module ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot

Snapshot Event logging manager for logging blocks of memory, strings in memory and names of dynamically created objects

Snapshot events are used to log dynamic target state information in order to capture the execution context of the application at a particular moment in time. Types of information that can be logged include: [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.xdc
#include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
macro Void 
LogSnapshot_putMemoryRange// Unconditionally put the specified Types event. Supports both writeMemoryRange and writeString(Types_Event evt, Types_ModuleId mid, IArg fileName, IArg lineNum, UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, IArg startAdrs, IArg lengthInMAUs);
macro Void 
LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlock// Generate a LogSnapshot event for a block of memory(UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pMemoryRange, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
macro Void 
LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlockWithIdTag// Generate a LogSnapshot event for a block of memory(UInt16 idTag, UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pMemoryRange, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
macro Void 
macro Void 
LogSnapshot_writeString// Generate a LogSnapshot event for a string in memory(UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pString, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
macro Void 
LogSnapshot_writeStringWithIdTag// Generate a LogSnapshot event for a string in memory(UInt16 idTag, UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pString, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
Functions common to all target modules
typedef struct
extern const Bool 
extern const Ptr 
extern const Int 
Snapshot events are used to log dynamic target state information in order to capture the execution context of the application at a particular moment in time. Types of information that can be logged include:
The host-side tooling can be instructed to treat a series of LogSnapshot events as representing the state of the target at the same moment in time by using the same non-zero value in the snapshot ID parameter of each of the LogSnapshot events in the series.
Snapshot events are logged by a logger that implements the ILoggerSnapshot interface (e.g. LoggerCircBuf, LoggerStopMode, LoggerProbePoint). Rather than invoking the logger's APIs directly, the APIs are called indirectly via the LogSnapshot module's APIs so that different types of loggers can be used without having to recompile the source code that is logging the snapshot events.
Example 1: A simple 2-line configuration script
The following configuration script shows the simplest way to configure an application to use log snapshot events:
 var LoggingSetup = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup');
 var LogSnapshot   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');
The first line causes the LoggingSetup module's .xs script to automatically create a 32K Byte logger and assign it to xdc.runtime.Main.common$.logger. It also sets any unconfigured Diags masks for the Main module to Diags.RUNTIME_ON, enabling the events to be logged.
The second line causes the LogSnapshot .xs script to run during the configuration process when building the application. The script detects that a logger has not been assigned to the LogSnapshot module, so it checks if a logger has been configured for either the Main module or the Defaults module. Since there is a logger for the Main module, the script configures the LogSnapshot module to log events to the same logger instance.

Example 2: Using a dedicated low priority logger for snapshot events
In some situations, the amount of data logged by the LogSnapshot APIs may exceed the ability of the target to move the event data out of the Main module's logger's circular buffer and up to the host. One way of ensuring that the other events that are logged are not dropped due to this type of situation is to configure the LogSnapshot module to write events to a separate lower priority logger.
The following is an example of a configuration script that configures a logger for use by the LogSnapshot module. This example uses a LoggerCircBuf logger, which is appropriate for uploading events in real-time as the target executes using either JTAG RunMode(C6X targets) or using a non-JTAG transport such as Ethernet. Assigning this logger a low priority causes the contents of this logger to be uploaded after higher priority events (e.g. sync point events, context change events, and error, warning, info events) have been uploaded.
 var Logger = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LoggerCircBuf');
 var LogSnapshot   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');

 // Create a low priority logger and use it for snapshot events
 var IUIATransfer = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.IUIATransfer');
 var loggerParams = new Logger.Params();
 loggerParams.priority = IUIATransfer.Priority_LOW;
 // set the logger buffer size in bytes
 loggerParams.transferBufSize = 32768;
 var snapshotLogger = Logger.create(loggerParams); = "SnapshotLog";
 LogSnapshot.common$.logger = snapshotLogger;
Using different types of loggers:
  • To upload events by JTAG when the target halts (JTAG StopMode), replace the first line in the example with
 Logger = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LoggerStopMode');
  • To upload events by JTAG whenever an event is logged using probe point breakpoints (i.e. momentarily halting the target while the event is uploaded and then resuming execution), replace the first line in the example with
 Logger = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LoggerProbePoint');

