Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015-2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
7  * are met:
8  *
9  * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11  *
12  * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
13  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
14  * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
15  *
16  * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
17  * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
18  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
19  *
31  */
32 /*!***************************************************************************
33  * @file SPIMSP432DMA.h
34  *
35  * @brief SPI driver implementation for a EUSCI peripheral on MSP432
36  * using the micro DMA controller.
37  *
38  * The SPI header file should be included in an application as follows:
39  * @code
40  * #include <ti/drivers/SPI.h>
41  * #include <ti/drivers/spi/SPIMSP432DMA.h>
42  * @endcode
43  *
44  * Refer to @ref SPI.h for a complete description of APIs & example of use.
45  *
46  * This SPI driver implementation is designed to operate on a EUCSI controller
47  * in SPI mode using a micro DMA controller.
48  *
49  * @warning This driver does not support queueing multiple SPI transactions.
50  *
51  * ## Frame Formats #
52  * This SPI controller supports 4 phase & polarity formats. Refer to the device
53  * specific data sheets & technical reference manuals for specifics on each
54  * format.
55  *
56  * ## SPI Chip Select #
57  *
58  * The SPI driver can be used in 3-pin or 4-pin mode. When in 4-pin mode the
59  * hardware manages a pin as the chip select. In 3-pin mode it is the
60  * application's responsibility to assert and de-assert a GPIO pin for chip
61  * select purposes.
62  *
63  * <table>
64  * <tr>
65  * <th>Chip select type</th>
66  * <th>SPI_MASTER mode</th>
67  * <th>SPI_SLAVE mode</th>
68  * </tr>
69  * <tr>
70  * <td>Hardware chip select</td>
71  * <td>No action is needed by the application to select the peripheral.</td>
72  * <td>See the device documentation on it's chip select requirements.</td>
73  * </tr>
74  * <tr>
75  * <td>Software chip select</td>
76  * <td>The application is responsible to ensure that correct SPI slave is
77  * selected before performing a SPI_transfer().</td>
78  * <td>Up to the application's implementation.</td>
79  * </tr>
80  * </table>
81  *
82  * ## SPI data frames #
83  *
84  * The EUSCI controller only supports 8-bit data frames.
85  *
86  * dataSize | buffer element size |
87  * -------- | ------------------- |
88  * 8 bits | uint8_t |
89  *
90  * ## DMA operation #
91  * DMA use in this driver varies based on the #SPI_TransferMode set when the
92  * driver instance was opened. If the driver was opened in #SPI_MODE_CALLBACK,
93  * all transfers make use of the DMA regardless of the amount of data.
94  *
95  * If the driver was opened in #SPI_MODE_BLOCKING, it verifies the amount of
96  * data frames to be transfered exceeds the
97  * SPIMSP432DMA_HwAttrsV1.minDmaTransferSize before performing a transfer using
98  * the DMA. SPIMSP432DMA_HwAttrsV1.minDmaTransferSize allows users to set a
99  * minimum amount of data frames a transfer must have to perform a transfer
100  * using the DMA. If the amount of data is less than this limit, the driver
101  * performs a polling transfer (unless the device is a slave with a timeout
102  * configured). This feature is provided for situations where there is little
103  * data to be transfered & it is more efficient to simply perform a polling
104  * transfer instead of configuring the DMA & waiting until the task is
105  * unblocked.
106  *
107  * ## DMA Interrupts #
108  * The MSP432 DMA controller has 4 interrupt vectors to handle all DMA
109  * related IRQ. Due to the "shared" nature of the DMA interrupts, this driver
110  * implementation requires each SPI instance to explicitly use a single DMA
111  * interrupt. It is up to the application to ensure no two peripherals are
112  * configured to respond to a given DMA interrupt at any moment.
113  *
114  * ## DMA transfer size limit #
115  * The DMA controller only supports data transfers of up to 1024
116  * data frames, so large amounts of data will be split & transfered
117  * accordingly. Each SPI driver instance requires 2 DMA channels (Tx and Rx)
118  * to operate.
