Azure SDK Update

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Microsoft Azure IoT C SDK update

A snapshot of the Microsoft Azure IoT C SDK is bundled with this plugin in the directory source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink/sdk. The plugin has been validated against this version of the SDK, as documented in the release notes. While there is no guarantee that compatibility is always preserved, in some instances, the user may wish to update the SDK to a later release. One can do so by cloning the desired tag from the Microsoft Azure IoT C SDK GitHub repository into the subdirectory source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink/sdk and by rebuilding the libraries using the following procedure, which assumes you have Git installed on your computer:

  1. Edit the products.mak file in source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink/build_all using your favorite text editor. The variables XDC_INSTALL_DIR and SIMPLELINK_CC32XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR must point to the locations where you installed these products. The variable ti.targets.arm.elf.M4 should point to the installation location of the TI ARM compiler, which can be found in CCS. If you choose to use a different toolchain you can similarly set the corresponding toolchain variable. After modification, these variable definitions should look similar to the following. Note the use of “/” in the path.

    SIMPLELINK_CC32XX_SDK_INSTALL_DIR   ?= C:/ti/simplelink_cc32xx_sdk_2_20_00_10
    XDC_INSTALL_DIR ?= c:/ti/xdctools_3_50_07_20_core
    ti.targets.arm.elf.M4  ?= C:/CCSv8.1.0/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-arm_18.1.2.LTS

    It is also recommended that you add the xdc tools folder (C:/ti/xdctools_3_50_07_20_core) to your path in order to avoid errors related to finding the gmake utility during the build process.

  2. Backup the source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink/sdk subdirectory by renaming it to source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink/sdk_backup.

  3. Open a Windows Command Prompt (or a Linux Terminal window if you work under Linux). Verify that Git is on your system path.

  4. If you are using Windows, enable long path support (you may need administrator rights):

    git config --system core.longpaths true
  5. Clone the Microsoft Azure IoT C SDK and checkout the branch/tag of interest. Replace <AZURE_INSTALL_DIR> with the path to your Azure plugin installation, and <yyyy-mm-dd> with the release tag name desired. If necessary, refer to Set up a Windows development environment for most up-to-date details from Microsoft on cloning the SDK and release tags:

    cd <AZURE_INSTALL_DIR>/source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink
    git clone -b <yyyy-mm-dd> --recursive sdk
  6. Rebuild the Azure SDK libraries (<XDC_INSTALL_DIR> refers to the XDC tools installation path you set in products.mak).

    cd <AZURE_INSTALL_DIR>/source/third_party/azure-iot-pal-simplelink/build_all
    <XDC_INSTALL_DIR>\gmake clean
    <XDC_INSTALL_DIR>\gmake all

If the new version of the Azure SDK is compatible with the plugin, you should be able to rebuild successfully. You may now go ahead and rebuild your application or example against these libraries.