Example 3: Using Diags masks to control snapshot events
The generation of a 'Snapshot' event is controlled by a module's diagnostics mask, which is described in details in the CDoc for xdc.runtime.Diags. Each snapshot event is controlled using the Diags.ANALYSIS mask, and will only be logged when the diagnostics mask for the module that is logging the code has the Diags.ANALYSIS bit configured as either ALWAYS_ON or RUNTIME_ON.
The LogSnapshot function call sites are implemented in such a way that an optimizer can completely eliminate LogSnapshot code from the program if the module's ANALYSIS events have been disabled at configuration time. If the 'ANALYSIS' events are permanently turned on at configuration time, then the optimizer can eliminate all runtime conditional checking and simply invoke the 'LogSnapshot' functions directly. Runtime checking is performed only when the ANALYSIS events are configured to be runtime modifiable.
The following is an example of the configuration script used to configure the default mask for modules to have Analysis events such as the UIASnapshot events always on.
  // Configure all modules to always log Analysis events
  var Diags = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Diags');
  var Defaults = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Defaults');
  Defaults.common$.diags_ANALYSIS = Diags.ALWAYS_ON;
struct LogSnapshot_EventRec

The target representation of a recorded event

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct LogSnapshot_EventRec {
    Types_Timestamp64 tstamp;
    // time event was written
    Bits32 serial;
    // serial number of event
    Types_Event evt;
    // target encoding of an Event
    Int snapshotId;
    IArg fmt;
    Ptr pData;
    UInt16 lengthInMAUs;
    // arguments passed via Log_write/print
} LogSnapshot_EventRec;
This structure defines how events are recorded on the target.
config LogSnapshot_injectIntoTraceFxn  // module-wide

Callback function that handles injection of info such as serial numbers of sync point events, context change events or snapshot events into a hardware trace stream. (e.g. GEM CPU Trace, System Trace, etc.)

C synopsis target-domain
extern const LoggerTypes_InjectIntoTraceFxn LogSnapshot_injectIntoTraceFxn;
Users can provide their own custom injectIntoTraceFxn to log whatever additional information they wish to record when the hook function is called. For example, event serial numbers can be injected into the CPU trace stream and / or STM trace stream in order to enable correlation of information logged in these streams with UIA software events.
Example 1: Correlating events with C64X+ and C66 CPU Trace
The following is an example of the configuration script used to inject serial numbers of sync point events or context change events or snapshot Ids associated with snapshot events.
Note that the GemTraceSync module's .xs script takes care of finding all modules that implement the IUIATraceSyncClient and assigning the GemTraceSync_injectIntoTrace function pointer to those modules' injectIntoTraceFxn config option.
 //The following 3 modules all implement the IUIATraceSyncClient interface
 var LogSnapshot   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');
 var LogCtxChg   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogCtxChg');
 var LogSync   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSync');
 //For C66 devices, replace the following line with
 // var GemTraceSync = xdc.useModule('');
 var GemTraceSync = xdc.useModule('');

Example 2: How to create a custom hook function and assign it to the LogSnapshot module
The following is an example of a 'C' code program that implements a hook function that prints out the snapshot ID that is passed in as the serialNumber
 #include <xdc/std.h>
 #include <xdc/runtime/Gate.h>
 #include <ti/uia/runtime/IUIATraceSyncProvider.h>
 #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 extern Void myHookFxn(UInt32 serialNumber, IUIATraceSyncProvider_ContextType ctxType);
 Void Test();
 char name[32]={"Bob"};
 UInt32 newAppId = 0;
 Void myHookFxn(UInt32 serialNumber, IUIATraceSyncProvider_ContextType ctxType){
      volatile UInt32 syncWord;
      IArg key = Gate_enterSystem();
      printf("newAppId written with serialNumber %d and ctxType = %d\n",serialNumber,ctxType);
 Void Test(){
     // note that the hook function is triggered by calling LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId()
     // since that is where the unique snapshot ID that is passed to the
     // hook function is generated.
     Int snapshotId = LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId();
     LogSnapshot_writeString(snapshotId,"User-defined name=%s.",name, strlen(name));

