ce Directory Reference

Directory dependency graph for packages/ti/sdo/ce/:


directory  audio
directory  audio1
directory  image
directory  image1
directory  osal
directory  speech
directory  speech1
directory  universal
directory  vidanalytics
directory  video
directory  video1
directory  video2
directory  video3
directory  vidtranscode


file  CERuntime.h [code]

The Codec Engine Runtime init module. Provides system wide initialization of the Codec Engine Runtime.

file  Engine.h [code]

The Codec Engine Runtime.

file  Server.h [code]

The Codec Engine Server Interface. Provides the user an inteface to open and manipulate a Server which contains remote algorithms.

file  visa.h [code]

The Codec Engine System Programming Interface. Provides system developers with services necessary to implement stubs and skeletons.

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