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TRNGCC26X0.h File Reference

Detailed Description

TRNG driver implementation for the CC26X0 family.


This is a beta API. It may change in future releases.

This file should only be included in the board file to fill the TRNG_config struct.

The CC26X0 family has a dedicated hardware TRNG based on sampling multiple free running oscillators. With all FROs enabled, the TRNG hardware generates 64 bits of entropy approximately every 5ms. The driver implementation chains multiple 64-bit entropy generation operations together to generate an arbitrary amount of entropy.

The driver implementation does not perform runtime checks for most input parameters. Only values that are likely to have a stochastic element to them are checked (such as whether a driver is already open). Higher input paramter validation coverage is achieved by turning on assertions when compiling the driver.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ti/drivers/Power.h>
#include <ti/drivers/TRNG.h>
#include <ti/drivers/cryptoutils/cryptokey/CryptoKey.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
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Data Structures

struct  TRNGCC26X0_HWAttrs
 TRNGCC26X0 Hardware Attributes. More...
struct  TRNGCC26X0_Object
 TRNGCC26XX Object. More...


 Minimum random samples for each entropy generation call. More...
 Default random samples for each entropy generation call. More...
#define TRNGCC26X0_SAMPLES_PER_CYCLE_MAX   16777216
 Maximum random samples for each entropy generation call. More...


typedef struct TRNGCC26X0_HWAttrs TRNGCC26X0_HWAttrs
 TRNGCC26X0 Hardware Attributes. More...
typedef struct TRNGCC26X0_Object TRNGCC26X0_Object
 TRNGCC26XX Object. More...


int_fast16_t TRNGCC26X0_setSamplesPerCycle (TRNG_Handle handle, uint32_t samplesPerCycle)
 Sets the number of entropy generation cycles before the results are returned. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Minimum random samples for each entropy generation call.



Default random samples for each entropy generation call.

Set to generate 64 bits of randomness in 5ms with all FROs active.


#define TRNGCC26X0_SAMPLES_PER_CYCLE_MAX   16777216

Maximum random samples for each entropy generation call.

Typedef Documentation

§ TRNGCC26X0_HWAttrs

TRNGCC26X0 Hardware Attributes.

TRNG26X0 hardware attributes should be included in the board file and pointed to by the TRNG_config struct.

§ TRNGCC26X0_Object

TRNGCC26XX Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

Function Documentation

§ TRNGCC26X0_setSamplesPerCycle()

int_fast16_t TRNGCC26X0_setSamplesPerCycle ( TRNG_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  samplesPerCycle 

Sets the number of entropy generation cycles before the results are returned.

The default value is set to generate 64 bits of entropy.

TRNG_open() has to be called first successfully
handleA TRNGCC26X0 handle returned from TRNGCC26X0_open
samplesPerCycleNumber of 48MHz clock cycles to sample. Must be between 2^8 and 2^24.
See also
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