# Overview #
This page contains information regarding Code Composer Studio v8 running on Linux. It includes installation instructions, device support and debug probe support.
As there are many versions and distributions of Linux we are not able to verify and support every one. We verify CCS on a subset of distributions although it is possible to get it running on many others and as we obtain the information on how to do so we will include it on this page.
Please note that Code Composer Studio is a 64bit application on Linux and thus will not run on 32bit distributions.
# Devices #
## Supported ##
- Microcontrollers: MSP430, MSP432, C2000, TM4, Hercules
- Wireless Connectivity: CC13xx, CC2538, CC26xx, CC32xx
- Processors: Sitara (AMxxxx), Keystone / Keystone II, OMAPL
- DSP: C64x+, C674x, C66x, C55x, C641x
## Not Supported ##
- Microcontrollers: C/F24x
- DSP: C3x/C4x/C5x/C8x, C54x, C62x, C670x/C671x/C672x
# Debug Probes #
## Supported ##
- MSP430: MSP-FET, MSP-FET430UIF, Launchpads with built-in MSP-FET and eZ-FET technology such as the [MSP-EXP430G2ET](https://www.ti.com/tool/MSP-EXP430G2ET)
- For a complete list, check the document [SLAU647](https://www.ti.com/lit/slau647)
- XDS110: Standalone XDS110, LaunchPads with built-in XDS110 technology
- The XDS110 EnergyTrace HDR Add-on is also supported
- XDS100: v1, v2 and v3
- XDS200: USB, LAN
- TM4C/Tiva/Stellaris ICDI as well as CC3200 LaunchPad
- Spectrum Digital: XDS560v2
- Blackhawk: XDS560v2 (LAN/USB), USB560, USB560m, USB560bp
- Not all TI devices are supported. Check [Segger's device list](https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/technology/cpus-and-devices/overview-of-supported-cpus-and-devices/)
## Not Supported ##
- MSP430: MSP-FET430PIF (Parallel port), Launchpads and Experimenters kits that use eZ430 technology such as Chronos, [MSP-EXP430G2](https://www.ti.com/tool/MSP-EXP430G2) and [MSP-EXP430FR4133](https://www.ti.com/tool/MSP-EXP430FR4133) LaunchPads.
- **Note:** the [MSP-EXP430G2ET](https://www.ti.com/tool/MSP-EXP430G2ET) is supported.
- For a complete list, check the document [SLAU647](https://www.ti.com/lit/slau647)
- Stellaris ICDI based on FTDI
- Blackhawk: USB2.0, XDS560 PCI, XDS560T, XDS510
- Spectrum Digital: XDS510, XDS560R, Parallel Port emulators
- Texas Instruments: XDS560 PCI, XDS510 ISA
- In general vendors are not supporting PCI, ISA or parallel port emulators on Linux
For information on a specific debug probe please contact the manufacturer.
# Distribution Validation #
CCS is validated on a defined set of Linux distributions. Typically this is the latest Ubuntu LTS, the previous Ubuntu LTS and a CentOS distribution (to represent RedHat).
# Installation Instructions #
CCS requires a 64bit distribution of Linux. 32bit distributions are not supported with current versions of CCS.
There is one 32bit library required to support the compilers.
From a terminal prompt, issue the following command to install it: sudo apt install libc6:i386. Please note that certain versions of Ubuntu require to use libc6-i386 instead.
IMPORTANT! TI performs testing on Ubuntu LTS distributions and one CentOS distribution only and provides instructions for other distributions as a reference - sometimes these instructions are kindly provided by other developers with the intention to help others. In this case, consider these releases as unsupported and untested.
NOTE: Certain older SDKs and Compiler installers could hang when installing on a system with glibc2.26 and greater. While the component is installed correctly, the installer doesn't exit. In order to complete your installation of the component, kill off the hanging installer and remove the downloads folder from the /eclipse directory, if it exists.
NOTE: it is possible to install CCS as a superuser using sudo (gksu is not recommended), which automatically adds all the required driver udev rules at the end of the process. However this requires extra steps for regular operation of CCS as a regular user. Check the application note [Configuring CCS for multiuser](./application_notes/appnote-configuring_ccs_for_multiuser.html) for details.
- When installed as superuser using sudo, CCS must be run at the same privilege level to install updates.
## Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ##
- Tested on 18.04 bionic (with canonical partners repository enabled)
- update system: sudo apt update
- install dependent libraries: sudo apt install libc6:i386 libusb-0.1-4 libgconf-2-4 build-essential
- install CCS
- if CCS was installed as user then run the driver install script
- go to <CCS_INSTALL_DIR>/ccsv8/install_scripts
- sudo ./install_drivers.sh
## Ubuntu/Kubuntu 17.10 ##
- Not supported with CCS v7.3 or earlier. There is an incompatibility with glibc v2.26 that prevents this combination from working, so any distro using glibc 2.26 is likely not going to work.
- CCS 7.4.0 requires libgconf-2-4 dependency that is no longer installed by default on Ubuntu 17.10
- Install via: sudo apt install libgconf-2-4
## Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ##
- Tested on 16.04.1
- update system: sudo apt update
- install dependent libraries: sudo apt install libc6-i386
- install CCS
- if CCS was installed as user then run the driver install script
- go to <CCS_INSTALL_DIR>/ccsv8/install_scripts
- sudo ./install_drivers.sh
## Linux Mint 18 ##
- Tested on Linux 18 Xfce
- update system: sudo apt update
- install CCS
- if CCS was installed as user then run the driver install script
- go to <CCS_INSTALL_DIR>/ccsv8/install_scripts
- sudo ./install_drivers.sh
## Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 64-bit ##
- If you get a message about glibc try the following
- From a terminal window, enter: $ software-properties-gtk
- Select the Developer Options tab. Check the Proposed updates (stretch-proposed-updates)
- Close the dialog.
- Once again, from a terminal window: $ sudo apt install libc6-i386
- Should work correctly now
- now install CCS
- go back and uncheck the Proposed updates (stretch-proposed-updates) option in the Developer Options Tab.