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ADCBufCC26X2.h File Reference

Detailed Description

ADCBuf driver implementation for a CC26X2 analog-to-digital converter.


Driver include

The ADCBuf header file should be included in an application as follows:

#include <ti/drivers/adc/ADCBufCC26X2.h>


This is a CC26X2 specific implementation of the generic TI-RTOS ADCBuf driver. The generic ADCBuf API specified in ti/drivers/ADCBuf.h should be called by the application, not the device specific implementation in ti/drivers/adcbuf/ADCBufCC26X2. The board file defines the device specific configuration and casting in the general API ensures the correct device specific functions are called. You should specify an ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension in the custom field of the ADCBuf_Params that suits your application. The default settings work for many, but not all, usecases.

General Behavior

A timer and the DMA are used to trigger the ADC and fill a buffer in the background (in hardware) at a specified frequency. The application may execute other tasks while the hardware handles the conversions. In contrast to the standard ti/drivers/ADC driver, this driver allows for precise sampling of waveforms.

Driver Number of samples needed in one call
ADC.h 1
ADCBuf.h > 1

This ADCBuf driver provides an API interface to using the analog-to-digital converter directly from the CM3 without going through the sensor controller. The sensor controller can still use the ADC, support for sharing the ADC resource between the sensor controller and the CM3 is built into the driver. There is a hardware semaphore that the driver must acquire before beginning any number of conversions. This same hardware semaphore also prevents the simultaneous use of this driver and the basic ADC driver.

The ADC drivers supports making between one and 1024 measurements once or continuous measuring with returned buffer sizes between one and 1024 measurements.

The application should call ADCBuf_init() once by the application to set the isOpened flag to false, indicating that the driver is ready to use.

The ADC driver is opened by calling ADCBuf_open() which will set up interrupts and configure the internal components of the driver. However, the ADC hardware or analog pins are not yet configured, since the sensor controller or basic ADC driver might be using the ADC.

In order to perform an ADC conversion, the application should call ADCBuf_convert(). This call will request the ADC resource, configure the ADC, set up the DMA and GPTimer, and perform the requested ADC conversions on the selected DIO or internal signal. The DIO or internal signal is defined by the ADCBuf_Conversion structure in the application code and adcBufCC26x2Objects in the board file.

If the ADCBUF driver is setup in ADCBuf_RECURRENCE_MODE_CONTINUOUS mode, the user must assure that the provided callback function is completed before the next conversion completes. If the next conversion completes before the callback function finishes, the DMA will clobber the previous buffer with new data.

If the sensor controller is using the ADC when the driver requests it at the start of the ADC_convert() call, the conversion will fail and return false. The ADC resource may be pre-acquired by calling the control function ADCBufCC26X2_CMD_ACQUIRE_ADC_SEMAPHORE. It will be released again automatically after the next conversion completes.

In both ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS mode and ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS mode, enough sampling time must be provided between conversions that each measurement may be completed before the next trigger arrives.

The ADCBuf driver requires GPTimer0A to function correctly. It will be unavailable for other uses.

Supported ADC pins

Below is a table of the supported ADC IO pins for each package size, for both CC26x2 and CC13x2. It maps a DIO to its corresponding driverlib define for the CompBInput that it is hardwired to. This table can be used to create virtual channel entries in the ADCBufCC26X2_adcChannelLut table in the board file.

DIO CC26x2 7x7 AUXIO CompBInput CC13x2 7x7 AUXIO CompBInput
0 No No
1 No No
2 No No
3 No No
4 No No
5 No No
6 No No
7 No No
8 No No
9 No No
10 No No
11 No No
12 No No
13 No No
14 No No
15-22 No No

Supported Internal Signals

Below is a table of internal signals that can be measured using the ADC. Since we are not connecting to a DIO, there is no DIO to internal signal mapping. The DIO field in the channel lookup table should be marked PIN_UNASSIGNED. This table can be used to create virtual channel entries in the ADCBufCC26X2_adcChannelLut table in the board file.

