Trace Layer¶
Trace Layer Overview¶
The ability to output human readable trace messages is necessary to be able to properly debug firmware operation. However, due to the potential for huge amounts of messages due to fast transitions in firewalls, clocks, etc, a compact trace format that can be easily machine parsed is required as well. A global ‘trace’ layer is provided so that any sub-system present in the firmware has the ability to output information in a common way over a user configured interface.
Trace Configuration¶
All built-in trace options can be selectively enabled during runtime as described in Design details for System Firmware Debug Console. The trace destinations are configurable as build options but by default are built in and usage of them is left up to the aforementioned board configuration.
In the interest of allowing debug of early boot within System Firmware the
default state of all Board Config Debug
configurable trace sources and destinations is enabled. Once the
message is received, the values within
immediately take effect and only the configured
trace sources and destinations will be in use until reboot. However,
this means that the earliest boot messages before TISCI_MSG_BOARD_CONFIG
from System Firmware will always be printed.
Keeping trace enabled will have considerable impact on performance. While useful for debug, there are many trace points throughout the code and waiting for each print to occur, especially if all trace destinations are enabled, can add considerable to each subsystem init and TISCI message response. If performance is a system requirement trace should be disabled.
All trace debug and trace print messages will be routed as strings over the UART or memory buffer as there is only a single resource for each of these. ITM has multiple channels available that will be partitioned as described below:
ITM Channel Number | Usage |
0 | Trace print strings. |
1 | Baseport Trace debug. |
2 | Security Trace debug. |
3 | Resource Management Trace debug. |
4 | Power Management Trace debug. |
Trace Memory Buffer Location¶
The trace memory buffer is located within the firmware memory. Information about the location and size can be found below.
SoC | Base Address | Size |
AM65x | 0x44083000 | 0x1000 |
J721e | 0x44083000 | 0x1000 |
Trace Debug Data Format¶
The Trace Debug API supports the sending of arbitrary u32’s to the various Trace destinations. By defining a common convention for these u32’s to represent data they can be used to describe events within the system. The below format describes the standard meaning of each bit inside the u32.
Type | Bit Index | Use |
Domain ID | 31 - 29 | Identifies which domain this debug code belongs to. |
Action ID | 28 - 22 | Identifies the action this code represents, domain specific. |
Message Specific Data | 21 - 0 | Additional data specific to the domain and action ID. |
Optionally, a sub-action ID can be specified as part of the standard message data field in order to provide more granular trace data per subsystem. The below format describes the meaning for each bit inside the u32 when the optional sub-action ID is utilized.
Type | Bit Index | Use |
Domain ID | 31 - 29 | Identifies which domain this debug code belongs to. |
Action ID | 28 - 22 | Identifies the action this code represents, domain specific. |
Sub-Action ID | 21 - 16 | Identifies the sub-action this code represents, domain specific. |
Message Specific Data | 15 - 0 | Additional data specific to the domain and action ID. |
Domain ID¶
Domain Name | Value | Use |
Baseport | 0 | Debug trace is from Baseport Domain. |
Security | 1 | Debug trace is from Security Domain |
RM | 2 | Debug trace is from Resource Management Domain |
PM | 3 | Debug trace is from Power Management Domain. |
Reserved | 4 | Reserved for future use. |
Reserved | 5 | Reserved for future use. |
Reserved | 6 | Reserved for future use. |
Reserved | 7 | Reserved for future use. |
Messages sent using any reserved Domain IDs will be ignored.
Action & Optional Sub-Action IDs¶
Below is a listing of the Action IDs and Sub-Action IDs for each domain along with how the Message Specific Data (MSD) is to be interpreted.
The Sub-Action IDs are optionally used by domain owners to provide more granular data for each Action ID. Use of Sub-Action IDs restricts the action data per trace to 16-bits wide.
Baseport Action IDs¶
Action ID | Value | Use | MSD Use | Notes |
BP_INIT_COMPLETE | 0 | OSAL/Baseport init complete | Unused | |
TISCI_MSG_RECEIVED | 1 | TISCI Message received | (21-16) Queue ID (15-0) TISCI ID | When TISCI_MSG_RECEIVED is followed by TISCI_MSG_SENDER_HOST_ID with the same Queue ID, the reported TISCI ID and HOST ID are guaranteed to have come from the same received TISCI message. Queue ID is an arbitrary value used for this purpose. |
TISCI_MSG_SENDER_HOST_ID | 2 | Host ID of sent Message | (21-16) Queue ID (15-0) Host ID of request | See note above for TISCI_MSG_RECEIVED. |
RESERVED | 10 | N/A | N/A | |
TRACE_DATA_VERSION | 16 | OSAL/Baseport trace data version. | (19-12) Version major (11-0) Version minor | Any System Firmware trace parsing utilities should be able to comprehend the trace version when decoding trace logs |
SYSFW_VERSION | 17 | System Firmware version | (15-8) Version (7-4) Subversion (3-0) Patch | |
GENERIC_DEBUG | 127 | Generic Debug Message | Any use. |
Security Action IDs¶
Action ID | Value | Use | MSD Use |
Security Init | 0x2 | Indicates progress of post-boardconfig security initialization | Bit [0] - 0 => start, 1 => end |
FAIL (modifier) | 0x40 | Action failed when action bit set | N/A |
Generic Debug | 127 | Generic Debug message | Any use. |
Resource Management Action IDs & Sub-Action IDs¶
Action ID | Value | Use | Sub-Action ID | Value | MSD Use |
RM_INIT | 0 | RM init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RM_CORE_INIT | 1 | RM core init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RA_INIT | 3 | RA driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
RING_CONFIGURE | 4 | NavSS ring configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Ring accelerator Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Ring index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
RING_VIRTID | 10 | ring Virt ID | |||
RING_MODE | 11 | ring mode | |||
RING_SIZE | 12 | ring size | |||
RING_BA_LO_HI | 13 | Upper 16-bits of base address lo | |||
RING_BA_LO_LO | 14 | Lower 16-bits of base address lo | |||
RING_COUNT_HI | 15 | Upper 4-bits of count | |||
RING_COUNT_LO | 16 | Lower 16-bits of count | |||
RING_ORDERID | 17 | ring Order ID | |||
RING_GET_CFG | 5 | Get NavSS ring configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Ring accelerator Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Ring index | |||
GET_RESET_CFG | 2 | Configuration retrieval type | |||
RING_VALIDATE_INDEX | 6 | NavSS ring index validation | INDEX | 1 | Ring index |
SS_DEVICE_ID | 5 | NavSS subsystem device ID | |||
RING_MON_CFG | 7 | NavSS ring monitor configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Ring accelerator Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Ring monitor index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
RING_MONITOR_SOURCE | 18 | Monitor source | |||
RING_MONITOR_MODE | 19 | Monitor mode | |||
RING_MONITOR_QUEUE | 20 | Queue, or ring, to monitor | |||
RING_OES_SET | 8 | Set OES register in NavSS ring accelerator | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Ring accelerator Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Ring index | |||
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
RING_OES_GET | 9 | Get OES register in NavSS ring accelerator | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Ring accelerator Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Ring index | |||
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
UDMAP_INIT | 12 | UDMAP driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
UDMAP_TX_CH_SET_THRD_ID | 13 | Set NavSS UDMAP transmit channel thread ID | INDEX | 1 | Transmit channel index |
