Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
EDMA3_RM_ChBoundResourcesEDMA3 Channel-Bound resources
EDMA3_RM_GblConfigParamsInit-time Configuration structure for EDMA3 controller, to provide Global SoC specific Information
EDMA3_RM_GblErrCallbackParamsGlobal Error Callback parameters
EDMA3_RM_InstanceEDMA3 RM Instance Specific Configuration Structure
EDMA3_RM_InstanceInitConfigInit-time Region Specific Configuration structure for EDMA3 RM, to provide region specific Information
EDMA3_RM_MiscParamUsed to specify the miscellaneous options during Resource Manager Initialization
EDMA3_RM_ObjEDMA3 Hardware Instance Configuration Structure
EDMA3_RM_ParamUsed to Initialize the Resource Manager Instance
EDMA3_RM_ParamentryRegsEDMA3 PaRAM Set
EDMA3_RM_PaRAMRegsEDMA3 PaRAM Set in User Configurable format
EDMA3_RM_ResDescHandle to a Resource
EDMA3_RM_TccCallbackParamsTCC Callback - Caters to channel specific status reporting

Generated on Wed Apr 7 12:02:44 2010 for EDMA3 Resource Manager by  doxygen 1.5.5