TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools - 4.0.2.LTS Release Notes

Table of Contents


Version 4.0.2.LTS of the TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools, also known as the tiarmclang compiler, is derived from the open source LLVM/Clang source code base and the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure source base that can be found in GitHub (github.com).

The tiarmclang compiler can be used to compile and link C/C++ and assembly source files to build static executable application files that can be loaded and run on an Arm Cortex processor (m0, m0plus, m3, m4, m33, r4, r5, and r52). Please see the Device Support section below for further information about which compiler options to use when building an application for a particular Arm Cortex processor configuration.

Long-Term Support Release

This is a Long-Term Support Release.

Version 4.0.2.LTS of the TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools is the second maintenance release for the 4.0.0.LTS release series. It contains all features provided by the 4.0.0.LTS release plus bug fixes that have been implemented since the 4.0.0.LTS release was made available.

For definitions and explanations of STS, LTS, and the versioning number scheme, please see SDTO Compiler Version Numbers.


The TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools User’s Guide is available online at the following URL:

TI E2E Community - Where to Get Help

Post compiler related questions to the TI E2E design community forum and select the TI device being used.

The following is the top-level webpage for all of TI’s Code Generation Tools.

If submitting a defect report, please attach a scaled-down test case with command-line options and the compiler version number to allow us to reproduce the issue easily.

Defect Tracking Database

Compiler defect reports can be tracked at the new Development Tools bug database, SIR. SIR is a JIRA-based view into all public tools defects. The old SDOWP tracking database will be retired.

A my.ti.com account is required to access this page. To find an issue in SIR, enter your defect id in the top right search box once logged in. Alternatively, from the top red navigation bar, select “Issues” then “Search for Issues”.

To find an old SDOWP issue, place the SDOWP ID in the search box and use double quotes around the SDOWP ID.

What’s New - Features Added in the 4.0.0.LTS Release

Interrupt VFP Register Save/Restore Function Attribute, interrupt_save_fp

The tiarmclang compiler tools now support the interrupt_save_fp function attribute that not only preserves the FPU’s arithmetic registers (d0-d16 on fpv4-sp-d16, for example), but also the FPEXC and FPSCR registers. The standard interrupt attribute does not save/restore FPU registers.


Consider an interrupt function defined as follows:

extern int do_something(void);

int interrupt_fcn(void) {
    return do_something();

The compiler generated code looks something like this:

%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-r5 -S interrupt_ex.c
%> cat interrupt_ex.s
        .section        .text.interrupt_fcn,"ax",%progbits
        .hidden interrupt_fcn                   @ -- Begin function interrupt_fcn
        .globl  interrupt_fcn
        .p2align        4
        .type   interrupt_fcn,%function
        .code   32                              @ @interrupt_fcn
        push    {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r10, r11, r12, lr}
        add     r11, sp, #28
        vmrs    r4, fpscr
        vmrs    r5, fpexc
        push    {r4, r5}
        vpush   {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}
        bfc     sp, #0, #3
        bl      do_something
        sub     sp, r11, #100
        vpop    {d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7}
        pop     {r4, r5}
        vmsr    fpscr, r4
        vmsr    fpexc, r5
        pop     {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r10, r11, r12, lr}
        subs    pc, lr, #4
        .section        ".note.GNU-stack","",%progbits
        .addrsig_sym do_something

Suppress Floating Point Speculation with -ffp-exceptions Compiler Option

When optimization is enabled at level -O1 or higher during compilation. The compiler may perform floating-point speculation optimizations. The -ffp-exception-behavior compiler option may be used to suppress floating-point floating-point speculation optimizations.

Specifically, the user can specify either maytrap or strict as the argument to the -ffp-exception-behavior option to disable floating-point speculation.

-ffp-exception-behavior Compiler Option


If no argument is specified for the –ffp-exception-behavior option, then the default argument is assumed to be ignore.

As a point of clarification about the option name to avoid confusion, the term “exception” in the -ffp-exception-behavior option name refers to floating-point hardware exceptions, not C++ software exceptions.

