SimpleLink MCU SDK Driver API Reference


Shown below is a matrix of available links to driver documentation.

Please view the Device Specific driver implementations as they may contain or exclude certain features that are defined in the top level interfaces.
Driver Interfaces MSP432
ADCBuf.h ADCBufMSP432.h
Capture.h CaptureMSP432.h
I2C.h I2CMSP432.h
I2CSlave.h I2CSlaveMSP432.h
Power.h PowerMSP432.h
PWM.h PWMTimerMSP432.h
Timer.h TimerMSP432.h
Watchdog.h WatchdogMSP432.h

Display Driver

The Display driver is designed to abstract operations & considerations specific to a given output method.

Display Driver Interface Implementations
Display.h DisplayHost.h

Driver Utilities

These utilities are helper modules available to drivers.

Module Description
List.h Double linked list
Random.h Fast and light-weight pseudo random number generator
RingBuf.h Array-based ring buffer for bytes
SDFatFS.h Wrapper to enable the use of file systems for the SD driver.
SPIFFSNVS.h Enables NVS as the physical layer to read/write memory for the SPIFFS file system

Driver Configuration

The generic driver interface defines a configuration structure using the typedef keyword. The name of this declared type follows the naming pattern <driver>_Config. A driver is configured by declaring an array of this configuration data structure. Each config array index contains pointers to other data objects necessary for the driver to function at runtime. These data objects may include a hardware attributes, a function table, and object memory. Multiple indexes of the config array should not share these data objects--with the exception of the function table. Each index of the config array supports an independent instance of the driver.

The declared array, <driver>_Config, must have a specific C identifier. This identifies follows the case-sensitive pattern <driver>_config.
The configuration must also contain a count of indexes in the <driver>_config. This must also have a specific C identifier following the case-sensitive pattern <driver>_count. The data type must be a uint_least8_t.

The driver interface is joined together during the link process at build time. The <driver>_config and <driver>_count symbols are resolved.

Driver Objects

The driver objects are device specific structures that hold data for an instance of a driver. The driver objects are used exclusively by the driver and should never be accessed by the application. Device specific drivers define an object structure as a new type using the typedef keyword. Each index in a driver's configuration will contain a pointer to a driver object.

Driver Hardware Attributes

The hardware attributes, also commonly referred to as HWAttrs, are device specific settings that typically do not change during runtime operation of a driver. The hardware attributes aid in abstracting the generic driver interface from the hardware. Device specific drivers define a hardware attribute structure as a new type using the typedef keyword. Each index in a driver's configuration will contain a pointer to a hardware attribute structure.

Driver Function Table

The function pointer table is a structure simply containing pointers to functions. Each index in a driver's configuration will contain a pointer to a function pointer table. The TI-Driver's interface uses function pointers to abstract a generic driver from a device specific driver. Each device specific driver declares a default function pointer table which may be referenced by default in the driver's configuration.

NoRTOS Framework Module

The NoRTOS framework module is provided to enable use of drivers without an underlying operating system. The module provides interfaces used by drivers to perform delays, block execution, register interrupts and more. NoRTOS module documentation and usage can be found:

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