Security Board Configuration

Security Configuration in System Firmware

The security portion of system firmware has options that can be configured independently of the main Board Configuration. In addition, initialization of the secure portion of the system firmware can be deferred until this secure board configuration is sent to allow tuning of the system boot time.


This message MUST be sent in order to initialize the security capabilities of system firmware. Until it is received no security functionality is available.

A standalone board configuration message contains the security data within a flat-typed array. The security data is provided separately to reduce DMSC boot time. The security board cfg message is sent any time after the boot notification message is sent and has no dependence upon receipt of the standard board configuration message.

TISCI API for Security Board Config

The following are the parameters required in the TI-SCI message to pass security board configuration data to DMSC after DMSC sends boot notification complete. The security board configuration message is not dependent on receipt of the standard board configuration message.


Message Type Normal
Secure Queue Only? Yes

TISCI Message ID


Message Data Structures

struct tisci_msg_board_config_security_req

TISCI_MSG_BOARD_CONFIG_SECURITY request to provide the location and size of the boardcfg security configuration structure.

Parameter Type Description
hdr struct tisci_header TISCI header
boardcfg_securityp_low u32 Low 32-bits of physical pointer to boardcfg security configuration struct.
boardcfg_securityp_high u32 High 32-bits of physical pointer to boardcfg security configuration struct.
boardcfg_security_size u16 Size of security configuration data.

struct tisci_msg_board_config_security_resp


Parameter Type Description
hdr struct tisci_header TISCI header.

Although this message is essentially empty and contains only a header a full data structure is created for consistency in implementation.


The boardcfg data structures described below must be placed in MCU OCMC SRAM. The address used in the TISCI message will be in MCU OCMC SRAM.

Configuration substructure enumeration

This is a fixed size c-structure which both defines the format of the configuration as well as reserves DMSC memory to store the configuration. The boardcfg_sec data structure makes use of the same ABI revision structure structure for the top level and boardcfg substructure header for each member structure as the top level boardcfg structure does..

Element Type Description
boardcfg_abi_rev ABI revision structure Board Config ABI version (separate from DMSC ABI version)
processor_acl_list Design for Processor Access List Processor access control list configuration
host_hierarchy Design for Host Hierarchy Host hierarchy configuration

Design for Processor Access List

Access Control List for various Processors in the SoC.


Element Type Description
subhdr boardcfg substructure header Magic and size for integrity check
proc_access_list processor_access_list [32] Processor access description

Processor access list entry

Element Type Description
processor_id u8 Processor ID (mandatory) - Use 0 to mark unused
proc_access_master u16 Recovery Host ID or Primary control master host ID (mandatory)
proc_access_secondary[0-2] u16 Other Host IDs that can control this processor(set to DMSC host ID if unused)

Design for Host Hierarchy

Host Hierarchy for various processing entities in the SoC. Host hierarchy defines the supervisory tree for all processing entities in the SoC.


Element Type Description
subhdr boardcfg substructure header Magic and size for integrity check
host_hierarchy_entries host_hierarchy_entries [32] Host hierarchy description

Host hierarchy entry

Element Type Description
host_id u8 Processing entity Host ID (mandatory) - Use 0 to mark unused
supervisor_host_id u8 Supervisor Host ID