119  *
120  * ## DMA accessible memory #
121  *
122  * Ensure that the SPI_Transaction.rxBuf and SPI_Transaction.txBuf point to
123  * memory that is accessible by the DMA.
124  *
125  * ## Scratch Buffers #
126  * A uint8_t scratch buffer is used to allow #SPI_Transaction where txBuf or
127  * rxBuf are NULL. Rather than requiring txBuf or rxBuf to have a dummy buffer
128  * of size of the transfer count, a single DMA accessible uint8_t scratch
129  * buffer is used. When txBuf is NULL, an internal scratch buffer is
130  * initialized to the SPIMSP432DMA_HwAttrsV1.defaultTxBufValue so the DMA will
131  * send some known value.
132  *
133  * ============================================================================
134  */
136 #ifndef ti_drivers_spi_SPIMSP432DMA__include
137 #define ti_drivers_spi_SPIMSP432DMA__include
139 #ifdef __cplusplus
140 extern "C" {
141 #endif
143 #include <stdint.h>
145 #include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h>
147 #include <ti/drivers/dpl/HwiP.h>
148 #include <ti/drivers/dpl/SemaphoreP.h>
149 #include <ti/drivers/Power.h>
150 #include <ti/drivers/SPI.h>
153 /*
154  * SPI port/pin defines for pin configuration. Ports P2, P3, and P7 are
155  * configurable through the port mapping controller.
156  * Value specifies the pin function and ranges from 0 to 31
157  * pin range: 0 - 7, port range: 0 - 15
158  *
159  *
160  * 15 - 10 9 8 7 - 4 3 - 0
161  * -------------------------------
162  * | VALUE | X | X | PORT | PIN |
163  * -------------------------------
164  *
165  * value = pinConfig >> 10
166  * port = (pinConfig >> 4) & 0xf
167  * pin = pinConfig & 0x7
168  *
169  * pmap = port * 0x8; // 2 -> 0x10, 3 -> 0x18, 7 -> 0x38
170  * portMapReconfigure = PMAP_ENABLE_RECONFIGURATION;
171  *
172  * Code from pmap.c:
173  * //Get write-access to port mapping registers:
175  *
176  * //Enable/Disable reconfiguration during runtime
177  * PMAP->CTL = (PMAP->CTL & ~PMAP_CTL_PRECFG) | portMapReconfigure;
178  * HWREG8(PMAP_BASE + pin + pmap) = value;
179  *
180  * For non-configurable ports (bits 20 - 12 will be 0).
181  * Bits 8 and 9 hold the module function (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, or
182  * TERTIALRY).
183  *
184  * 9 8 7 - 4 3 - 0
185  * -----------------------------------
186  * | PnSEL1.x | PnSEL0.x | PORT | PIN |
187  * -----------------------------------
188  *
189  * moduleFunction = (pinConfig >> 8) & 0x3
190  * port = (pinConfig >> 4) & 0xf
191  * pin = 1 << (pinConfig & 0xf)
192  *
193  * MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionInputPin(port,
194  * pin, moduleFunction);
195  * or:
196  * MAP_GPIO_setAsPeripheralModuleFunctionOutputPin(port,
197  * pin, moduleFunction);
198  *
199  */
206 /* Port 1 EUSCI A0 defines */
207 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_0_UCA0STE 0x00000110 /* Primary, port 1, pin 0 */
208 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_1_UCA0CLK 0x00000111 /* Primary, port 1, pin 1 */
209 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_2_UCA0SOMI 0x00000112 /* Primary, port 1, pin 2 */
210 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_3_UCA0SIMO 0x00000113 /* Primary, port 1, pin 3 */
212 /* Port 1 EUSCI B0 defines */
213 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_4_UCB0STE 0x00000114 /* Primary, port 1, pin 4 */
214 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_5_UCB0CLK 0x00000115 /* Primary, port 1, pin 5 */
215 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_6_UCB0SIMO 0x00000116 /* Primary, port 1, pin 6 */
216 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P1_7_UCB0SOMI 0x00000117 /* Primary, port 1, pin 7 */
218 /* Port 2, pin 0 defines */
219 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x20)
220 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x20)
221 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x20)
222 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x20)
223 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x20)
224 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x20)
225 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x20)
226 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x20)
227 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x20)
228 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x20)
229 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x20)
230 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x20)
231 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x20)
232 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x20)
233 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x20)
234 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x20)
235 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x20)
236 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_0_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x20)
238 /* Port 2, pin 1 defines */
239 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x21)
240 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x21)
241 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x21)
242 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x21)
243 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x21)
244 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x21)
245 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x21)
246 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x21)
247 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x21)
248 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x21)
249 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x21)
250 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x21)
251 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x21)
252 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x21)
253 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x21)
254 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x21)
255 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x21)
256 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_1_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x21)
258 /* Port 2, pin 2 defines */
259 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x22)
260 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x22)
261 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x22)
262 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x22)
263 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x22)
264 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x22)
265 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x22)
266 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x22)
267 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x22)
268 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x22)
269 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x22)
270 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x22)
271 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x22)
272 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x22)
273 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x22)
274 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x22)
275 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x22)
276 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_2_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x22)
278 /* Port 2, pin 3 defines */
279 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x23)
280 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x23)
281 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x23)
282 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x23)
283 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x23)
284 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x23)
285 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x23)
286 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x23)
287 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x23)
288 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x23)
289 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x23)
290 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x23)
291 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x23)
292 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x23)
293 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x23)
294 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x23)
295 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x23)
296 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_3_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x23)
298 /* Port 2, pin 4 defines */
299 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x24)
300 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x24)
301 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x24)
302 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x24)
303 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x24)
304 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x24)
305 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x24)
306 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x24)
307 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x24)
308 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x24)
309 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x24)
310 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x24)
311 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x24)
312 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x24)
313 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x24)
314 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x24)
315 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x24)
316 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_4_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x24)
318 /* Port 2, pin 5 defines */
319 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x25)
320 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x25)
321 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x25)
322 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x25)
323 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x25)
324 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x25)
325 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x25)
326 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x25)
327 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x25)
328 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x25)
329 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x25)
330 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x25)
331 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x25)
332 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x25)
333 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x25)
334 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x25)
335 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x25)
336 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_5_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x25)
338 /* Port 2, pin 6 defines */
339 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x26)
340 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x26)
341 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x26)
342 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x26)
343 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x26)
344 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x26)
345 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x26)
346 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x26)
347 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x26)
348 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x26)
349 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x26)
350 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x26)
351 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x26)
352 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x26)
353 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x26)
354 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x26)
355 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x26)
356 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_6_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x26)
358 /* Port 2, pin 7 defines */
359 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x27)
360 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x27)
361 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x27)
362 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x27)
363 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x27)
364 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x27)
365 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x27)
366 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x27)
367 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x27)
368 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x27)
369 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x27)
370 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x27)
371 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x27)
372 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x27)
373 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x27)
374 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x27)
375 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x27)
376 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P2_7_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x27)
378 /* Port 3, pin 0 defines */
379 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x30)
380 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x30)
381 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x30)
382 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x30)
383 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x30)
384 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x30)
385 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x30)
386 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x30)
387 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x30)
388 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x30)
389 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x30)
390 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x30)
391 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x30)
392 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x30)
393 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x30)
394 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x30)
395 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x30)
396 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_0_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x30)
398 /* Port 3, pin 1 defines */
399 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x31)
400 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x31)
401 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x31)
402 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x31)
403 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x31)
404 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x31)
405 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x31)
406 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x31)
407 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x31)
408 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x31)
409 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x31)
410 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x31)
411 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x31)
412 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x31)
413 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x31)
414 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x31)
415 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x31)
416 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_1_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x31)
418 /* Port 3, pin 2 defines */
419 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x32)
420 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x32)
421 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x32)
422 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x32)
