MSP432E4 DriverLib API Guide
hw_can.h File Reference
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#define CAN_O_CTL   0x00000000
#define CAN_O_STS   0x00000004
#define CAN_O_ERR   0x00000008
#define CAN_O_BIT   0x0000000C
#define CAN_O_INT   0x00000010
#define CAN_O_TST   0x00000014
#define CAN_O_BRPE   0x00000018
#define CAN_O_IF1CRQ   0x00000020
#define CAN_O_IF1CMSK   0x00000024
#define CAN_O_IF1MSK1   0x00000028
#define CAN_O_IF1MSK2   0x0000002C
#define CAN_O_IF1ARB1   0x00000030
#define CAN_O_IF1ARB2   0x00000034
#define CAN_O_IF1MCTL   0x00000038
#define CAN_O_IF1DA1   0x0000003C
#define CAN_O_IF1DA2   0x00000040
#define CAN_O_IF1DB1   0x00000044
#define CAN_O_IF1DB2   0x00000048
#define CAN_O_IF2CRQ   0x00000080
#define CAN_O_IF2CMSK   0x00000084
#define CAN_O_IF2MSK1   0x00000088
#define CAN_O_IF2MSK2   0x0000008C
#define CAN_O_IF2ARB1   0x00000090
#define CAN_O_IF2ARB2   0x00000094
#define CAN_O_IF2MCTL   0x00000098
#define CAN_O_IF2DA1   0x0000009C
#define CAN_O_IF2DA2   0x000000A0
#define CAN_O_IF2DB1   0x000000A4
#define CAN_O_IF2DB2   0x000000A8
#define CAN_O_TXRQ1   0x00000100
#define CAN_O_TXRQ2   0x00000104
#define CAN_O_NWDA1   0x00000120
#define CAN_O_NWDA2   0x00000124
#define CAN_O_MSG1INT   0x00000140
#define CAN_O_MSG2INT   0x00000144
#define CAN_O_MSG1VAL   0x00000160
#define CAN_O_MSG2VAL   0x00000164
#define CAN_CTL_TEST   0x00000080
#define CAN_CTL_CCE   0x00000040
#define CAN_CTL_DAR   0x00000020
#define CAN_CTL_EIE   0x00000008
#define CAN_CTL_SIE   0x00000004
#define CAN_CTL_IE   0x00000002
#define CAN_CTL_INIT   0x00000001
#define CAN_STS_BOFF   0x00000080
#define CAN_STS_EWARN   0x00000040
#define CAN_STS_EPASS   0x00000020
#define CAN_STS_RXOK   0x00000010
#define CAN_STS_TXOK   0x00000008
#define CAN_STS_LEC_M   0x00000007
#define CAN_STS_LEC_NONE   0x00000000
#define CAN_STS_LEC_STUFF   0x00000001
#define CAN_STS_LEC_FORM   0x00000002
#define CAN_STS_LEC_ACK   0x00000003
#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT1   0x00000004
#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT0   0x00000005
#define CAN_STS_LEC_CRC   0x00000006
#define CAN_STS_LEC_NOEVENT   0x00000007
#define CAN_ERR_RP   0x00008000
#define CAN_ERR_REC_M   0x00007F00
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_M   0x000000FF
#define CAN_ERR_REC_S   8
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_S   0
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_M   0x00007000
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_M   0x00000F00
#define CAN_BIT_SJW_M   0x000000C0
#define CAN_BIT_BRP_M   0x0000003F
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_S   12
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_S   8
#define CAN_BIT_SJW_S   6
#define CAN_BIT_BRP_S   0
#define CAN_INT_INTID_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_INT_INTID_NONE   0x00000000
#define CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS   0x00008000
#define CAN_TST_RX   0x00000080
#define CAN_TST_TX_M   0x00000060
#define CAN_TST_TX_CANCTL   0x00000000
#define CAN_TST_TX_SAMPLE   0x00000020
#define CAN_TST_TX_DOMINANT   0x00000040
#define CAN_TST_TX_RECESSIVE   0x00000060
#define CAN_TST_LBACK   0x00000010
#define CAN_TST_SILENT   0x00000008
#define CAN_TST_BASIC   0x00000004
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_M   0x0000000F
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_S   0
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_BUSY   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_M   0x0000003F
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_S   0
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_WRNRD   0x00000080
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_MASK   0x00000040
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_ARB   0x00000020
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CONTROL   0x00000010
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CLRINTPND   0x00000008
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_NEWDAT   0x00000004
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_TXRQST   0x00000004
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAA   0x00000002
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAB   0x00000001
#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_S   0
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MXTD   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MDIR   0x00004000
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_M   0x00001FFF
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_S   0
#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_S   0
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_MSGVAL   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_XTD   0x00004000
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_DIR   0x00002000
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_M   0x00001FFF
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_S   0
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_NEWDAT   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_MSGLST   0x00004000
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_INTPND   0x00002000
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_UMASK   0x00001000
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXIE   0x00000800
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RXIE   0x00000400
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RMTEN   0x00000200
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXRQST   0x00000100
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_EOB   0x00000080
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_M   0x0000000F
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_S   0
#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_BUSY   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_M   0x0000003F
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_S   0
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_WRNRD   0x00000080
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_MASK   0x00000040
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_ARB   0x00000020
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CONTROL   0x00000010
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CLRINTPND   0x00000008
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_NEWDAT   0x00000004
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_TXRQST   0x00000004
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAA   0x00000002
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAB   0x00000001
#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_S   0
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MXTD   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MDIR   0x00004000
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_M   0x00001FFF
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_S   0
#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_S   0
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_MSGVAL   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_XTD   0x00004000
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_DIR   0x00002000
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_M   0x00001FFF
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_S   0
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_NEWDAT   0x00008000
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_MSGLST   0x00004000
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_INTPND   0x00002000
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_UMASK   0x00001000
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXIE   0x00000800
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RXIE   0x00000400
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RMTEN   0x00000200
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXRQST   0x00000100
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_EOB   0x00000080
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_M   0x0000000F
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_S   0
#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_S   0
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_S   0
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_S   0
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_S   0
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_S   0
#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_S   0
#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_S   0
#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_S   0
#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_M   0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_S   0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CAN_O_CTL   0x00000000


