SimpleLink™ MSP432E4 SDK Release Notes

Table of Contents


The SimpleLink™ MSP432E4 SDK delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on Texas Instruments MSP432E4 microcontroller devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and examples of how to use these components together. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.

The SimpleLink™ MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth® low energy, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit (SDK) allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit

This is version of the SimpleLink MSP432E4 SDK.


What’s New

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

Operating Systems Support


This release was validated with the following components:

This release of SDK is CMSIS 5.7.0 Compliant.

Device Support

Known Issues


This product’s version follows a version format,, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

M - Is incremented for the first release every year. 1 -> 2017, 2 -> 2018, and so on..

mm - indicates the specific quarter of the year the SDK was released. 10 -> Q1; 20 -> Q2; 30 -> Q3; 40 -> Q4

Prior Releases

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