DIO Internal Signal CompBInput

Error handling

The following errors may occur when opening the ADC without assertions enabled:

The following errors may occur when requesting an ADC conversion:

Power Management

The TI-RTOS power management framework will try to put the device into the most power efficient mode whenever possible. Please see the technical reference manual for further details on each power mode.

While converting, the ADCBufCC26X2 driver sets a power constraint to keep the device out of standby. When the conversion has finished, the power constraint is released. The driver also sets a dependency on the DMA to enable background transfers from the ADC FIFO to memory. The following statements are valid:

Supported Functions

API function Description
ADCBuf_init() Initialize ADC driver
ADCBuf_open() Open the ADC driver and configure driver
ADCBuf_convert() Perform ADC conversion
ADCBuf_convertCancel() Cancel ongoing ADC conversion
ADCBuf_close() Close ADC driver
ADCBuf_Params_init() Initialise ADCBuf_Params structure to default values
ADCBuf_getResolution() Get the resolution of the ADC of the current device
ADCBuf_adjustRawValues() Adjust the values in a returned buffer for manufacturing tolerances
ADCBuf_convertAdjustedToMicroVolts Convert a buffer of adjusted values to microvolts
ADCBuf_control() Execute device specific functions

Not Supported Functionality

Use Cases

Basic one-shot conversion

Perform one conversion on Board_ADCCHANNEL_A1 in ADCBuf_RETURN_MODE_BLOCKING.

ADCBuf_Handle adcBufHandle;
ADCBuf_Params adcBufParams;
ADCBuf_Conversion blockingConversion;
uint16_t sampleBufferOne[ADCBUFFERSIZE];
adcBufHandle = ADCBuf_open(Board_ADCBuf0, &adcBufParams);
if (adcBufHandle == NULL) {
// handle error
blockingConversion.arg = NULL;
blockingConversion.adcChannel = Board_ADCCHANNEL_A1;
blockingConversion.sampleBuffer = sampleBufferOne;
blockingConversion.sampleBufferTwo = NULL;
blockingConversion.samplesRequestedCount = ADCBUFFERSIZE;
if (ADCBuf_convert(adcBufHandle, &blockingConversion, 1) != ADCBuf_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// handle error

Using ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension

This specific configuration performs one conversion on Board_ADCCHANNEL_A1 in ADCBuf_RETURN_MODE_BLOCKING. The custom parameters used here are identical to the defaults parameters. Users can of course define their own parameters.

ADCBuf_Handle adcBufHandle;
ADCBuf_Params adcBufParams;
ADCBuf_Conversion blockingConversion;
uint16_t sampleBufferOne[ADCBUFFERSIZE];
customParams.inputScalingEnabled = true;
adcBufParams.custom = &customParams;
adcBufHandle = ADCBuf_open(Board_ADCBuf0, &adcBufParams);
if (adcBufHandle == NULL) {
// handle error
blockingConversion.arg = NULL;
blockingConversion.adcChannel = Board_ADCCHANNEL_A1;
blockingConversion.sampleBuffer = sampleBufferOne;
blockingConversion.sampleBufferTwo = NULL;
blockingConversion.samplesRequestedCount = ADCBUFFERSIZE;
if (ADCBuf_convert(adcBufHandle, &blockingConversion, 1) != ADCBuf_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
// handle error


The ADC driver interface produces log statements if instrumentation is enabled.

Diagnostics Mask Log details
Diags_USER1 basic ADCBuf operations performed
Diags_USER2 detailed ADCBuf operations performed

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ti/drivers/ADCBuf.h>
#include <ti/drivers/PIN.h>
#include <ti/drivers/pin/PINCC26XX.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dma/UDMACC26XX.h>
#include <ti/drivers/timer/GPTimerCC26XX.h>
#include <ti/drivers/Power.h>
#include <ti/drivers/power/PowerCC26X2.h>
#include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h>
#include <DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/aux_adc.h)>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/ClockP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SwiP.h>
Include dependency graph for ADCBufCC26X2.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ADCBufCC26X2_AdcChannelLutEntry
 Table entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal. More...
struct  ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension
 CC26X2 specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params. More...
struct  ADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrs
 ADCBufCC26X2 Hardware Attributes. More...
struct  ADCBufCC26X2_Object
 ADCBufCC26X2 Object. More...


