notify.h File Reference

#include <dsplink.h>
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Signature of the callback function to be registered with the Notify component.


eventNoEvent number associated with the callback being invoked.
argFixed argument registered with the NOTIFY component along with the callback function.
infoRun-time information provided to the upper layer by the NOTIFY component. This information is specific to the NOTIFY being implemented.
See also:
NOTIFY_register () ============================================================================

typedef Void(* FnNotifyCbck )(IN Uint32 eventNo, IN Ptr arg, IN Ptr info)
Int NOTIFY_register (IN Uint32 procId, IN Uint32 ipsId, IN Uint32 eventNo, IN FnNotifyCbck fnNotifyCbck, IN Ptr cbckArg)
 This function registers a callback for a specific event with the NOTIFY component.
Int NOTIFY_unregister (IN Uint32 procId, IN Uint32 ipsId, IN Uint32 eventNo, IN FnNotifyCbck fnNotifyCbck, IN Void *cbckArg)
 This function unregisters a callback for a specific event with the NOTIFY component.
Int NOTIFY_notify (IN Uint32 procId, IN Uint32 ipsId, IN Uint32 eventNo, IN Uint32 payload)
 This function sends a notification of an event to the processor.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Void(* FnNotifyCbck)(IN Uint32 eventNo, IN Ptr arg, IN Ptr info)

Function Documentation

Int NOTIFY_register ( IN Uint32  procId,
IN Uint32  ipsId,
IN Uint32  eventNo,
IN FnNotifyCbck  fnNotifyCbck,
IN Ptr  cbckArg 

This function registers a callback for a specific event with the NOTIFY component.


procIdIdentifier of the processor from which the notifications shall be received.
ipsIdIPS Identifier.
eventNoEvent No to be registered.
fnNotifyCbckCallback function to be registered for the specified event.
cbckArgOptional argument to the callback function to be registered for the specified event. This argument shall be passed to each invocation of the callback function.
SYS_OK Operation successfully completed. SYS_EINVAL Invalid argument. SYS_EALLOC Memory allocation failure. SYS_EMODE IPS is not supported for GPP->DSP mode. SYS_EBUSY Specified ips id, event number is reserved for LINK protocols like MSGQ, CHNL, RingIO etc.
The NOTIFY component must be initialized before calling this function.
On success, the event must be registered with the NOTIFY component.
See also:
FnNotifyCbck, NOTIFY_unregister () ============================================================================
Int NOTIFY_unregister ( IN Uint32  procId,
IN Uint32  ipsId,
IN Uint32  eventNo,
IN FnNotifyCbck  fnNotifyCbck,
IN Void *  cbckArg 

This function unregisters a callback for a specific event with the NOTIFY component.


procIdIdentifier of the processor from which the notifications shall no longer be received.
ipsIdIPS Identifier.
eventNoEvent to be unregistered.
fnNotifyCbckCallback function to be registered for the specified event.
cbckArgOptional argument to the callback function registered for the the specified event.
SYS_OK Operation successfully completed. SYS_ENOTFOUND Registered event not found. SYS_EMODE IPS is not supported for GPP->DSP mode.
The NOTIFY component must be initialized before calling this function. The fnNotifyCbck argument must be valid.
On success, the event must be unregistered from the NOTIFY component
See also:
NOTIFY_register () ============================================================================
Int NOTIFY_notify ( IN Uint32  procId,
IN Uint32  ipsId,
IN Uint32  eventNo,
IN Uint32  payload 

This function sends a notification of an event to the processor.


procIdIdentifier of the processor to which the notification is to be sent.
ipsIdIPS Identifier.
eventNoEvent to be notified to the processor.
payloadData to be sent with Event.
SYS_OK Operation successfully completed. SYS_ENODEV Event is not registered on the remote processor. SYS_EINVAL Invalid argument. SYS_EMODE IPS is not supported for DSP->GPP mode.
The NOTIFY component must be initialized before calling this function. The event must be supported by the NOTIFY component.
See also:
None. ============================================================================
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