MSP430 DriverLib for MSP430FR57xx Devices
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CCalendarUsed in the RTC_B_initCalendar() function as the CalendarTime parameter
 CComp_D_initParamUsed in the Comp_D_init() function as the param parameter
 CDMA_initParamUsed in the DMA_init() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_A_SPI_changeMasterClockParamUsed in the EUSCI_A_SPI_changeMasterClock() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_A_SPI_initMasterParamUsed in the EUSCI_A_SPI_initMaster() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_A_SPI_initSlaveParamUsed in the EUSCI_A_SPI_initSlave() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_A_UART_initParamUsed in the EUSCI_A_UART_init() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_B_I2C_initMasterParamUsed in the EUSCI_B_I2C_initMaster() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_B_I2C_initSlaveParamUsed in the EUSCI_B_I2C_initSlave() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_B_SPI_changeMasterClockParamUsed in the EUSCI_B_SPI_changeMasterClock() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_B_SPI_initMasterParamUsed in the EUSCI_B_SPI_initMaster() function as the param parameter
 CEUSCI_B_SPI_initSlaveParamUsed in the EUSCI_B_SPI_initSlave() function as the param parameter
 CMPU_initThreeSegmentsParamUsed in the MPU_initThreeSegments() function as the param parameter
 CRTC_B_configureCalendarAlarmParamUsed in the RTC_B_configureCalendarAlarm() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_A_initCaptureModeParamUsed in the Timer_A_initCaptureMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_A_initCompareModeParamUsed in the Timer_A_initCompareMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_A_initContinuousModeParamUsed in the Timer_A_initContinuousMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_A_initUpDownModeParamUsed in the Timer_A_initUpDownMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_A_initUpModeParamUsed in the Timer_A_initUpMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_A_outputPWMParamUsed in the Timer_A_outputPWM() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_B_initCaptureModeParamUsed in the Timer_B_initCaptureMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_B_initCompareModeParamUsed in the Timer_B_initCompareMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_B_initContinuousModeParamUsed in the Timer_B_initContinuousMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_B_initUpDownModeParamUsed in the Timer_B_initUpDownMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_B_initUpModeParamUsed in the Timer_B_initUpMode() function as the param parameter
 CTimer_B_outputPWMParamUsed in the Timer_B_outputPWM() function as the param parameter

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