SS_DEVICE_ID | 5 | NavSS subsystem device ID | |||
UDMA_CH_THREAD_ID | 30 | PSI-L thread ID | |||
UDMAP_TX_CH_CFG | 14 | NavSS UDMAP transmit channel configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | transmit channel index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
UDMA_CH_PAUSE_ON_ERR | 10 | Pause on error | |||
UDMA_CH_ATYPE | 11 | Channel atype | |||
UDMA_CH_TYPE | 12 | Channel type | |||
UDMA_CH_FETCH_SIZE | 13 | Fetch size | |||
UDMA_CH_CQ_QNUM | 14 | Completion queue number | |||
UDMA_CH_PRIORITY | 15 | Priority | |||
UDMA_CH_QOS | 16 | QoS | |||
UDMA_CH_ORDERID | 17 | Order ID | |||
UDMA_CH_SCHED_PRIORITY | 18 | Scheduling priority | |||
UDMA_CH_BURST_SIZE | 31 | Burst size | |||
UDMA_TX_CH_FILT_EINFO | 32 | Filter extended info | |||
UDMA_TX_CH_FILT_PSWORDS | 33 | Filter PS words | |||
UDMA_TX_CH_SUPR_TDPKT | 34 | Teardown packet suppression | |||
UDMA_TX_CH_CREDIT_COUNT | 35 | Channel credit count | |||
UDMA_TX_CH_FDEPTH | 36 | Channel fdepth | |||
UDMA_TX_CH_TDTYPE | 37 | Channel teardown type | |||
UDMAP_TX_CH_GET_CFG | 15 | Get NavSS UDMAP transmit channel configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | UDMAP transmit channel index | |||
GET_RESET_CFG | 2 | Configuration retrieval type | |||
UDMAP_GCFG_CFG | 16 | NavSS UDMAP GCFG region configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
UDMAP_RX_CH_SET_THRD_ID | 20 | Set NavSS UDMAP receive channel thread ID | INDEX | 1 | Receive channel index |
SS_DEVICE_ID | 5 | NavSS subsystem device ID | |||
UDMA_CH_THREAD_ID | 30 | PSI-L thread ID | |||
UDMAP_RX_CH_CFG | 21 | NavSS UDMAP receive channel configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | receive channel index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
UDMA_CH_PAUSE_ON_ERR | 10 | Pause on error | |||
UDMA_CH_ATYPE | 11 | Channel atype | |||
UDMA_CH_TYPE | 12 | Channel type | |||
UDMA_CH_FETCH_SIZE | 13 | Fetch size | |||
UDMA_CH_CQ_QNUM | 14 | Completion queue number | |||
UDMA_CH_PRIORITY | 15 | Priority | |||
UDMA_CH_QOS | 16 | QoS | |||
UDMA_CH_ORDERID | 17 | Order ID | |||
UDMA_CH_SCHED_PRIORITY | 18 | Scheduling priority | |||
UDMA_CH_BURST_SIZE | 31 | Burst size | |||
UDMA_RX_CH_FLOW_ID_START | 32 | Flow ID start | |||
UDMA_RX_CH_FLOW_ID_COUNT | 33 | Flow ID count | |||
UDMA_RX_CH_IGNORE_SHORT | 34 | Ignore long | |||
UDMA_RX_CH_IGNORE_LONG | 35 | Ignore short | |||
UDMAP_RX_CH_GET_CFG | 22 | Get NavSS UDMAP receive channel configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | UDMAP receive channel index | |||
GET_RESET_CFG | 2 | Configuration retrieval type | |||
UDMAP_GCFG_GET_CFG | 23 | Get NavSS UDMAP GCFG region configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
GET_RESET_CFG | 2 | Configuration retrieval type | |||
PROXY_INIT | 24 | Proxy driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
PROXY_CFG | 25 | NavSS proxy configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Proxy Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Proxy index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
PROXY_OES_SET | 26 | Set OES register in NavSS Proxy | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Proxy Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Proxy index | |||
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
PROXY_OES_GET | 27 | Get OES register in NavSS Proxy | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Proxy Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Proxy index | |||
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
UDMAP_FLOW_CFG | 29 | NavSS UDMAP receive flow configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | receive flow index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_EINFO_PRESENT | 10 | extended info present | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_PSINFO_PRESENT | 11 | psinfo present | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_ERROR_HANDLING | 12 | error handling | |||
UDMA_FLOW_DESC_TYPE | 13 | descriptor type | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_SOP_OFFSET | 14 | SOP offset | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_PS_LOCATION | 15 | PS location | |||
UDMA_FLOW_SRC_TAG_SEL | 16 | Source tag selector | |||
UDMA_FLOW_DEST_TAG_SEL | 17 | Destination tag selector | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_DEST_QNUM | 18 | Destination queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ0_SZ0_QNUM | 19 | FDQ0 SZ0 queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ1_QNUM | 20 | FDQ1 queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ2_QNUM | 21 | FDQ2 queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ3_QNUM | 22 | FDQ3 queue number | |||
UDMAP_FLOW_SZ_CFG | 30 | NavSS UDMAP receive flow size threshold configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | receive flow index | |||
VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params | |||
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ0_SZ1_QNUM | 23 | FDQ0 SZ1 queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ0_SZ2_QNUM | 24 | FDQ0 SZ2 queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_FDQ0_SZ3_QNUM | 25 | FDQ0 SZ3 queue number | |||
UDMA_FLOW_RX_SIZE_THRESH_EN | 26 | size threshold routing enable | |||
UDMAP_OES_SET | 31 | Set OES register in NavSS UDMAP | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Channel index | |||
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
UDMAP_OES_GET | 32 | Get OES register in NavSS UDMAP | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | Channel index | |||
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
UDMAP_FLOW_GET_CFG | 33 | Get NavSS UDMAP receive flow configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | UDMAP receive flow index | |||
GET_RESET_CFG | 2 | Configuration retrieval type | |||
UDMAP_FLOW_SZ_GET_CFG | 34 | Get NavSS UDMAP receive flow size threshold configuration | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
INDEX | 1 | UDMAP receive flow index | |||
GET_RESET_CFG | 2 | Configuration retrieval type | |||
PSIL_INIT | 35 | PSI-L driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
PSIL_PAIR | 36 | Pair NavSS PSI-L threads | DEVICE_ID | 0 | PSI-L proxy device ID |
PSIL_SRC_THREAD | 10 | PSI-L source thread | |||
PSIL_DST_THREAD | 11 | PSI-L destination thread | |||
PSIL_THREAD_ENABLED | 12 | PSI-L thread enabled prior to pairing | |||
PSIL_READ | 38 | Read NavSS PSI-L thread configuration register | DEVICE_ID | 0 | PSI-L proxy device ID |
PSIL_THREAD | 15 | PSI-L thread | |||
PSIL_THREAD_CFG_REG_ADDR | 16 | Thread configuration register addr | |||
PSIL_THREAD_CFG_REG_VAL_HI | 17 | Upper 16-bits of register value | |||
PSIL_THREAD_CFG_REG_VAL_LO | 18 | Lower 16-bits of register value | |||
PSIL_WRITE | 39 | Write NavSS PSI-L thread configuration register | DEVICE_ID | 0 | PSI-L proxy device ID |
PSIL_THREAD | 15 | PSI-L thread | |||
PSIL_THREAD_CFG_REG_ADDR | 16 | Thread configuration register addr | |||
PSIL_THREAD_CFG_REG_VAL_HI | 17 | Upper 16-bits of written value | |||
PSIL_THREAD_CFG_REG_VAL_LO | 18 | Lower 16-bits of written value | |||
PSIL_UNPAIR | 40 | Unpair NavSS PSI-L threads | DEVICE_ID | 0 | PSI-L proxy device ID |
PSIL_SRC_THREAD | 10 | PSI-L source thread | |||
PSIL_DST_THREAD | 11 | PSI-L destination thread | |||
PSIL_THREAD_DISABLED | 13 | PSI-L thread disabled prior to unpairing | |||
PSIL_SRC_THREAD_PEER | 14 | Source thread peer register thread value | |||
PSIL_DRU_DST_OFFSET | 41 | DRU thread offset for UTC control programming | DEVICE_ID | 0 | PSI-L proxy device ID |
PSIL_THREAD | 15 | PSI-L thread | |||
IRQ_INIT | 43 | IRQ driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IRQ_SET | 44 | Program interrupt route | VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params |
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
IRQ_IA_ID | 10 | IA device ID | |||
IRQ_GLOBAL_EVENT | 11 | Global event | |||
IRQ_DST_HOST_IRQ | 12 | Destination host IRQ input index | |||
IRQ_SECONDARY_HOST | 13 | Secondary host ID | |||
IRQ_SRC_ID | 14 | Interrupt source device ID | |||
IRQ_SRC_INDEX | 15 | Interrupt source index | |||
IRQ_DST_ID | 16 | Interrupt destination device ID | |||
IRQ_VINT | 17 | Virtual interrupt | |||
IRQ_VINT_STATUS_BIT_INDEX | 18 | Virtual interrupt status bit | |||
IRQ_RELEASE | 45 | Clear interrupt route | VALID_PARAM_HI | 7 | Upper 16-bits of valid_params |
VALID_PARAM_LO | 8 | Lower 16-bits of valid_params | |||
IRQ_IA_ID | 10 | IA device ID | |||
IRQ_GLOBAL_EVENT | 11 | Global event | |||
IRQ_DST_HOST_IRQ | 12 | Destination host IRQ input index | |||
IRQ_SECONDARY_HOST | 13 | Secondary host ID | |||
IRQ_SRC_ID | 14 | Interrupt source device ID | |||
IRQ_SRC_INDEX | 15 | Interrupt source index | |||
IRQ_DST_ID | 16 | Interrupt destination device ID | |||
IRQ_VINT | 17 | Virtual interrupt | |||
IRQ_VINT_STATUS_BIT_INDEX | 18 | Virtual interrupt status bit | |||
IRQ_IA_OES_SET | 46 | Set OES register in Interrupt Aggregator | DEVICE_ID | 0 | IA Device ID |
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
IRQ_IA_OES_GET | 47 | Get OES register in Interrupt Aggregator | DEVICE_ID | 0 | UDMAP Device ID |
EVENT | 3 | Global event | |||
OES_REG_INDEX | 4 | OES register index | |||
IRQ_IA_INIT | 48 | IA driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IRQ_IA_MAP_VINT | 49 | Map an event to an IA virtual interrupt | DEVICE_ID | 0 | IA device ID |
IA_VINT | 10 | Virtual interrupt | |||
IA_GLOBAL_EVENT | 11 | Global event | |||
IA_VINT_STATUS_BIT | 12 | Virtual interrupt status bit | |||
IRQ_IA_UNMAP_VINT | 50 | Unmap an event from an IA virtual interrupt | DEVICE_ID | 0 | IA device ID |
IA_VINT | 10 | Virtual interrupt | |||
IA_GLOBAL_EVENT | 11 | Global event | |||
IA_VINT_STATUS_BIT | 12 | Virtual interrupt status bit | |||
IRQ_IR_INIT | 52 | IR driver init complete | N/A | N/A | N/A |
IRQ_IR_CFG | 53 | Configured IR input to output mapping | DEVICE_ID | 0 | IR device ID |
IR_INPUT | 10 | IR input index | |||
IR_OUTPUT | 11 | IR output index | |||
IRQ_IR_CLR | 54 | Cleared IR input to output mapping | DEVICE_ID | 0 | IR device ID |
IR_INPUT | 10 | IR input index | |||
IR_OUTPUT | 11 | IR output index | |||
RESASG_FIREWALL_CFG | 59 | RM resource assignment firewall configuration | INDEX | 1 | Resource index |
RESASG_UTYPE | 6 | Resource assignment unique type | |||
RESASG_FWL_ID | 13 | Channelized firewall ID | |||
RESASG_FWL_CH | 14 | Channelized firewall channel | |||
RESASG_VALIDATE_RESOURCE | 60 | RM validate resource against board configuration | INDEX | 1 | Resource index |
RESASG_UTYPE | 6 | Resource assignment unique type | |||
RESASG_VALIDATE_HOST | 10 | host ID | |||
RESOURCE_GET | 61 | Retrieve a resource range for a host | RESASG_UTYPE | 6 | Resource assignment unique type |
RESOURCE_GET_TYPE | 10 | Resource type | |||
RESOURCE_GET_SUBTYPE | 11 | Resource subtype | |||
RESOURCE_GET_RANGE_START | 12 | Resource range start | |||