#define CAN_O_STS   0x00000004

Referenced by CANInit(), CANIntClear(), and CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_O_ERR   0x00000008

Referenced by CANErrCntrGet().


#define CAN_O_BIT   0x0000000C

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_O_INT   0x00000010

Referenced by CANIntStatus().


#define CAN_O_TST   0x00000014


#define CAN_O_BRPE   0x00000018

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_O_IF1CRQ   0x00000020


#define CAN_O_IF1CMSK   0x00000024


#define CAN_O_IF1MSK1   0x00000028


#define CAN_O_IF1MSK2   0x0000002C


#define CAN_O_IF1ARB1   0x00000030

Referenced by CANMessageClear().


#define CAN_O_IF1ARB2   0x00000034

Referenced by CANInit(), and CANMessageClear().


#define CAN_O_IF1MCTL   0x00000038

Referenced by CANInit().


#define CAN_O_IF1DA1   0x0000003C


#define CAN_O_IF1DA2   0x00000040


#define CAN_O_IF1DB1   0x00000044


#define CAN_O_IF1DB2   0x00000048


#define CAN_O_IF2CRQ   0x00000080

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2CMSK   0x00000084

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2MSK1   0x00000088

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2MSK2   0x0000008C

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2ARB1   0x00000090

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2ARB2   0x00000094

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2MCTL   0x00000098

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_O_IF2DA1   0x0000009C


#define CAN_O_IF2DA2   0x000000A0


#define CAN_O_IF2DB1   0x000000A4


#define CAN_O_IF2DB2   0x000000A8


#define CAN_O_TXRQ1   0x00000100

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_O_TXRQ2   0x00000104

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_O_NWDA1   0x00000120

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_O_NWDA2   0x00000124

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_O_MSG1INT   0x00000140

Referenced by CANIntStatus().


#define CAN_O_MSG2INT   0x00000144

Referenced by CANIntStatus().


#define CAN_O_MSG1VAL   0x00000160

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_O_MSG2VAL   0x00000164

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_CTL_TEST   0x00000080


#define CAN_CTL_CCE   0x00000040

Referenced by CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_CTL_DAR   0x00000020

Referenced by CANRetryGet(), and CANRetrySet().


#define CAN_CTL_EIE   0x00000008

Referenced by CANIntDisable(), and CANIntEnable().


#define CAN_CTL_SIE   0x00000004

Referenced by CANIntDisable(), and CANIntEnable().


#define CAN_CTL_IE   0x00000002

Referenced by CANIntDisable(), and CANIntEnable().


#define CAN_CTL_INIT   0x00000001


#define CAN_STS_BOFF   0x00000080


#define CAN_STS_EWARN   0x00000040


#define CAN_STS_EPASS   0x00000020


#define CAN_STS_RXOK   0x00000010

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_STS_TXOK   0x00000008

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_STS_LEC_M   0x00000007

Referenced by CANStatusGet().


