Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

EDMA3 LLD 01.11.01 Release Notes

June 14, 2010

This EDMA3 Low Level Driver Release is targeted to the users (device drivers and applications) for submitting and synchronizing with EDMA3 based DMA transfers. This release supports multiple platforms (see list below), DSP/BIOS and PrOS side. Porting instructions are also provided to use the package for different platforms and Operating Systems.

Introduction, Documentation, What's New, Upgrade Info, Device Support, Compatibility Information, Validation Info, Known Issues, Examples, Version Information, Technical Support


EDMA3 LLD is a single product package containing the following stand-alone software components:

EDMA3 Resource Manager can be used independently whereas the EDMA3 Driver requires the Resource Manager services internally.

EDMA3 LLD (both Resource Manager and the Driver) is a platform independent package. Hence it can be used across multiple platforms. Porting instructions are provided for both the components to do the same.

It is also an OS-agnostic package and thus can be used across multiple operating systems. OS-adaptation layer needs to be provided by the user (in case it is needed) for OS customization. Instructions to do the same are also provided along with the package.

The Low Level Driver has already been ported (DSP/BIOS and PrOS Operating Systems) and tested on various platforms mentioned below. Sample initialization libraries, both for Resource Manager and Driver, are also a part of the package (excluding DRx4xx and DM360 platforms). These could be used for proper initialization of the software component(s) along with the OS adaptation layer for the same.

The Low Level Driver consists of the following packages:


The following documentation is available:

What's New

The following significant changes have been made since - This release

The following IRs are closed:

ID Headline
SDOCM00063765 Assert goes off when requesting contiguous paRams from EDMA3 LLD
SDOCM00071134 Access of High registers not present in C6748 causes "read violation exception"

The following ECNs are closed:

ID Headline
TIDSP00012376 Adding support for platforms C6472 and TCI6486 in EDMA3 LLD BIOS5 package

Upgrade Information

The EDMA3 LLD packages are available in the "packages/" subdirectory of the product. If you have a previous release of the EDMA3 LLD product, you can install this release next to it, and modify your application and/or server builds to use this newer release.

Device Support

This release supports and has been tested on the following devices:

Compatibility Information

Compatibility Key Definitions

Compatibility keys are intentionally independent of Marketing product numbers and are intended to:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components, and
  2. Convey a level of compatibility between different releases to set end user expectations.

Compatibility keys are composed of 3 comma-delimited numbers - M, S, R - where:


This release was built and validated against using the following components:

This release was validated in the following configurations:

Known Issues

The following are known issues with the current EDMA3 LLD release:

Sample application on DM350 PrOS (Pre-Silicon DM360) platform fails.

Linking test case in the EDMA3 Driver sample application is not working properly, for DM350 PrOS (Pre-Silicon DM360) platform. The issue needs further analysis and will be fixed in the next release.

EDMA3 hardware doesn’t works properly in FIFO mode with all the controllers.

Very few peripherals support EDMA3 FIFO mode. EMIF controller doesn't support the same. So EDMA3 CANNOT be used in FIFO mode for doing a memory-to-memory data transfers, EDMA3 being configured in the FIFO mode. Applications trying to use EDMA3 in FIFO mode should first check their respective peripheral-controller document for this mode support.

Intermittent hang observed on one of the DSP cores when data transfers are triggered on all the 3 cores.

Intermittent hang is observed on one of the DSP cores of TCI6488 when data transfers are triggered on all the three cores simultaneously. Moreover, the hang is not always 100% reproducible. The issue needs further analysis and will be fixed in future EDMA3 LLD release.


EDMA3 LLD sample initialization libraries / OS abstraction layers (for different platforms) are located in:

EDMA3 LLD stand-alone applications (for different platforms) are located in:

Version Information

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a 2 digit major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, ex. edma3_lld_01_11_01_XX.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. EDMA3 LLD 01.11.02 with directory edma3_lld_01_11_02_YY. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Technical Support

To submit questions about issues with EDMA3 LLD package, please go to the external forums at http://community.ti.com or to http://support.ti.com.

Last updated: June 14, 2010