 Void main(){
     while(TRUE){  Test();  }
In order to have the above user-defined function called by the LogSnapshot module whenever it writes an event, the following configuration script is needed:
 var LoggingSetup = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup');
 var LogSnapshot   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');
 var IUIATraceSyncClient = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.IUIATraceSyncClient');
 LogSnapshot.injectIntoTraceFxn = $externFxn('myHookFxn');

config LogSnapshot_isTimestampEnabled  // module-wide

used to enable or disable logging the 64b local CPU timestamp at the start of each event

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool LogSnapshot_isTimestampEnabled;
config LogSnapshot_loggerObj  // module-wide

handle of the logger that is to be used to log snapshot events

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Ptr LogSnapshot_loggerObj;
config LogSnapshot_maxLengthInMAUs  // module-wide

Maximum number of MAUs (miniumum addressable units, e.g. bytes) supported by LogSnapshot events

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Int LogSnapshot_maxLengthInMAUs;
Attempting to write more than the maximum length results in the multiple events being logged. The maxLengthInMAUs must be lower than the size of the buffer that the events are being logged to. Must be less than 1400 in order to support streaming of event data over UDP.
LogSnapshot_doPrint()  // module-wide

Render an event as text via System_printf

C synopsis target-domain
Void LogSnapshot_doPrint(LogSnapshot_EventRec *er);
evRec — a nonNULL pointer to an initialized LogSnapshot_EventRecstructure to be formated via System_printf`.
This method is not currently implemented.
LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId()  // module-wide

returns a unique ID to use to group a set of snapshot event logs together

C synopsis target-domain
UInt32 LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId();
Allows tooling to treat a set of consecutive event logs as a unit and display all of the relevent data together as a set
The following C code shows how to log two snapshot events that capture the target state of two different data structures, using a common unique non-zero snapshot ID provided by the getSnapshotId to inform the host-side tooling that the events represent the target state at the same point in time
  #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
  MyStruct1 myStruct1;
  MyStruct2 myStruct2;
  UInt32 snapshotId;
  snapshotId = LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId();
  LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlock(snapshotId,"myStruct1 ptr=0x%x, numBytes=%d",(UInt32)&myStruct1,sizeof(MyStruct1));
  LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlock(snapshotId,"myStruct2 ptr=0x%x, numBytes=%d",(UInt32)&myStruct2,sizeof(MyStruct2));
a unique non-zero snapshot ID to pass in as a parameter to the LogSnapshot APIs
LogSnapshot_putMemoryRange()  // module-wide

Unconditionally put the specified Types event. Supports both writeMemoryRange and writeString

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void LogSnapshot_putMemoryRange(Types_Event evt, Types_ModuleId mid, IArg fileName, IArg lineNum, UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, IArg startAdrs, IArg lengthInMAUs);
evt — the Types event to put into the log
mid — the module ID of the caller
snapshotId — unique ID that binds together a series of events used to log a large memory range. Upper 16b hold the ID Tag (0 for UIA)
fileName — the name of the file that the event was logged from
lineNum — the line number that the event was logged from
fmt — a user-specified print format string
startAdrs — the start address of the memory range to log
lengthInMAUs — the number of minimum addressable units (e.g. bytes) to log
This method unconditionally puts the specified memoryRangeTypes.Event evt into the log. This type of event is created either implicitly (and passed to an ISnapshotLogger implementation) or explicitly via Types.makeEvent().
value to use as snapshotId parameter for subsequent events
LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlock()  // module-wide