Floating-Point Speculation Example

Consider a floating-point divide operation that is guarded by an if statement in a C function:

__attribute__((noinline)) void cp_fpu_trace(float32 *f_Info)
  float32 f_array[10] = {0};
  float32 float1 = *f_Info;

  if (float1 > CP_MIN)
    f_array[1u] = (1.f / *f_Info);
    f_array[1u] = CP_MAX;

   *f_Info = f_array[1u];

In this code the if statement is intended to prevent the floating-point divide operation from performing a divide-by-zero that will trigger a hardware floating-point exception. However, if optimization is enabled to perform floating-point speculation, the compiler may generate code to perform the divide instruction prior to the compare instruction that carries out the intent of the if statement:

        vldr        s0, [r0]
        vmov.f32    s2, #1.000000e+00
        vldr        s4, .LCPI1_0         ; <- load of CP_MIN
        vldr        s6, .LCPI1_1         ; <- load of CP_MAX
        vdiv.f32    s2, s2, s0           ; <- divide
        vcmp.f32    s0, s4               ; <- compare
        vmrs        APSR_nzcv, fpscr
        vmovgt.f32  s6, s2               ; <- conditional move: 
                                         ;    if (float1 > CP_MIN)
                                         ;      s6 = result of divide
        vstr        s6, [r0]
        bx          lr

In this case, if the value loaded into s0 is zero, then the divide instruction will trigger a floating-point hardware exception before the compare instruction has a chance to prevent that from happening. As mentioned above, including the -ffp-exception-behavior=maytrap or -ffp-exception-behavior=strict option on the compiler command-line will prevent the compiler from performing floating-point speculation optimizations and generating code that will execute the divide instruction prior to the compare and conditional move instructions.

Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE) Security Bulletin

In April of 2024, Arm Limited published a Cortex-M Security Extensions (CMSE) Security Bulletin that identifies a potential software security issue in code that uses CMSE. The security vulnerability allows an attacker to pass out-of-range values to code executing in Secure state to cause incorrect operation in Secure state. Please see the above referenced Security Bulletin for more details about what conditions must be met for a program to be at risk of being affected.

This security vulnerability is present in compilers that are not compliant with version 1.4 of the Arm v8-M Security Extensions Requirements on Development Tools.

The TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools version 4.0.0.LTS is compliant with the above specification and does not have this security vulnerability. Even though the 4.0.0.LTS utilizes source code from the LLVM version 18 release, the 4.0.0.LTS compiler is built with code that brings it into compliance with the above specification.

Versions of the TI Arm Clang Compiler Tools that are affected by this security vulnerability include releases prior to and including version 3.2.2.LTS.

If the –xml_link_info=file option is specified on the linker command line, then an XML representation of the link information will be generated into the specified file. This linker-generated XML link information file will now contain a string representation of the linker command line used to invoke the linker.


If we compile and link a simple program as follows:

%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-m4 hello.c -o hello.out -Wl,-llnk.cmd,--xml_link_info=hello.xml,-mhello.map

Then the “hello.xml” file will contain a command-line XML tag like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
   <banner>TI ARM Clang Linker Unix v4.0.0.LTS</banner>
   <copyright>Copyright (c) 1996-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated</copyright>
   <command_line>/path/to/installation/bin/tiarmlnk -I/path/to/installation/lib -I/path/to/definition/of/linker_command_file -o hello.out /tmp/hello-e87e3b.o -llnk.cmd --xml_link_info=hello.xml -mhello.map --start-group -llibc++.a -llibc++abi.a -llibc.a -llibsys.a -llibsysbm.a -llibclang_rt.builtins.a -llibclang_rt.profile.a --end-group</command_line>

Linker Command File Size-Based align(power2) Operator

The linker now supports a new variant of the align operator, align(power2), that can be applied to an output section specification to effect an alignment of the output section to the next power-of-2, such that the selected power-of-2 is greater than or equal to the size of the output section’s contents.


Consider a simple function to be defined in a user-named section called “.myscn”:

#include <stdio.h>
void myfcn(void) {

The output section in which “.myscn” will be placed could be specified as follows:

    .myscn: { myfile.o(.myscn) } align(power2) > MEM

When the link is performed, the linker will use the size of the “.myscn” output section to determine the alignment to apply in order to determine where in the MEM region the output section is to be allocated. Let’s suppose that the “.myscn” output section contains not only the definition of myfcn(), but also a linker-generated 8-byte trampoline to enable myfcn() to reach printf() in the event that printf() is placed out of range from myfcn():

.myscn     0    000012c0    00000018
                  000012c0    00000010     tryme.o (.myscn)
                  000012d0    00000008     libc.a : printf.c.obj (.tramp.printf.1)

The content of the “.myscn” output section adds up to 24 bytes, and so the align(power2) operator will force the “.myscn” output section to be allocated to a 32-byte boundary within the MEM region.

Support for MSP M0/M0+ Math Accelerator (-mmathacl)

The tiarmclang compiler tools have been updated to support the latest version of the math accelerator that can be paired with the Arm Cortex-M0+ processor variant. To enable utilization of the math accelerator hardware, specify the -mmathacl compiler option in combination with the -mcpu=cortex-m0plus compiler option.