423 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x32)
424 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x32)
425 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x32)
426 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x32)
427 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x32)
428 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x32)
429 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x32)
430 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x32)
431 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x32)
432 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x32)
433 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x32)
434 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x32)
435 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x32)
436 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_2_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x32)
438 /* Port 3, pin 3 defines */
439 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x33)
440 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x33)
441 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x33)
442 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x33)
443 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x33)
444 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x33)
445 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x33)
446 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x33)
447 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x33)
448 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x33)
449 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x33)
450 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x33)
451 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x33)
452 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x33)
453 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x33)
454 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x33)
455 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x33)
456 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_3_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x33)
458 /* Port 3, pin 4 defines */
459 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x34)
460 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x34)
461 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x34)
462 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x34)
463 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x34)
464 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x34)
465 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x34)
466 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x34)
467 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x34)
468 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x34)
469 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x34)
470 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x34)
471 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x34)
472 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x34)
473 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x34)
474 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x34)
475 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x34)
476 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_4_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x34)
478 /* Port 3, pin 5 defines */
479 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x35)
480 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x35)
481 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x35)
482 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x35)
483 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x35)
484 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x35)
485 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x35)
486 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x35)
487 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x35)
488 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x35)
489 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x35)
490 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x35)
491 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x35)
492 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x35)
493 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x35)
494 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x35)
495 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x35)
496 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_5_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x35)
498 /* Port 3, pin 6 defines */
499 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x36)
500 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x36)
501 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x36)
502 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x36)
503 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x36)
504 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x36)
505 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x36)
506 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x36)
507 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x36)
508 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x36)
509 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x36)
510 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x36)
511 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x36)
512 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x36)
513 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x36)
514 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x36)
515 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x36)
516 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_6_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x36)
518 /* Port 3, pin 7 defines */
519 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x37)
520 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x37)
521 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x37)
522 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x37)
523 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x37)
524 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x37)
525 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x37)
526 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x37)
527 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x37)
528 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x37)
529 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x37)
530 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x37)
531 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x37)
532 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x37)
533 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x37)
534 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x37)
535 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x37)
536 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P3_7_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x37)
538 /* Port 6 EUSCI B1, B3 defines */
539 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P6_2_UCB1STE 0x00000162 /* Primary, port 6, pin 2 */
540 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P6_3_UCB1CLK 0x00000163 /* Primary, port 6, pin 3 */
541 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P6_4_UCB1SIMO 0x00000164 /* Primary, port 6, pin 4 */
542 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P6_5_UCB1SOMI 0x00000165 /* Primary, port 6, pin 5 */
543 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P6_6_UCB3SIMO 0x00000266 /* Secondary, port 6, pin 6 */
544 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P6_7_UCB3SOMI 0x00000267 /* Secondary, port 6, pin 7 */
546 /* Port 7, pin 0 defines */
547 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x70)
548 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x70)
549 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x70)
550 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x70)
551 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x70)
