When contacting TI for support, in addition to the usual information, providing the following additional diagnostics logs can help support personnel in their investigations:
* Install Logs
* IDE Error Logs
* Crash Dump Files
* Debug Server Logs
* Java Thread Dump Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
* Internal JxBrowser Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
* Eclipse Debug Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
* cTools/Trace Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
Many of these logs can be accessed from the CCS Support utility (Help → [CCS] Support):
CCS Eclipse based IDE:


From the above dialog are options to view various logs (View button), clear the log (Clear) and to enable logging (Properties...). Only the Debug Server Log is not enabled by default. To enable it, highlight it and click on Properties, check the box to Enable Debug Server Logging and specify a location to save the log file. There is also a button to Archive Logs.... This will zip up all the enabled logs to a location on your machine. This zip file can then be sent to TI support personnel.
[[y Debug Server Logs
Enabling Debug Server Logging will slow overall CCS performance, so it is not recommended to leave logging enabled. If you are unable to provide a reproducible test case to TI support, you can enable Debug Server Logging to generate additional diagnostics logs. These logs will only be useful for issues related to the debug server (ex: unable to connect to the target, debugger hangs, etc) and useless for other issues like project build errors or issues with the editor. Logging data from the debugger can get very large, so it may be desirable to only enable Debug Server Logging just before the event of interest is being exercised.
cTools/Trace logging is not accessible from the CCS Support utility. Please see the related [section](#ctools-trace-logging) below.
### CCS Installation Logs
The above dialog only sends the main installation log. However, there are other related logs that may also be useful. All the installation logs can be found in: [CCS INSTALL DIR]/ccsv[x]/install_logs
### Debug Server Logs
In addition to using the CCS Support utility, Debug Server Logging can also be enabled using the following techniques:
#### IDE Console
Enter the following command in the CCS Eclipse [Scripting Console](https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/ccs_scripting_console_view.html) to enable Debug Server Logging: eval("DEBUG_LogEnable(1)")
You can specify where to save the logs by entering, for example, eval("DEBUG_LogRedirect(\"c:/temp/ds.log\")") prior to the command above:

For CCSv20+, the [Debug Console](https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/ccs_scripting_console_view.html) can be used to enter the above GEL expressions:

#### Command Line
If you wish to enable logging outside CCS (useful if you are using [DSS](https://software-dl.ti.com/ccs/esd/documents/users_guide/sdto_dss_handbook.html)), you can use the below environment variables (example for Windows):
set TI_DS_LOGGING_OUTPUT=c:/path/file.log
The former enables logging, the latter will let you choose where the log is generated. Make sure you clear the first variable after the logging is done.
TI_DS_LOGGING_OUTPUT must specify an actual file name inside an existing directory. While the file of that name itself does not need to exist (the Debug Server can generate a new file), the containing folder must currently exist.
### CCS Java Thread Dump Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
When a CCS hang occurs, it can be challenging to get a reproducible use case. However, if a hang can be somewhat reproduced without clear steps, then it is possible to collect a java thread dump, which will list all java threads and their call stacks.
The easiest way to collect this is to start CCS from command line with -console option
* Open a Command window, navigate to where the ccstudio binary is: [CCS INSTALL DIR]/ccsv[x]/eclipse
* execute ccstudio -console
* Alternatively, you may add the -console option to the cstudio.ini file before -vmargs. With this modification, you can then just double click on ccstudio binary or use the desktop shortcuts.
* **NOTE: CCS 11.x requires a slightly different method to be able to trigger a thread dump**
* ccstudio -console no longer works for CCS 11.x. Users will need to start ccs using the eclipsec launcher from Command Window, with no arguments being necessary. User may then trigger thread dump using **CTRL+BREAK**
* This should open a new command window that shows additional messages
* Use CCS as normal to reproduce the issue.
* Once a hang occurs, activate the window titled ccstudio -console and hit **CTRL+Break** combination (depending on your keyboard you may need to use **FN** key)
* For Dell Laptops, there is no Break key. Use **Ctrl+Fn+B**
This should generate a thread dump that looks similar to picture below:

You can get copy the output and save to a file to submit with your bug report.
It maybe useful to collect 2-3 thread dumps by pressing **CTRL+Break** at 10-15 second intervals. If the stack is always the same, then it most likely indicates a deadlock, If there are some changes in a particular thread, then it may indicate that a particular thread is busy performing tasks.
### Internal JxBrowser Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
The internal JxBrowser browser is used by various functions inside CCS, such as **Resource Explorer** and **Getting Started** views.
Open the file ccs/eclipse/ccstudio.ini in a text editor and add the below lines:
[PATH] must be an existing directory with read/write permissions.
### Eclipse Debug Logs (CCS Eclipse only)
Is is possible to launch the CCS IDE in a debug mode where all internal debug messages will be sent to a separate console. This is useful for debugging CCS/Eclipse IDE crashes/errors.
To launch CCS in debug mode, launch the ccstudio executable from the command line with the following parameters:
> [CCS INSTALL DIR]/ccs/eclipse/ccstudio -debug -consoleLog
This will open a separate debug console in addition to the CCS IDE. When an error or crash occures, check the debug console for any errors. The relevant error messages can then be copied to a file and provided to TI support.
### cTools/Trace Logging (CCS Eclipse only)
To generate a cTools/Trace log, set the TI_TRACE_LOGGING environment variable to the value of 6.
Then reproduce the issue as you would for a Debug Server Log.
The log file will get generated in /Users/[userid]/.TI-trace on Windows and ~/.TI-trace on Linux. The file name will have the following format: ti_trace_log_MMDDYY_PID.txt