Generate a LogSnapshot event for a block of memory

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlock(UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pMemoryRange, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
snapshotID — ID used to identify snapshot events taken at the same time. Set to 0 for first in series, set rest to return value of LogSnapshot API. see getSnapshotId()
fmt — a constant string that provides a user-readable description of what information the event is capturing
pMemoryRange — the start address of the range of memory
lengthInMAUs — the number of MAUs of data payload for the multi-event data record
Example: The following C code shows how to log a snapshot event to capture a block of memory.
  #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
  UInt32* pIntArray = (UInt32 *)malloc(sizeof(UInt32) * 200);
  LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlock(0,"pIntArray ptr=0x%x, numBytes=%d",(UInt32)pIntArray,200);
The following text will be displayed for the event, if it was logged from file demo.c at line 1234 and all 200 bytes were logged in the same event.
  Memory Snapshot at [demo.c:1234] [snapshotID=0,adrs=0x80002000,
    numMAUsDataInEvent=200,numMAUsDataInRecord=200] ptr=0x80002000, numBytes=200
If the 200 bytes were spread across multiple events, the numMAUsDataInRecord would indicate how many bytes were in the memory block, and numMAUsDataInEvent would indicate how many bytes were stored in that particular event.
LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlockWithIdTag()  // module-wide

Generate a LogSnapshot event for a block of memory

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlockWithIdTag(UInt16 idTag, UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pMemoryRange, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
idTag — ID used to identify who logged the event. Set to 0 for a standard UIA event. Can be used to filter snapshot events on host.
snapshotID — ID used to identify snapshot events taken at the same time. Set to 0 for first in series, set rest to return value of LogSnapshot API. see getSnapshotId()
fmt — a constant string that provides a user-readable description of what information the event is capturing
pMemoryRange — the start address of the range of memory
lengthInMAUs — the number of MAUs of data payload for the multi-event data record
Example: The following C code shows how to log a snapshot event to capture a block of memory.
  #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
  UInt32* pIntArray = (UInt32 *)malloc(sizeof(UInt32) * 200);
  UInt16 myCustomIdTag = 1;
  LogSnapshot_writeMemoryBlockWithIdTag(myCustomIdTag,0,"pIntArray ptr=0x%x, numBytes=%d",(UInt32)pIntArray,200);
The following text will be displayed for the event, if it was logged from file demo.c at line 1234 and all 200 bytes were logged in the same event.
  Memory Snapshot at [demo.c:1234] [snapshotID=0,adrs=0x80002000,
    numMAUsDataInEvent=200,numMAUsDataInRecord=200] ptr=0x80002000, numBytes=200
If the 200 bytes were spread across multiple events, the numMAUsDataInRecord would indicate how many bytes were in the memory block, and numMAUsDataInEvent would indicate how many bytes were stored in that particular event.
LogSnapshot_writeNameOfReference()  // module-wide

Used to log the contents of a dynamic string on the heap so that host-side tooling can display this string as the name of handle / reference ID

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void LogSnapshot_writeNameOfReference(UInt32 refID, IArg fmt, Ptr pString, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
refID — reference ID (e.g. task handle) that the name is associated with
pString — the start address of the string on the heap
lengthInMAUs — the number of MAUs to log (e.g. strlen(pString))
fmt — a constant string that provides format specifiers describing the string
The following C code shows how to log a task name for use by task execution graphs etc.
  #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/BIOS.h>
  #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Task.h>
  // Task create hook function that logs the task name.
  // Notes: Task name is not trequired when creating a BIOS task. Please \
  // make sure a name is provided in order for the host side analysis tool
  // to work properly.
  Void  tskCreateHook(Task_Handle hTask, Error_Block *eb) {
          String name;
          name = Task_Handle_name(hTask);
          LogSnapshot_writeNameOfReference(hTask,"Task_create: name=%s",
This event prints the Log call site (%$F) and a format string (%$S) which describes what information the event is logging. The following text will be displayed for the event:
  nameOfReference at  [demo.c:line 1234] [refID=0x80002000,adrs=0x80001234,40,40] Task_create: name=10msThread.
LogSnapshot_writeString()  // module-wide

