C2000Ware Digital Power SDK
TIDM-02011 - Live Firmware Update (LFU) Reference Design

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Target Applications

  • Merchant Network and Server PSU

Features & Specification

  • LFU Reference Design based on the C2000™ Digital Power BoosterPack™ plug-in module
  • Reference software demonstrating LFU switchover without device reset
  • LFU examples illustrating use of LFU hardware features on MCU
  • LFU examples illustrating seamless switchover without loss of real-time interrupts
  • LFU examples for C28x CPU as well as CLA


LFU without device reset is an important consideration for high availability systems like the case of server power supply units (PSU), where downtime needs to be minimized.

This reference design is based on TIDM-DC-DC-BUCK - DC-DC Synchronous Buck Converter and illustrates Live Firmware Update (LFU) without device reset and with hardware features on MCU. LFU is illustrated on both the C28x CPU and the Control Law Accelerator (CLA). And the examples are avilable on both C2000™ TMS320F280039C and TMS320F280049C real-time MCU.

TIDM-DC-DC-BUCK hardware (BOOSTXL-BUCKCONV BoosterPack with Launchpad)
TIDM-02011 Block Diagram

Relevant Links

Useful links regarding the reference design are provided below:

To import and evaulate CCS project using the button above, please access the current page via Resource Explorer from Code Composer Studio (CCS), or CCS Cloud. (go to CCS->View->Resource Explorer)

Steps to Run the Example

  • It's strongly recommended to first read through the User Guide/Software Guide for any specific setup instructions and hazard warnings before proceeding.
  • To import CCS projects, either import via the button above or mannually select the file directory where this solutions resides.
  • LFU examples requires specific steps & procedures to build and flash onto the device, please refer to User Guide (Design Guide for TIDM-02011) as a reference.
LFU is only supported in EABI-format (No COFF support), TI C2000 Compiler v21.6.0.LTS or later is required to build and run the LFU examples

Release Notes

Shown below lists all the software revision history for this reference design:

Software Version SDK Release Changelog
v1.00.00 First release, on F28004x devices in C2000Ware Digital Power SDK:
  • LFU support for TIDM-DC-DC-BUCK on F28004x (both C28x and CLA)
  • Requires TI compiler v20.12.0.STS or later
v1.01.00 Features & Enhancements:
  • Add support for source-lookup path for driverlib
  • Changed compiler version (from v20.12.0.STS to v21.6.0.LTS)
v2.00.00 New device support & Enhancements:
  • Added F28003x as a supported device
  • Added LFU support for TIDM-DC-DC-BUCK on F28003x (both C28x and CLA), utilizing device’s LFU features (PIE vector swapping, RAM LS0/LS1 swapping)
  • SCI Flash kernels (i.e. LFU bootloader) for F28003x and F28004x present in /examples folder under /tidm_02011/f28003x and /tidm_02011/f28004x
  • Known issue with short interval of missed ISRs when execution branches from SCI Flash kernel to LFU entry point (Bank0 to Bank1 switchover only)
v2.01.00 Features & Enhancements:
  • New Bank1to0Copy feature added to Flash kernel, this is an alternative to hardware Flash bank swapping. it can also be used as a FOTA example.
  • Changed software routine such that CLA LFU init functions done in main() only if BGND task stopped, else done inside ISR after CLA BGND task stoppage. This helps C28x and CLA LFU switchover flows be asynchronous
  • Updated Flash API lib to 1.58.10
  • Remove Flash init (and Flash API library) from the BUCK (App) project
    • No longer required as now it's done in the update Flash kernel
v2.02.00 Changes & Enhancements:
  • Project setting change to combine both Application and Flash Kernel build configuration
  • Flash kernel updated to handle combined/concatenated Bank0 + Bank1 images during LFU

Hardware design files

For EVM design files such as schematics, BOM, PCB layouts & assembly files, please visit TI design webpage from the link above.

Help and Support

For additional help and support, please visit TI E2E™ design support forums