#define CAN_STS_LEC_NONE   0x00000000


#define CAN_STS_LEC_STUFF   0x00000001


#define CAN_STS_LEC_FORM   0x00000002


#define CAN_STS_LEC_ACK   0x00000003


#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT1   0x00000004


#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT0   0x00000005


#define CAN_STS_LEC_CRC   0x00000006


#define CAN_STS_LEC_NOEVENT   0x00000007


#define CAN_ERR_RP   0x00008000

Referenced by CANErrCntrGet().


#define CAN_ERR_REC_M   0x00007F00

Referenced by CANErrCntrGet().


#define CAN_ERR_TEC_M   0x000000FF

Referenced by CANErrCntrGet().


#define CAN_ERR_REC_S   8

Referenced by CANErrCntrGet().


#define CAN_ERR_TEC_S   0

Referenced by CANErrCntrGet().


#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_M   0x00007000

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_M   0x00000F00

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_SJW_M   0x000000C0

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_BRP_M   0x0000003F

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_S   12

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_S   8

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_SJW_S   6

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BIT_BRP_S   0


#define CAN_INT_INTID_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_INT_INTID_NONE   0x00000000


#define CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS   0x00008000

Referenced by CANIntClear().


#define CAN_TST_RX   0x00000080


#define CAN_TST_TX_M   0x00000060


#define CAN_TST_TX_CANCTL   0x00000000


#define CAN_TST_TX_SAMPLE   0x00000020


#define CAN_TST_TX_DOMINANT   0x00000040


#define CAN_TST_TX_RECESSIVE   0x00000060


#define CAN_TST_LBACK   0x00000010


#define CAN_TST_SILENT   0x00000008


#define CAN_TST_BASIC   0x00000004


#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_M   0x0000000F

Referenced by CANBitTimingGet(), and CANBitTimingSet().


#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_S   0


#define CAN_IF1CRQ_BUSY   0x00008000


#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_M   0x0000003F


#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_S   0


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_WRNRD   0x00000080


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_MASK   0x00000040

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_ARB   0x00000020


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CONTROL   0x00000010


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CLRINTPND   0x00000008

Referenced by CANInit(), CANIntClear(), and CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_NEWDAT   0x00000004

Referenced by CANInit().


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_TXRQST   0x00000004


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAA   0x00000002

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAB   0x00000001

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_M   0x0000FFFF

Referenced by CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_S   0


#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MXTD   0x00008000

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MDIR   0x00004000

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_M   0x00001FFF

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_S   0


#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_M   0x0000FFFF

Referenced by CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_S   0


#define CAN_IF1ARB2_MSGVAL   0x00008000

Referenced by CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1ARB2_XTD   0x00004000

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1ARB2_DIR   0x00002000

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_M   0x00001FFF

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_S   0


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_NEWDAT   0x00008000

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_MSGLST   0x00004000

Referenced by CANMessageGet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_INTPND   0x00002000


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_UMASK   0x00001000

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXIE   0x00000800

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RXIE   0x00000400

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RMTEN   0x00000200

Referenced by CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXRQST   0x00000100

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_EOB   0x00000080

Referenced by CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_M   0x0000000F

Referenced by CANMessageGet(), and CANMessageSet().


#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_S   0


#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF2CRQ_BUSY   0x00008000


#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_M   0x0000003F


#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_S   0


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_WRNRD   0x00000080


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_MASK   0x00000040


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_ARB   0x00000020


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CONTROL   0x00000010


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CLRINTPND   0x00000008


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_NEWDAT   0x00000004


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_TXRQST   0x00000004


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAA   0x00000002


#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAB   0x00000001


#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_S   0


#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MXTD   0x00008000


#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MDIR   0x00004000


#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_M   0x00001FFF


#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_S   0


#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_S   0


#define CAN_IF2ARB2_MSGVAL   0x00008000


#define CAN_IF2ARB2_XTD   0x00004000


#define CAN_IF2ARB2_DIR   0x00002000


#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_M   0x00001FFF


#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_S   0


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_NEWDAT   0x00008000


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_MSGLST   0x00004000


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_INTPND   0x00002000


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_UMASK   0x00001000


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXIE   0x00000800


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RXIE   0x00000400


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RMTEN   0x00000200


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXRQST   0x00000100


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_EOB   0x00000080


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_M   0x0000000F


#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_S   0


#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_S   0


#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_S   0


#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_S   0


#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_S   0


#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_S   0


#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_M   0x0000FFFF

Referenced by CANIntStatus().


#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_S   0


#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_S   0


#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_S   0


#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_M   0x0000FFFF


#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_S   0
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