 This control function acquires the semaphore that arbitrates access to the ADC between the CM3 and the sensor controller. More...
 This function makes the ADC driver keep the ADC semaphore until released. More...
 This function makes the ADC driver no longer keep the ADC semaphore until released. More...
 This function releases the ADC semaphore. More...
#define ADCBufCC26X2_RESOLUTION   12
 Resolution in bits of the CC26X2 ADC. More...


typedef enum ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Mode ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Mode
 Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source. More...
typedef enum ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Duration ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Duration
 Amount of time the ADC spends sampling the analogue input. More...
typedef enum ADCBufCC26X2_Reference_Source ADCBufCC26X2_Reference_Source
 Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source. More...
typedef struct ADCBufCC26X2_AdcChannelLutEntry ADCBufCC26X2_AdcChannelLutEntry
 Table entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal. More...
typedef struct ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension
 CC26X2 specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params. More...
typedef struct ADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrs ADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrs
 ADCBufCC26X2 Hardware Attributes. More...
typedef struct ADCBufCC26X2_Object ADCBufCC26X2_Object
 ADCBufCC26X2 Object. More...
typedef struct ADCBufCC26X2_ObjectADCBufCC26X2_Handle


 Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source. More...
enum  ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Duration {
 Amount of time the ADC spends sampling the analogue input. More...
 Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source. More...


const ADCBuf_FxnTable ADCBufCC26X2_fxnTable

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ADCBufCC26X2_RESOLUTION   12

Resolution in bits of the CC26X2 ADC.



Typedef Documentation

§ ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Mode

Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source.

The CC26X2 ADC can operate in two different ways with regards to the sampling phase of the ADC conversion process:

  • It can spend a fixed amount of time sampling the signal after getting the start conversion trigger.
  • It can constantly keep sampling and immediately start the conversion process after getting the trigger.

In ADCBufCC26X2_SYNCHRONOUS mode, the ADC goes into IDLE in between conversions and uses less power. The minimum sample time for full precision in ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS is dependent on the input load.

§ ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Duration

Amount of time the ADC spends sampling the analogue input.

The analogue to digital conversion process consists of two phases in the CC26X2 ADC, the sampling and conversion phases. During the sampling phase, the ADC samples the analogue input signal. Larger input loads require longer sample times for the most accurate results. In ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS mode, this enum specifies the sampling times available.

§ ADCBufCC26X2_Reference_Source

Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source.

  • In practice, using the internal fixed voltage reference sets the upper range of the ADC to a fixed value. That value is 4.3V with input scaling enabled and ~1.4785V with input scaling disabled. In this mode, the output is a function of the input voltage multiplied by the resolution in alternatives (not bits) divided by the upper voltage range of the ADC. Output = Input (V) * 2^12 / (ADC range (V))
  • Using VDDS as a reference scales the upper range of the ADC with the battery voltage. As the battery depletes and its voltage drops, so does the range of the ADC. This is helpful when measuring signals that are generated relative to the battery voltage. In this mode, the output is a function of the input voltage multiplied by the resolution in alternatives (not bits) divided by VDDS multiplied by a scaling factor derived from the input scaling. Output = Input (V) * 2^12 / (VDDS (V) * Scaling factor), where the scaling factor is ~1.4785/4.3 for input scaling disabled and 1 for input scaling enabled.
The actual reference values are slightly different for each device and are higher than the values specified above. This gain is saved in the FCFG. The function ADCBuf_convertRawToMicroVolts() must be used to derive actual voltage values. Do not attempt to compare raw values between devices or derive a voltage from them yourself. The results of doing so will only be approximately correct.
Even though the upper voltage range of the ADC is 4.3 volts in fixed mode with input scaling enabled, the input should never exceed VDDS as per the data sheet.