If Link-Time Optimization (LTO) is enabled and a linker-generated map file is requested on the linker command line (–mapfile option), then you can instruct the linker to generate additional information into the map file to help with debugging applications that are built with LTO using the –mapfile_contents=ltosymrefs option.

For each function that is a candidate to be included in the link, the map file will include:

The intention behind this feature is to provide the developer with some sense of what the effect of the LTO recompile is on a given function.


Consider a simple application with two source files:


    extern void f1(void);
    extern void f2(void);
    extern void f3(void);

    int main() {

      return 0;


    #include <stdio.h>

    void f1(void) {
      printf("this is f1\n");

    void f2(void) {
      printf("this is f2\n");

    void f3(void) {
      printf("this is f3\n");

We’ll compile and link these files together with LTO enabled.

%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-m4 -flto -Oz debug_aid_1.c debug_aid_2.c -o a.out -Wl,-llnk.cmd,-ma.map,--mapfile_contents=ltosymrefs

Then look at a couple snippets of the map file:

%> cat a.map



Function: f1
  Binding:       global
  Pre-LTO Size:  12
  Post-LTO Size: 0
  Run Address:   0x00000001

Pre-LTO Symbol References
Symbol:       .rodata.str1.3318338828525585858.1
Type:         section
Offset:       0x00000008

Symbol:       puts
Type:         function
Offset:       0x00000002

Function: f2
  Binding:       global
  Pre-LTO Size:  12
  Post-LTO Size: 0
  Run Address:   0x0000000d

Pre-LTO Symbol References
Symbol:       .rodata.str1.15142827100918509680.1
Type:         section
Offset:       0x00000014

Symbol:       puts
Type:         function
Offset:       0x0000000e

Function: f3
  Binding:       global
  Pre-LTO Size:  12
  Post-LTO Size: 0
  Run Address:   0x00000019

Pre-LTO Symbol References
Symbol:       .rodata.str1.11035941194088382892.1
Type:         section
Offset:       0x00000020

Symbol:       puts
Type:         function
Offset:       0x0000001a


Function: main
  Binding:       local
  Pre-LTO Size:  18
  Post-LTO Size: 36
  Run Address:   0x00000b15

Pre-LTO Symbol References
Symbol:       f1
Type:         function
Offset:       0x00000002

Symbol:       f2
Type:         function
Offset:       0x00000006

Symbol:       f3
Type:         function
Offset:       0x0000000a

Post-LTO Symbol References
Symbol:       .rodata.str1.13341988216064122737.1
Type:         section
Offset:       0x00000014

Symbol:       .rodata.str1.16633329539669029678.1
Type:         section
Offset:       0x0000001c

Symbol:       .rodata.str1.403218229802607084.1
Type:         section
Offset:       0x00000020

Symbol:       puts
Type:         function
Offset:       0x00000018

In the above snippets of the map file, we can see:

In fact, if we look at the disassembly of main from the linked application:

%> tiarmobjdump -d -S a.out

00000b14 <main>:
     b14: b510          push    {r4, lr}
     b16: 4804          ldr     r0, [pc, #0x10]         @ 0xb28 <main+0x14>
     b18: 4c04          ldr     r4, [pc, #0x10]         @ 0xb2c <main+0x18>
     b1a: 47a0          blx     r4
     b1c: 4804          ldr     r0, [pc, #0x10]         @ 0xb30 <main+0x1c>
     b1e: 47a0          blx     r4
     b20: 4804          ldr     r0, [pc, #0x10]         @ 0xb34 <main+0x20>
     b22: 47a0          blx     r4
     b24: 2000          movs    r0, #0x0
     b26: bd10          pop     {r4, pc}
     b28: 34 0c 00 00   .word   0x00000c34
     b2c: 99 0b 00 00   .word   0x00000b99
     b30: 3f 0c 00 00   .word   0x00000c3f
     b34: 4a 0c 00 00   .word   0x00000c4a


We can make some more detailed observations:

Even though the size of main grows from 18 to 36 bytes due to the LTO recompile, the definitions of f1, f2, and f3 are removed from the link leaving us with a net savings of 18 bytes.

Security: Control Flow Integrity (CFI)

The tiarmclang compiler tools now support a number of Control Flow Integrity (CFI) schemes that are designed to abort a program when certain forms of undefined behavior are detected. This feature helps to defend against security attacks that seek to exploit the undefined behavior.

