package ti.sdo.ce

Codec Engine Core Runtime

This package provides the top-level Engine APIs; i.e., the APIs that are algorithm independent. This package also provides the SPIs (System Programming Interfaces) used by individual algorithms runnable via the Codec Engine. [ more ... ]
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sdo/ce/package.xdc
package ti.sdo.ce [1, 0, 6] {
    interface ICodec;
    // Codec Engine algorithm interface
    module Engine;
    // Engine Configuration interface
    module Server;
    // DSP Server Configuration interface
    module Settings;
    // Global configuration settings for all Codec Engine packages
This package provides the top-level Engine APIs; i.e., the APIs that are algorithm independent. This package also provides the SPIs (System Programming Interfaces) used by individual algorithms runnable via the Codec Engine.
For information on using debug libraries when linking your executable, see the config param.
generated on Thu, 02 Dec 2010 05:35:36 GMT