DM814x Linux PSP 04.01 Updates

DM814x Linux PSP is based on the community supported GNU/Linux. The Linux kernel derived from Omap git and U-Boot originated from U-Boot git git. The information about baseline chosen for each of the component in the PSP is available in the release notes. The package does not contain a toolchain. GNU toolchain for ARM processors from CodeSourcery is recommended.

DM814x Linux PSP Product Downloads
DM814x Linux PSP - 04.01
DM814x Linux PSP - TSPA-licensed PSP SDK for DM814x and AM387x platforms
DM814x Linux PSP - TSPA-licensed PSP SDK for DM814x and AM387x platforms
DM814x Linux PSP - TSPA-licensed PSP SDK for DM814x and AM387x platforms
DM814x Linux PSP - TSPA-licensed PSP SDK for DM814x and AM387x platforms