552 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x70)
553 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x70)
554 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x70)
555 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x70)
556 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x70)
557 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x70)
558 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x70)
559 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x70)
560 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x70)
561 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x70)
562 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x70)
563 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x70)
564 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_0_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x70)
566 /* Port 7, pin 1 defines */
567 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x71)
568 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x71)
569 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x71)
570 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x71)
571 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x71)
572 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x71)
573 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x71)
574 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x71)
575 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x71)
576 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x71)
577 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x71)
578 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x71)
579 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x71)
580 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x71)
581 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x71)
582 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x71)
583 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x71)
584 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_1_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x71)
586 /* Port 7, pin 2 defines */
587 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x72)
588 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x72)
589 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x72)
590 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x72)
591 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x72)
592 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x72)
593 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x72)
594 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x72)
595 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x72)
596 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x72)
597 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x72)
598 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x72)
599 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x72)
600 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x72)
601 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x72)
602 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x72)
603 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x72)
604 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_2_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x72)
606 /* Port 7, pin 3 defines */
607 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x73)
608 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x73)
609 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x73)
610 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x73)
611 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x73)
612 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x73)
613 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x73)
614 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x73)
615 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x73)
616 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x73)
617 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x73)
618 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x73)
619 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x73)
620 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x73)
621 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x73)
622 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x73)
623 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x73)
624 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_3_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x73)
626 /* Port 7, pin 4 defines */
627 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x74)
628 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x74)
629 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x74)
630 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x74)
631 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x74)
632 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x74)
633 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x74)
634 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x74)
635 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x74)
636 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x74)
637 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x74)
638 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x74)
639 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x74)
640 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x74)
641 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x74)
642 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x74)
643 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x74)
644 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_4_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x74)
646 /* Port 7, pin 5 defines */
647 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x75)
648 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x75)
649 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x75)
650 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x75)
651 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x75)
652 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x75)
653 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x75)
654 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x75)
655 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x75)
656 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x75)
657 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x75)
658 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x75)
659 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x75)
660 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x75)
661 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x75)
662 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x75)
663 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x75)
664 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_5_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x75)
666 /* Port 7, pin 6 defines */
667 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x76)
668 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x76)
669 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x76)
670 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x76)
671 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x76)
672 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x76)
673 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x76)
674 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x76)
675 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x76)
676 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x76)
677 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x76)
678 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x76)
679 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x76)
680 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x76)
681 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x76)
682 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x76)
683 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x76)