In general, the support for CFI in tiarmclang is adopted from the LLVM compiler sources. More information about the LLVM implementation and usage of CFI can be found here: Control Flow Integrity.

Security: Support for C11 Secure Functions in C Runtime Support Library

The C Runtime Support Library (libc.a) included with the tiarmclang compiler tools now provides implementations of the following “secure” functions:

In addition, the following C11 security-related function helpers are included in the C Runtime Support Library (libc.a):

In all cases, the __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ compile-time symbol must be defined to 1 before attempting to call any of the C11 secure runtime support functions.

An attempt to call any of the above C11 secure runtime support functions when __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__is left undefined or is defined to zero (0) when the C11 secure runtime support function remains undeclared, will result in the compiler emitting a warning about an attempt to call a function that is implicitly declared. If the declaration of the actual C11 secure runtime function does not match what the compiler creates as an implicit declaration, while the link with the standard C runtime library may work, the load and run of such a linked program is likely to fail.

Security: Linker Command File fill Operator

The linker now supports the specification of a fill operator that can be applied to an output section to indicate both a value to be encoded in gaps between the input section contents of an output section and an optional size (in bits) to be associated with the value. If the size argument is excluded from the fill operator specification, then the size associated with the specified value argument is 32-bits by default.


Consider a simple application defined as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

void func(void);

int main() {
  return 0;

void func(void) {
  printf("Bring on the funk!\n");

and compiled and linked with a linker command file that contains a fill operator applied to the “.func” output section:


    /* fill() operator uses 16-bit fill width */
    .func       : { .+=0x0008; *(.text:func) } fill(0x1234,0x10) > MEM


In this case, an 8-byte gap was inserted at the front of the “.func” output section. The fill operator applied the “.func” output section indicates a value of 0x1234 with a size argument of 16 to instruct the linker to interpret the value as having a size of 16-bits. At link time, the 8-byte gap will then be encoded with four instances of the 16-bit value 0x1234 as shown in the following disassembly output:

%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-m4 basic_fcn.c -o a.out -Wl,arm_llvm_16bit_fill.cmd,-ma.map
%> tiarmobjdump -d -S a.out
Disassembly of section .func:

18000020 <.func>:
18000020: 1234          asrs    r4, r6, #0x8
18000022: 1234          asrs    r4, r6, #0x8
18000024: 1234          asrs    r4, r6, #0x8
18000026: 1234          asrs    r4, r6, #0x8

18000028 <func>:
18000028: b580          push    {r7, lr}
1800002a: f249 2084     movw    r0, #0x9284
1800002e: f2c0 0000     movt    r0, #0x0
18000032: f000 f801     bl      0x18000038 <$Tramp$TT$L$PI$printf> @ imm = #0x2
18000036: bd80          pop     {r7, pc}

Security: pad Function Attribute

The pad attribute can be applied to a function to instruct the linker to insert at least 32-bits of padding both before and after the definition of a function that is defined in its own subsection. The fill() operator can then be applied to the output section where the function is placed to encode a specific value into the padding space that was inserted before and after the subsection where the function is defined.


Consider a simple printf application:

#include <stdio.h> 

int main() {
  printf("I AM a padded function\n");
  return 0; 

If the application is compiled and linked with a linker command file that contains a fill operator with a special encoding value:

%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-m4 -c hello_pad.c
%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-m4 hello_pad.o -o a.out -Wl,smc_pad.cmd,-ma.map

where smc_pad.cmd constains:


        .main: { hello_pad.o(.text.main) } fill(0xdeee,16) > MEM


We can disassemble the application to see UDF instructions inserted before and after the definition of main:

%> tiarmobjdump -d -S a.out

Disassembly of section .main:

00010020 <.main>:
   10020: deee          udf     #0xee
   10022: deee          udf     #0xee

00010024 <main>:
   10024: b580          push    {r7, lr}
   10026: b082          sub     sp, #0x8
   10028: 2000          movs    r0, #0x0
   1002a: 9000          str     r0, [sp]
   1002c: 9001          str     r0, [sp, #0x4]
   1002e: f241 2068     movw    r0, #0x1268
   10032: f2c0 0000     movt    r0, #0x0
   10036: f7f0 fe25     bl      0xc84 <printf>          @ imm = #-0xf3b6
   1003a: 9800          ldr     r0, [sp]
   1003c: b002          add     sp, #0x8
   1003e: bd80          pop     {r7, pc}
   10040: deee          udf     #0xee
   10042: deee          udf     #0xee

Basic Support for Cortex-R52

The tiarmclang compiler tools now support generating code for the Arm Cortex-R52 processor variant. This can be enabled via the -mcpu=cortex-r52 compiler option. If the -mcpu=cortex-r52 option is specified, then the compiler will assume that support for the neon-fp-armv8 FPU is also enabled by default.

