2.6. Pre-Defined Macro SymbolsΒΆ

The tiarmclang compiler supports the use of pre-definde macro symbols. These are compile-time symbols that are defined with a value based on how the compiler is invoked.


Viewing the List of Pre-Defined Macro Symbols for a Given Compilation

To view the pre-defined macro symbols that are defined for a given tiarmclang option combination, you can compile using the -E and -dM options. For example,

%> tiarmclang -mcpu=cortex-m0 -E -dM test.c

will emit to stdout the list of pre-defined macro symbols that are defined when compiling with the -mcpu=cortex-m0 option.

The following sub-sections contain tables listing the various pre-defined macro symbols that are created by the tiarmclang compiler: