Network Services API
Typedefs | Functions

TLS Abstraction Layer. More...


typedef void * TLS_Handle


TLS_Handle TLS_create (TLS_Method method)
 Allocate and initialize a new TLS context and return its handle. More...
void TLS_delete (TLS_Handle *tls)
 Destroy the TLS context instance and free the previously allocated instance object. More...
int TLS_setCertFile (TLS_Handle tls, TLS_Cert_Type type, TLS_Cert_Format format, const char *filePath)
 Set the certificate files required for TLS handshake. More...
int TLS_setCertBuf (TLS_Handle tls, TLS_Cert_Type type, TLS_Cert_Format format, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buflen)
 Set the certificate buffers required for TLS handshake. More...
int TLS_writeDerFile (uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buflen, TLS_Cert_Format format, const char *filePath)
 Convert and write DER encoded certificate buffers to file system. More...
int TLS_writePemFile (uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buflen, TLS_Cert_Type type, TLS_Cert_Format format, const char *filePath)
 write PEM encoded certificate buffers to file system More...

TLS Error Codes

#define TLS_EINVALIDPARAMS   (-11)
 Input parameters are invalid. More...
#define TLS_ENOTSUPPORTED   (-12)
 This feature is not supported on the network stack. More...
#define TLS_EALLOCFAIL   (-13)
 Not enough heap to allocate required memory. More...
#define TLS_ECERTLOADFAIL   (-14)
 Loading the certificate on SSL stack failed. More...
#define TLS_ECERTWRITEFAIL   (-15)
 Writing the certificate to filesystem failed. More...

TLS Method

enum  TLS_Method {
typedef enum TLS_Method TLS_Method

TLS Certificate Type

enum  TLS_Cert_Type {
typedef enum TLS_Cert_Type TLS_Cert_Type

TLS Certificate Format

enum  TLS_Cert_Format {
typedef enum TLS_Cert_Format TLS_Cert_Format

Detailed Description

TLS Abstraction Layer.

This module provides a simple portable interface to create and delete TLS contexts for various TLS layers like SimpleLink WiFi TLS and WolfSSL. These contexts can be shared with supported networking protocols like HTTP, MQTT and other protocols which require TLS and are connecting to the same host server.

The certificates can be provided either as a buffer input or as a string containing the certificate paths on the file system.

The file system based approach is supported only for TI-RTOS/SimpleLink WiFi and Linux/Sitara devices. The certificates can be set by providing the certificate file path using TLS_setCertFile().

The buffer based approach is supported only for TI-RTOS/NDK and Linux/Sitara devices. The certificates can be set by providing the certificate buffers using TLS_setCertBuf().

Additionally, for TI-RTOS/SimpleLink WiFi and Linux/Sitara devices certificate buffers can be written to file system using TLS_writeDerFile() and set using TLS_setCertFile().

A brief usage of TLS APIs is shown below as pseudo codes for different supported platforms

TI-RTOS/SimpleLink WiFi and Linux/Sitara (make sure file path is accessible):

#include <ti/net/tls.h>
//Create and flash the root CA PEM data (stored in a buffer) to a .der file.
//If the *.der files are already flashed, you don't need to do this step.
TLS_writeDerFile(caBuf, caBufLen, TLS_CERT_FORMAT_PEM, "/certs/ca.der");

TI-RTOS/NDK and Linux/Sitara:

#include <ti/net/tls.h>

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TLS_EINVALIDPARAMS   (-11)

Input parameters are invalid.


#define TLS_ENOTSUPPORTED   (-12)

This feature is not supported on the network stack.


#define TLS_EALLOCFAIL   (-13)

Not enough heap to allocate required memory.


#define TLS_ECERTLOADFAIL   (-14)

Loading the certificate on SSL stack failed.


#define TLS_ECERTWRITEFAIL   (-15)

Writing the certificate to filesystem failed.

Typedef Documentation

§ TLS_Method

typedef enum TLS_Method TLS_Method

§ TLS_Cert_Type

§ TLS_Cert_Format

§ TLS_Handle

typedef void* TLS_Handle

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ TLS_Method

enum TLS_Method

TLS v1 Client


TLS v1.1 Client


TLS v1.2 Client


TLS v1 Server


TLS v1.1 Server


TLS v1.2 Server

§ TLS_Cert_Type


Root CA certificate


Client/Server certificate


Client/Server private key


Diffie-Hellman key (SimpleLink WiFi only)

§ TLS_Cert_Format


DER encoded certificates


PEM encoded certificates

Function Documentation

§ TLS_create()

TLS_Handle TLS_create ( TLS_Method  method)

Allocate and initialize a new TLS context and return its handle.

[in]methodTLS version (see TLS_Method)
a TLS_Handle on success or NULL on failure

§ TLS_delete()

void TLS_delete ( TLS_Handle tls)

Destroy the TLS context instance and free the previously allocated instance object.

[in]tlsPointer to the TLS context instance

§ TLS_setCertFile()

int TLS_setCertFile ( TLS_Handle  tls,
TLS_Cert_Type  type,
TLS_Cert_Format  format,
const char *  filePath 

Set the certificate files required for TLS handshake.

It takes the path to a valid certificate on the file system as input.

This function is not supported for NDK/WolfSSL.
[in]tlsTLS context instance
[in]typeCertificate type as defined in TLS_Cert_Type
[in]formatCertificate format as defined in TLS_Cert_Format
[in]filePathPath to the certificate on the file system. Note, the string has to be persistent throughout the life-cycle of the TLS context.
0 on success or an error code on failure TLS_EINVALIDPARAMS, TLS_ECERTLOADFAIL, TLS_ENOTSUPPORTED.

§ TLS_setCertBuf()

int TLS_setCertBuf ( TLS_Handle  tls,
TLS_Cert_Type  type,
TLS_Cert_Format  format,
uint8_t *  buf,
uint32_t  buflen 

Set the certificate buffers required for TLS handshake.

It takes a valid certificate buffer as input and loads it on the TLS context.

This function is not supported for SimpleLink WiFi. Instead, use TLS_writeDerFile() to write the certificate buffer to file and TLS_setCertFile() to load the file from file system.
[in]tlsTLS context instance
[in]typeCertificate type as defined in TLS_Cert_Type
[in]formatCertificate format as defined in TLS_Cert_Format
[in]bufCertificate buffer
[in]buflenLength of 'buf' buffer
0 on success or an error code on failure TLS_EALLOCFAIL, TLS_ECERTLOAFAIL, TLS_ENOTSUPPORTED.

§ TLS_writeDerFile()

int TLS_writeDerFile ( uint8_t *  buf,
uint32_t  buflen,
TLS_Cert_Format  format,
const char *  filePath 

Convert and write DER encoded certificate buffers to file system.

It takes a valid certificate buffer as input, converts it to DER encoding if the input buffer is in PEM encoding and writes to file system to the location provided as input.

This function is not supported for NDK/WolfSSL.
The files written to the file system are not deleted by this TLS module. It is the user's responsibility to delete the files if needed.
[in]bufCertificate buffer
[in]buflenLength of 'buf' buffer
[in]formatCertificate format as defined in TLS_Cert_Format
[in]filePathPath to write the certificate on the file system with ".der" extension. Note, the string has to be persistent throughout the life-cycle of the TLS context.
0 on success or an error code on failure TLS_EALLOCFAIL, TLS_ECERTWRITEFAIL, TLS_ENOTSUPPORTED.

§ TLS_writePemFile()

int TLS_writePemFile ( uint8_t *  buf,
uint32_t  buflen,
TLS_Cert_Type  type,
TLS_Cert_Format  format,
const char *  filePath 

write PEM encoded certificate buffers to file system

It takes a valid certificate buffer in PEM format as input, and writes to file system to the location provided as input.

The PEM certificate buffer should include headers and footers. For example, the certificates should begin and end with:


Each of the header, certificate data and footer line in the buffer should be terminated by a newline character.

This function is not supported for NDK/WolfSSL.
The files written to the file system are not deleted by this TLS module. It is the user's responsibility to delete the files if needed.
[in]bufCertificate buffer
[in]buflenLength of 'buf' buffer
[in]typeCertificate type as defined in TLS_Cert_Type
[in]formatCertificate format as defined in TLS_Cert_Format
[in]filePathPath to write the certificate on the file system with ".pem" extension. Note, the string has to be persistent throughout the life-cycle of the TLS context.
0 on success or an error code on failure TLS_ECERTWRITEFAIL, TLS_ENOTSUPPORTED.
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