When the -mcpu=cortex-r52 option is specified, the default enabling of the neon-fp-armv8 FPU can be overridden by specifying the -mfloat-abi=soft or the -mfpu=none option on the compiler command line. This indicates that the compiler is to generate instructions to perform floating-point operations without using the FPU instruction set.

For more information about optionsets available for generating Cortex-R52 code with and without neon-fp-armv8 instructions, please see the Device Support section below.

Addition of tiarmclang-tidy Utility to Compiler Tools Installation

The tiarmclang compiler tools installation now includes a tiarmclang-tidy utility that can be used to assist a developer in finding and fixing typical programming errors such as style violations, interface misuse, or bugs that can be deduced via static analysis.

The tiarmclang-tidy utility is based on the LLVM clang-tidy source code. Further information about how to use the utility can be found in the LLVM user documentation for Clang-Tidy.

You can use build systems to automate the command line compilation and linking steps. Supported build systems include GNU Make and CMake.

For example, the following CMakeLists.txt file contains the directives required to use CMake (version 3.29 or higher) to build a sample tiarmclang application:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.29) # Minimum version for tiarmclang support

# Set up cross compiling with TI clang compiler
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic) # Inform cmake of cross-compiling

# find tiarmclang in execution path
find_program(CMAKE_C_COMPILER tiarmclang)

# or set path to tiarmclang explicity
# set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER  /Users/ti/ti-cgt-armllvm_4.0.0.LTS/bin/tiarmclang)
project(DDREyeFirmware C)


add_compile_options(-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mlittle-endian -mthumb)
add_compile_options(-Oz -g)




Issues Fixed in tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS

Using versions of the tiarmclang compiler tools prior to 4.0.2.LTS to build an application on Windows with link-time optimization (LTO) enabled, the linker will fail to remove temporary files that it had created to facilitate the LTO feature.

The tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS compiler tools’ linker will now remove temporary files that it creates on behalf of the LTO feature.

Incidentally, you can explicitly tell the linker to keep LTO-related temporary files using the –keep_lto_files=[ir|obj] option. The ir argument will instruct the linker to keep bitcode intermediate representations (IR) of the C code from which the object code in an object file was generated by the compiler. These IR files are fed into the LTO recompile as input where the optimizer can perform inter-module optimizations that are not available unless LTO is enabled. By default, when –keep_lto_files=ir is specified, the IR files will be kept in the current working directory. You can also specify a directory where you want the linker to write the IR files to using the –ir_directory=dir option.

Similarly, you can instruct the linker to keep the LTO recompile generated object file by specifying the –keep_lto_files=obj option on the linker invocation. By default, when the –keep_lto_files=obj option is used, the LTO recompile generated object file will be kept in the current working directory. You can also specify a directory you want the linker to write the LTO recompile generated object file to using the –obj_directory=dir option.

For more detailed information about using LTO, please see Link Time Optimization - LTO in the tiarmclang 4.0.0.LTS online user guide.

CODEGEN-13361 : Compiler silently ignores #pragma FUNCTION_OPTIONS when a diagnostic is expected

The FUNCTION_OPTIONS pragma is a TI-specific legacy pragma supported in the legacy TI Arm compiler (armcl), but is not supported in the tiarmclang compiler. As an aid for migrating C/C++ source programs that were developed using the armcl compiler to using the tiarmclang compiler, the tiarmclang compiler will recognize unsupported legacy pragmas and emit a diagnostic indicating that the pragma is not supported in the tiarmclang compiler.

In the case of the FUNCTION_OPTIONS legacy pragma, prior versions of the tiarmclang compiler failed to emit a diagnostic when the FUNCTION_OPTIONS pragma is encountered. The tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS compiler will now recognize the FUNCTION_OPTIONS legacy pragma and emit an appropriate diagnostic.

CODEGEN-13041 : Code coverage breaks functions annotated with a naked attribute

In versions of the tiarmclang compiler prior to 4.0.2.LTS, when compiling a function that is annotated with a naked attribute and with code coverage enabled, the compiler will insert additional code into the naked function body as a means of instrumenting the function so that it can yield test coverage information. However, doing so violates the purpose of the naked attribute. The naked attribute instructs the compiler not to generate prolog or epilog code for the function that the attribute is applied to.

The tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS compiler will now implicitly apply a no_profile_instrument_function attribute when generating code for a function that has a naked attribute applied to it. The no_profile_instrument_function attribute instructs the compiler to not generate code coverage instrumentation code for the function that the attribute applies to.

CODEGEN-13002 : Loop optimization at optimization level -O3 leads to a segmentation fault on some examples of automatically generated code.

In versions of the tiarmclang compiler prior to 4.0.2.LTS, when compiling a function containing a nested loop at optimization level -O3, the compiler can crash when particular circumstances are present. Specifically, if one of the loops contained in the nested loop is completely unrolled during an optimization commonly referred to as “unroll-and-jam”, the compiler may try to make an invalid memory access, triggering a seg fault.

The tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS compiler has been updated to detect when a loop within a nested loop has been completely unrolled and avoid trying to access memory that is no longer available, thus avoiding the seg fault.

CODEGEN-12833 : Compiler incorrectly optimizes away a conditional test of a static variable

In versions of the tiarmclang compiler prior to 4.0.2.LTS, when optimizing a function containing an empty infinite loop, the compiler may incorrectly assume that a condition in that function that depends on a local static variable can be removed.

The tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS compiler has been updated to assert that if a function contains an empty infinite loop, it does not necessarily mean that the application will be “parked” in that loop indefinitely. For example, an external event triggering an interrupt may occur that diverts the control flow of the program out of the infinite loop. Thus, the compiler cannot assume that the value of a local static variable can be determined at compile time, avoiding the removal of the condition that depends on the local static variable.

CODEGEN-12795 : The compiler does not define the __STDC_NO_THREADS__ macro symbol, even though the compiler does not support threads

The C11 C language standard calls for the compiler to define a __STDC_NO_THREADS__ macro symbol when compiling a source file given that the compiler does not support threads.

The tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS compiler does not support threads. However, in tiarmclang releases prior to 4.0.2.LTS, the compiler failed to define the __STDC_NO_THREADS__ macro symbol when the C language standard in effect for the compilation is C11 or later.

In the tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS release, when compiling a source file with the C11 language standard in effect, the compiler will now define the __STDC_NO_THREADS__ macro symbol so that it can be used to help configure single-threaded and multi-threaded code within a source file.

For example, a mutex lock around a resource that is shared in a multi-threaded application can be avoided if the same source code is used in a single-threaded application:

#include <my_mutex.h>

extern int shared_var;
extern int bar(void);

void foo(void) {
#if !defined(__STDC_NO_THREADS__)
  shared_var = bar();
#if !defined(__STDC_NO_THREADS__)

CODEGEN-12684 : The --scan_libraries linker option can mistakenly complain about duplicate symbol definitions when the saame object library is specified multiple times on the linker command line

In tiarmclang releases prior to 4.0.2.LTS, when using the --scan_libraries linker option, the linker can report misleading warnings under certain circumstances. In particular, if a referenced symbol is defined in an object library that is specified multiple times on the linker command line, the linker will arrive at the conclusion that the symbol is defined in multiple locations, even though in reality there is a single definition of the referenced symbol in the object library that happens to be specified multiple times during the linker invocation.

Additionally, there are some functions defined in both the libc.a and libsys.bm runtime libraries that are provided with the tiarmclang compiler tools installation. Both libc.a and libsys.bm are implicitly included in the linker command line when the linker is invoked to build an application that assumes a C runtime model. In such cases, when the --scan_libraries linker option is used during the link step of an application build, a user may see misleading warnings that functions such as TI_memcpy_small() and TI_memset_small() have multiple definitions.

Both of these issues have been addressed in the tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS release. The linker will now recognize when a symbol definition comes from an object library that has previously been scanned. The linker will also avoid generating misleading warnings about identical runtime support functions that are defined in both the libc.a and libsys.bm libraries.

CODEGEN-11966 : Changing the directory of the source files can cause the contents of the .rodata section to be ordered differently

When generating string constants that are defined in an .rodata input section, the compiler will annotate the label associated with the string constant with an auto-generated unique identification number.

In tiarmclang versions previous to 4.0.2.LTS, the directory path of the source file being compiled will affect the generation of the identification number. Thus, moving a source file from one directory to another could impact the identification number generated for a given string constant’s definition label and, consequently, alter the placement order of string constants in the linked .rodata output section.

While this behavior does not affect the correctness of a program, it can cause comparisons between linked binary files from the same application to indicate different placement orders.

In the tiarmclang 4.0.2.LTS release, the compiler does not consider the directory path of a source file when generating the identification number that is to be associated with the definition label of a string constant. This allows the placement order of string constants in the linked .rodata output section to be consistent from one application build to the next.

