
ARP32 based interrupt manager

C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sdo/ipc/family/c6a8149/InterruptEve.xdc
struct InterruptEve_IntInfo
C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct InterruptEve_IntInfo {
    UInt localIntId;
    UInt remoteIntId;
    UInt intVectorId;
} InterruptEve_IntInfo;
config InterruptEve_mailboxEveBaseAddr  // module-wide
C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt32 InterruptEve_mailboxEveBaseAddr;
InterruptEve_intClear()  // module-wide

Clear interrupt

C synopsis target-domain
UInt InterruptEve_intClear(UInt16 remoteProcId, IInterrupt_IntInfo *intInfo);
remoteProcId — Remote MultiProc Id
intInfo — Information needed to configure interrupt line
Value (if any) of the interrupt before it was cleared
InterruptEve_intDisable()  // module-wide

Disables the interrupt corresponding to intId

C synopsis target-domain
Void InterruptEve_intDisable(UInt16 remoteProcId, IInterrupt_IntInfo *intInfo);
remoteProcId — Remote MultiProc Id
intInfo — Information needed to configure interrupt line
InterruptEve_intEnable()  // module-wide

Enables the interrupt corresponding to intId

C synopsis target-domain
Void InterruptEve_intEnable(UInt16 remoteProcId, IInterrupt_IntInfo *intInfo);
remoteProcId — Remote MultiProc Id
intInfo — Information needed to configure interrupt line
InterruptEve_intRegister()  // module-wide

Register an interrupt line to a remote processor

C synopsis target-domain
Void InterruptEve_intRegister(UInt16 remoteProcId, IInterrupt_IntInfo *intInfo, Fxn func, UArg arg);
remoteProcId — Remote MultiProc Id
intInfo — Information needed to configure interrupt line
func — Function to register.
arg — Argument that will be passed to func
InterruptEve_intSend()  // module-wide

Send interrupt to the remote processor

C synopsis target-domain
Void InterruptEve_intSend(UInt16 remoteProcId, IInterrupt_IntInfo *intInfo, UArg arg);
remoteProcId — Remote MultiProc Id
intInfo — Information needed to configure interrupt line
arg — Argument for sending interrupt.
InterruptEve_intUnregister()  // module-wide

Unregister an interrupt line to a remote processor

C synopsis target-domain
Void InterruptEve_intUnregister(UInt16 remoteProcId, IInterrupt_IntInfo *intInfo);
remoteProcId — Remote MultiProc Id
intInfo — Information needed to configure interrupt line
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId InterruptEve_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool InterruptEve_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle InterruptEve_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool InterruptEve_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 InterruptEve_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void InterruptEve_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Configuration settings sourced in ti/sdo/ipc/family/c6a8149/InterruptEve.xdc
var InterruptEve = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide constants & types
    var obj = new InterruptEve.IntInfo// ;
        obj.localIntId = UInt  ...
        obj.remoteIntId = UInt  ...
        obj.intVectorId = UInt  ...
module-wide config parameters
    InterruptEve.mailboxEveBaseAddr//  = UInt32 0x4008B000;
struct InterruptEve.IntInfo
Configuration settings
var obj = new InterruptEve.IntInfo;
    obj.localIntId = UInt  ...
    obj.remoteIntId = UInt  ...
    obj.intVectorId = UInt  ...
config InterruptEve.mailboxEveBaseAddr  // module-wide
Configuration settings
InterruptEve.mailboxEveBaseAddr = UInt32 0x4008B000;
metaonly config InterruptEve.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

Configuration settings
InterruptEve.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
generated on Fri, 21 Aug 2015 19:35:57 GMT