Task Panel


There is one Task panel for each task per project.

Task Information

Task Name

Enter the task name. The name must contain at least 3 characters, and may only consist of alphanumeric characters and spaces.

The task name is used in names in the generated driver source code for constants, data structures and type definitions.

The task name is also included as documentation in the generated driver source code.

Task Description

Enter an optional task description.

The task description is included as documentation in the generated driver source code.

Task Resources

Select resource and configure resources to be used in the Sensor Controller task code and the generated driver. This is the Sensor Controller equivalent to including header files in C source code, but with some extensions:

  • Some resources are configurable
  • It automates I/O pin configuration
  • Some resources add extra APIs to the generated driver source code, for use by the System CPU application

Toggle check-boxes to enable or disable resources. When a resource is enabled, this:

  • Adds a set of procedures that can be called from task code
  • Adds constant definitions and data structure members for use with the procedures, or for internal use by the procedures

Press the ? button to view documentation of a resource and the associated constants, data structure members and procedures.

Note that some task resources make use of limited hardware resources or modules, and that enabling these will prevent or limit the use of other resources in the same task and/or project. Affected resources are marked as follows:

  • A red stop sign indicates that a resource cannot be enabled (the hardware resource or module has been permanently allocated).
  • A yellow warning sign indicates that a resource must be used with caution (the hardware resource or module is allocated and released by procedure calls, for example timer0Enable() and timer0Disable() ).

I/O Usages

For resources with flexible I/O functionality, the I/O functions are grouped into so-called I/O usages . Each I/O usage has:

  • An abbreviation, 15 characters or less, to be used in source code, for example “ACCEL_IRQ”
    • See the resource documentation for information about auto-generated I/O constants and look-up tables. These are typically named AUXIO_<RRR>_<AAA> and cfg.pAuxio<Rrr><Aaa> , respectively, where <RRR> is resource-specific and <AAA> is the user-specifed abbreviation.
  • A short description, 40 characters or less, to be used in labels and documentation, for example “Accelerometer interrupt”
  • Configuration settings, if any, for example pin count and initial output value

To add an I/O usage to a resource, press the associated Add I/O usage button.

To edit an existing I/O usage, press the associated Edit button.

To move an existing I/O usage from its current resource to another resource, press the associated Move button, and select the destination resource. Note the following:

  • This functionality is limited to “flexible” I/O usages with only one I/O function (for example “Analog Pins”, but not “Differential Output Pins”)
  • The “Pin count” setting must be set to “1 (accessed by constant)” before moving an I/O usage to the “SPI Chip Select” resource
  • Any I/O usage configuration settings that exist in both source and destination will be transferred automatically
  • All existing references to I/O mapping constants and look-up tables in task code will be renamed automatically

To remove an I/O usage from a resource, press the associated Remove I/O usage button.