TI Software

OPUS  01_00_04_00

Build date: 03042016

Release Information

C66X Speech Codecs Download


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OPUS Product Downloads
Title Description Size
Data Sheets and Release Notes
OPUS_Codec_C66X_ReleaseNotes.pdf OPUS Codec Release Notes 80K
OPUS_Codec_C66X_DataSheet.pdf OPUS Codec Data Sheet 404K
Linux Downloads
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_BE_COFF_32bit.bin OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Big-Endian COFF 7964K
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_BE_ELF_32bit.bin OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Big-Endian ELF 11520K
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_LE_COFF_32bit.bin OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Little-Endian COFF 7968K
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_LE_ELF_32bit.bin OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Little-Endian ELF 11380K
Windows Downloads
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_BE_COFF_32bit.exe OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Big-Endian COFF 8132K
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_BE_ELF_32bit.exe OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Big-Endian ELF 11688K
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_LE_COFF_32bit.exe OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Little-Endian COFF 8132K
No Login C66X_OPUS_01.00.04.00_LE_ELF_32bit.exe OPUS Encoder and Decoder - Little-Endian ELF 11544K
No Login OPUS_C66x_Software_Manifest.pdf OPUS Software Manifest 164K
Previous Releases
OPUS Encoder and Decoder version OPUS Encoder and Decoder GA Release - April 2015
  • For more information:
  • Fri Mar 4 13:42:01 EST 2016