Build System

Building the Applications From Source

There are various ways to build the applications in the TI 15.4-Stack Linux SDK Installer.

Using Top-Level Script

The script file can be used to build all the example applications. Table 28. lists the available options and their effect when using this script.

Table 28. Top-Level Script Options
Options Description
$bash ./ clean Delete all compiled object and executable files
$bash ./ Builds for host machine
$bash ./ host Builds for host machine
$bash ./ bbb

Builds for BBB

(when building from the x86 machine requires the BBB cross-compiler, as mentioned in
Linux® Development Host)
$bash ./ remake Delete all compiled object and executable files and then build for the host machine

Using the Makefile Within Each Directory

Each component (library or application) directory contains a makefile to build that component.

  1. Change to the specific directory (either application or library).

  2. Type make.

    Table 29. lists the general targets supported by each makefile.

Table 29. Targets Supported by Each Makefile
Options Description
bash$ make Builds the host
bash$ make host Builds the host
bash$ make bbb Builds the BBB variant
bash$ make clean Removes all generated files
bash$ make remake Make clean followed by make

Makefile System


The cc13xx-sbl (bootloader) is a simple self-contained application that uses one self- contained makefile. The cc13xx-sbl does not use the fragment-based system described in the discussion that follows.

Generally, there are two types of builds:

  • A static library
  • An application

The makefile method used in the example application is a makefile-fragment scheme. There are three parts to this fragment-based system:

  • The primary Makefile (located with the source code [typically in a parent directory])
  • The front_matter.mak make-fragment (in the scripts directory)
  • The app.mak or library.mak make-fragment (in the scripts directory)

The various components are shown in Figure 117. and discussed in more detail in the rest of this chapter. In Figure 117., the outer box represents an example makefile and the inner shaded boxes represent the fragments.


Figure 117. Makefile Structure

Primary Makefile

The primary makefile is at the top level of each item (that is, the top directory of a library, or an application). The top portion of the Makefile does the following:

  • Set a pseudo default target, typically named _default
  • Set various ${CFLAGS}
  • Include the ${scripts}/front_matter.mak

Included ${scripts}/front_matter.mak

The included ${scripts}/front_matter.mak file is in the following:


This is a common-boiler-plate file that determines the following:

  • The key variable${ARCH} specifies the type of build (host or BBB).
  • The various compile (transformation) rules are listed.
  • The compiler-generated dependency files are created and included.

Makefile (Between the Includes)

The makefile (between the includes) is not a separate file; it is the portion of the original makefile between the two include statements. In this section, the following items are listed:

  • Source Files, that is ${C_SOURCES}
  • Libraries that are used
  • Any additional required rules (for example, using the protobuf compiler)

Included ${scripts}/library.mak or ${scripts}/app.mak

This file is either ${root}/scripts/library.mak or ${root}/scripts/app.mak These files do one of the following:

  • Create the library
  • Create the executable

Makefile (Final Portion)

The makefile (final portion) is not a separate file but is the final portion of the makefile after the include statements. The final portion contains a directory, an application, or library-specific rules.