1. Overview

The Control Law Accelerator (CLA) available on C2000™ MCUs is a fully-programmable independent 32-bit floating-point hardware accelerator that is designed for math intensive computations. The CLA can offer a significant boost to the performance of typical math functions that are commonly found in control algorithms.The CLA is designed to execute real-time control algorithms in parallel with the C28x CPU, effectively doubling the computational performance.This makes the CLA perfect for managing low-level control loops with higher cycle performance improvements over the C28x CPU. The CLA is also designed for fast interrupt response and has direct access to peripherals such as ePWM, HRPWM, eCAP, eQEP, ADC, DAC, CMPSS, PGA, SDFM, SPI, LIN, FSI, PMBus, CLB, and GPIO.

The CLA increases the overall compute bandwidth of the C2000 MCU and frees up the CPU for other tasks such as communications, systems, and diagnostics. Fig. 1.1 illustrates the key benefits of the CLA:

  1. Reduced interrupt latency
  2. Reduced control loop delay
  3. Reduced C28x CPU bandwidth usage

Fig. 1.1 Benefits of the CLA

Refer to these resources for more information on the CLA’s benefits and its role in an overall system: