AM6 Host Descriptions


This chapter provides information of Host IDs that are permitted in the am6 SoC. These host IDs represent processing entities (or PEs) which is mandatory identification of a Host in a processor.

Typically a host is a ‘compute entity’ which may be an actual processor or even a virtual machine. We just use host or processing entity to indicate the same thing.

Enumeration of Host IDs

Host ID Host Name Security Status Description
0 DMSC Secure Device Management and Security Control
3 R5_0 Non Secure Cortex R5 Context 0 on MCU island
4 R5_1 Secure Cortex R5 Context 1 on MCU island(Boot)
5 R5_2 Non Secure Cortex R5 Context 2 on MCU island
6 R5_3 Secure Cortex R5 Context 3 on MCU island
10 A53_0 Secure Cortex A53 context 0 on Main island
11 A53_1 Secure Cortex A53 context 1 on Main island
12 A53_2 Non Secure Cortex A53 context 2 on Main island
13 A53_3 Non Secure Cortex A53 context 3 on Main island
14 A53_4 Non Secure Cortex A53 context 4 on Main island
15 A53_5 Non Secure Cortex A53 context 5 on Main island
16 A53_6 Non Secure Cortex A53 context 6 on Main island
17 A53_7 Non Secure Cortex A53 context 7 on Main island
30 GPU_0 Non Secure SGX544 Context 0 on Main island
31 GPU_1 Non Secure SGX544 Context 1 on Main island
50 ICSSG_0 Non Secure ICSS Context 0 on Main island
51 ICSSG_1 Non Secure ICSS Context 1 on Main island
52 ICSSG_2 Non Secure ICSS Context 2 on Main island
128 HOST_ID_ALL N/A Host catch all. Used in board configuration resource assignments to define resource ranges useable by all hosts. Cannot be used


  • Description provides an intended purpose of the host ID, though on some systems, this might be used differently, backing memory and link allocations are made with the specified purpose in mind
  • Security Status provides an intended purpose for the Host context