Issues Fixed in tiarmclang 4.0.1.LTS

CODEGEN-13028 : application built with -flto causes linker to fail with segmentation fault

The tiarmclang 4.0.0.LTS linker can experience a segmentation fault and emit an internal error diagnostic when building some applications with link-time optimization enabled. The issue is believed to be triggered by the use of location attributes in the application’s source code.

This defect has been fixed in the tiarmclang 4.0.1.LTS linker.

Host Support / Dependencies

The following host-specific versions of the 4.0.1.LTS tiarmclang compiler tools are available:

Device Support

The tiarmclang compiler tools support development of applications that are to be loaded and run on one of the following Arm Cortex processor and runtime environment configurations:


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-M0 “-mcpu=cortex-m0”
exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m0 -fexceptions”
execute-only on “-mcpu=cortex-m0 -mexecute-only”
execute-only and exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m0 -mexecute-only -fexceptions”


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-M0+ “-mcpu=cortex-m0plus”
exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m0plus -fexceptions”
execute-only on “-mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mexecute-only”
execute-only on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mexecute-only -fexceptions”


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-M3 “-mcpu=cortex-m3”
exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m3 -fexceptions”


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-M4 (FPv4SPD16 on by default) “-mcpu=cortex-m4”
FPv4SPD16 on “-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16”
FPv4SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m4 -fexceptions”
FPv4SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fexceptions”
FPv4SPD16 off “-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=soft”
FPv4SPD16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-M33 (FPv5SPD16 on by default) “-mcpu=cortex-m33”
FPv5SPD16 on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16”
FPv5SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -fexceptions”
FPv5SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -fexceptions”
FPv5SPD16 off “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=soft”
FPv5SPD16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=armv8.1-m.main+cdecp0”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=thumbv81-m.main+cdecp0”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=armv8.1-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mfloat-abi=hard -march=thumbv81-m.main+cdecp0 -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=armv8.1-m.main+cdecp0 -fexceptions”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=thumbv81-m.main+cdecp0 -fexceptions”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=armv8.1-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -fexceptions”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=thumbv81-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -fexceptions”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 off “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=armv8.1-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=soft”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 off “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=thumbv81-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=soft”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=armv8.1-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”
CDE CP0 on, FPv5SPD16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-m33 -march=thumbv81-m.main+cdecp0 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”

Please Note:


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-R4 (default Arm mode, VFPv3D16 off) “-mcpu=cortex-r4”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 off “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mfloat-abi=soft”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -fexceptions”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 off “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mthumb”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 off “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mthumb -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r4 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -fexceptions”


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-R5 (default Arm mode, VFPv3D16 on) “-mcpu=cortex-r5”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -fexceptions”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -fexceptions”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 off “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=soft”
Arm mode, VFPv3D16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mthumb”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mthumb -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 off “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft”
Thumb mode, VFPv3D16 off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”


Runtime Environment Configuration Options
Cortex-R52 (default Arm mode, FPARMv8+NEON on) “-mcpu=cortex-r52”
Arm mode, FPARMv8+NEON on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8”
Arm mode, FPARMv8+NEON on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -fexceptions”
Arm mode, FPARMv8+NEON on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -fexceptions”
Arm mode, FPARMv8+NEON off “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mfloat-abi=soft”
Arm mode, FPARMv8+NEON off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, FPARMv8+NEON on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mthumb”
Thumb mode, FPARMv8+NEON on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon-fp_armv8”
Thumb mode, FPARMv8+NEON on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mthumb -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, FPARMv8+NEON on, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon-fp_armv8 -fexceptions”
Thumb mode, FPARMv8+NEON off “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft”
Thumb mode, FPARMv8+NEON off, exceptions on “-mcpu=cortex-r52 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=soft -fexceptions”

