Network Services Change Log

Table of Contents

NS 2.70


ID Summary
NS-263 HttpClient: Connection to HTTPS web server through Proxy fails
NS-262 Improve SlNetIf_loadSecObj's parameter validation
NS-254 SlNetSock should use POSIX sem's rather than pthread_mutexes
NS-249 SlNetSock_close() leaks memory if underlying interface's close() fails
NS-248 SlNetUtil_getHostByName() should lookup IP addr names rather than delegate to lower stacks
NS-247 SlNetUtil_inetPton does not return 0 for invalid inputs or -1 for invalid family
NS-246 HTTP Server error response buffer is too small to fit its longest message
NS-244 Failed TLS handshake in HTTP Server can leak sockets
NS-227 HTTPClient gets stuck parsing headers when header data size == 256 bytes
NS-174 HTTPClient_connect() should allow users to specify acceptable security errors
NS-156 Missing typedef for struct linger in BSD layer
NS-103 SlNetIf_query() should find interfaces that are ‘Connected’, not ‘Not Disconnected’


ID Summary
NS-261 SlNetIf_loadSecObj should enable unloading a secure object
NS-257 Add M33/M33F (TICLANG) library support
NS-250 Provide SysConfig support for generating SlNet init code
NS-168 HTTPClient should enable CC3xxx option to disable certificate store

NS 2.60


ID Summary
NS-209 HTTPClient documentation missing define explanations
NS-188 MQTTClient documentation missing functions


ID Summary
NS-224 Move JSON library from Network Services to TI Utilties
NS-222 Explicitly document that NS requires an RTOS
NS-217 The HTTP Server shall support secure connections (HTTPS)

Compatibility Notes

NS 2.50


ID Summary
NS-178 Internal global variables should be static to limit scope
NS-177 SlNetIf_setPriority() may corrupt interface list
NS-175 API Reference Guide documentation issues
NS-93 timeval definition conflict between POSIX <sys/time.h> and NS <sys/select.h>


ID Summary
NS-184 Add C66 (ccs) and C647x (ccs) libraries
NS-183 Add Arm9 (ccs) libraries
NS-10 Add HTTP Server

Compatibility Notes

NS 2.40


ID Summary
NS-172 Introduce several SLNETSOCK TCP socket options
NS-167 HTTPClient reconnects fail for secure connections
NS-166 Add support for ENETDOWN in ErrnoUtil_set
NS-159 TCP_NODELAY should be defined in netinet/tcp.h
NS-157 SlNetSock_create() does not use the highest priority interface
NS-155 Memory leak in HTTPClient_connect's call to startSecureMode
NS-129 gethostbyname is not returning correct data structure
NS-124 Add support for SLNETSOCK_OPSOCK_BROADCAST socket option


ID Summary
NS-107 Add A8F (gcc), A9F (gcc), A15F (gcc), A53F (gcc) and R5F (ccs) libraries

Compatibility Notes

NS 2.30


ID Summary
NS-136 accept() should return ENFILE when no more sockets available
NS-135 SlNetUtils_getHostByName() can fail when searching multiple interfaces
NS-133 Internal symbol to HTTPClient.c should be made static
NS-130 inet_ntop() should expect/accept addresses in network byte order
NS-128 Enable HTTPClient to send custom headers in HTTP requests
NS-126 Memory Leak in the JSON lib
NS-125 Closing secure sockets causes a memory leak
NS-118 getaddrinfo: IPv6 DNS resolution failure eclipses prior IPv4 DNS success
NS-104 Add getaddrinfo() and freeaddrinfo()
NS-94 getaddrinfo() doesn't support family type AF_INET6


ID Summary
NS-78 Add gai_strerror()

NS 2.20


ID Summary
NS-111 SlNetUtil_getHostByName() ipaddr arg should be single pointer, not double pointer
NS-101 SlNetSock_secAttribSet and SlNetSock_startSec documentation needs improvement
NS-99 ADDRSTRLEN definitions (both POSIX and SLNETSOCK) are wrong
NS-98 SlNetIf_getIDByName() compares pointers when it should be comparing strings
NS-97 SlNetUtil_inetNtop() fails for IPv6 addrs
NS-96 SlNetUtil_inetNtop() fails for IPv4 addr segments equal to zero
NS-88 move NS header #includes outside of __cplusplus guards


ID Summary
NS-112 Add a utility definition to indicate enabling all ciphers
NS-95 Add JSON parser/builder
NS-80 Add HTTP Client
NS-4 Add MQTT Client and Server

NS 2.10


ID Summary
NS-83 MSG_DONTWAIT needs to be a bit-field
NS-77 inet_pton() is not thread safe


ID Summary
NS-82 SlNetUtil_getHostByName() should return interface id
NS-81 Add SNTP client
NS-75 Add sockaddr_storage and AF_UNSPEC definitions

NS 2.00


ID Summary
NS-47 Add debug/release libraries support to NS product


ID Summary
NS-74 Introduce SlNetSock abstraction over network and TLS stacks

Compatibility Notes

The Network Services Modules have been “rebooted” to improve alignment across TI’s various networking stacks. As a result, NS 2.x is completely incompatible with NS 1.x releases, and there are gaps between the features available in NS 1.x and 2.x.