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SDHostCC32XX.h File Reference

Detailed Description

SDHost driver implementation for CC32XX devices.

The SDHost header file should be included in an application as follows:

Refer to SD.h for a complete description of APIs & example of use.

This SDHost driver implementation is designed to operate on a CC32XX SD Host controller using a micro DMA controller.

Note: The driver API's are not thread safe and must not be accessed through multiple threads without the use of mutexes.

DMA buffer alignment

When performing disk operations with a word aligned buffer the driver will make transfers using the DMA controller. Alternatively, if the buffer is not aligned, the data will be copied to the internal SD Host controller buffer using a polling method.

DMA Interrupts

When DMA is used, the micro DMA controller generates and IRQ on the perpheral's interrupt vector. This implementation automatically installs a DMA interrupt to service the assigned micro DMA channels.

DMA accessible memory

When DMA is used, it is the responsibility of the application to ensure that read/write buffers reside in memory that is accessible by the DMA.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <ti/drivers/SD.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
#include <ti/drivers/Power.h>
#include <ti/drivers/power/PowerCC32XX.h>
#include <ti/drivers/dma/UDMACC32XX.h>
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Data Structures

struct  SDHostCC32XX_HWAttrsV1
struct  SDHostCC32XX_Object
 SDHostCC32XX Object. More...


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_06_SDCARD_DATA   0x0805
#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_07_SDCARD_CLK   0x0806
#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_08_SDCARD_CMD   0x0807
#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_01_SDCARD_CLK   0x0600
#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_02_SDCARD_CMD   0x0601
#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_64_SDCARD_DATA   0x063f


typedef struct SDHostCC32XX_HWAttrsV1 SDHostCC32XX_HWAttrsV1
typedef struct SDHostCC32XX_Object SDHostCC32XX_Object
 SDHostCC32XX Object. More...


const SD_FxnTable sdHostCC32XX_fxnTable

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_06_SDCARD_DATA   0x0805


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_07_SDCARD_CLK   0x0806


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_08_SDCARD_CMD   0x0807


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_01_SDCARD_CLK   0x0600


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_02_SDCARD_CMD   0x0601


#define SDHostCC32XX_PIN_64_SDCARD_DATA   0x063f

Typedef Documentation

§ SDHostCC32XX_HWAttrsV1

§ SDHostCC32XX_Object

SDHostCC32XX Object.

The application must not access any member variables of this structure!

Variable Documentation

§ sdHostCC32XX_fxnTable

const SD_FxnTable sdHostCC32XX_fxnTable
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