684 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_6_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x76)
686 /* Port 7, pin 7 defines */
687 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA0CLK ((PMAP_UCA0CLK << 10) | 0x77)
688 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA0SIMO ((PMAP_UCA0SIMO << 10) | 0x77)
689 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA0SOMI ((PMAP_UCA0SOMI << 10) | 0x77)
690 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA1CLK ((PMAP_UCA1CLK << 10) | 0x77)
691 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA1SIMO ((PMAP_UCA1SIMO << 10) | 0x77)
692 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA1SOMI ((PMAP_UCA1SOMI << 10) | 0x77)
693 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA2CLK ((PMAP_UCA2CLK << 10) | 0x77)
694 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA2SIMO ((PMAP_UCA2SIMO << 10) | 0x77)
695 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA2SOMI ((PMAP_UCA2SOMI << 10) | 0x77)
696 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB0CLK ((PMAP_UCB0CLK << 10) | 0x77)
697 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB0SIMO ((PMAP_UCB0SIMO << 10) | 0x77)
698 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB0SOMI ((PMAP_UCB0SOMI << 10) | 0x77)
699 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB2CLK ((PMAP_UCB2CLK << 10) | 0x77)
700 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB2SIMO ((PMAP_UCB2SIMO << 10) | 0x77)
701 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB2SOMI ((PMAP_UCB2SOMI << 10) | 0x77)
702 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA1STE ((PMAP_UCA1STE << 10) | 0x77)
703 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCA2STE ((PMAP_UCA2STE << 10) | 0x77)
704 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P7_7_UCB2STE ((PMAP_UCB2STE << 10) | 0x77)
706 /* Port 8 EUSCI B3 defines */
707 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P8_0_UCB3STE 0x00000180 /* Primary, port 8, pin 0 */
708 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P8_1_UCB3CLK 0x00000181 /* Primary, port 8, pin 1 */
710 /* Port 9 EUSCI A3 defines */
711 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P9_4_UCA3STE 0x00000194 /* Primary, port 9, pin 4 */
712 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P9_5_UCA3CLK 0x00000195 /* Primary, port 9, pin 5 */
713 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P9_6_UCA3SOMI 0x00000196 /* Primary, port 9, pin 6 */
714 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P9_7_UCA3SIMO 0x00000197 /* Primary, port 9, pin 7 */
716 /* Port 10 EUSCI B3 defines */
717 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P10_0_UCB3STE 0x000001A0 /* Primary, port 10, pin 0 */
718 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P10_1_UCB3CLK 0x000001A1 /* Primary, port 10, pin 1 */
719 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P10_2_UCB3SIMO 0x000001A2 /* Primary, port 10, pin 2 */
720 #define SPIMSP432DMA_P10_3_UCB3SOMI 0x000001A3 /* Primary, port 10, pin 3 */
750 #define SPIMSP432DMA_PIN_NO_CONFIG (0x0000FFFF)
762 /* Add SPIMSP432DMA_STATUS_* macros here */
776 /* Add SPIMSP432DMA_CMD_* macros here */
780 /* SPI function table pointer */
844 typedef struct SPIMSP432DMA_HWAttrsV1 {
845  uint32_t baseAddr;
846  uint16_t bitOrder;
847  uint8_t clockSource;
851  uint8_t dmaIntNum;
852  uint32_t intPriority;
853  uint32_t rxDMAChannelIndex;
854  uint32_t txDMAChannelIndex;
856  uint16_t simoPin;
857  uint16_t somiPin;
858  uint16_t clkPin;
859  uint16_t stePin;
860  uint16_t pinMode;
870 typedef struct SPIMSP432DMA_Object {
871  HwiP_Handle hwiHandle;
873  SemaphoreP_Handle transferComplete;
880  uint32_t bitRate;
882  uint32_t transferTimeout;
883  uint16_t clockPolarity;
884  uint16_t clockPhase;
890  bool isOpen;
891  uint8_t scratchBuffer;
894 #ifdef __cplusplus
895 }
896 #endif
898 #endif /* ti_drivers_spi_SPIMSP432DMA__include */
SPI_TransferMode transferMode
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:887
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Driver Interface.
void(* SPI_CallbackFxn)(SPI_Handle handle, SPI_Transaction *transaction)
The definition of a callback function used by the SPI driver when used in SPI_MODE_CALLBACK.
Definition: SPI.h:584
uint16_t clockPhase
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:884
SPIMSP432DMA Hardware attributes These fields, with the exception of intPriority, are used by driverl...
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:844
SPI_Mode spiMode
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:886
struct SPIMSP432DMA_HWAttrsV1 SPIMSP432DMA_HWAttrsV1
SPIMSP432DMA Hardware attributes These fields, with the exception of intPriority, are used by driverl...
uint16_t pinMode
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:860
SPI transfer mode determines the whether the SPI controller operates synchronously or asynchronously...
Definition: SPI.h:620
uint16_t bitOrder
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:846
Power Manager.
uint32_t baseAddr
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:845
UDMAMSP432_Handle dmaHandle
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:876
HwiP_Handle hwiHandle
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:871
bool cancelInProgress
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:889
uint32_t txDMAChannelIndex
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:854
SPIMSP432DMA Object.
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:870
The definition of a SPI function table that contains the required set of functions to control a speci...
Definition: SPI.h:711
size_t amtDataXferred
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:878
uint8_t defaultTxBufValue
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:849
SPI_Transaction * transaction
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:875
uint16_t stePin
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:859
struct SPIMSP432DMA_Object SPIMSP432DMA_Object
SPIMSP432DMA Object.
uint16_t minDmaTransferSize
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:862
A SPI_Transaction data structure is used with SPI_transfer(). It indicates how many SPI_FrameFormat f...
Definition: SPI.h:563
uDMA driver implementation for MSP432.
Power notify object structure.
Definition: Power.h:443
uint8_t dmaIntNum
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:851
Definitions for various SPI modes of operation.
Definition: SPI.h:590
uint16_t somiPin
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:857
uint8_t scratchBuffer
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:891
uint16_t clockPolarity
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:883
UDMAMSP432 Global configuration.
Definition: UDMAMSP432.h:127
uint32_t transferTimeout
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:882
Power_NotifyObj perfChangeNotify
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:872
uint32_t perfConstraintMask
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:881
uint32_t bitRate
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:880
const SPI_FxnTable SPIMSP432DMA_fxnTable
SPI_CallbackFxn transferCallbackFxn
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:874
SemaphoreP_Handle transferComplete
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:873
uint8_t clockSource
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:847
bool isOpen
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:890
struct SPIMSP432DMA_Object * SPIMSP432DMA_Handle
uint32_t intPriority
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:852
uint16_t clkPin
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:858
size_t currentXferAmt
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:879
uint32_t rxDMAChannelIndex
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:853
uint16_t simoPin
Definition: SPIMSP432DMA.h:856
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