RESOURCE_GET_RANGE_NUM | 13 | Resource range number | |||
RESOURCE_GET_SECONDARY_HOST | 14 | Secondary host | |||
DEVGRP_VALIDATE | 62 | Validate device against current RM device group | DEVICE_ID | 0 | Device ID |
DEVGRP_BOARDCFG | 10 | RM Board configuration devgrp | |||
DEVGRP_DEVICE | 11 | RM managed device devgrp | |||
FAIL (modifier) | 0x40 | Action failed when action bit set | N/A | N/A | N/A |
GENERIC_DEBUG | 127 | Generic Debug Message | N/A | N/A | Any use. |
Power Management Action IDs¶
Action ID | Value | Use | MSD Use |
DEVICE_ON | 0 | Device has been turned on . | Device ID |
DEVICE_OFF | 1 | Device has been turned off. | Device ID |
CLOCK_ENABLE | 2 | Clock has been enabled. | Clock ID |
CLOCK_DISABLE | 3 | Clock has been disabled. | Clock ID |
CLOCK_SET_RATE | 4 | Clock frequency has been changed. | [21:17] - Clock frequency, exponent [16:10] - Clock frequency, significand [9:0] - Clock ID |
CLOCK_SET_PARENT | 5 | Clock parent has been changed. | [21:10] - New parent ID [9:0] - Clock ID |
MSG_RECEIVED | 6 | TI-SCI message received | Message ID |
MSG_PARAM_DEV_CLK_ID | 7 | TI-SCI message content: dev/clk-ids | [10:21] - Clock ID [9:0] - Device ID |
MSG_PARAM_VAL | 8 | TI-SCI message content: value | Target value |
WAKE_ARM | 9 | ARM wakeup event received | Host ID |
WAKE_HANDLER | 10 | Wakeup handler executed | Interrupt ID |
PD_GET | 11 | Powerdomain get | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [13:0] - PD Use count |
PD_PUT | 12 | Powerdomain put | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [13:0] - PD Use count |
SET_LOCAL_RESET | 13 | Set local reset | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [0] - Enable (1) / Disable (0) |
MODULE_GET | 14 | Module get | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - LPSC ID [13:0] - Module Use count |
MODULE_PUT | 15 | Module put | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - LPSC ID [13:0] - Module Use count |
RETENTION_GET | 16 | Retention put | [21:20] - LPSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [13:0] - Module Retention count |
RETENTION_PUT | 17 | Retention put | [21:20] - LPSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [13:0] - Module Retention count |
PD_INIT | 18 | Powerdomain init | [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [21:20] - PSC ID |
PSC_INV_DATA | 19 | Invalid PSC Data | N/A |
PD_TRANS_TIMEOUT | 20 | Powerdomain Transition timeout | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [2:0] - Priv Position information |
PD_INV_DEP_DATA | 21 | Powerdomain Invalid Dep Data | [21:20] - Dependent PD ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [2:0] - Priv Position information |
PD_RSTDNE_TIMEOUT | 22 | Powerdomain resetdone timeout | [21:20] - PSC ID [19:14] - Powerdomain ID [2:0] - Priv Position information |
PM_INIT | 32 | Power Management Init | [20] - Power Init result [19] - Modules defer result [18:16] - Index of start module [15:0] - Error value |
PM_DEV_INIT | 33 | Power Management device init | [21:12] - Device ID [11:0] - Error value |
FAIL (modifier) | 0x40 | Action failed when action bit set | N/A |
EXCLUSIVE_BUSY | 123 | Other hosts have enabled the device which exclusive access has been requested | [21:12] - Device ID [11:6] - Requesting host ID [5:0] - One of other host IDs |
EXCLUSIVE_DEVICE | 124 | Another host has exclusive access to the requested device | [21:8] - Device ID [7:0] - Requesting host ID |
INVALID_STATE | 125 | API attempted to set invalid state | Target state |
BAD_DEVICE | 126 | API received bad device ID | Device ID |
GENERIC_DEBUG | 127 | Generic Debug Message | Any use. |