l2DoubleLinefillEnable = Bool true;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache.l2IncrDoubleLinefillEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Double Linefill on Incrementing reads

Configuration settings
Cache.l2IncrDoubleLinefillEnable = Bool false;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache.l2InstructionPrefetchEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Instruction prefetching

Configuration settings
Cache.l2InstructionPrefetchEnable = Bool true;
config Cache.l2InterruptFunc  // module-wide

Function called when a L2 cache Interrupt occurs

Configuration settings
Cache.l2InterruptFunc = Void(*)(UArg) null;
The function is passed the contents of the Masked Interrupt Status Register as an argument.
  Masked Interrupt Status Register bit assignments
  |  Bits | Field                                        | Description   |
  |  31:9 | Reserved                                     | Read as 0     |
  |   8   | Decode error received on master port from L3 |               |
   ------------------------------------------------------                |
  |   7   | Slave error received on master port from L3  | A 1 indicates |
   ------------------------------------------------------  the status of |
  |   6   | Error on L2 data RAM read                    | the input line|
   ------------------------------------------------------  triggering    |
  |   5   | Error on L2 tag RAM read                     | an interrupt. |
   ------------------------------------------------------                |
  |   4   | Error on L2 data RAM write                   | A 0 indicates |
   ------------------------------------------------------  either no     |
  |   3   | Error on L2 tag RAM write                    | interrupt has |
   ------------------------------------------------------  been generated|
  |   2   | Parity error on L2 data RAM read             | or the        |
   ------------------------------------------------------  interrupt is  |
  |   1   | Parity error on L2 tag RAM read              | masked.       |
   ------------------------------------------------------                |
  |   0   | Event counter 0/1 overflow/increment         |               |
config Cache.l2InterruptMask  // module-wide

L2 cache Interrupt mask

Configuration settings
Cache.l2InterruptMask = UInt32 0x1FF;
This mask controls which L2 cache Interrupts are enabled when enableL2Interrupt is true. By default, all interrupts are enabled.
config Cache.l2PrefetchDropEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 prefetch drop

Configuration settings
Cache.l2PrefetchDropEnable = Bool false;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache.l2PrefetchOffset  // module-wide

Prefetch offset for subsequent cache line prefetches

Configuration settings
Cache.l2PrefetchOffset = UInt8 0;
L2C-310 supports offset values of 0-7, 15, 23 and 31 only.
This field has affect only if L2 data/instruction prefetching is enabled.
config Cache.l2WrapDoubleLinefillEnable  // module-wide

Enable L2 Double Linefill on Wrapping reads

Configuration settings
Cache.l2WrapDoubleLinefillEnable = Bool false;
This config param is only supported on AM437X.
config Cache.unlockL2Cache  // module-wide

Unlock all L2 cache ways at startup, default is true

Configuration settings
Cache.unlockL2Cache = Bool true;
Ordinarily, the L2 cache ways should all be unlocked at system startup.
During development using CCS, if the application exits while L2 cache ways are locked, the soft-reset function DOES NOT unlock the L2 cache ways. To overcome this problem, the L2 cache ways are unlocked during Cache module startup.
If for any reason this behavior is undesirable, setting this config parameter to false will disable the automatic unlocking of the L2 cache ways.
metaonly config Cache.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
Cache.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
generated on Tue, 09 Oct 2018 20:57:54 GMT