Resolved Defects

ID Summary
CODEGEN-13377 Building with link time optimization leaves behind temporary file
CODEGEN-13361 tiarmclang silently ignores #pragma FUNCTION_OPTIONS, when a diagnostic is expected
CODEGEN-13041 Code coverage breaks naked functions
CODEGEN-13028 Code built with -flto causes linker to fail with segmentation fault
CODEGEN-13002 Loop optimization at -O3 leads to segmentation fault on auto-generated Simulink code
CODEGEN-12833 Compiler incorrectly optimizes away a conditional test of a static variable
CODEGEN-12795 STDC_NO_THREADS is not defined even though compiler doesn't support C threads
CODEGEN-12763 tiarmstrip documentation is wrong
CODEGEN-12700 For a float if statement followed by divide, compiler generated code performs divide first
CODEGEN-12689 Compiler does not support characters in the ISO 8859 extended character set
CODEGEN-12684 Linker option –scan_libraries mistakenly complains about duplicate symbols when a library is supplied multiple times
CODEGEN-12625 Assembler error when ISR built with interrupt_save_fp dumped and compiled as assembly.
CODEGEN-12535 tiarmclang ti_compatibility.h gets build errors with -mcpu=cortex-m33
CODEGEN-12533 Using tiarmclang -S -flto does not create an assembly file
CODEGEN-11966 Changing the directory of the source files can cause the contents of the .rodata section to be ordered differently
CODEGEN-11890 Using 32bit counters sometimes results in counter size mismatch around increment.step
CODEGEN-11631 tiarmcov should not include instrumented runtime data by default or report errors
CODEGEN-11527 Wrong source for main is referenced during source stepping
CODEGEN-11466 QKIT: tiarmclang 2.1.0.LTS QKIT has typo's for c17 and c++17 support
CODEGEN-11433 Use of _disable_interrupts intrinsic causes compiler to emit call to function _get_CPSR, which does not exist
CODEGEN-11158 Do not emit the diagnostic: warning: call to function without interrupt attribute could clobber interruptee's VFP registers; consider using the interrupt_save_fp attribute to prevent this behavior
CODEGEN-11092 QKIT ToolDefinition.pdf for tiarmclang 1.3.x.LTS and 2.1.x.LTS has inaccurate Tool Version information
CODEGEN-10988 tiarmclang documentation fails to clarify that #pragma pack never increases the default alignment
CODEGEN-10691 assembler/linker incorrectly handles REL relocations if user specifies a CODE_SECTION that starts with ‘a’
CODEGEN-10591 Optimization of Logical NOT on condition yields incorrect MC/DC test vector tracking
CODEGEN-10444 Enabling Code Coverage and LTO results in missing profile data section
CODEGEN-10383 Document ‘#pragma clang section bss’ to be used for uninitialized variables
CODEGEN-10251 Initialization of array of structures is mistakenly filled with 0
CODEGEN-10229 Crash can occur when loading symbols due to self-referencing DIE
CODEGEN-10067 LTO: linker should include undefined symbols that are referenced from a static function in the IR symbol table that is passed to the LTO recompile
CODEGEN-10000 LTO: Compiling a source file with cortex-r4/r5 with -mthumb and linking with ARM mode cortex-r4/r5 runtime libraries improperly resolves an R_ARM_CALL relocation
CODEGEN-9997 tiarmclang: LTO behaves differently than non-LTO with regards to how zero-initialized variables are defined
CODEGEN-9850 Unresolved reference to runtime library function when that function is referenced from asm statement
CODEGEN-9838 Update tiarmclang documentation to explain that C++ library does not support features related to threads and concurrency
CODEGEN-9834 Compiler ignores attribute((used))
CODEGEN-9779 Function local static array allocated to .data section, and not .bss
CODEGEN-9669 TI Arm Clang mismatch between source code and debugger view with function subsections
CODEGEN-9415 Compiler inappropriately generates non-empty ARM.exidx sections
CODEGEN-9092 tiarmclang mistakenly documents support for -fpic position independent code
CODEGEN-8914 _enable_IRQ in ti_compatibility.h only supports Cortex-M devices
CODEGEN-8899 tiarmlnk generates cinit record for tiny .init_array section
CODEGEN-8887 Compiler does not support linking code that uses C++ exceptions
CODEGEN-8639 tiarmar.exe is denied permission to create an archive file on Windows 7
CODEGEN-8533 Use of virtual functions causes many RTS print functions to be linked into the program
CODEGEN-8471 Hex utility, when splitting a section as required by the bootloader, ignores the section alignment for the second part of the split
CODEGEN-8255 tiarmclang: zero-initialized static and global variables are being defined in .bss
CODEGEN-8216 Code coverage symbols not defined when profile counter section manually placed
CODEGEN-8177 Change documentation of –symbol_map
CODEGEN-6288 tiarmclang: optimizer removes empty loops that don't have side effects

Known Defects

The up-to-date known defects in v4.0.2.LTS can be found here (dynamically generated):

[known defects in v4.0.2.LTS](https://sir.ext.ti.com/jira/issues/?jql=issuetype%20%3D%20BUG%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20%22Found%20In%20Release%22%20~%20%22ARMCLANG_*.*.*.LTS%22%20ORDER%20BY%20id%20DESC

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