§ ADCBufCC26X2_AdcChannelLutEntry

Table entry that maps a virtual adc channel to a dio and its corresponding internal analogue signal.

Non-dio signals can be used as well. To do this, compBInput is set to the driverlib define corresponding to the desired non-dio signal and dio is set to PIN_UNASSIGNED.

§ ADCBufCC26X2_ParamsExtension

CC26X2 specfic extension to ADCBuf_Params.

To use non-default CC26X2 specific parameters when calling ADCBuf_open(), a pointer to an instance of this struct must be specified in ADCBuf_Params::custom. Alternatively, these values can be set using the control function after calling ADCBuf_open().

§ ADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrs

ADCBufCC26X2 Hardware Attributes.

These fields are used by driverlib APIs and therefore must be populated by driverlib macro definitions. For CC26xxWare these definitions are found in:

  • inc/hw_memmap.h
  • inc/hw_ints.h

A sample structure is shown below:

const ADCBufCC26X2_HWAttrs ADCBufCC26X2HWAttrs[] = {
.intPriority = ~0,
.swiPriority = 0,

§ ADCBufCC26X2_Object

ADCBufCC26X2 Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

§ ADCBufCC26X2_Handle

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Mode

Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source.

The CC26X2 ADC can operate in two different ways with regards to the sampling phase of the ADC conversion process:

  • It can spend a fixed amount of time sampling the signal after getting the start conversion trigger.
  • It can constantly keep sampling and immediately start the conversion process after getting the trigger.

In ADCBufCC26X2_SYNCHRONOUS mode, the ADC goes into IDLE in between conversions and uses less power. The minimum sample time for full precision in ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS is dependent on the input load.


§ ADCBufCC26X2_Sampling_Duration

Amount of time the ADC spends sampling the analogue input.

The analogue to digital conversion process consists of two phases in the CC26X2 ADC, the sampling and conversion phases. During the sampling phase, the ADC samples the analogue input signal. Larger input loads require longer sample times for the most accurate results. In ADCBufCC26X2_SAMPING_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS mode, this enum specifies the sampling times available.


§ ADCBufCC26X2_Reference_Source

Specifies whether the internal reference of the ADC is sourced from the battery voltage or a fixed internal source.

  • In practice, using the internal fixed voltage reference sets the upper range of the ADC to a fixed value. That value is 4.3V with input scaling enabled and ~1.4785V with input scaling disabled. In this mode, the output is a function of the input voltage multiplied by the resolution in alternatives (not bits) divided by the upper voltage range of the ADC. Output = Input (V) * 2^12 / (ADC range (V))
  • Using VDDS as a reference scales the upper range of the ADC with the battery voltage. As the battery depletes and its voltage drops, so does the range of the ADC. This is helpful when measuring signals that are generated relative to the battery voltage. In this mode, the output is a function of the input voltage multiplied by the resolution in alternatives (not bits) divided by VDDS multiplied by a scaling factor derived from the input scaling. Output = Input (V) * 2^12 / (VDDS (V) * Scaling factor), where the scaling factor is ~1.4785/4.3 for input scaling disabled and 1 for input scaling enabled.
The actual reference values are slightly different for each device and are higher than the values specified above. This gain is saved in the FCFG. The function ADCBuf_convertRawToMicroVolts() must be used to derive actual voltage values. Do not attempt to compare raw values between devices or derive a voltage from them yourself. The results of doing so will only be approximately correct.
Even though the upper voltage range of the ADC is 4.3 volts in fixed mode with input scaling enabled, the input should never exceed VDDS as per the data sheet.

Variable Documentation

§ ADCBufCC26X2_fxnTable

const ADCBuf_FxnTable ADCBufCC26X2_fxnTable
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