metaonly module

Global configuration settings for all Codec Engine packages

This module provides high-level configuration settings for all Codec Engine packages. [ more ... ]
XDCspec summary sourced in ti/sdo/ce/global/Settings.xdc
metaonly module Settings {  ...
XDCscript usage meta-domain
var Settings = xdc.useModule('');
module-wide config parameters
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sdo/ce/global/Settings.xdc
metaonly module Settings {
module-wide config parameters
    config String profile// Name the library profile to use at link time = "release";
This module provides high-level configuration settings for all Codec Engine packages.
When linking an executable, this module's profile config param is used to select which libraries are used. See the profile config param below. There are three typical use-cases.
1. Link with Codec Engine libraries of a specific profile. Add the following to your application cfg script.
  // set all codec engine libraries to the given profile
  xdc.useModule('').profile = "debug";
2. Link with Codec Engine libraries using the program's profile. Add the following to your application cfg script.
  // use the program's profile
  var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.cfg.Program');
  xdc.useModule('').profile =;
3. Specify a profile on a per-package basis.
  // specify the profile for some select packages
  xdc.loadPackage('ti.sdo.ce').profile = "debug";
  xdc.loadPackage('').profile = "debug";
  xdc.loadPackage('ti.sdo.ce.image').profile = "debug";
  xdc.loadPackage('ti.sdo.ce.speech').profile = "debug";
  xdc.loadPackage('').profile = "debug";
Note that the third method above does not actually use the profile config param. It sets the package's profile config param directly.
The default value for the profile config param is release. Thus, even when building your executable using a debug profile, the Codec Engine release libraries will be used. This helps to keep the executable size smaller when you want to debug the application code.
config Settings.profile  // module-wide

Name the library profile to use at link time

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Settings.profile = String "release";
If the Codec Engine libraries have been built using the profile named by this config param, then these libraries will be used when linking the final executable. Otherwise, a substitute library will be used. For example, if this config param is set to debug but there are only release libraries available, then the release library is used.
generated on Thu, 02 Dec 2010 05:35:32 GMT