Generate a LogSnapshot event for a string in memory

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void LogSnapshot_writeString(UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pString, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
snapshotID — ID used to identify snapshot events taken at the same time. Set to 0 for first in series, set rest to return value of LogSnapshot API. see getSnapshotId()
fmt — a constant string that provides a user-readable description of what information the event is capturing
pString — the start address of the string in memory
lengthInMAUs — the number of MAUs to log (e.g. strlen(pString))
The following C code shows how to log a snapshot event to log the contents of a string in memory.
  #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
  Void myFunc(String name){
     LogSnapshot_writeString(0,"User-defined name=%s.",name, strlen(name));
The following text will be displayed for the event, if it was logged from file demo.c at line 1234 and all bytes in the 40 character string was logged in the same event.
  String Snapshot at [../demo.c:1234] [snapshotID=0,adrs=0x80001234,40,40] User-defined name=ValueOfParm.
LogSnapshot_writeStringWithIdTag()  // module-wide

Generate a LogSnapshot event for a string in memory

C synopsis target-domain
macro Void LogSnapshot_writeStringWithIdTag(UInt16 idTag, UInt32 snapshotID, IArg fmt, Ptr pString, UInt16 lengthInMAUs);
idTag — ID used to identify who logged the event. Set to 0 for a standard UIA event. Can be used to filter snapshot events on host.
snapshotID — ID used to identify snapshot events taken at the same time. Set to 0 for first in series, set rest to return value of LogSnapshot API. see getSnapshotId()
fmt — a constant string that provides a user-readable description of what information the event is capturing
pString — the start address of the string in memory
lengthInMAUs — the number of MAUs to log (e.g. strlen(pString))
The following C code shows how to log a snapshot event to log the contents of a string in memory.
  #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
  Void myFunc(String name){
     UInt16 myCustomIdTag = 1;
     LogSnapshot_writeStringWithIdTag(myCustomIdTag,0,"User-defined name=%s.",name, strlen(name));
The following text will be displayed for the event, if it was logged from file demo.c at line 1234 and all bytes in the 40 character string was logged in the same event.
  String Snapshot at [../demo.c:1234] [snapshotID=0,adrs=0x80001234,40,40] User-defined name=ValueOfParm.
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId LogSnapshot_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool LogSnapshot_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle LogSnapshot_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool LogSnapshot_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 LogSnapshot_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void LogSnapshot_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.xdc
var LogSnapshot = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');
module-wide constants & types
        obj.serial// serial number of event = Bits32  ...
        obj.evt// target encoding of an Event = Bits32  ...
        obj.snapshotId = Int  ...
        obj.fmt = IArg  ...
        obj.pData = Ptr  ...
        obj.lengthInMAUs// arguments passed via Log_write/print = UInt16  ...
module-wide config parameters
    LogSnapshot.idToInfo//  = String[string] [ ];
struct LogSnapshot.EventRec

The target representation of a recorded event

Configuration settings
var obj = new LogSnapshot.EventRec;
    obj.tstamp = Types.Timestamp64  ...
    // time event was written
    obj.serial = Bits32  ...
    // serial number of event
    obj.evt = Bits32  ...
    // target encoding of an Event
    obj.snapshotId = Int  ...
    obj.fmt = IArg  ...
    obj.pData = Ptr  ...
    obj.lengthInMAUs = UInt16  ...
    // arguments passed via Log_write/print
This structure defines how events are recorded on the target.
config LogSnapshot.injectIntoTraceFxn  // module-wide

Callback function that handles injection of info such as serial numbers of sync point events, context change events or snapshot events into a hardware trace stream. (e.g. GEM CPU Trace, System Trace, etc.)

Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.injectIntoTraceFxn = Void(*)(UInt32,IUIATraceSyncProvider.ContextType) null;
Users can provide their own custom injectIntoTraceFxn to log whatever additional information they wish to record when the hook function is called. For example, event serial numbers can be injected into the CPU trace stream and / or STM trace stream in order to enable correlation of information logged in these streams with UIA software events.
Example 1: Correlating events with C64X+ and C66 CPU Trace
The following is an example of the configuration script used to inject serial numbers of sync point events or context change events or snapshot Ids associated with snapshot events.
Note that the GemTraceSync module's .xs script takes care of finding all modules that implement the IUIATraceSyncClient and assigning the GemTraceSync_injectIntoTrace function pointer to those modules' injectIntoTraceFxn config option.
 //The following 3 modules all implement the IUIATraceSyncClient interface
 var LogSnapshot   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');
 var LogCtxChg   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogCtxChg');
 var LogSync   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSync');
 //For C66 devices, replace the following line with
 // var GemTraceSync = xdc.useModule('');
 var GemTraceSync = xdc.useModule('');

Example 2: How to create a custom hook function and assign it to the LogSnapshot module
The following is an example of a 'C' code program that implements a hook function that prints out the snapshot ID that is passed in as the serialNumber
 #include <xdc/std.h>
 #include <xdc/runtime/Gate.h>
 #include <ti/uia/runtime/IUIATraceSyncProvider.h>
 #include <ti/uia/runtime/LogSnapshot.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 extern Void myHookFxn(UInt32 serialNumber, IUIATraceSyncProvider_ContextType ctxType);
 Void Test();
 char name[32]={"Bob"};
 UInt32 newAppId = 0;
 Void myHookFxn(UInt32 serialNumber, IUIATraceSyncProvider_ContextType ctxType){
      volatile UInt32 syncWord;
      IArg key = Gate_enterSystem();
      printf("newAppId written with serialNumber %d and ctxType = %d\n",serialNumber,ctxType);
 Void Test(){
     // note that the hook function is triggered by calling LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId()
     // since that is where the unique snapshot ID that is passed to the
     // hook function is generated.
     Int snapshotId = LogSnapshot_getSnapshotId();
     LogSnapshot_writeString(snapshotId,"User-defined name=%s.",name, strlen(name));

 Void main(){
     while(TRUE){  Test();  }
In order to have the above user-defined function called by the LogSnapshot module whenever it writes an event, the following configuration script is needed:
 var LoggingSetup = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup');
 var LogSnapshot   = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.LogSnapshot');
 var IUIATraceSyncClient = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.runtime.IUIATraceSyncClient');
 LogSnapshot.injectIntoTraceFxn = $externFxn('myHookFxn');

config LogSnapshot.isTimestampEnabled  // module-wide

used to enable or disable logging the 64b local CPU timestamp at the start of each event

Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.isTimestampEnabled = Bool true;
config LogSnapshot.loggerObj  // module-wide

handle of the logger that is to be used to log snapshot events

Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.loggerObj = Ptr null;
config LogSnapshot.maxLengthInMAUs  // module-wide

Maximum number of MAUs (miniumum addressable units, e.g. bytes) supported by LogSnapshot events

Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.maxLengthInMAUs = Int 512;
Attempting to write more than the maximum length results in the multiple events being logged. The maxLengthInMAUs must be lower than the size of the buffer that the events are being logged to. Must be less than 1400 in order to support streaming of event data over UDP.
metaonly config LogSnapshot.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config LogSnapshot.idToInfo  // module-wide
Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.idToInfo = String[string] [ ];
metaonly config LogSnapshot.isInjectIntoTraceEnabled  // module-wide

set false to turn off injection of sync point info into trace even if a module that implements IUIATraceSyncProvider is configured

Configuration settings
LogSnapshot.isInjectIntoTraceEnabled = Bool true;
The XDCScript associated with a module that implements IUIATraceSyncProvider is responsible for checking this config option for all IUIATraceSyncClient modules before automatically configuring the client callback function. This allows users to control which features have sync points injected into the trace stream. For example, a user may wish to configure LogSync.isInjectIntoTraceEnabled = true and LogCtxChg.isInjectIntoTraceEnabled = false in order to reduce the number of sync point events injected into the trace stream.
generated on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 00:15:16 GMT