lcd_f.c File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ti/devices/msp432p4xx/driverlib/lcd_f.h>
#include <ti/devices/msp432p4xx/driverlib/interrupt.h>


void LCD_F_initModule (LCD_F_Config *initParams)
 Initializes the LCD_F Module. More...
void LCD_F_turnOn (void)
 Turns on the LCD_F module. More...
void LCD_F_turnOff (void)
 Turns the LCD_F off. More...
void LCD_F_clearAllMemory (void)
 Clears all LCD_F memory registers. More...
void LCD_F_clearAllBlinkingMemory (void)
 Clears all LCD_F blinking memory registers. More...
void LCD_F_selectDisplayMemory (uint_fast16_t displayMemory)
 Selects display memory. More...
void LCD_F_setBlinkingControl (uint_fast16_t clockPrescalar, uint_fast16_t divider, uint_fast16_t mode)
 Sets the blinking control register. More...
void LCD_F_setAnimationControl (uint_fast16_t clockPrescalar, uint_fast16_t divider, uint_fast16_t frames)
 Sets the animation control register. More...
void LCD_F_enableAnimation (void)
 Enables animation on the LCD_F controller. More...
void LCD_F_disableAnimation (void)
 Enables animation on the LCD_F controller. More...
void LCD_F_clearAllAnimationMemory (void)
 Clears all LCD_F animation memory registers. More...
void LCD_F_setPinAsLCDFunction (uint_fast8_t pin)
 Sets the LCD_F pins as LCD function pin. More...
void LCD_F_setPinAsPortFunction (uint_fast8_t pin)
 Sets the LCD_F pins as port function pin. More...
void LCD_F_setPinsAsLCDFunction (uint_fast8_t startPin, uint8_t endPin)
 Sets the LCD_F pins as LCD function pin. More...
void LCD_F_setPinAsCOM (uint8_t pin, uint_fast8_t com)
 Sets the LCD_F pin as a common line. More...
void LCD_F_setPinAsSEG (uint_fast8_t pin)
 Sets the LCD_F pin as a segment line. More...
void LCD_F_selectBias (uint_fast16_t bias)
 Selects the bias level. More...
void LCD_F_setVLCDSource (uint_fast16_t v2v3v4Source, uint_fast16_t v5Source)
 Sets the voltage source for V2/V3/V4 and V5. More...
void LCD_F_clearInterrupt (uint32_t mask)
 Clears the LCD_F selected interrupt flags. More...
uint32_t LCD_F_getInterruptStatus (void)
 Returns the status of the selected interrupt flags. More...
uint32_t LCD_F_getEnabledInterruptStatus (void)
 Returns the status of the selected interrupt flags masked with the currently enabled interrupts. More...
void LCD_F_enableInterrupt (uint32_t mask)
 Enables the LCD_F selected interrupts. More...
void LCD_F_disableInterrupt (uint32_t mask)
 Disables the LCD_F selected interrupts. More...
void LCD_F_registerInterrupt (void(*intHandler)(void))
void LCD_F_unregisterInterrupt (void)

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