metaonly interface ti.sdo.ce.ipc.IIpc

OSAL interface

XDCspec summary sourced in ti/sdo/ce/ipc/IIpc.xdc
metaonly interface IIpc {  ...
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sdo/ce/ipc/IIpc.xdc
package ti.sdo.ce.ipc;
metaonly interface IIpc {
module-wide constants & types
        IIpc.ArmDspLinkConfigMemTableEntry memTable[string];
        Bool doPowerControl;
        IIpc.DspManagement dspManagement;
        UInt32 addr;
        UInt32 gppAddr;
        UInt32 size;
        String type;
enum IIpc.DspManagement

Value for controlling DSP from ARM w/ DspLink

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sdo/ce/ipc/IIpc.xdc
enum DspManagement {
BootAndLoadDsp — DspLink boots DSP and loads executable
BootDspAutonomously — DspLink boots DSP w/o loading executable
None — DspLink neither boots DSP nor loads executable
struct IIpc.ArmDspLinkConfig

Configuration for the DspLink on the Arm side

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sdo/ce/ipc/IIpc.xdc
metaonly struct ArmDspLinkConfig {
    IIpc.ArmDspLinkConfigMemTableEntry memTable[string];
    Bool doPowerControl;
    IIpc.DspManagement dspManagement;
memTable — Memory table, describing all DSP segments. NOTE: segments "DDR2" (or whatever is the name of the main segment), "DSPLINKMEM", and "RESETCTRL" must be present
doPowerControl — Flag indicating if Link should implement power control of DSP.
dspManagement — Flag indicating how Link should boot/load DSP
Of the many fields that Link exposes for configuration, selected ones are exposed through this interface.
struct IIpc.ArmDspLinkConfigMemTableEntry

Description of one DSP memory segment entry

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/sdo/ce/ipc/IIpc.xdc
metaonly struct ArmDspLinkConfigMemTableEntry {
    UInt32 addr;
    UInt32 gppAddr;
    UInt32 size;
    String type;
addr — The beginning address of the segment
gppAddr — The GPP physical address of the segment (when needed)
size — Size of the segment in bytes
type — One of the following types: "main" -- main code/data segment (i.e. DDR2) "link" -- DSPLINKMEM segment "reset" -- RESETCTRL segment "poolmem" -- POOLMEM segment "code" -- dsp code/data, must map into GPP space "other" -- anything else
generated on Thu, 02 Dec 2010 05:35:30 GMT