File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Engine.h [code]The Codec Engine Runtime. Provides the user an inteface to open and manipulate an engine which can instantiate and communicate with xDAIS algorithms that run either on the local CPU or on a "remote" DSP Server
cetools/packages/ti/sdo/utils/trace/gt.h [code]The "Generic Tracing" module. Provides producers of content the ability to, in a runtime-independant way, add tracing. Also provides consumers of trace-enabled content the mechanisms necessary to enable/disable the various trace statements
packages/ti/sdo/ce/trace/gt.h [code]
ialg.h [code]This header defines all types, constants, and functions defined by XDAIS for algorithms
Memory.h [code]The Codec Engine OSAL Memory interface. Provides the user an OS-independent Memory abstraction
skel.h [code]The Codec Engine System Programming Interface (SPI) for skeleton developers
spi.h [code]
visa.h [code]The Codec Engine System Programming Interface. Provides system developers with services necessary to implement stubs and skeletons
xdas.h [code]This header defines all types and constants used in the XDAS interfaces
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