MCUboot for On-Chip OAD (Stack Library)

This section describes the behavior of the MCUboot for on-chip OAD where the combined image approach is used. This approach requires two full application and stack library pairs on the target device. In an on-chip OAD system, there are only two image types that can be executed safely:

  • Persistent application (version 1.0.0): Permanently resident application that implements OAD profile

  • User application (version higher than): OAD upgradeable application that implements OAD reset service and user functionality

For more information about OAD image header, refer to the MCUboot OAD Image Header section of this chapter. The roles and responsibilities of each application in an on-chip system is defined in the sec-mcuboot-oad-process section.

In summary, the user application is responsible for updating the image version number flash field in the OAD image header, and resetting the device when appropriate; while the persistent application will be resposible of storing the new image.

Based on the image version number field in the image header, MCUboot will decide which image is most fit to run. Figure 29. describes TI’s software solution using MCUboot process.


  participant oaddist as "OAD Distributor"
  participant pers as "Persistent Application"
  participant user as "User Application"
  participant mcubl as "MCUboot Secure Booloader"

  user --> oaddist : Advertising
  oaddist --> user : Connection Indication
  oaddist <--> user : Service Discovery

  rnote over oaddist
    Discover Reset Service
    and Characteristics
  end note

  oaddist --> user : Request OAD transfer\ntrigger reset

  user -> user : Change the image version number\nto 0 in flash
  user -> user : Reset
  user -> mcubl : After reset, OAD target goes\ninto MCUboot Secure Bootloader

  mcubl -> mcubl : Detect the version number in\nPersistent Application is\nhigher than User Application

  rnote over mcubl
    MCUboot Secure Bootloader
    validates the image
  end note

  mcubl -> pers : Boot into Persistent Application

  pers --> oaddist : Advertising
  oaddist --> pers : Connection Indication
  oaddist <--> pers : Service Discovery

  rnote over oaddist
    Discover OAD Service
    and Characteristics
  end note

  oaddist --> pers : Get OAD block size
  pers --> oaddist : OAD block size rsp
  oaddist --> pers : Send Image Identity
  pers --> oaddist : Image Identity Success

  rnote over pers
    The Persistent Application
    does not check the image identity
    as this will is checked by
    the MCUboot Secure Bootloader
  end note

  group Start Transfering New Image
    oaddist --> pers : OAD start
    pers --> oaddist : Notify on OAD_IMG_BLOCK \ncharacteristic
    ... Repeat until finishing transfering new image ...

  oaddist --> pers : OAD Enable
  pers -> pers : Reset

  pers -> mcubl : After reset, OAD target goes\ninto MCUboot Secure Bootloader
  mcubl -> mcubl : Detect the version number in\nUser Application is\nhigher than Persistent Application

  rnote over mcubl
    MCUboot Secure Bootloader
    validates the new image
  end note

  mcubl -> user : Jump to new User Application image


Figure 29. MCUboot OAD sequence diagram.

In order to determine which image is best to run, MCUboot takes the following measures:

  1. At startup, MCUboot checks to identify image header on Primary slot

    • check magic number (ih_magic) 0x96F3B83D.

  2. Then MCUboot further checks to identify image header on Secondary slot

    • check magic number (ih_magic) 0x96F3B83D.

  3. Compare versions (ih_ver) and select Primary if Primary version >= Secondary version

  4. MCUboot will now go to certain flash addresses based on the flash layout specified in the flash_map_backend.h file in search for a valid Image Identification value. This is done in the following way:

    • Read the version number in the image header, then check for its validity (integrity check, signature verification etc.)

    • If the image is invalid MCUboot erases its memory slot and starts to validate the other image. After a successful validation of the selected image the bootloader chain-loads it.


Zigbee 3.0 currently supports the Direct XIP and overwrite strategies.