2.6.1. TI-Specific Pre-Defined Macro SymbolsΒΆ

The tiarmclang compiler pre-defines some TI-specific macro symbols that can be used when configuring source code to be compiled on the basis of the compiler vendor identification or on the basis of the tiarmclang compiler version being used:

TI-Specific Compiler Predefined Macro Symbols


Value Kind

Value / Description



Defined to 1 if TI is the compiler vendor.



Identifies major version number.



Ideftifies minor version number.



Identifies patch version number.



Encoding of major, minor, and patch version number values associated with the current release, where:

<encoding> = <major> * 10000 +

<minor> * 100 + <patch>

For 1.3.0.LTS, for example, the value of <encoding> is 10300.