
Module for erasing, programming, verifying and configuring different functionalities of the Flash IP. More...

Module for erasing, programming, verifying and configuring different functionalities of the Flash IP.

Module Operation

Note that this module is for use exclusively on the MSP432P4111. If using the MSP432P401, please refer to the non-a variant.

The MSP432 DriverLib Flash Controller A peripheral is designed to simplify the process or writing, erasing, and configuring the flash memory on the MSP432 part. Many of the stringent verification requirements/preconditions are handled entirely inside the FlashCtl APIs.

Flash Controller Limitations

When utilizing the flash controller for MSP432, the user program has to take special consideration on a few critical limitations. The biggest obstacle that the user has to be mindful of is the stringent verification requirements imposed by the flash controller. Many operations (such as program and verify) will take multiple cycles to complete successfully and the usage is somewhat complicated for a normal user program. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that the user uses the DriverLib APIs for programming and erasing flash. Using the flash controller directly is strongly discouraged as the level of overhead and attention to verification requirements make for a very intricate user experience.

Furthermore, when using the FlashCtl APIs, the user must take special consideration of where the API is being executed. For the critical APIs (such as erase and program), the DriverLib APIs are required to be executed from either SRAM or ROM (using the ROM_ prefix). Due to the verification requirements of the flash controller, running these APIs out of Flash is not currently supported.

Wait State Considerations

When changing read modes on the MSP432 microcontroller, some read modes (such as erase verify) require an additional number of wait states. The wait states of the flash controller can be configured using the FlashCtl_setWaitState command. When using the DriverLib APIs, the wait states are automatically changed within the API.

Programming Examples

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